My world double door

Chapter 400 I am the Holy Son

"There is actually a physique in this world that is so suitable for our sect's cultivation path."

In the Hehuan Sect, a figure with a vast aura opened his eyes like stars, and the figure of Li Yang who had stepped into the sect instantly appeared in his eyes. His eyes, which seemed to have the sun and the moon flowing around, saw everything in an instant. Then he closed his eyes again.

"This son should be our sect's holy son."

"Now that the Holy Son is born, our sect will prosper greatly."

"Pass my order and immediately make Li Yang the Holy Son of our sect!"

Vast spiritual thoughts spread rapidly among the monks with vast auras. Soon, all the monks in the [Hehuan Sect] received the oral instructions from the most senior and most powerful ancestor, and they all responded respectfully.

In the main hall of the Hehuan Sect, as Li Yang stepped into it, the sun's essence fell instantly, the moonlight surged from the ground, and the yin and yang breath floated. All the remaining monks in the Hehuan Sect gathered in an instant and bowed to Li Yang: "Welcome. The Son returns!"

"Fellow Taoist, come on, take this step forward and become the holy son of our sect!"

Chen Ding pulled Li Yang forward with a smile on his face. Li Yang subconsciously walked forward. The next moment, all the disciples bowed again: "I have seen the Holy Son of our sect!"




Become a saint son, obtain the position of Taoist son, and have a respected status, not under the sect leader.

All resources of a sect can be mobilized at will. If the Holy Son becomes enlightened, the sect will ascend to heaven; if the Holy Son is in trouble, the sect will be robbed.

Once he became the Holy Son, all kinds of treatment that the other disciples of the sect could not imagine swarmed in like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

First of all, it’s about practice: the sect’s top skills - [Dongzhenmiaoxuanjing] [Hunyuan Great Cave Sutra] [Yinyang Guizhendian]

The sect's magical power - [Love Tribulation] [All Desires Divine Light] [Peach Blossom Life] [Yin Yang Umbrella] [Yin and Yang True Body] [Yin and Yang Wonderful Divine Light] [Yin and Yang Great Mill] [Two Qi Divine Light] [Water and Fire Millstone] 【Yin Yang Thunder】

The sect’s magical method - [Two Qi Spiritual Eyes] [Two Instruments Pupil Technique] [Yin Yang Capture Hand] [Xuan Tian Yi Qi] [Nine Yang True Fire Palm] [Tai Xu Phantom Step] [Tai Yi God Arithmetic]...

[Dongzhenmiaoxuanjing] [Hunyuan Great Cave Sutra] [Yinyang Guizhendian] cannot be learned unless you are the master of the sect. Each of them is the top true method that directly points to Hedao.

After practicing to the realm of Hedao, you no longer need any skills. All accumulation depends on yourself, so even if there is no corresponding practice method, you can still continue to practice until you reach the ascension realm!

Therefore, if the world's Dharma can go all the way to the realm of "He Dao", it is already the top true Dharma.

[Hehuan Sect] With the help of many years of inheritance and the special skills of the sect, the special abilities of the sect disciples are deep in the sect and are extremely outstanding among the Yuanying sects. Although the sect has not had a disciple for a long time. Hedao and even Shenhua monks, but they do not lack core skills.

These four techniques are the top inheritance of [Hehuan Sect].

The ten great magical powers of the sect cannot be practiced by only the top true disciples and sect elders. Each of them is extremely precious. It is the guarantee for the sect's monks to practice in the Nascent Soul realm, and it is extremely precious.

Among them, the three most powerful ones are [Emotional Tribulation], [All-Desire Divine Light] and [Peach Blossom Life], and the most mysterious magical powers are only qualified for the master to practice and learn.

Many of the sect's wonderful techniques are all true secrets. In the end, only the top disciples of the inner sect are qualified to learn one or two, but like [Two Qi Spiritual Eyes] [Two Yi Eyes Technique] [Yin Yang Grappling Hand] [Xuan Tian Yi Qi] this The four superb skills must be learned from the real person in the end.

And among these methods, Li Yang can choose at will, learn at will, and practice at will!

In addition, on the highest peak of the main line, which is the richest spiritual energy in the Hehuan Sect and the center of the entanglement of yin and yang energy, there is also a palace for Li Yang, where he can stay permanently and enjoy the best in the entire [Hehuan Sect] resources of heaven and earth.

Li Yang can use the many magic weapons, spiritual weapons, magic weapons and even spiritual treasures in [Hehuan Sect] without owners at will.

Li Yang can take many elixirs in [Hehuan Sect] at will.

Li Yang can take away many materials in [Hehuan Sect] for his own use.

The entire sect regards him as the absolute center and performs all possible services.

For example, as the most important dual cultivator among the Hehuan Sect monks, you can choose at will among the sect!

"That is to say, from now on, no matter who it is in the sect, as long as it is a woman, I can get it if I want it, and I can play wherever I want, do whatever I want, how I want?"

[Hehuan Sect] On the main line, Li Yang, who has received three true techniques that directly reach the realm of Hedao, the ten great magical powers, and all the inheritance of various magical techniques in the sect, stood with his back and hands shining brightly. In the main hall, he asked Chen Ding beside him with bright eyes.

"Yes, for the monks of our sect, dual cultivators are also one of the most important resources. Except for a few dual cultivators who cannot be separated, all the women in the sect are your resources."

Chen Ding spoke affirmatively, his face flushed and he was very happy.

As a saint son like Li Yang, joining the sect is a huge benefit to the sect, and as the middleman who brings this benefit to the sect, he naturally benefits from it.

Apart from anything else, he can also learn the sect's magical powers!

He can also teach advanced immortal magic, second only to the three true magics!

He can also use the Yuanying resources within the sect.

Of course, while enjoying so many benefits, Chen Ding did not forget Fengdeng who brought Li Yang in the first place. However, the story of the Holy Son had not been publicized yet, so the sect unanimously decided to wait until Fengdeng came back before giving him the reward he deserved. He, and before that, it was better to keep it a secret.

And when will it be announced - it's very simple, when Li Yang is promoted to Nascent Soul.

They all believe that Li Yang, who has reached this stage, can achieve Yuanying by just flipping his hands, and it will definitely not be difficult. That's why they have the confidence to wait until Li Yang achieves Yuanying before announcing it to the outside world.

This certainly won't be a long time.

"If that's the case, that would be a bit embarrassing."

Hearing this, Li Yang tapped his fingers, with a hint of shyness on his face, and said with some embarrassment: "After all, if I fall in love with any Taoist monk, sect genius, or sect senior, I can't ignore their wishes. Do you want to force yourself to practice?"

As a shy big boy, Li Yang would definitely have trouble doing business if he encountered this kind of thing.

"Holy Son, you must not think so much. As the Taoist disciple of our sect, the Holy Son is bound to the Taoist destiny of our sect. As long as you alone can achieve Taoism, then our sect and the entire sect will receive great benefits. All the disciples of the sect will also benefit from it." If I understand this truth, how could I not be willing to help you practice?"

Chen Ding heard this and hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Whether it's the genius of the sect, the senior of the sect, or the deputy sect leader or elder of the sect, you can ask for whatever you want, be bold and ask for it!"

"Well, if that's the case, then I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obey."

Seeing that Chen Ding was resolute and that the entire sect seemed to be dominated by this consciousness, Li Yang immediately said with a smile, and then pondered for a moment or two: "I have taken these three spiritual treasures from the sect, and they will not affect the Is the sect functioning?"

[Liangyi Heart Mirror] [Xuanyang Heavy Water Shield] [Yinyang Two Qi Pot] is the newborn spiritual treasure with the highest potential among the three sects. It is precisely because of the newborn that it can be mastered by the golden elixir monks. After achieving Nascent Soul, it will grow in sync with the Lingbao and display stronger power.

Of the three, [Liangyi Heart Mirror] is a spiritual treasure that specifically protects the soul's state of mind. It has extremely powerful soul and mind protection and coordination capabilities. [Xuanyang Heavy Water Shield] is a spiritual treasure that protects the body, focusing on protecting the physical defense as well. Extremely powerful.

The [Yin and Yang Qi Pot] and even the offensive spirit treasure contain extremely powerful and terrifying Yin and Yang Qi. When it comes out, nothing will be eliminated, and when it is followed, it will be refined. No matter how it is used, it has great power.

And even the [Hehuan Sect] cannot have too many such spiritual treasures. In fact, these three magic treasures are already all the first-born spiritual treasures, and only some complete spiritual treasures are left.

However, these three spiritual treasures plus his own [Nine-story Xuanyang Tower] are enough. Now the [Nine-story Xuanyang Tower] integrated with human-like intelligence has already reached the level of spiritual treasures for the first time. Although it is powerful because of its background reasons, It may not be as powerful as these three spiritual treasures for the time being, but under the influence of Thunder Dragon, its potential is not only no worse than these three spiritual treasures, but even better than them.

Because [Thunder Dragon] can cultivate to the level of innate beings, it is possible for [Nine-Story Xuanyang Tower] to become an innate magic weapon by then!

For ordinary spiritual treasures, if they want to upgrade to innate magical treasures, the obstacles are too great. Unless there is a strong opportunity, it is impossible to achieve such a position.

"Holy Son, don't worry. Our sect still has many finished spiritual treasures in the backlog. It will not affect the practice of the sect disciples who are newly promoted to the Nascent Soul realm at all. You can use them with confidence and boldness."

After hearing what Li Yang said, Chen Ding said again.

"If that's the case, then it seems that this [Dust-falling Purifying Pill] is irrelevant?"

Li Yang then took out nine porcelain bottles, took out one of them, poured out a shining snow-white pill, and asked with a smile.

[Dust-falling Purification Pill] is the top elixir that Golden Pill monks can use. It can purify the power in the monk's body. No matter what kind of power it is, it can become more pure after taking this pill. It can be said to be extremely precious. Even the elders of the sect are rarely able to use it.

Now, he took out nine bottles.

"Although [Dust-falling Purifying Pill] is precious and rare, for the entire sect, there is no problem if the Holy Son only takes these nine bottles of pills."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Chen An shook his head and said seriously: "As the Taoist son of our sect, it is natural for the Holy Son to do whatever he wants. There is no need to feel guilty!"

"This way, I feel relieved."

Hearing this, Li Yang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes flashed: "I have learned so many wonderful methods for the first time and have so many elixirs and spiritual treasures. I need to practice hard and settle down. If anything happens, I'll call you you."

"I [Hehuan Sect] can go to any land where the saints want to go. If you have any needs, just tell me."

Chen Ding nodded, knowing that Li Yang would need time to prepare so many good things at the beginning, so he bowed and then disappeared into Li Yang's hall.

After Chen Ding left, Li Yang was left alone in the hall. He looked up at the sky, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

"[Hehuan Sect] Holy Son, this feels... really good."

With emotion in his heart, Li Yang's heart moved, and the complete steps and methods of practice from Qi refining to Hedao quietly emerged from his mind.

Among the three top true traditions of the [Hehuan Sect], the [Yin Yang Guizhen Canon] is clearly the most suitable method for his transformation and practice.

In a sense, [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] is like the introductory chapter and simplified version of [Yin Yang Gui Zhen Canon]. As long as you practice [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra], you can easily transform it into the cultivation of [Yin Yang Gui Zhen Canon].

After transformation, not only can the practitioner's magic power be ten times stronger, but the quality will also achieve a qualitative leap.

At the same time, it is also accompanied by various mysterious methods, the most core of which is - [Yin Yang True Seed]

[Yin-Yang True Seed] is a mysterious method that can only be practiced after practicing [Yin-Yang Return to True Canon] and reaching the golden elixir realm. This method can use your own magic power to condense the Tao [True Seed]

Planting the [True Seed] on each cauldron will help each other. If the gap between the cauldron and herself is too large, the strength of the cauldron will be quickly increased to help her reach a relatively high level, and as the As the major practitioners make breakthroughs, the cauldron's cultivation will also continue to make breakthroughs.

At the same time, the cultivation efficiency of each cauldron planted with [True Seed] will be directly blessed on the main practitioner. In other words, the cultivation of these cauldrons is equivalent to Li Yang's own cultivation, and their cultivation effects will be carried out simultaneously. On Li Yang.

As many [genuine cauldrons] as there are Li Yang himself can receive as many cultivation blessings!

Moreover, [Zhenzhong Cauldron] is divided into Yin and Yang types, Yin types of Taoist companions, and Yang types of subordinates. As long as you have enough people, your own cultivation will increase at an incredible speed.

Moreover, all those who hold the [True Seed] will be loyal to the major cultivator and will never have any intention of betrayal.

But in the same way, as cauldrons, they also gained something from their efforts - one day when Li Yang attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven, all of them can ascend to heaven together!

"What a rare and wonderful method."

Li Yang felt the mystery of this true method, and there was a hint of brilliance in his eyes. Then he sat down cross-legged. On the one hand, he transformed his cultivation level to understand this true method first, and on the other hand, he practiced the three newly obtained items. Spiritual weapon.

After taking a [Chen-falling Dharma Pill], Li Yang quickly fell into practice.

The three great dharma are not just one that can be practiced, but are true dharma that can be practiced at the same time. Each time you practice one more dharma, you will have one more layer of foundation. When you practice to the Nascent Soul realm, your foundation will be stronger. Top ten magical powers, many wonderful methods...

In order to smoothen the subsequent realm, he will be busy next.

When Li Yang was sinking into practice, a mysterious and mysterious Qi fell on him. In an instant, the insights in his mind surged like a tide...

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