My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

136. Alix Is ​​Infected? ! (Second More)

Alix led the elite group of the first echelon to the vicinity of the nearby place where the infected people gathered.

Only when they came here, a few infected people found their traces.

They immediately rushed towards Alix and the group.

But before they got close, they were knocked down by various inexplicable long-range skills.

The strength of the hunter guild elite group is unquestionable, and these infected people are like cutting melons and vegetables to them.

After all, although these infected people have the strength of players, they don't have the thinking of players.

In the past, some players were infected either because they were really not strong enough, or because they were raided.

Once there is a sense of prevention, these infected people are still easy to deal with.

After the elite group of the first echelon wiped out the infected who rushed over, the captain looked at Alex and asked.

"President, I heard that the number of infected people is very dense. According to statistics, there are almost 3,000 of them. Do you have any plans?"

Although the gathering of infected people is not too many, it is not too small.

Wanting to annihilate them in one fell swoop definitely requires some perfect planning.

Seeing this, Alix shook her head and said.


The captain of the first echelon elite group was not surprised when he heard this.

As members of the guild elite group, they naturally know the character of their guild leader.

Alix often just thinks about what to do, and there is no plan at all.

They had already made a perfect containment plan before they came, and the question just now was just out of respect for Alix.

"I have a plan, do you think it will work?"

"These infected people will automatically find their way to us, and it's 320 for us to take positional warfare."

"It can be like this..."

The leader of the first echelon elite team hadn't finished speaking when he saw Alix reach out and block him.

"It's too troublesome, go directly."

If these infected people are players, Alix may also consider planning.

Alix knew very well that these infected people had no thinking, so she felt that there was no need to do those things.

"President...that's too dangerous!"

"We must ensure your safety..."

Before the leader of the elite team of the first echelon finished speaking, he saw Alix teleporting towards the place where the infected people gathered.

"Follow up!"

The elite team leader of the first echelon didn't have time to think too much, and immediately followed.

Alix was not far away, and the infected in the area sensed her.

I saw a group of infected people with oily green skin and blood red eyes, roaring and attacking Alex.

Some of them run fast, some teleport, and some fly in the air.

The expressions on each face were extremely hideous.

If it were an ordinary girl player who saw this scene, she would probably cry in fright.

At this moment, Alix laughed excitedly when she saw this scene.

For her, these are all white kill points and supplies!

At this moment, in her eyes, these influx of infected people are just big pieces of fat.

Alix didn't dodge at all, and immediately started her hunting action.

Seeing that these infected people are about to meet Alix.

The next second, all of these infected people stopped their movements suddenly.

I saw that they were all covered with white frost and snow! They were all frozen!

Then, I saw the sky above where the infected were frozen, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder.

In an instant, countless lightning bolts as thick as arms struck down on these infected people!

In this way, these infected people did not even move a step to die.

On the ground, there was an explosion of supplies.

The elite group of the first echelon who had just rushed over was a little stunned when they saw this scene.

Although they knew that Alix was strong, they didn't expect it to be so strong.

In less than 5 seconds, Alix has already eliminated hundreds of infected people.

"Captain, are you sure the president needs our protection...?"

"The ones who need to be protected now are those infected..."

"It feels like we have nothing to do..."

"There are still...we are the president's mobile backpack...."

"I also said why the president suddenly wanted us to follow today, and dared to let us sweep the floor..."

After seeing the corpses and supplies all over the floor, the players of the first echelon elite group finally understood the real intention of Alix agreeing to bring them here.

"Here I leave it to you."

Alix left a sentence directly and continued to move forward.

The elite group of the first echelon did not think wrongly, Alix brought them here just to make them sweep the floor.

Alix continued to move forward, and there were groups of infected people rushing towards her along the way.

She sorted it all out quickly.

The players of the first echelon elite group are also diligently doing logistics work.

In less than twenty minutes, almost all the infected people in the entire area were cleaned up.

After everything was over, Alix, who was standing next to a pile of infected corpses, took out an apple, took a bite, and then sighed.

"Hey, it's boring...(cice)"

The members of the first echelon elite group who rushed over to sweep the floor rolled their eyes when they heard what Alix said.

"Look at what the president said is human..."

"How many people are exhausted because of these infected people, the president actually thinks they are worthless..."

"The president has taken a fancy to this group of infected people, and they will be extinct sooner or later..."

Just when the members of the elite group were talking and laughing.

At this time, suddenly an infected person appeared behind Alix out of thin air.

The members of the elite group were all dumbfounded when they saw this, and they immediately said to Alex.


"President!! Behind you!!!"


But there is still time.

This infected person can invisibly command, so he approached Alex quietly.

At this moment, the infected person was too close to Alix, and appeared suddenly, Alix had no time to react.

I saw it grabbing Alix's shoulder with one claw.

When the members of the elite group saw this scene, they felt that their eyes went dark.

"It's over!! It's over!!!"

"It's all over..."


All members of the elite group understand what it means if Alix is ​​infected.

When the guild executives convened the elite group players, they held a special meeting, and Mayor Yu Shiranran repeatedly emphasized to them that ten walks must protect Alix.

Moreover, the guild executives also told them what would happen if Alix was infected.

These elite group players naturally understand how much influence Alix's infection will have on the entire game world.

And at this moment, the most terrifying scene has already happened!

The members of the elite group quickly killed the infected person just now.

Then everyone in the elite group stared straight at Alex.

They did not flee because they had received one last order before setting off.

That is, if an accident happens, if Alix is ​​infected, she will be killed immediately!

At this moment, Alix suddenly began to twitch.

There was still a strange sound coming out of his mouth.

It looks like it's about to get infected.

Seeing this, the players of the elite group clenched their fists unconsciously.

If Alix had mutated, they would have terminated her immediately without hesitation.

Although they know that their chances of winning are low, they must give it a try.

At this time, the captains of the first echelon elite group were trembling nervously.

"hold on.……………"

"When you see your skin starting to turn green, do it..."

Green skin is a sign of infection. The reason why the captain of the first echelon has not done anything is because he has not seen this sign yet.

In fact, he still had a glimmer of hope. He hoped that Alix would not be infected.

At this moment, the spirits of the players in the first echelon elite group were extremely tense, and the scene was so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop on the ground.

At this moment, Alix, who was still twitching just now, suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha, look at how scared you are."

Seeing this, the members of the elite group were all stunned.



"The president didn't turn green...wasn't infected?!!"

"How is this possible?!!...The president was obviously scratched..."

"The president is not infected?!!!".

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