My world double door

Chapter 347 Cause and Effect, Make Me Slave

The world is roughly divided into: fantasy world and real world.

The illusion world is a world that is all illusory, like a dream bubble. These worlds are real, but they are like bubbles that may collapse and dissipate at any time, so they are called the illusion world.

Above all illusions is the 'real world'. The real world refers to all stable and eternal worlds, but there are also differences in the real world.

Such as the lowest level Hengsha World, the next level Small Thousand World, the higher level Middle Thousand World, and the Great Thousand World and the higher level [True World].

Among them, the most critical point of whether the illusion world can become the real world is whether it can give birth to the "Way of Heaven". The so-called "Way of Heaven" is the principle and law of how everything in the world operates.

If it can be conceived, then this world will transform into the real world.

The strength of the Heavenly Dao determines the strength of the creatures in the world. The stronger the Heavenly Dao, the stronger the creatures in the world.

In the endless world, the world of cultivation that Li Yang went to before is an extremely powerful [True Realm]. There is a very powerful way of heaven in it, which not only allows the birth of strong men in the [Ascension Realm], but also Influence other worlds, causing two [True Worlds] to be born around you

The first is the [Magic World] that Li Yang just escaped from, and the second is the [World of Science and Technology] that Li Yang traveled through for the first time.

The heavenly qi of these three true realms converged with each other in the innate air sea, forming a prototype of the great road. This is an extremely precious opportunity.

If everything goes smoothly and the prototype of this avenue is brewed smoothly, then the three major worlds can all become avenue-level worlds in one fell swoop. There is no limit to the strength of the creatures within them. They can achieve the realm of immortals and gods along the way, jump out of the world, and become the world. 's guardian.

But such a prototype of a great avenue is also a treasure for powerful monks in the ascension realm. As long as they are swallowed and digested to complete their own world, they can break through the key to becoming an immortal and become an immortal in one fell swoop!

Moreover, the growth of the world is bound to be filled with various disasters, and this sudden demonic cultivation is a disaster.

When he saw such a treasure, he immediately and decisively took possession of it. However, during the process of devouring it, a corner of the prototype of the avenue took the opportunity to escape, turned into the gate of the world, and landed on Li Yang.

If the three worlds want to become the Dao World, there will be disasters. The demon cultivator is the calamity of the three worlds. His strength is invincible to the three worlds. Even the most powerful and top experts in the world of cultivating immortals can only work together to help Tiandao barely resist. That's why He has the strength to embezzle the embryonic form of the avenue.

But similarly, the prototype of the great avenue formed by the three worlds is also a calamity for the demon cultivator. If he cannot get this escaped one, he will be trapped and die where he is, and will never be able to take a step further and ascend to immortality.

In order to refine the prototype of the great avenue and find the escaped one, the demon cultivator had to erode the three true realms. If he could not erode successfully, he would still fail in his efforts.

The prototype of the avenue, as a treasure that can help those who ascend to become immortals, is naturally not easy to refine. Even if the demon cultivator is very powerful, it still needs to be done step by step, first eroding the foundation of the prototype of the avenue, and then refining it. change.

In this way, the three true realms and the demonic cultivators formed a situation of confrontation with each other.

If the three true worlds win, then the demon cultivator's cultivation can also be transformed into the perfect foundation of the great path condensed by the three true worlds. Whoever wins and who loses depends on the result.

If the demonic cultivation is victorious, all living beings in the three true worlds will be wiped out, and there will be one more true demon in the world.

If the three true realms are victorious, a supremely ascended person will die, and three more worlds of great avenues will appear in the world.

The Gate of the World is an escaping one. If the demonic cultivator cannot obtain itself, it will never become a Taoist. As the Gate of the World is the embryonic form of the Tao bred from the three true worlds, its ability to escape from itself has a mysterious ability. , is the trump card of the prototype of the great avenue to deal with disasters.

The escaped Yi Yi followed the arrangement of fate and came to Li Yang in the real world, and Li Yang became a key step in the game between the two parties.

When the Gate of the World falls on Li Yang, it will naturally take him through the three worlds. Its mission is to lead Li Yang to find ways to grow in the three worlds, and eventually become a strong man who can fight against demonic cultivators, and serve the three major worlds. The real world resolves the crisis.

At that time, there will be three great worlds to help, and Li Yang, who has refined the escape of the three worlds, will be able to use the power of the great worlds to break through and become an immortal in the world just like a living being in his own world.

And that demon cultivator is an outside monk from another world. Even if the three true worlds create the Dao World, he cannot use the power of the three worlds to break through and become a demon, and can only rely on devouring.

This is Taoism.

It's just that the three worlds have been eroded by the demonic cultivators. Once Li Yang stirs up the situation in the three worlds to a certain extent and causes the fixed destiny to deviate too much, the demonic cultivators will clearly detect and lock it. In order to escape, for himself. Once he becomes enlightened, he will definitely take action.

Originally, sentient beings did not have a fixed destiny, but when demon cultivators took action to erode the three true realms, they all had a destiny: to be buried in advance and become dark creatures!

When this fate fluctuates, he will naturally notice it easily at this juncture. He will feel that the power of the escaped One is at work, so he will choose to take action directly.

"It seems that in the future, when a certain world is changed too much, you must be mentally prepared in advance."

Li Yang thought silently in his heart, and then looked up and down, left and right, full of crisis, a little unnatural.

If the demon cultivator can pursue the magic world, can he also locate it here?

But immediately after World Gate sent him a message, the feedback he received made Li Yang feel relieved.

"Fortunately not."

The earth is a special world. There is obviously no trace of heaven here, but it contains the power that only the top true world has, and there is no upper limit for the creatures here. This is why Dunyi came to this world to find someone to break the situation. , Dunyi found this place by following the mysterious trajectory with the help of the power of the great avenue. It is impossible for the demon cultivator, but an Ascension Realm monk, to detect this place.

Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief, but then he couldn't help but feel solemn when he thought of the magical world.

"Can't we be in that world in the next ten years? After ten years, there will only be five years of action time."

Li Yang couldn't help but rub his fingers against each other, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Not to mention the original importance of the magical world in his mind, now that he knew the specific origin and situation, he could not just sit back and watch the enemy who wanted to kill him succeed, especially when he still had the opportunity to destroy the opponent's Plan to make the benefits your own.

Becoming an immortal is such a great temptation.

Furthermore, with such a terrifying demon cultivator caring about his life, he still has the strength to transcend the world. If he doesn't get rid of him, Li Yang will really have trouble sleeping and eating.

"It seems that these ten years should be put to good use."

Li Yang's heart moved secretly, and he naturally thought of the world of cultivating immortals. At present, it seems that only the world of cultivating immortals can make him greatly improved.

But before that...

"Fortunately, I have put this thing in my storage bag in advance."

A purple space crystal appeared in Li Yang's palm. He looked at the various things in the storage bag and breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it for a while, his heart moved and disappeared.


The apocalyptic world, Base City No. 3, inner city, Bi Yueyue's home.

Li Yang's figure appeared again. Before the women in the room noticed him, he moved and moved in front of Song Tianyuan.

"Mr. Li Yang!"

Song Tianyuan, who was sitting in the office when he saw Li Yang appear, hurriedly stood up from his office chair and spoke to Li Yang respectfully.

"Show me the location of the cutting-edge research laboratory."

Li Yang looked at the sky closely and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no movement. He then looked at Song Tianyuan in front with a smile on his lips: "By the way, all the scientific production materials in Base City No. 3, including All kinds of genetic medicines, all kinds of forging techniques, all kinds of material discoveries, all kinds of science and technology, all are copied and stored in my brain."


Song Tianyuan responded immediately, and then quickly manipulated his brain to clearly show the location of the cutting-edge research laboratory to Li Yang. At the same time, he quickly packaged and copied the information Li Yang requested to the computer that was activated with Li Yang's appearance. Yang is worn on the brain of the body.

"Yeah, well done."

Li Yang received the information and quickly absorbed and digested the scientific and technological knowledge with his powerful soul power. Then he nodded his head with satisfaction, moved his body, and disappeared from Song Tianyuan before he finished speaking.

Song Tianyuan, who was praised by Li Yang, blushed with excitement and immediately sent a message to his wife at home, asking her to take a bath and dress herself up. Mr. Li Yang might come to sleep with her later.

While Song Tianyuan's wife was starting to prepare, Li Yang had already followed the positioning information, stepped forward, used space magic to cross many distances, and accurately arrived at the cutting-edge research room according to the map positioning.


The moment Li Yang appeared, the laboratory intelligence that detected abnormal life entering the laboratory immediately sounded an alarm. However, within a second of the alarm, Li Yang became the latest person with the highest authority, and the alarm was instantly lifted.

"This thing may be able to help you. If your research direction is right, then use it to try to make seventh-generation genetic medicine."

Li Yang took out a pile of space crystals, smiled and said to the researchers in front: "Now, ten people at a time, line up to come to me to receive the brand of spiritual slavery."

"Yes, Mr. Li Yang!"

The researchers in the cutting-edge laboratory spoke respectfully, and then began to line up in front of Li Yang to accept slavery.

With Li Yang's current strength, it has become more and more convenient to cast [Forbidden Curse: Obey]. He quickly cast the forbidden curse on everyone, and left the space crystal for them to study, and then appeared in Base City No. 1. Within, start to quickly control every mid-level and high-level person here.

An hour later, Li Yang stood in front of five beauties who were level six female genetic evolvers with a smile on his face.

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