My world double door

Chapter 290 I want to give you a younger brother

In the villa room, when Li Yang pulled away, Liu Lian and Liu He were both lying on the bed in a daze. After a while, Liu Lian bit her lip, stood up from the bed, put on her clothes, and breathed a sigh of relief. , turned to look at Liu He aside: "Don't think about these things, this is good."

"Well, tell me, can we get pregnant?"

Liu He nodded, snorted slightly, then touched his belly, and couldn't help but ask his sister.

"I'm not too sure either……"

Liu Lian shook her head in confusion and sighed.


"Aqiang, Mom wants to give you a younger brother. If you are really pregnant, you won't have an abortion..."

In another room, Fang Fen was sitting by the window, and suddenly lowered his head to operate his mobile phone, sending a message to his son Cao Qiang who was still at home.

"Mom, you want to get pregnant..."

Cao Xue on the side noticed her mother's actions and couldn't help but open her eyes. Then she took a deep breath, pursed her lips, and lowered her head to her brother: "Brother, I want you to have a niece."

"Husband, let me help you have a son. You don't have to do anything."

Chen Xiaolan, the sister-in-law beside Cao Xue, saw the messages sent by her mother-in-law and Cao Xue, and she gritted her teeth and confessed her feelings to Cao Qiang.


At this moment, the door opened and Li Yang walked in. The three of them hurriedly muted their mobile phones.




Twenty days passed by in the blink of an eye in the real world.

But Li Yang didn't rush to get stuck. Instead, he waited for another three days, and after absorbing the thunder elements in the thunder again, he left the real world with the earth dragon beast and came to the magical world.


The figure once again appeared in the magical world, and Li Yang suddenly felt relaxed.

After having fun in the real world for so long, his mood became cheerful. He felt like he was a sunshine boy now.

"The elves..."

Li Yang looked at the city in front of him with slightly moved eyes. His heart moved. The riding dragon beast immediately sensed his thoughts and strode to the sky above the city at a rapid speed, and all the way to the sky above Li's Mansion. After realizing that all the women inside had left, leaving only the servants who kept things running, he nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, with another move in his heart, the Earthly Dragon Beast took Li Yang to the Nanshan Base, where he saw the soldiers who were training. He went down to encourage them, consolidate and deepen their ideology, and make comments on the training results. After confirming, he went to the city lord's mansion to say goodbye to Redel.

"An Earthly Dragon Beast that has reached the Super Dragon Beast level is truly enviable luck."

When the farewell was over and Li Yang was sent out, Redel looked at Li Yang's mount and couldn't help but said with envy. The Crow family, like many families, would also cultivate Warcraft for their own use. After all, compared to people, Warcraft will be more loyal.

However, even though they have been collecting for many years, they have never owned a dragon beast, so they couldn't help but sigh like this after Li Yang rode the earth dragon beast out.

"I feel the same way and bid farewell to my friend."

Li Yang waved to him with a smile, and then the dragon beast took off into the air under Redel's respectful gaze, carrying Li Yang to say goodbye to Megawati Riley and Vin St. one by one.

In this way, after saying goodbye, Li Yang just drove the Earth Dragon Beast towards the royal city under their awe-inspiring eyes.


From [Black Rock City] to [Death-dragging City], Li Yang crossed the defensive cliff and rode the earth dragon beast. Under the envious eyes he attracted along the way, it only took him half a day to reach the important city [Kabu]. Luocheng]

In the teleportation area between [Cabro City], activate the space teleportation magic weapon, and go to the royal city with the earth dragon beast.

During the process of returning to the royal city, Li Yang's eyes were full of thoughts.

"In this world, space teleportation is actually only possible outside the kingdom's territory and at specific locations within the kingdom's territory."

Li Yang thought about his previous disappearance in front of the Crow family and Raedel's father, Rekel.

The Tianjiao rest area is not a place where space can be crossed...


"I hope you don't have too many doubts."

Li Yang shook his head secretly, hoping that the powerful combat power displayed by his genetic power could frighten them.

The target of the sixth-level extreme gene potion should be that the world's ability to absorb the golden immortal power has reached the upper limit, and cannot absorb any magic power + the power of the double immortal peak of the physical body.

After all, the sixth-level genetic medicine has a terrifying surge of biological energy. It is not extraordinary power, but it is better than extraordinary power.

However, this is simply impossible.

No one can cultivate a realm to the limit, even with perfect qualifications, because the zeros after the decimal point are infinite. When transformation cannot reach a deeper level, you will always be close to him, not the closest to a higher level. .

However, the power of genetic medicine can directly satisfy the demand. Of course, this is what happens when someone like Li Yang takes every genetic medicine to the limit regardless of the consequences.

Otherwise, just like a normal genetic evolver in the apocalyptic world, if he can take the next-level genetic medicine if he can meet the standards, he will at best be on par with the ordinary extraordinary people in this world, and will most likely be defeated if he encounters perfect qualifications.

This is without the use of soul magic, otherwise the death will be even worse.

However, in this magical world, the power of genes is beyond their understanding. Faced with a magical inheritance that clearly has no immortal aura but can kill immortality, they have to be cautious and even exaggerate their imagination to some extent. The power of Yang’s inheritance.

In this way, Li Yang can make space jumps in places where they cannot make space jumps, and maybe they can imagine this on their own.

"The most important thing is to absorb the soul power to the immortal level as soon as possible."

Li Yang felt the power of his soul and whispered in his heart.

His current combat power is frighteningly strong due to the stack of genetic medicines, but...if he encounters an immortal attacking with soul power, he will be dumbfounded.

Therefore, Li Yang has always been very polite to Master Xiyang, whose soul power is immortal.

Of course, in the eyes of others, this is a demonstration of Li Yang’s excellent qualities~

While Li Yang was thinking in his mind, the space teleportation device also quickly brought him to the teleportation place in the royal city. He came down and walked out of the space room, and casually received it into a huge space bag. Under the watchful eyes of the strict guards around him Next, left the imperial city root.

The residence of the Lion King in the Imperial City.

After being away for a month, Li Yang returned to the mansion. The domineering earth dragon attracted the attention of all the servants in the mansion. They were even more surprised when the Ice Queen Wenmier and Princess Hera arrived. .

"An earth dragon beast, husband, where did you find this?"

Ice Queen Wen Mier came near Li Yang who was riding the Earth Dragon Beast. Looking at the ferocious Earth Dragon Beast, she couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"Earth dragon beasts are more precious than immortals. Their lifespans are much longer than those of extraordinary beings of the same level. This is really surprising!"

Hera couldn't help but spoke in surprise, her beautiful eyes looking at the earth dragon beast with an expression full of amazement.

"Hehe, it's just luck. Maybe marrying you two has improved my luck?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows mischievously, and then looked at Ice Queen Wen Mier's mature and crystal-clear jade body, and Princess Hera's beautiful and delicate body. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva, making sure that he came from Black Rock City. After the servants were all here, they lifted up the skirt of the little princess Hera and buried her head in it.

"I don't know if I can do it again when I go back to the room."

Wen Mi'er looked at Li Yang's movements and couldn't help but speak. Then she moved and cast a wave of ice magic. An isolation igloo rose up on the spot and enveloped the three of them.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Wave after wave of shocks gradually occurred as the igloo was built. It was not until a day later that the igloo finally dissipated. The ice queen with an embarrassed face held the little hand of Princess Hera and appeared at the mansion with Li Yang neatly dressed. In the courtyard.

"I'm going to go to the elves to bring back your two other outstanding sisters. You must be mentally prepared."

Li Yang smiled and rode on the back of the dragon beast next to him. He chuckled and said something to his two wives. Then he turned around and rode the dragon beast towards the root of the royal city as the two women presented them with papers. He activated the space again. The crossover device came to the public domain of the human race.

When they arrived at the Li Mansion, which was in the public domain, they saw that there were people from [Black Rock City] guarding the place, and some people were contacting materials from various countries and preparing to do business. After that, they nodded with satisfaction, and then found the place with a smile. I visited the [Lion Kingdom] embassy and saw the guardian of the Lion Kingdom in the embassy.

Communication between ethnic groups is a big deal. If you want to go to the elves, you must use the space crossing formation controlled by the Kingdom Guardian. Otherwise, it is impossible to reach the elves before dark.

Once you encounter a large number of demons before arriving at the elves, it will be a narrow escape.

Although Li Yang didn't think that he would be slower than the elves, but since there were shortcuts, he would naturally take them.

"Mr. Li Yang, I wish you a pleasant journey."

The guardian of the Lion Kingdom saw Li Yang hammering the dark magician Gel to death with his own eyes. How could he dare to neglect Li Yang's needs? While trying his best to defend his soul, he immediately helped him open the teleportation magic circle and spoke to him with a smile. .

"Thank you for your blessing."

Li Yang showed a smile on his face, nodded to him, then took out a space to cross the house, rode an earth dragon to the house, instantly crossed multiple spaces, and disappeared from the public domain.


It didn't take long to teleport from the public domain of the human race to the elves. When Li Yang ended his space crossing, he had already arrived in a world belonging to the elves.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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