My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

130. Find A Solution? ! ! (Fourth More)

For the players here, this is something they have never been exposed to.

All the signs happening at this moment are like the loss of viral infection in the movie.

After the players are attacked by those already infected players, they will be infected immediately.

They then lose consciousness and begin to become a source of infection themselves.

In this way, one spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, and one hundred spreads to thousands.

The infection spreads rapidly.

And, the scariest thing is, people don't know how to prevent it!

Because these infected players can still use the instructions they obtained before.

That is to say, once a strong player is infected, those who can't beat him will die if they encounter him.

"Is there no solution?!"

As the president of the Great Guild, Stardust is still very far-sighted.

After knowing this matter, he immediately realized the seriousness of this matter.

If the infection continues at the current speed, it is estimated that it will not be long before the world may fall!

When Xingchen watched those zombie movies before, he always felt that the zombie movies were too exaggerated.

How could it be possible for a city or even a country to fall in such a short period of time.

However, when I personally experienced it, I realized that the movie was not made blindly.

And it's still only early in the spread of the infection.

The spread of infection will only get faster and faster in the future!

"No...something has to be done!"

After Xingchen thought of this, his scalp tingled.

If the infection is allowed to continue to spread, it will definitely lead to an irreversible situation in the future!

After Xingchen thought of this, he was willing to go all out, and he directly contacted his deadly enemy.

Wu Chen, the president of the Peerless Guild.


Wuchen's reply also explained the relationship between the two guilds.

The two guilds are opposing in the current area.

The battle between the two guilds this time is also to determine the winner.

When Xingchen saw Wuchen's reply, he immediately became angry.

But he still endured it, and put the overall situation first.

"As for the battle, I think it can be postponed."

After Wuchen heard Xingchen's words, he laughed outright.

"Your Star Guild is no match for us Wushuang, why bother to be brave?"

"Even if I give you another half a month to recruit troops, the result will be the same.

Wuchen thought that Xingchen was delaying the time because he wanted to recruit more people.

After hearing Wuchen's words, Xingchen suppressed his anger and explained to him.

"Some things are happening in the region now, and we must work together to stop them."

"If things continue to develop, they may become unmanageable in the end!"

After Wuchen saw Xingchen's reply, he asked the guild members about what happened.

"President Stardust also believes in such rumors?"

"I'm afraid it wasn't your vice president who deliberately made an oolong by running away from the battle, right?"

Naturally, Wu Chen also placed eyeliner in the Star Guild.

So it soon became known that Xing Hui, the vice president of the Star Guild, had lost contact with a large number of elite group players.

And this incident made Wuchen more sure of his previous conjecture.

Now that the Star Guild has no vice president and a large number of players from the elite group, it is natural that they cannot beat their own guild.

That's why Xingchen found himself, and made up so many things, the purpose is to delay time.

Seeing Wuchen's reply, Xingchen couldn't help sighing.

It seems that it is impossible to find the Peerless Guild to join forces.

Then you can only bite the bullet yourself.

Xingchen didn't say anything more to Wuchen, but just sent a sentence.

"It's good to do it for yourself."

Stardust immediately began to let his men look for the whereabouts of these infected people.

What Stardust can do now is to try to kill these infected people without being infected.

See if you can get some workarounds out of it.

After all, it hasn't been long since the incident happened.

It seems that no player has killed these infected people.

After Wuchen closed the chat box with Xingchen, he was in a good mood.

What Xingchen said just now is equivalent to directly announcing the victory of the Peerless Guild.

At this moment, Wuchen is at the recruitment meeting of his guild.

In today's recruitment meeting, the Peerless Guild has recruited many powerful players.

It can be said that the victory of the Peerless Guild is just around the corner.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the recruitment venue.

"what is that?!"

"How did you jump over here?!!!"

"Grass?!! Why are you still doing it?!!"

In the distance, it seems that some players attacked other players unruly.

"What's wrong?"

Wu Chen saw that the surrounding crowd started to commotion, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"President, I'll go take a look."

The players on the side immediately flew over there.

The player from the Peerless Guild who went to investigate the situation had not yet flown to the scene of the incident.

Then he saw several players rushing towards him in the distance.

The player lost consciousness before he could react to what happened.

Then he started getting sick!

And this scene, all fell in the eyes of Wuchen from afar.

"Grass?!! Is it a viral infection?!!!"

When the players from the previous guild told him, Wuchen still didn't take it seriously.

After all, this kind of thing is too absurd.

But at this moment, this scene happened in front of his eyes, and it was hard for him to believe it or not.

"RUN!! RUN!!!"

Wuchen yelled at the players in the guild.

Although the combat power of the players in the Wuchen Guild is not bad, the current players in the recruitment meeting are basically players in charge of logistics.

So it must be difficult to resist these infected players.

Moreover, Wuchen has no intention of resisting at this moment.

When faced with fear, people's conditioned reflex is to jump.

However, the more the players escape, the more easily these infected people can infect the players.

For a moment, the scene of the recruiting meeting turned into the Hall of Shura.

There were cries and screams everywhere.

Since these players had no defense at all, each one of them was like meat on a chopping board.

Seeing the tragic situation at the scene, Wuchen was stunned.

But soon, he reacted.

"I can't die!"

He knew very well that if he, as the president, was infected, then the Peerless Guild would be over.

Thinking of this, Wuchen gritted his teeth, left the guild players behind, and teleported away.

After walking for a few minutes, Wushuang stopped and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was catching up.

"…"What's the matter?!"

When Wuchen was distracted, suddenly an infected person appeared behind him without anyone noticing.

"It's over!"

Wuchen didn't have time to react when he saw the infected behind him rushing towards him.

Just when Wuchen thought he was about to be infected, he saw a fireball flying towards the infected person.

The infected were immediately repulsed.

Then another fireball hit the infected person.

The infected person immediately collapsed.

Wuchen saw this and looked in the direction of the fireball.


Wuchen never expected that it was Xingchen who saved him.

But at this moment, behind Xingchen, there was a large group of players standing mightily.

Looking at these players, they are all elite players of the Stardust Guild.

"I told you already."

Xingchen looked at the embarrassed Wuchen, he already knew what happened.

"What exactly happened here?!"

At this moment, Wu Chen has not come back to his senses.

"As you can see, they've got some kind of virus." (The Wang's)

"Of course, you can also understand it as the loss of the virus, almost the same meaning..."

Hearing this, Wu Chen couldn't help frowning. After thinking for a while, he turned back to Xingchen.

"Is there an antidote?"

Although Wu Chen has never experienced such a thing, he has watched a lot of zombie movies.

No matter what, there must be a solution.

Stardust shook his head upon hearing this.


"Although they can use commands, they are not invincible."

"There is no limit to attacking the brain, and they can be killed in the usual way."

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded, and then continued to ask.

"After killing them... will they be resurrected as players?..."

Stardust shook his head after hearing this.

"I don't know, that was the first one I killed just now."

Wuchen finally understood after hearing this.

Stardust came here to collect data and find a solution.

Wu Chen naturally knew that he couldn't stay out of this matter.

He understood that the infection must not be allowed to spread, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Then let's postpone the grievances between us for a few days..."

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