My world double door

Chapter 358 Meeting

"Having been in one place for a long time, they have become proficient in the qi of heaven and earth within the scope of our city, and have a detailed grasp of it. Only such people can detect the traces of the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] traitor."

"According to the divination method, the [Xuanyin Corpse Sect] traitor Zhang Xuanjin probably passed through here within the city limits of our mansion, where Brother Wen Tianli and Brother Pang Xingsheng are seated. Our divination method The position that can be deduced can only be accurate to this point, so both I and Brother Wen Tianli and Brother Pang Xingsheng have to be involved in this matter."

In the room, Feng Deng explained aloud to Li Yang, and then asked carefully: "Senior, you might as well meet with them. Let's renegotiate in person how to deal with this person in the future, and then wait for the fish to come in." How about an urn, so as not to be in vain?”

"This is as it should be. After all, I was the one who intervened later. I greeted several fellow Taoists in advance to get to know each other, so that things can be done."

Li Yang smiled and nodded, naturally having no objection.

Hearing Li Yang's promise, Feng Deng immediately showed a smile on his face. He first asked Li Yang for his opinion, and then informed Wen Tianli and Pang Xingsheng that a senior with golden elixir strength had come here to help them. Capture the traitor of the [Xuan Yin Corpse Sect], then the senior will be the main attacker, and I will assist, and everything will be successful in one fell swoop.

The seniors suddenly came in and felt that they should meet with us first to discuss it, and wanted to invite them to meet at Fengdeng Mansion the next day.

After the news was spread, Feng Deng entertained Li Yang with a smile.


Wen Tianli's Mansion, the City Lord's Mansion, is also the residence of Wen Tianli.

Clouds composed of Yunxia essence are floating in Wen Tianli's mansion where the method of Qiankun has been applied. The entire mansion is covered with several formations. Not to mention defense against the enemy, there are Qingxin, Jingqi, It has the effect of driving away evil spirits, removing impurities, and gathering Qi.

This gathering of energy is not simply a gathering of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The mighty energy of sun and fire in the sky is gathered into clouds of fire. The pure power of moonlight at night is gathered into clouds and frost, and the five elements of heaven and earth are gathered together. The Qi gathered into colorful auspicious clouds and floated in the mansion. The entire mansion was so colorful.

In addition to the auspicious clouds of spiritual energy, there are also spiritual trees, spiritual medicines, spiritual flowers, and spiritual grasses growing in the courtyard of the mansion. They are nourished by various clouds and clouds and grow vigorously.

There are man-made hills and man-made groves, and the servants coming and going are not cultivators. The courtyard of the mansion alone is ten thousand acres wide.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a high white jade tower filled with the essence of clouds and clouds. In the white jade tower, there are pieces of magical artifacts that shine with spiritual light. Some are in the shape of gourds, some in the shape of bowls, and some in the shape of wishful thinking, flying swords, etc. , flying knife shape, bell shape, small tower shape and so on.

At the top of the White Jade Pagoda, a Taoist with a ruddy complexion wearing a green robe sat cross-legged on a futon made of refined clouds. As Fengdeng's communication talisman came in, the Taoist's eyes suddenly opened.

"Seniors of the Jindan level intervened?"

Feeling the message from Feng Deng, Wen Tianli narrowed his eyes, then thought about it in his mind, and after a moment, he shook his head slightly and threw out a communication talisman to send a message to Feng Deng.

"Since the senior is coming to help, Wen Tianli will naturally welcome him. The banquet will be held the day after tomorrow."


To the east of Wen Tianli Mansion and Fengdeng Mansion, another palace in the formation area is Pang Xingsheng Mansion, another peak foundation-building monk who cooperated with Fengdeng and Wen Tianli this time.

Pang Xing was born with ordinary Wen Tianli and was already at the peak of his foundation building. Although he had never obtained the golden elixir over the years, his wealth accumulated was still very rich, which was comparable to his prosperity when he was still on the rise.

The powerful space-opening formation exists alone, expanding the space inside the mansion that only occupies a hundred acres on the outside by more than a thousand times.

Inside, there are spiritual herbs and elixirs all over, and several kinds of spiritual roots of heaven and earth are planted. The green energy of Yimu gathers, and vitality blooms in the courtyard. A huge alchemy furnace is located in the center of the entire courtyard.

The openings in the mouth and nose of the Danluo reveal all kinds of inspirations, and the qi released by the spiritual roots of the heaven and earth of the various elixirs and herbs around it are mobilized and regulated by it, so that the growth environment reaches the most suitable level, and the growth is excellent.

And at the elixir outlet below the elixir furnace, elixir pills are produced every day by the elixir furnace absorbing the essence of the spiritual roots of the spiritual herbs and elixirs and refining them. The servants in short jackets were smiling. taken away.

In the huge courtyard, there is a place where spiritual trees are densely packed. One of the big trees is a hundred feet high, and the tree is extremely thick. A Taoist with a long beard, a delicate face, but half-white beard and hair opened from it. Eye.

"Hmph, what a shameless Jin Dan combat power. We have been preparing for several years just for this moment, but he wants to step in and enjoy the blessings for nothing."

Feeling the message from Fengdeng, Pang Xingsheng frowned and snorted heavily from the wings of his nose.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up and walked back and forth by the roots of the tree. After a moment, he sighed quietly and silently took out a communication talisman from the Qiankun bag.

"Pang Xingsheng is very happy to have the golden elixir to help. Today, the elixir will be released, and he will go to the banquet with gifts the day after tomorrow."


Replies from Wen Tianli and Pang Xingsheng came one by one. Although they had expected it, Fengdeng still breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them had unwisely exploded their tempers and were worried about being dirty with Li Yang, who had reached the golden elixir. dissipate.

He immediately prepared a banquet for four people while also adjusting his state.

What made him feel much more relaxed was that Li Yang didn't ask him to entertain him. He just found some exercises and spells that could be taught to others and went back to the quiet room to learn on his own. All the collected techniques were lent to Li Yang for him to comprehend.

In this way, Fengdeng felt much more relaxed and no longer had to worry about serving this master.

The most important things he has learned are the secrets of the sect. Although the other things are considered precious compared to ordinary people, to Li Yang, they are nothing. If he can win a future Nascent Soul If the True Lord is friendly, he will naturally be willing to teach.

In this way, the time came to the appointed day in the blink of an eye. In the early morning of this day, the sun was shining high, and two figures rode the auspicious clouds together and flew to the sky on the spiritual crane. They fell from outside Fengdeng's mansion and walked into the courtyard under Fengdeng's guidance. I saw Li Yang in the living room.

"Senior, this is Taoist Fellow Wen Tianli that I told you about. He is very skilled in refining weapons. This is Fellow Taoist Pang Xingsheng who is especially good at refining elixirs."

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