My world double door

Chapter 345 The Queen really wants to become an immortal

Today, when the thunder element is so scarce, those who still choose to practice the path of a thunder mage are all sons of thunder with extraordinary talents.

The last of them are all high-level Sons of Thunder, among which Sons of Super Thunder account for a very high proportion, and there are also several Sons of Immortal Thunder. It is this kind of qualification that makes them embark on this path without hesitation.

However, after all, they are not like Gu Chen. They do not need the golden immortal energy to achieve the perfect son of thunder at the limit of the three powers. If they want to break through to the thunder magic master, or even become a perfect thunder mage, they need a lot of power just like other practitioners. of gold.

Fortunately, Li Yang got enough gold. Originally, he planned to trade the gold with others after satisfying his own cultivation. But now that there are more important things at stake, the transaction will naturally take place. Left to them.

Half a year is a very short time for any cultivator, but with the endless thunder elements, the gathering sea of ​​thunder can help practice, and the blessing of the spirit of the world, this group of thunder mages The cultivation level is improving at an incredible speed.

Gu Chen, who was once in the early stage of immortality, has reached the perfection of immortality.

The three sons of immortal thunder have reached the late stage of immortality.

Fifty Super Sons of Thunder have reached the middle stage of immortality.

The remaining high-level Sons of Thunder have also reached the early stage of immortality.

At this moment, with more gold left by Li Yang, their already barely sufficient resources suddenly became abundant, and they became more dedicated and focused in practicing without worrying about the lack of resources.

"Having reached the limit of the three powers, can I still continue to practice self-cultivation and make breakthroughs?"

Gu Chen looked at where Li Yang left and murmured softly, a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes, and he sank into practice again.

Lei Hai's time has passed halfway unknowingly, and practice is the most important thing for them.


In the human territory, in a majestic valley.

The mighty power of the earth naturally gathers and brews here. Di'en, the son of the earth, who has a strong aura of the power of the earth, stands in the center of the air mass formed by the power of the earth. The aura on his body fluctuates day by day. After reaching the immortal perfection, he naturally moves towards the three powers. Go to the extreme realm.

In a raging volcano, violent earth fires swirled around, and the magma was about to spit out like a wild dragon. But in the midst of such turbulent lava, there was a young man with red hair lying on his back with a calm face. Above the plane of hot magma.

At the edge of the continent, in the depths of the endless sea, waves swept across. A woman wearing a blue dress with skin like mutton-fat white jade calmly swept through the deep waves. The aura on her body also reached immortal perfection and moved towards the limit of the three powers. Go ahead.

Beside her, a woman whose aura reached the limit of her three powers was blocking the intrusion of magical beasts in the depths of the sea.

In the Knight's Palace, the only knight's palace in the human race, the holy power of practicing with closed eyes is driven by the breath of three sky knights who are at the limit of the three powers, and strives to break through to the limit of the three powers.

In the windy valley, there is a magician calming the wind, in the unobstructed plain, there is a ranger walking with the wind, in the mysterious valley, there is a witch shining with the brilliance of witchcraft...

Within the scope of the entire world, every profession has a genius with perfect qualifications who is breaking through to the limit of the three powers. The spirit of the world is surprisingly active, as if it is singing its final song.




While everyone was practicing, Li Yang had already traveled through space, from the common area of ​​​​all tribes to the border of the human race.

After verifying his identity at the border, he took the space shuttle all the way to the public domain of the human race and arrived at the Li Mansion.

"You mean, one of Aisia and Wen Mi'er went to meet the Elf Queen, and the other went to attend the human race meeting?"

In the emerald-like forest, surrounded by the aura of the world, the Earthly Dragon Beast, whose cultivation had suddenly reached immortal perfection and was marching towards the limit of the three powers, paraded happily around Li Yang.

Li Yang touched the dragon-like Earthdramon and thought that this guy could no longer be called an Earthdramon. It was time to give him a real name. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the beastmaster Leslie. talent, and at the same time frowned and asked the young daughter-in-law in front of her.

After he rushed to his mansion, he saw that only Leslie, Princess Hera and Convenient Device Raphael were in the mansion. After some questioning, he was still a little confused.

"Yes, Aisia is the son of the perfect water element. She and the Elf Queen, who is the son of the perfect life, are both at the limit of dual and three powers. They need to make some preparations and arrangements for how the elves can fight against dark creatures."

Leslie nodded and spoke, with worry in her eyes. Having been fucked to immortal perfection, she also felt the will of the world spirit and was worried about the dark age in the future.

"Yes, as a transcendent who is close to the limit of the three powers, Ice Queen Wenmier also wants to participate in important decisions among the human race."

Hera also nodded, and then a bright smile appeared on her face: "It's just that there is no need for supreme beings like me and Leslie to participate. After all, we already have Aisia and Wenmi in our family. A transcendent person like your son has gone. Although Leslie and I are both better than the Supreme Being, we can just stay at home with you, so there is no need to go again."

Not everyone can achieve the limit of three powers. Although Hera and Leslie have been fucked a lot, they are limited by their qualifications and cannot reach the limit of three powers that others can achieve. This is also common.

After all, since ancient times, the limits of the three powers can only be reached by those with perfect qualifications and by some extremely special circumstances.

For example, the Elf Queen used the Divine Tree of Life to break through restrictions, obtain the perfect gift of the Son of Life, and then break through to the limit of her three powers.

Luo Feier on the other side looked envious. She could only reach the limit of immortality and could no longer move forward. Although Li Yang fucked her so deeply that her body, magic, and soul reached the perfection of immortality and became a supreme being.

But her strength is obviously inferior to Leslie and Hera, two beings with special talents.

"In this case, it seems that we have to make a trip to the elves."

Li Yang nodded secretly, and then looked at Leslie and Hera in front of him, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth. He walked forward, casually removed the crotch of his pants and stuffed it into Luofel's mouth, and held down Leslie with a smile. Sili raised her round buttocks: "My dear, I haven't seen you for half a year. Do you miss your husband?"


Luo Feier made a humming sound from his mouth. Leslie, who was lifted up by Li Yang, also blushed when she saw Li Yang starting to play with her. She opened her mouth and hummed softly: "I think, I am thinking about my husband."

"Really, how much I want to."

"I really want to, ah"

"Okay, then let me have a good taste of my husband, and let my husband have a good taste."

"Honey, you can taste whatever you want, I, I am yours..."


Just one day passed after this attempt.

The physiques of the intermediate wood elemental son and the advanced soul son, plus the bonus of monks of the same level, made the mana in Li Yang's body rise like a tide, and his mana increased greatly.

However, the Dantian was not filled up.

"It seems that you still need to have perfect qualifications."

Li Yang looked at the three women he had turned into puffs in just one day and shook his head secretly.

I know that just relying on the three of them is not enough. Now that time is tight, we still have to prioritize the use of high-quality resources.

The more times the mana is returned, the more difficult it becomes. Because the quality of mana increases, the need to recharge it with the same amount of mana becomes higher, which is different from the past.

The terrifying foundation-building mana achieved through three hundred and thirty-nine returns requires a huge amount of mana to recharge. Leslie and Hera's physiques are extraordinary, but the best period of validity has been passed. After ordinary practice, It won't work even if Rao Feil is added to it.

Even if two of them are elves.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang couldn't help but think of the Elf Queen wearing a golden skirt and covering her face with a golden veil, her eyes twinkling.

‘Is the Queen also perfectly qualified?’

‘It must be of great help to practice’

‘I don’t know what’s so special about the special talent of the Son of Life’

Thoughts flashed through Li Yang's mind, and they finally boiled down to one thing: the Queen wanted to keep him here to explore immortal magic together.

‘The Elf Queen must also want to know how to practice immortal magic. ’

Li Yang was thinking in his heart, looking at the three women in front of him, with a slight smile on his face, then he calmed down and seriously handed some of the thunder beads condensed from the thunder sea to each of them.

"This thunder bead is transformed by the power of thunder. If you encounter a dark creature, you can use it to fight the enemy. The effect is very good, but it can be used as a means and cannot be relied on."

Li Yang explained their uses. Fortunately, the method of using Thunder Beads is very simple. Once you learn it, you can master it in no time.

"Thunder beads are a powerful weapon against demons and dark creatures, and Aixia is indispensable. I will personally go to the elves to hand over this important thing to her. You guys should take care of yourself at home."

Li Yang spoke sternly to the remaining Lei Zhu. How could the three girls not know what their husband was thinking? Ai Xia and Leslie sighed inwardly at Princess Ai Xia's beauty while rolling their eyes and nodding. Luo Fei You saluted respectfully to show your knowledge.

Li Yang then left the mansion with a smile. He first went to the Seven Kingdoms Guards Mansion and handed the thunder beads in his hands to the immortals of the Seven Kingdoms each with three beads. He also took more care of the Lion Kingdom that he was familiar with, and then Then he turned around and left the human territory.

After several space teleportations along the way, he came directly to the Elf King City of the Elf Tribe.

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