My world double door

Chapter 343 Demon Ancestor


A place where demons live in connection with the wave of darkness spreading outside the world.

To a certain extent, [Abyss] is like the tentacles of the dark wave in the magical world. It is the first fruit of victory for the dark wave to break through the limitations of the world and erode the magical world.

The demons born here are actually the transformation of dark creatures. They are subject to the laws of the magic world and are slightly different from the dark creatures, but they are even more different from the creatures in the magic world.

Compared with dark creatures, they have a relatively normal size and shape, making them look more like living creatures. However, compared with normal creatures in the magical world, they are full of evil and darkness. These are demons.

Among them, the demons transformed by erosion and transformation of local creatures are ordinary demons, while some demons naturally condensed through the power of the abyss are true demons. These true demons possess the top fighting power of the royal family among dark creatures, and can also Fully adapting to the laws of the magical world is the core strength of the demon clan.

And above the real demons, there is the [Chaos Demon Clan] that is equivalent to the royal family.

As of today, there are only one hundred and thirty-two [Chaos Demons] in total.

In the abyss shrouded by dark power, the aura of evil sweeps across the world.

Here, even a blade of grass has teeth, every tree has scarlet eyes, and the most evil atmosphere permeates the entire world.

In a space with the strongest dark power, scarlet and dark colors representing evil fill the earth and sky. The weeds on the roadside are too dark in color, making it almost impossible to see the green color.

Ten scarlet monsters suddenly opened their eyes from where they stood, their scarlet pupils looking towards the magical world like lanterns.

Beside them, there were dozens of dark monsters looking towards the magical world with feeling.

"Thunder Mage has taken action, and there are still one hundred and nineteen chaotic demons left."

"The ancestor of the True Demon Shangzhen Chaos, the fate belongs to us. This world should not have such a powerful Thunder Mage."

"I feel the breath of chaos, destiny deviating from its supposed trajectory."

"We can't wait any longer. Speed ​​up the progress and end the fate of this world in time so that it doesn't deviate too far."

The earth trembled slightly under the tremor of the devil's voice, and the hard trees were shattered. As the sound fell, the dark power between the whole world suddenly became more turbulent.

"The loss of the Thirteen Demon Lords to the chaotic demon clan in the mid-term is a huge loss to the entire abyss. This matter cannot be let go."

"We can no longer allow the Thunder Mages in this world to grow. We should take the initiative."

Ten scarlet monsters and twenty dark monsters rushed towards the junction of the abyss and the magical world. However, they stopped after they arrived. In the end, only two scarlet monsters slowly moved toward the magic world. The world moves forward.

As they moved forward, the laws of the magical world burst out in their bodies like scythes. The Qi on the two monsters continued to converge, and finally suppressed it to the point where the demon king was in the middle stage and could escape the protection of the rules of the magical world. His whole body was covered by magic. The injuries caused by the laws of the world were also suppressed, and he successfully entered the magical world.

"The laws of the magical world are still too tight for our defense. We will appeal to the dark world and increase the intensity of our attacks."

The remaining monsters frowned slightly as they looked at the changes ahead, and then immediately made a decision.

As extreme demons, they are still the masters even among the dark creatures and can make many decisions!

For example, the intensification of the attack on the magical world and attacking the magical world with dark demonic energy will inevitably suppress the various laws and world powers of the magical world to a deeper level.

In this way, when they can openly enter the magical world with their own strength, it is the time to seize this world.

"The secret techniques passed down by the ancestor demons can indeed be hidden from the laws of the world for a while, but I don't know how long they can last when they burst out with their full strength."

After making the decision, many Extreme Demon Lords returned to the depths of the abyss and uploaded information about the dark creatures in the dark wave using the method of the abyss. They then thought to themselves as they recalled what happened just after the two Extreme Chaos Demon Lords entered the world.

While he was pondering, billowing dark power surged in from the depths of the abyss.




At the exit of the abyss, two mid-stage Chaos Real Demons transformed from the Ultimate Demon Lord slowly walked out of the abyss. Seeing the blazing sun outside, they silently escaped into the darkness and lurked.

They are still extremely afraid of the power of the sun and are unwilling to face it easily.

Escaping into the darkness, they seem to be isolated from the world, even if the sun shines, they are still unobstructed.

Until one day passed and night fell again, the two chaotic true demons whose appearance was only the middle stage of the Demon King slowly emerged from the darkness. Their deep eyes looked into the depths of the magical world, and they stepped out together, without any traces of it. Without hesitation, he flew towards the place where the real demon body of Chaos in the middle period of the Thirteen Demon Lords died.

"Quack quack..."

All around, there were real demons surrounding them, along with many ordinary demons. They were all extremely excited, making evil sounds of the abyss, following the footsteps of the two extreme chaos demons and flying towards the common area of ​​​​the magic world.


Suddenly, the terrifying forbidden curse flames burst out from the air, and a terrifying magician with a stern face appeared from the void with a calm face. The moment he appeared, the forbidden fire curse he released hit the limit instantly. The figure of the Demon Lord.


Sonorous and sharp sounds resounded in the air, and a terrifying forbidden golden magic struck the second Extreme Demon Lord at the same time. The next moment, a powerful figure that seemed to be cast by golden magic appeared from the air.


The terrible wind roared, and the Forbidden Wind Spell blew with it. All the real demons, big and small, swarmed out of the abyss, from the mid-stage Demon Lord to the junior monsters, all of them turned into flying objects under the power of the Forbidden Wind Spell. Ash, a woman who looked like she was created by a hurricane appeared from the sky.

"Boom boom..."


Continuous explosions occurred from the two Extreme Demon Lords. The two Demon Lords suddenly returned to their full cultivation level with ferocious faces. They raised their heads and let out a weird roar. The next moment, the surging demonic energy rushed towards the three attacking magicians regardless of their own safety. The division attacked and left.


The wall of flames, the wall of sharp gold, and the wall of hurricane appeared on the path of the dark demonic energy at the next moment, blocking all their attacks. The next moment, the power of the world's laws suddenly burst out from their bodies, and the two extreme demons He was hit hard in an instant, and his aura fell to the middle stage of Demon Lord as if jumping off a cliff, and his scarlet body turned red as if stained with a layer of blood.

"The Ultimate Demon Lord has the power to resurrect the real demons and ordinary demons under his command. However, this time, I don't know if you can resurrect these dead demons."

A strange smile appeared on the face of the Flame Magic Master. As his voice fell, the terrifying Fire Magic Forbidden Curse surged out from his body. Together with the Ruijin Mage beside him, he killed the two severely injured Extreme Demon Lords on the spot.

"Career pioneers, Demon Ancestor will not let you go..."

Reluctant roars came from the mouths of the two dissipated extreme chaos demons. The next moment, the three professional branch pioneers immediately surged the ultimate power in their bodies to cleanse the area affected by the two demons' magic words.

Following them, they seize the dark origins of the real demons and demons on the field, and the terrifying extreme surge of magic power brought about by opening a profession instantly destroys them and disappears.

They looked at each other, then looked at the abyss exit in front of them, and then their figures disappeared in the air.

"Changes in the world have occurred, and new vitality has arrived. The root of everything is tied to Li Yang. Do your best to protect him..."

"...Not only him, but also Gu Chen, the son of Perfect Thunder, must also be protected."

"Only the power of our professional pioneers can cause fundamental damage to these demons. We can monitor the exit of the abyss from all directions. If the ultimate demon appears, intercept and kill them immediately."

Recalling the content of the meeting not long ago, the three branch career pioneers looked solemnly, and the more cautious figures lurked at the exit of the abyss, identifying every demon monster that seemed out of place.

There are more than three exits to the abyss. Even the exit chosen by the two Extreme Chaos Demon Lords is just a secondary exit of the abyss. However, there are also more than three of them as professional pioneers.

"The turning point is really coming."

Flame Mage Pioneer's pupils reflected the brilliance of flames, and he stared at the surging abyss exit in front of him. The eyes of Ruijin Mage Pioneer and Wind Mage Pioneer beside him also shone with such color.

The Ultimate Demon Lord of the Abyss has done something like this, something they have never encountered in thousands of years!

Thinking of the information contained in it, the three career pioneers couldn't help but feel happy. At the same time, they hid their figures more carefully, fully preparing to intercept and kill the abnormal demons that appeared at the next moment.




"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of dull footsteps came from afar along with the darkness of the sky. The thunder mages who had practiced cross-legged under the sea of ​​thunder for a day and a night opened their eyes and looked into the distance, only to see seven terrifying-looking giants. He came slowly from a far distance beyond the sea of ​​thunder.

"The cancer of darkness."

Gu Chen, who had woken up from practicing, looked at the approaching giants with a gloomy expression: "I didn't go looking for you, but they came looking for me!"


There was a sound of thunder, and in Li Yang's eyes with raised eyebrows, Gu Chen transformed into thunder and lightning and actively rushed out of the formation to attack the incoming dark monster.


Powerful thunder and lightning shot out in the palm of his hand. Amidst Gu Chen's roar, the thunder magic collided with the dark creatures screaming in the sky.


There was a roar, and Gu Chen, who had completely replenished his cultivation to the level of a Thunder Mage in two days and two nights, was hit by a dark monster that screamed and fell to the ground. The next moment, Gu Chen's figure looked like a swimming dragon. It shot out like a burst, actively fighting fiercely with the incoming dark monster.

"Is this the barbarian god who is rumored to be causing headaches even to the Lion Kingdom?"

Li Yang suddenly looked at one of the familiar dark monsters, and then raised his eyebrows: "It seems that these strange 'gods' are dark monsters. No wonder..."

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