My world double door

Chapter 373 Refining Thunder

The world of immortality is shaken by Thunder Valley.


Thick thunderbolts descended from the sky carrying terrifying thunder power. A world of thunder seemed to be formed in the wide valley, and thunderbolts crisscrossed the entire valley like chains.

In such a terrifying area, except for a few monks who practice thunder magic and some thunder spirit beasts, there are no traces of other biological activities.

And today, another creature entered it.

"What a powerful thunder element."

Li Yang's body was shrouded in thunder light, and he boldly entered the world of thunder. As soon as he entered, he felt the abundant thunder elements in it. He couldn't help but gleam in his eyes and sigh in his heart.

As expected of the world of immortality, the thunder element alone is far more powerful than the magic world.

"At least ten times stronger than the thunder element in the magical world."

While sighing in his heart, Li Yang did not sit idle, but directly got into the sea of ​​thunder and began to wantonly absorb the thunder elements raging around him.


Abundant thunder elements were continuously absorbed into his body, and the continuous influx of thunder elements automatically formed a thunder shield on his body surface, while inside his body there were even more turbulent changes.

After the thunder element entered the body, it surged so violently that in just half a day, Li Yang had to stop this crazy absorption and refining.


Li Yang let out a long breath of turbid air, a flash of lightning appeared in Li Yang's eyes, and when he moved his body, he made a sizzling electric sound.

"The thunder element is too abundant and powerful, so you have to rest first and gradually proceed."

Li Yang felt the discomfort and stiffness in his body caused by absorbing too much thunder elements in a short period of time. He silently stopped absorbing the thunder elements, then moved his body and came to a place where he seemed to be struck by the power of thunder. In the mountains as hard as iron.

"In the mountains here, the stones have experienced tens of millions of years of being beaten by the power of thunder. If you pick out any piece, it can be used as a weapon or formation material. Even the surviving plants and trees are all exotic flowers related to thunder. Grass."

Li Yang felt the power of the mountain in front of him and admired in his heart. However, he kept using his magic power to carve out a cave in the mountain. Then he entered the cave with a movement of his body. He waved his hand again and the cave was sealed. From the outside, there is no hint of a cave hidden here.

When he came to Thunder Valley, Li Yang had two purposes: the first was to use the surging thunder elements here to transform his own thunder magic, and the second was to use the thunder energy generated by the thunder power to refine it. Pure yang magic weapon.

Now that he has absorbed almost all the power of thunder, he needs to rest, so he just takes advantage of the rest time to start refining the pure Yang magic weapon.

"The yang energy here is generated by the raging power of thunder. It is most suitable for monks like me who possess the power of thunder."

Li Yang's heart moved, and he took out the pure yang magic material from the [Qiankun Bag]. The magic power in his body moved the pure yang magic material into the palm of his hand. He smiled secretly in his heart. Based on his estimation, he borrowed the thunderous yang energy here to refine his life. The magic weapon in his hands can at least exert 1.3 times the power of a pure Yang magic weapon refined under normal Yang energy.

Sometimes, this small 1.3 times difference is the key to victory or defeat.

"One drink and one peck will count the days."

Li Yang thought about his decisive decision to cultivate the power of thunder in the magic world, and the 30% extra power he had gained by borrowing the power of thunder sun to refine his own magic weapon. He was secretly satisfied in his heart. He then thought about it and looked at the surrounding environment. As soon as he moved, a formation immediately enveloped the cave.

Once the formation was completed, the entire cave within a kilometer was immediately cleared, as if the filth had been swept away, and the entire area had a clean state. At the same time, a layer of khaki elemental shield was also formed in the cave, and the glow was extremely hard.

But it is a set of [Earth Forbidden Array] based on the formation of the world of immortality and adding the earth element magic forbidden spell. It is a formation that gathers the power of the earth element of the earth to form the pressure of tens of thousands of mountains to act on any foreign objects. At the same time, it can also form A layer of earth elemental protective shield protects the monks from infringement, and fixes the earth and mountains around them to prevent them from collapsing and damaging the mountains due to some big movements, which will destroy their own practice.

Moreover, the surrounding earth elements are cleansed by this array, and any creature entering it will cause the person holding the array to feel abnormality and react.

It is a comprehensive formation that integrates attack and defense assistance, and is quite easy to use.

Although in fact the thunder formation formed by the thunder magic forbidden spell is the most powerful among Li Yang's formations, the power of thunder is raging here, and those who can enter it must have achieved something in the way of thunder, so Li Yang's Only then did he change his mind and instead of laying out the thunder formation, he set up this earth element formation.

However, this set of formations was somewhat ineffective. Li Yang then deployed a set of [World-Destroying Fire Sea Formation] with the fire element forbidden spell as the core for defense, and then he felt satisfied. , then he thought in his mind, and the knowledge of formations shone in his heart, and soon a formation was slowly arranged by him.

This formation is quite strange. It uses no real objects, but wisps of 'Thunder Yang Qi'.

But seeing Li Yang move his palm lightly, wisps of thunder cloud essence containing rich yang energy were absorbed by him during the operation of magic power. Then the magic formula changed and the thunder cloud essence turned into flags and scattered in all directions. After a while, The formation was formed by continuously absorbing streams of thunderous yang energy from the thunderclouds in the sky outside the mountain and directing it into the cave, causing the entire cave to quickly become brighter. The abundant yang energy made the place feel purple. circulation.

Astonishingly, it was a set of Yang Qi gathering formations based on the Yunxia visualization diagram and the virtual refining method taught by Wen Tianli. It was specially refined to assist in refining the pure Yang natal magic weapon.

"Let me call you [Thunder Cloud Huiyang Formation]."

Li Yang looked at his first masterpiece with satisfaction, then thought about it and visualized the visualization picture again in his mind. Then he moved his palm, and wisps of thunder cloud essence containing thunder and fire were continuously collected by him. , refined the thunder flag with magic formula, and the thunder fire faintly circulated between the gathering, and finally formed the thunder flag formed by the essence of nine thunder clouds.

With a wave of his hand, nine thunder cloud essences were immediately and evenly distributed in the cave, leading and gathering the thunder fire from the sky, forming a purple thunder flame in front of Li Yang.

Looking at this purple thunder fire, Li Yang nodded secretly with satisfaction.

Everything needed to refine the natal magic weapon is extraordinary. Using thunder fire and Yang Qi as fuel and supplement is a good choice.

But... just these are not enough.

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