My world double door

Chapter 288 Desolation

It was originally his own house, and he said he would lend it to his younger siblings for a few months, but ended up getting divorced through his own marriage. Now that his younger siblings are not leaving anymore, the house has become his, so he will ask his mother again. I can't control a word, this thing is so bad.

In the room, Xu Yuan lay on the bed and told what happened to her ex-husband, and their voices were continuously transmitted to the other end of the phone.

However, the call was not hung up.

Li Yang felt a headache after hearing this, and he could only push Xu Yuan hard.

"It's really useless for a man to live like this. You have to do whatever you want to do. You have to distinguish clearly what is your own and what is your parents'."

Li Yang complained and reprimanded, then turned Xu Yuan over with both hands and kissed her lips fiercely, standing up like a violent storm.

Looking at Xu Yuan's goddess face, they breathed heavily, and their skin collided tightly.

The phone beside the bed was silent for a while, then hung up.

"Your ex-husband is really tolerant. He didn't hang up the phone until now."

Li Yang pursed Xu Yuan's lips, looked at the hung up phone, and couldn't help but speak.

"He wanted to use this to stimulate himself to finally make a decision."

Xu Yuan hugged Li Yang's neck tightly and said, looking at Li Yang with bright eyes: "Husband, you won't be angry, will you?"

"I'm angry. Even if you didn't give it to me the first time, now you know so much about another man. I'm going to kill you!"

"Ah, play with me to death and make me completely yours..."


Voices echoed one after another, and the accompanying emotional catharsis could not stop until dawn.

Chen Na's birthday dinner was spent happily.

But after the birthday dinner, the women did not leave. After resting here for a night, they still stayed in the room the next day.

Li Yang happily went to play with Chen Na all morning, playing with the little girl till 11 o'clock. He thought about the interesting game last night before he stopped, and then he drove alone according to the invitation. He was in a good mood. For pleasure, I came to Shuise Tea House, which I haven’t been to for a long time.

"Mr. Li Yang, this way!"

As soon as I arrived at Shuise Tea House, I saw the man who wanted to match his wife with Li Yang in the yard last night and waved happily to Li Yang. Standing next to him was a beautiful woman with an oval face wearing a light yellow dress and holding a bag. Standing with a smile on her face, she looked exactly like the wife in the video he showed Li Yang last night.

"You guys have been waiting for a long time. I came a little late."

When Li Yang saw the couple, his eyes flashed and he spoke with a smile. As he spoke, he moved forward and shook hands with the man and his wife one by one.

"It's not too late, it's not too late, we haven't waited long, this is my wife Yuping, Yuping, this is Mr. Li Yang who I told you has the power to shake the sky!"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Chen Li, who was waiting opposite, spoke hurriedly with a smile on his face. As he spoke, he turned to look at his wife beside him and introduced Li Yang solemnly.

"Hello, Mr. Li Yang."

After hearing Chen Li's words, Yuping took two steps forward with her clothes fluttering in the wind, smiled and shook hands with Li Yang enthusiastically.

"Hello, Yuping."

Li Yang glanced at her and shook hands with her with a smile on his face. The two of them held each other's hands. Yuping's soft little hand was pinched and the soft flesh was dented. After a moment of pause, they separated. Chen Li and his wife took the initiative to lead them forward. Follow Li Yang into the teahouse.

When they arrived at the teahouse, the two went straight to the cruise ship. Food and tea were already prepared on the ship. While floating on the ship, they sat at the dining table and entertained Li Yang to eat and drink tea.

Li Yang had long known that the two of them were very eager to cling to their friendship in order to obtain greater information. These things could not be hidden under the monitoring of powerful artificial intelligence, so he accepted their compliments and echoes very calmly.

Chen Li warmly entertained Li Yang for half an hour when he suddenly received a call. He had something urgent to look for, so he had no choice but to leave. Before leaving, he repeatedly told his wife Yuping to entertain Li Yang well, and then immediately left the cruise ship alone. , he took a small boat and moved closer to the shore.

Yuping's pale yellow skirt reaches her ankles, and her upper body is covered with a white shirt draped over the skirt. Her butt covered by the yellow skirt sits on a cushion placed on the wooden sofa, with the one-way transparent cabin glass on her back. , Chen Li couldn't help stroking his hair after leaving. Then seeing that the table was too big, he moved to Li Yang and sat on the same side as him to toast him.

"You have a good capacity for drinking. You can still continue to drink even now."

Li Yang spoke to Yuping with a smile on his face. As he spoke, his left hand quietly climbed up the long leg wrapped in Yuping's egg yolk dress, lifted the hem of the skirt, and reached inside.

Yuping's smile suddenly stiffened slightly, but looking at Li Yang's expression, she didn't dare to show off and forced a smile: "Fortunately, compared to you... Oh, Mr. Li, you, what are you doing?"


As soon as Yuping finished speaking, Li Yang leaned forward, pushed her body onto the bed connected to the sofa, straddled her body and quickly tore off her clothes. Yuping spoke in a panic, Li Yang heard the mysterious words Yixiao: "What do you think I want to do?"

After the words fell, Li Yang buried his head and kissed Yuping's body and lips fiercely. Yuping couldn't dodge at all, and she was dripping with sweat in a short time amid the exclamations.

Not long after, her legs were carried on Li Yang's shoulders, and then Li Yang straightened up. Yuping's eyes suddenly widened.


Outside the cabin, the breeze blew across the lake, causing the waves to sparkle.

Chen Li drove the boat over from the outside. He paused for a moment when he saw the intense scene inside, and hurriedly hung up the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the cabin door.


The figures in the cabin were shaking violently, and the "Do Not Disturb" sign was swaying on the lake until five o'clock in the afternoon.

At half past five, Yuping, who had changed her clothes and put on her clothes, came out of the cabin and was taken away from Shuise Teahouse by Li Yang who was smiling all the way. Then she was sent back to her home community by Li Yang in silence all the way without saying a word. Get off the car and leave.

When she arrived at the door, she knocked on the door. Chen Li opened the door with a smile. Yuping looked closely at the smiling Chen Li, raised her hand and slapped him hard on the face, and then glared at him hard. At a glance, I went back to the room alone, closed the door, and cried loudly.

A sneer appeared on Chen Li's face, then he closed the door and stayed silently in the living room.

There was silence in the house for a while, except for the sound of a woman crying.


At noon the next day, Chen Li and Yu Ping once again invited Li Yang to the Shuise Tea House for dinner with a smile. This time, after eating less than half of the meal, Chen Li pretended to make a phone call and left, and then hung a please note at the cabin door. Excuse me, I left the ship.

Not long after, there was a fierce collision of figures in the cabin, and the "Do Not Disturb" sign hung until six in the afternoon.

The cabin door then opened. Yuping put on her clothes and was sent back to the community by Li Yang with an expressionless face. When she opened the door, she looked at her smiling husband Chen Li, raised her hand and slapped her, and then returned to the room alone. rest.


At noon on the third day, Chen Li and Yuping invited Li Yang to dinner again, but this time to Yuping's surprise, the address was in a private private room of a hotel indoors.

This time, as soon as the food was served, Chen Li called and left. Yuping watched the door being closed, and then her whole body was pressed against the wall by Li Yang.


The heavy breathing hit her skin, and Yuping's body twisted violently, and then she let out a long breath and relaxed her strength.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yuping put on her clothes and was sent outside the community by Li Yang with her lips pursed. When Li Yang parked the car, she rolled her eyes and asked him to drive the car to the underground garage. Then she got out of the car and walked out of the underground garage. The elevator returned to the room.

This time, Chen Li opened the door with a smile. Yuping glanced at him, ignored him, and sat down in the living room to rest.

Chen Li quickly poured her a cup of tea. Yuping didn't look at him, lowering her head and playing with her phone.


At noon on the fourth day, Yuping was naturally taken to Shuise Tea House by Chen Li. When the tea and food were ready, Chen Li called again to leave because he had something to do. Yuping then opened her arms and was hugged and manipulated by Li Yang. .

Chen Li sat outside and watched the Do Not Disturb sign hanging on the cabin door. He watched it until six o'clock in the afternoon when he saw his wife and Li Yang going out together chatting for who knows what. He laughed hurriedly. Then he picked up his wife and went home.

After returning home this time, he poured water for Yuping. Yuping drank it calmly, but she kept plugging her phone and didn't know who she was chatting with. Chen Li took the time to look at it and found that it was all chatting with Li Yang.


On the morning of the fifth day, Chen Li found that Yuping got up early to clean herself up, and then there was a knock on the door. He went to open the door and saw that Li Yang appeared outside the door with a smile.

Yuping naturally handed over a pair of slippers to Li Yang, and then stood behind the door with Li Yang's arms around her waist. She raised her eyes and looked at him. Chen Li was stunned for a moment, then took out his cell phone, closed the door and went out.




After spending a few days in Heyang City, the restless thunder magic in Li Yang's body was calmed down. He pulled away from Teacher Zhang Yuanyuan with a smile. He did not go to play with Yuping anymore, but moved his body. He came to an area full of thunder and broke into it again to absorb the thunder elements and improve his own thunder magic power.


The power of thunder flashed and the silver light danced, and the quality of Li Yang's thunder magic power was transformed bit by bit.

The earth-walking dragon in the cave spits out fiery dragon breath from its nose, and the breath on its body is moving towards the super dragon beast day by day.

Five days later, after absorbing the thunder element and sitting in the cave practicing soul power, Li Yang's soul power surged, and his quality instantly increased by a terrifying ninety-nine percent.

At the same time, the aura of the Earthly Dragon increased, and together they entered the ranks of super dragon beasts!

We are going to the elves in the magical world. Today's update is written on the train, my butt hurts from sitting...

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