My world double door

Chapter 349 Welcome

"You can't say it's an intrusion. You can come to our home. Yuping and I are so happy that our home is full of glory. It's too late to be happy!"

With a smile on his face, Chen Li warmly greeted Li Yang, who was holding Yupingliu's waist, to walk into the room. He couldn't help but feel happy, after all, this was a shocking harvest!

Several years have passed quietly since he met Li Yang, but his physical condition has not declined at all, but has even improved greatly, as if he has returned to the feeling he had when he was eighteen or nineteen years old.

His black hair is as thick as a forest, his body is light and healthy, his mind is clear, and his mind is quick. Even his skin has become younger and more tender, which is incredible.

Yu Ping, who was hugged by Li Yang, had also changed like him. She was light and lithe, her skin was as tender as a hibiscus, and she had some vigor that only a girl could have. The change was so drastic that it made people stare. come out.

Of course, even though he has changed a lot, he still hasn't done some things that he can't do...

"Are you really so happy?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's good that you are happy, otherwise I will really not be able to come here more often in the future."

"No, you must always come. Not only am I happy, but Yuping is also really happy to know that you are coming."

Chen Li raised his eyebrows when he heard this and spoke hurriedly. Upon hearing his words, Yuping, who was held in Li Yang's arms, felt a hint of embarrassment on her tender and handsome cheeks. She smoothed the hair on the side of her face to cover it up. He stroked his ears behind his ears and looked at Li Yang who was looking down at him. He pursed his lips in embarrassment. Although he didn't speak, his expression seemed to be acquiescing.

"Oh, Yuping is really so happy?"

Li Yang had a smile on his face, lowered his head and looked at Yuping closely, and said with a smile. Yuping was stared at nakedly by Li Yang, but she had a look that was unique to young women and nodded shyly.

"Hahaha, since you both feel happy, that's good. Then I'll come more often when I'm in the mood."

Li Yang laughed, and happily slid his right hand from Yuping's waist down to caress her buttocks. Yuping was wearing a rather tight cheongsam today and was squeezed by Li Yang, holding half of it smoothly. Comfortable and natural.

Yuping felt Li Yang's fiery big hand for the first time. The warm touch from the palm seemed to be hot, but she naturally continued to stay by Li Yang's side as if she didn't feel it, and led Li Yang to the living room. , arrived at the sofa and sat down next to him.

Chen Li immediately went to get a fruit plate and dried fruits, and took a deck of playing cards to pass the time with Li Yang. He poured a cup of tea for each of the three of them, and put a pot of hot water on the table before sitting down and chatting. They play cards together.

"To three."

In the first round, Chen Li was the landlord. He took the lead and played a pair of threes. Yuping put her legs on Li Yang's lap and sat facing Li Yang to prevent him from seeing her cards, and then played a pair of fives.

"To the circle."

Li Yang raised his hand and played a pair of circles to match the landlord Chen Li's cards. After playing, he smiled and stretched his hand to Yuping's leg. He felt the soft calf and slowly slid it under the skirt of the cheongsam. It was wide and slender. The palms of her hands bulged under the skirt of the cheongsam.

"Yes, do you want it?"

Chen Li played a one-on-one backhand, but Yuping couldn't see it when Li Yang put his hand inside the skirt of the cheongsam to rub it, so he played a one-on-two. After the fight, he stretched out his hand to smooth out the wrinkled skirt.

"don't want."

"don't want."


After playing two, Li Yang and Chen Li refused one after another. Only then was Yuping satisfied. After thinking about it, she casually played a three.


Li Yang then played a single card, and Chen Li immediately received a circle card.


Yuping followed up by throwing out an Ace. Li Yang smiled and shook his head. Chen Li hesitated for a while and did not play. Yuping then threw out a straight of 56,78,90. Chen Li wanted to stay still, but Yuping followed. Several times, Li Yang held it in his hand, and Chen Li was distressed to hold a pair of kings in his hand and lost the card.

"The losing shuffle."

Yuping threw away her cards in high spirits, hugged Li Yang's neck and kissed him to express her happiness. Unexpectedly, she was hugged by Li Yang and kissed him hard, with her palms reaching to his collar. It broke a button on the cheongsam.

"Come again."

Yuping, who had been kissing her all the time, was almost out of breath. Chen Li finally shuffled the cards. Yuping blushed and left Li Yang. She straightened her collar and started to play cards. However, her legs involuntarily moved toward Li Yang's arms. I pressed it tightly.

"Three sevens..."


The Landlord fight continued in circles, and except for going to the toilet from time to time, the three of them did not move.

They didn't stop until it got dark and it was time for dinner. Chen Li ran over to make dinner. Only Li Yang and Yuping were left in the living room.

Li Yang glanced at Yuping's neck and let out a light sigh.

"What's wrong?"

When Yuping saw Li Yang looking at her neck, her lips were slightly pursed, her face was rosy, and her eyes were moist, she looked at him and asked. When she saw Li Yang said that there seemed to be something, she immediately raised her light body and hugged Li Yang with both hands. She sat in his arms and asked him to look closer: "What's wrong?"

"Well, I smell it. There's a fragrance on your neck."

Li Yang was particularly greedy for soft spots. Yuping did not sit down firmly, but raised her buttocks slightly to facilitate Li Yang. After hearing Li Yang's sudden words in front of her, she looked at him with an embarrassed face and moist eyes. : "Then you should smell it well."

"Not only can I smell, but I can also massage with my hands. Yuping, would you like to experience it?"

While Li Yang was talking, Yu Ping's cheongsam was already being messed up. She nodded with a blushing face: "I didn't expect you to know how to massage..."


After chatting and enjoying Li Yang's massage skills, Chen Li prepared the meal and served it after a while.

When the food was served, Yuping had already changed into a pair of loose pajamas. When the food was served and ready to eat, she invited Li Yang to eat with her. However, she and Chen Li usually only ate at home, so there were only two people nearby. She didn't know what happened to the chair. When the three of them didn't know how to sit, Li Yang grabbed her waist and sat down in Li Yang's arms.

When he realized this, he had already started eating. He lowered his head slightly and sat in Li Yang's arms as if he didn't care. He lowered his head and picked up the vegetables. The first chopstick was given to Li Yang first.

"Brother Li Yang, I haven't seen you in the past few years. This is a rare visit. If you are not busy, you will have to stay here for a few days."

Chen Li took the initiative to pour a glass of high-end red wine for Li Yang, and then poured a glass for Yuping, who was sitting on Li Yang's lap with a blushing face. After filling it for himself, he sincerely raised his glass to Li Yang and said, "For your sake." Enjoy your stay with me, I respect you.”

Li Yang brought back a lot of Life Extension Potion No. 3 before. He didn't take away many of these potions. Most of them were handed over to intelligent judgment processing to determine what kind of people they should use.

Now, not only Li Yang's women, but also those who have made important contributions to human development and those who have played an important and positive role in society have received the use of life-extending potions. Basically, they are all people with perfect moral character.

The reason why Chen Li was able to get the injection of Life Extension Potion No. 3 and get such an opportunity was actually because the robot judged that his existence had a little amusement effect on Li Yang...

"Hey, isn't this busy? But I still have time to play here for two days."

Li Yang smiled and raised his glass and took a sip with him. When he put down the glass, he looked at Yuping, who was sitting in his arms with a delicate and beautiful face. He kissed her smooth left cheek. Yuping's cheeks turned red and her eyes turned red. Looking back at him with watery eyes.

"After dinner, I will definitely have fun, have fun, haha."

Li Yang opened his mouth with a big smile on his face. After hearing this, Chen Li happily served him some food, and then carefully chatted with Li Yang about topics all over the world.

Yuping's face turned red as she felt the squeaky stick against her back. She did not take it away in disgust, but sat inside, took the stick in, and sat firmly in Li Yang's arms, raising her head to participate from time to time. Talking about Li Yang's topic, he sat tightly in Li Yang's arms and ate his meal.

This pleasant welcome dinner ended after an hour. Chen Li went to clean up the dishes. Yuping went to take a shower first. Li Yang went to another bathroom to wash. After a while, Chen Li finished cleaning up the dishes and went home. The third bathroom is for bathing.

After a while, Li Yang came out of the shower first, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window in his bathrobe, looked at the city under the night sky, breathed softly, and his heart gradually became peaceful.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

As he was looking at the starry sky in ecstasy, his waist was hugged from behind, and a soft touch came from behind. Li Yang looked back and saw Yuping, who had just finished taking a bath, actively hugging his waist from behind, with her close-fitting pajamas open. Huai's delicate face was smiling, and her eyes were as tender as water as she looked at him.

"There is some pressure."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and he turned his back to the floor-to-ceiling window. Yuping immediately let go, raised her white neck, took a deep breath and looked at him in a daze.

Li Yang curled his lips slightly, stretched out his hand to caress the Jiong body slightly, held it in his arms, strode to the bedroom, and covered the two of them tightly with the quilt.

The next moment, the quilt was undulating.


More than ten minutes later, Chen Li came out of the shower. When he came to the bedroom, he saw Li Yang's feet exposed from the foot of the bed. Yu Ping's beautiful head on the bedside with her eyes closed was exposed from the quilt. Her beautiful cheeks were full of Red, his brows are furrowed, and his mouth is breathing hot.

Chen Li suddenly stopped and ran to the living room to watch TV.




[Wang Qiang: Brother Li, I haven’t seen you for several years. I really miss you. I have found a few girls these days. They are all 16 or 17 years old. They are very tender. I want to meet you. Let’s have a meal and play for a while. Do you think you will be free when? 】

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