My world double door

Chapter 361 Confusing the real with the fake

With one's own strength as the basis, almost endless means can be extended through various methods such as thinking, visualization, operation, and borrowing the power of heaven and earth from the outside.

However, even if the means are endless, they still cannot be separated from the foundation. For example, Wen Tianli practices the Way of Yunxia. He can not only use the power of Yunxia to refine magic weapons in mysterious ways, but also use the power of Yunxia to refine unique formations. , even his own magic power is subject to many changes, but no matter what kind of change it is, the root is still his power of clouds, and all means come from his power of clouds.

Without the power of Yunxia, ​​the effects of all methods would be greatly reduced, and they would change from being mysterious and extraordinary to being a luxuriant and useless thing.

In the attic, Li Yang, who was sitting cross-legged, received Fengdeng's jade piece and absorbed the information contained in it. When he understood and digested it, he had mastered a method of [virtual refining method] in his heart, which could be used without relying on physical objects. Refining the formation directly based on the strength you have cultivated.

At the same time, there is also the [Yunxia Vientiane Picture] visualization diagram just mentioned by Wen Tianli. I understand the mystery of visualization and contemplation. In addition to understanding and digesting it in my heart, I also understand the mysterious methods of the other side of this world.

"Every change remains true to its roots."

A flash of thought flashed in Li Yang's eyes, and then he toasted to Feng Deng with a smile on his face.

"No, no, in the future, seniors will have to rely on seniors to take care of them once they enter Taoism."

Seeing Li Yang's actions, Feng Deng said with a smile on his face. As soon as he said this, Pang Xingsheng, who was always smiling, suddenly woke up and heightened the atmosphere even more eagerly.

Everyone chatted with laughter for several hours. Pang Xingsheng and Wen Tianli had to go back to the city to sense the energy of heaven and earth to prevent the duck they had obtained from escaping, so they left.

Li Yang, on the other hand, was still enthusiastically stayed in the mansion by Feng Deng, comprehending various new methods of cultivating immortals, sitting quietly and practicing, waiting for the opportunity.

Fengdeng would make a divination every morning and evening, and spend the rest of the time transporting mana, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, and waiting for the opportunity.

In this way, several months passed quietly.

At noon that day, Feng Deng, who was smiling and accompanying Li Yang to eat, suddenly paused, and the next moment his eyes suddenly burst into light.

Li Yang, who was sitting opposite, raised his eyebrows and looked up at him.


Almost at the same moment, the talisman around Fengdeng's waist suddenly trembled, and the talismans from Wen Tianli Mansion and Pang Xingsheng Mansion burst out with a gleaming light.

"Senior Li Yang, there is a change in the energy in the mansion, and the target may be here!"

Feng Deng's eyes flickered, but the next moment he frowned fiercely: "No, why does this Qi machine have so many strands?"

"Bring all your preparations and go see them one by one as planned."

Li Yang frowned and stood up proactively: "Tell me the location and go look at them one by one."

Over the past few days, they have already made plans to deal with various situations. Although it is a bit surprising that this person has several qi energy, it is not that they have not considered it and have made sufficient plans, so they Although he was surprised, he was not panicked.


Although Li Yang has relatively little knowledge in spiritual practice, as his strength has been demonstrated over the past few days, he has already gained a higher dominant position in Feng Deng's heart. Listening to what he said, Feng Deng nodded repeatedly, and then his heart moved, and he continued to perform several strands. The message was conveyed by him with the power of his soul, and then he stood up with a storage bag, and his body suddenly flew into the air.

Li Yang moved slightly and cast an invisibility magic on himself. Then he moved and flew to a certain place like an arrow from a string.


A roar erupted in the air, but was quickly silenced by Li Yang using his own magic power. His speed did not slow down at all, and he reached an aura location in an instant with a terrifying degree.

[Qi-gazing] [Magic Eye] [Magnetic Field Sensing] [Super Vision]

Several super-strong senses from different aspects immediately sensed the wisp of qi in front of him that was different from the scope of this mansion. Li Yang couldn't help but squint his eyes.

The other party's concealment method is very clever. If Feng Deng and others hadn't been here for so long that they knew every ray of energy in the world, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to find him standing in front of this ray of energy. .

But now that he already knew it, after informing Li Yang of this unique qi message through the method of "empathy and understanding", Li Yang was naturally able to locate the opponent's physical presence.

Under [Qi-Wang Technique], he is no different from a perfect foundation-building monk.

A powerful aura can be sensed under the [Magic Eye].

There is nothing in [Super Vision].

But... in [Magnetic Field Induction], this is...


The terrifying magnetic field force exploded, and the [thing] that exuded the aura of the foundation-building three-yuan monk emerged from the invisible, revealing a struggling zombie figure.


Li Yang frowned and looked at this zombie that exuded the aura of the Three Elements of Foundation Building, but actually only had the strength of Qi Refining level. His heart moved, and the force of the magnetic field immediately crushed him to death. The next moment, he communicated with Feng Deng and the other three through the communication talisman, informing him The aura situation in this place, the figure suddenly flew out to the next place wrapped by the power of the magnetic field.

"You are really careful. This kind of method is enough to hide from most monks, but you still create so many fake bodies."

The figure appeared like lightning in another place where the Qi machine was located. The magnetic field force exploded and killed another small zombie hidden in it. Li Yang's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and an idea couldn't help but arise in his heart.

Could it be that the other party wouldn't have passed by here?

"Whether they come or not, just kill them one by one."

Li Yang thought in his mind that a total of nine abnormal auras were found in the three areas. He had solved two of them in lightning speed. In addition, judging from the messages sent from the communication talisman on his waist, Fengdeng and the other three were also reminded by him. After destroying the things in this method, there are only four paths left.

The three people communicated through the [Communication Talisman], and the qi machine that each person was responsible for was determined as fast as lightning. Li Yang's body flashed with lightning, and he appeared in front of a qi machine in an instant. Under the induction of the magnetic field force, there was another... A zombie corpse.

"Fake the real thing?"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Yang suddenly rushed towards the nearest Wen Tianli. His body speed was too fast. Even if he set an abnormal Qi point first, he didn't see Wen Tianli standing in the clouds until he arrived. Come in shape.

The power of the magnetic field was used without hesitation, and a black energy was emitted, but there was nothing.

"It turned out to be transformed by You Sha."

Wen Tianli, who had just arrived, spoke with surprise in his eyes.

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