My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

150. The Dragon Evolution Mod Is On! ! (Fifth More)

The Ender Queen told Li Yuan the news as soon as she felt the change.

Seeing this, Li Yuan brought the Ender Queen to the end again.

"Try to explore again to see how much the distance has been shortened this time."

The Ender Queen was about to leave when the dancer stopped her suddenly.

"I will explore with you in another direction, so that there are two times for comparison, which can be slightly more accurate. 11

The dancer is naturally aware of the importance of this matter, so she decided to explore with the Ender Queen.

After the two entered the void together, they split up and began to explore.

About 50 minutes later, the two were teleported back almost at the same time.

After Li Yuan saw this time, he immediately felt that something was unusual.

After the Ender Queen and the dancers woke up, even though they didn't time it, they all felt that the void had become much smaller.

The Ender Queen recalled the last time she felt it, and said in surprise after doing the math.

"It's been less than five days since the last change..."

Hearing this, Li Yuan frowned and nodded.

"Well, in less than five days, the distance has been reduced by 10 minutes..."

"If we continue at this pace..."

"Maybe in less than a month, this void will..."

If calculated according to this time, the void will probably open in 25 days.

Although Li Yuan doesn't know what will happen after the void shrinks to 0.

But he has a hunch that this time may be a countdown to the two worlds!

"So fast...... 233"

Li Yuan didn't expect that the shrinking of the void would actually accelerate.

After Li Yuan thought of this, he couldn't help but feel some pressure.

He manipulated the clone to survey the situation on the other side of the world.

Li Yuan checked all the world channels and forums.

I also have a general understanding of the situation there.

It can be said that the implementation of Li Yuan's plan was not very successful.

Now the world over there has definitely become the end of the world.

But there are still stumbling blocks.

That's the mysterious Steve.

What Li Yuan knows so far is that Steve established the shelter.

And it seems that he can instantly clean up the infected within range.

It should be an instruction to instantly kill monsters within the range.

Other information about Steve Li Yuan is not clear.

Li Yuan also doesn't know whether Steve has a creative mode command or an invincible command.

However, Li Yuan infers that there is a high probability.

So, now things come back around.

At present, the most effective way to solve the problem is to open the Dragon Evolution MOD.

After Li Yuan thought of this, he opened the system mall.

The Twilight Forest has been open for so many days, and players have conquered many bosses.

It is estimated that the kill value has also increased a lot.

"I hope the player's kill value is enough..."

Li Yuan prayed silently in his heart.

This Dragon Evolution MOD Li Yuan has been thinking for so long, but it has always been limited by the players, and has not been able to open it for a while.

Li Yuan was almost dying of anxiety.

Li Yuan clicked on the Dragon Evolution MOD with apprehension.

【Do you want to activate Dragon Evolution MOD?!】


【Activation successful!】


Li Yuan didn't have much hope at first, but he didn't expect to succeed!

In fact, after opening Rare elite monsters, blood moons, apocalypse, and Epic siege mods, the kill value of the players increased rapidly.

Later, Twilight Forest was opened.

Twilight Forest is full of bosses again.

You know, these bosses provide a lot of kill values.

And now these bosses in Twilight Forest are not too simple for players.

So the kill value is also rising rapidly.

As early as one day after the twilight forest opened, the players' kill value was enough, but Li Yuan didn't notice it.

After Li Yuan opened the Dragon Evolution MOD, the end immediately changed.

And the Ender Queen also felt the changes in the End for the first time.

She felt as if something had suddenly appeared in the End.

"It seems that a strange thing suddenly appeared in the end..."

"That familiar..."

Li Yuan nodded after hearing what the Ender Queen said.

"Well, I know."

After hearing this, the Ender Queen looked at Li Yuan in surprise.

"You made it?"

The Ender Queen didn't know why she felt this way, she just felt that the things that suddenly appeared in the End had something to do with Li Yuan.

Li Yuan nodded, then said.

"Go and find it."

Chaos Guardians spawn on Chaos Isles.

There is actually a difference between the Chaos Island and the End Island.

The Isle of Chaos is a special kind of challenge zone.

It will spawn in the end center with x,z coordinates that are multiples of 10000.


The Chaos Island is randomly generated, so finding the Chaos Island is purely luck.

Li Yuan brought the Ender Queen and dancers to the void to explore.

Li Yuan has also been looking for the island of chaos according to the law.

After searching for about 40 minutes, Li Yuan finally saw the island of chaos in the void.

The Ender Queen and the dancer were amazed when they saw the Chaos Island.

"There is actually another island in this void?! Why didn't I know before?!"

"HIM, how did you make this island?!"

Just when Li Yuan was about to say something, both the Ender Queen and the dancer spotted the Chaos Guardian hovering above the island.

"That is.....……"

"The Ender Dragon?!!!!"

"No!!! The Ender Dragon is Black's.....This one is Red's!"

"Although it is very similar to the Ender Dragon, I feel that its breath is much stronger than that of the Ender Dragon!"

Although the Ender Queen and Dancer thought the Chaos Guardian looked familiar, they felt that it was much stronger than the Ender Dragon.

Seeing this, Li Yuan smiled and said to the Ender Queen.

"Do you like it? Give it to you as a pet?"

Before Li Yuan killed the Ender Dragon, the Ender Queen was sad for a long time.

Fortunately, the ender dragon dropped dragon eggs.

Now Li Yuan already knew that he didn't need to kill the boss creature, and he could subdue him even if he hit a trace of blood.

That's why I say this.

After hearing Li Yuan's words, the Ender Queen looked at Li Yuan in disbelief.

"Really?!!! You're giving it to me?!!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan nodded and said.

"If you like it, I will give it to you."

For monsters like Ender Dragon and Chaos Guardian, Li Yuan doesn't care.

Anyway, the Queen of Ender also lives with Li Yuan, and after subduing the Chaos Guard, she will definitely stay in the Demon King's Palace.

Therefore, Li Yuan can be regarded as borrowing flowers to present Buddha.

When the Ender Queen heard this, she immediately embraced Li Yuan and kissed him on the face excitedly.

"I'm very happy if you have this kind of heart."

"I don't want this one, or you can give me the Ender Dragon."

"You keep this one, we can make a pair!"

Although the Ender Queen said she wanted the Chaos Guards, she felt that the Chaos Guards were very powerful.

She felt that Chaos Guardian was a better fit for Li Yuan.

It just so happened that the Ender Queen wanted the Ender Dragon very much, so she behaved to Li Yuan.

Seeing this, Li Yuan smiled and said.


At this moment, the dancers on the side saw this scene, and they were simply envious and jealous.

The face is already out of shape with jealousy!

"What about me?! What about me?!!"

"I don't care!! I want to!!!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan felt a little embarrassed.

There are only two dragons, and with the strength of the dancers, they must not be able to hold the Chaos Guard.

The Ender Dragon has also promised to give it to the Ender Queen.

And at this moment, the Ender Queen immediately smoothed things over.

"Then it's settled, the Ender Dragon is your gift to me and the dancer!"

When the dancers heard what the Ender Queen said, they couldn't say anything more.

"You! Protect him in everything!"

Seeing this, Li Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go there."

As he spoke, Li Yuan teleported over with the Ender Queen and dancers.

The three of them teleported a few steps before losing consciousness.

When they woke up, they found that they had been teleported back to End Island!

Seeing this, Li Yuan couldn't help being a little surprised.

After opening the Dragon Evolution MOD, Li Yuan has been thinking about finding the Chaos Island.

Turned out to forget that the void has boundaries now!

And the Isle of Chaos is just outside the boundaries of the void!.

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