My world double door

Chapter 389 Betting

Magical world.

The immortal true demons were fought hard by the immortals, and the thunder mages traveled across the world, harvesting the lives of powerful true demons.

The wars all over the world lasted for a full ten years, but it did not end as people expected. One after another, real demons continued to emerge from the abyss against common sense, even though the Thunder Mages roamed the world and continued to kill. It doesn't help that there are always new demons emerging from the abyss.

What's even more terrible is that the monster above the elves did not disappear when ten years came as predicted by the spirit of the world. Instead, it still stood in the sky, and became even more powerful.

The monster's dark eyes seemed to be alive and swept around the entire world with vigilance. It seemed to have no interest in other local creatures. Even though the territory below was the territory of the elves, it had no intention of destroying it. It just Constantly looking for something.

And the scary thing is, everyone knows who it's looking for.

"The Spirit of the World was deceived. Li Yang received false information before he left. Now ten years have passed. If he comes back, will he still have a chance to escape?"

In the Elf Palace, Gu Chen's figure appeared again with a tired look. He looked up at the monster in the sky, his eyes full of solemn expressions.

"The Dark Sky deliberately deceived the spirit of the world and made it make wrong decisions. The first time he made a sudden attack, Li Yang used strange means to escape. Now this second time he deliberately set up such a trap, obviously to lure him out. ,One hit kill."

The Elf Queen slowly shook her head, her eyes revealing fatigue: "Li Yang must have something special that none of us can understand. Even this specialness can cause Dark Sky to covet and even fear him, and he wants to get rid of it quickly, otherwise , absolutely will not react like this on purpose for him - if Dark Sky just simply wants to destroy the world, I think he has the power."

The Elf Queen spoke quietly, and what she said was very heavy, but people had to believe it, because that was what happened: "Under such an arrangement, when Li Yang appears again, can he still escape the attack of the dark sky? Who can I don’t know either.”

"Li Yang is our only hope. I hope nothing happens to him."

Gu Chen spoke silently, then looked closely at the monster in the sky, and sighed: "This monster is so powerful, I don't dare to use the power of thunder in front of it now, so let me sit here next, Just wait for the follow-up.”

The elves are different from other races. The sacred tree of life they rely on does not belong to the elves in a sense, but is the core sacred tree of the entire world. In any case, this treasure cannot be lost, because it may represent them. The strongest resistance.

Although the Divine Tree of Life is a tree, it possesses extremely powerful power. This is far beyond the limit of the three powers, and even far beyond the limit of the Thunder Mage. However, it has not yet given birth to a clear consciousness, only an instinct. This is why the Elf Kings of the Elf Race need to be connected with its aura to help its growth. At the same time, they are also observing and understanding the state of the Divine Tree of Life to make full use of its power.

Until now, the immortal power in the abyss is still endless, but it is far less terrifying than the initial outbreak. Although there are many immortal monsters that have reappeared, they are far less than the immortals in the native world. In addition, there are There are many immortal perfection level thunder mages here, it is useless even if they come out.

In this way, in comparison, Gu Chen's role here is more important than on the battlefield. At least it can make other immortals feel at ease.

"All we can do now is wait..."

The Elf Queen looked at the monsters in the sky and spoke in a faint tone, with a strong sense of powerlessness in her voice.

Gu Chen could only remain silent.

"The spirit of the world is becoming more and more restless, and there is even a sense of weakness... Is this world really going to end?"

The Elf Queen raised her hand to feel the spirit of the world surrounding her, with a deep sense of confusion in her voice.

What kind of enemy could make the world collapse like this?

And before Li Yang came, no one could answer her.

While waiting in despair and anxiety, time gradually passed, and the monster in the sky never disappeared. However, what made them all relieved was that Li Yang also did not show up.




In the endless darkness, the innate sea of ​​​​air was surging endlessly. A figure shrouded in black robes was illuminated by a gray and chaotic light that was like the beginning of all things. It remained motionless.

Looking carefully, his body was already stiff and unable to move under the illumination of this light, only his spiritual thoughts could still move slightly.

"The consequences of starting without careful erosion are really terrible. This subconscious mind has such power just after it appears. If it is fully gestated in the future, the three realms will be unified, how terrible it will be..."

The Demon Ancestor felt that because he had rashly attacked the Heavenly Dao of a world, causing the light of the avenue to shine, almost all the power of his cultivation was completely immobilized, and now he could only rely on a ray of divine thought activity that was sent out in advance. He couldn't help but feel in his heart. Frightened and greedy at the same time.

"If such a prototype of a great avenue is obtained by me and integrated into my body, then my demonic path will definitely be achieved!"

With such a thought flashing through his mind, the demon looked at his Moyun Umbrella and saw that its demonic light was dim, and he couldn't help but feel a little condensed in his heart.

Even his natal magic weapon, the Moyun Umbrella, which has grown to the level of a world spiritual treasure, is unable to fight back under the light of this world. Even he himself is stagnant in cultivation under the light of this great avenue, and his heart It became even more solemn.

His eyes looked at the most powerful true world shining on one side, the world of immortality. He could feel that there must have been many great powers in this world. It was just a coincidence that he came at the same time that the last ascended person brought the world with him. Many ascendants within the group uprooted their homes and ascended together. Among the remaining monks, there were no monks in the ascension realm, and the strongest ones were only in the Hedao realm.

After many years of secretly following the qi machine and using the power of the devil, he killed several talented people who were expected to break through to the ascension realm. However, when he was about to use various means to start to encroach on them step by step, he did not expect that the remaining Hedao realm would actually be destroyed. They discovered him alertly, and were able to form a large formation to fight against him with the help of the handwriting left by the previous powerful ones.

It's just that the Hedao realm is the Hedao realm after all. Even with the help of the previous great masters, how can he be the opponent of a monk who has truly ascended to the peak of the realm? After countless years, he has not only set up impossible to survive [ The Heavenly Tribulation of Transforming Gods] makes it impossible for monks in this world to break through from the realm of transforming gods to the realm of Hedao.

He also set up natural barriers one by one for the other two worlds bred by the Immortal Cultivation World, preventing them from even being able to produce Nascent Soul-level combat capabilities. If it weren't for the existence of a sacred tree in the magical world, I'm afraid he would have set up The chasm will be even stronger, and even the Sea of ​​Thunder will be completely deprived by him, and the peak power of the Thunder Mage will never be born again.

Even if he were not afraid of the power of the Sun Immortal Lord, he would dare to swallow the suns in these worlds. However, the strength of the Sun Immortal Lord is too terrifying. Although the suns in each world look ordinary, if he If he really uses the power of the demon cultivator to devour the sun, he is afraid that the terrifying real sun fire will fall from the void in an instant and burn him directly to ashes.

As for the power of thunder, with the death of the great God of Thunder, there has been no Immortal Lord to succeed him for a long time, so he can touch it.

"With my current strength, it is risky to rashly suppress this heavenly path that contains the divine tree, but as long as I get that ray of escape, no matter how big the risk is, it is worth it."

The demon looked at the avenue above his head, thinking of Dun Yi who was separated from Tiandao, and couldn't help but feel a flash of fire.

The prototype of the avenue as a whole is too terrifying, and he is completely unable to attack it. Even if he attacks the three worlds, it is a bit reluctant, but...his purpose, or in other words, the way he wants has never been through this method. Devour the prototype of the great avenue that was born.

His initial goal was to force out the [Dun Yi] that was born from the Dao. Although [Dun Yi] has been separated from the Dao, it is not the whole of the Dao, and does not have the unique power of the Dao, but it has its own Unique power: Discover vitality.

He can't do anything about the Dao as a whole, but there is still a way to deal with the small [Dun Yi] that has escaped. As long as he gets [Dun Yi] and refines it, he can use the power of [Dun Yi] to Little by little, we are approaching the avenue and encroaching on it.

At that time, like the world of science and technology, why should he continue to wait? When it has been eroded by him like this, he can swallow the world in one bite.

Another example is the magical world. Even if there is a sacred tree of life, he can swallow it up with his own strength. Even in the world of immortality, if there are no [immortals] who have ascended, as he continues to absorb the great avenue, he will eventually be able to devour it. It will become his treasure.

By then, after absorbing such a great way and the true world, he will also be a demon king after becoming a demon!

Even in the supreme immortal world, he will have a great reputation.

Now, with the step-by-step implementation of the plan, after countless years, he finally succeeded in forcing the [Dun Yi] to be separated from Dao - Dao had to be separated, because with his erosion, the future At some point, he will definitely be able to destroy the three worlds, and by then, even if he fails to succeed, the avenue will be useless.

Why, because he is really determined to die, either he dies or the avenue dies. If he cannot become a demon, then let this prototype of the avenue be buried with him.

He is in the Ascension Realm and has an extremely long life span. No monk in the three worlds can break through to the advanced realm under his restrictions. And among those Hedao monks, which one can live as long as him?

As a great demon who has ascended to the pinnacle, he will not die even if the divine tree of life withers.

By that time, after all the senior monks have been beaten to death, he will have more means to manipulate the three true worlds. Even a powerful true world such as the world of cultivating immortals will inevitably eliminate demons and increase. By then, the prototype of the great avenue will be completely There is no chance of successful condensation.

Therefore, he really wants to do this, and only such a firm and true thought can threaten Dao. In order to survive, Dao will inevitably release [Escape] to find a chance to survive, and this is his chance.

Now, with his efforts, [Dun Yi] was forced out, and his spirit was even more invigorated. He used various methods to lure this [Dun Yi] to appear, but he didn't expect that the first time he made a move, he actually missed, causing the [Dun Yi] to appear. Escaped.

Moreover, he didn't know where the boy who was inhabited by [Dun Yi] had gone. With such a powerful cultivation level, he couldn't even feel it at all, so he could only wait.

But the Demon Ancestor has never been one to sit back and wait for death. This time, he did not hesitate to attract the prototype of the avenue to attack him, but also to confuse the magical world, allowing it to send the wrong message to the boy in an instant. At the same time, he was also ready with more powerful power, as long as the other party If you can appear, you will definitely not be able to escape from his grasp!

The light of the great avenue in ten years was certainly terrifying, but with his cultivation, it was enough to sustain him for eleven and a half years.

In such a critical situation in the magical world, he didn't believe that this boy who had received so many benefits in the magical world and knew that he was such a huge threat could endure it?

In this way, the Demon Ancestor, who became increasingly stiff under the light of the great avenue, waited for ten years.

His body became stiffer and stiffer, but...Li Yang didn't come!

‘Does this kid really want to give up on this world? ’

‘No way, it must be paranoia. ’

‘Keep holding on, hold on. ’

The demons were carrying the terrifying attack of the great avenue, and their hearts froze for a moment. Then they gritted their teeth and continued to endure the light of the great avenue silently. At the same time, they sent out a little more of the few spiritual thoughts they could use, making the body While almost silent, he intensified his actions towards the magical world.

But this persistence lasted for more than a year...Li Yang still didn't come.

As for Demon Ancestor, he could no longer hold on under the light of the great avenue.

"Leave an attack, stop it..."

Feeling that he was almost stagnant, Demon Ancestor had to take back all the settings he had made in the magical world to capture Dunyi - [Dunyi] could appear many times, but in order to ensure that he could catch it, he could only choose to make it big once. Bet, otherwise, Dao Dunyi would not be so easy to catch.

If it was so easy to catch, he wouldn't have to take such a big risk and expend so much effort to make this arrangement.

After the thought of the Demon Ancestor flashed, all kinds of changes took place in an instant. In an instant, the Heavenly Dao in the magical world could operate normally, the power that blinded it disappeared, and the demonic clone that flew into the magical world also disappeared in an instant, leaving only a strong The seeds of magic spells are shining with magic light and remain in the sky, waiting for the emergence of that ray of energy.

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