My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

156. The Void Seems To Be Opened 2! !

After seeing this, Li Yuan opened the control list again.

When he saw that Alix and the Thousand Elite Group were no longer in the control list, he immediately understood.

"Are you doing this to get me to show up?"

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it a little bit.

Now that Alix is ​​no longer in Li Yuan's control list-.

That means she must have been saved by Steve.

And Alix was the one who saw Li Yuan with her own eyes, so she would definitely tell Steve what happened at that time.

They naturally also understand that if they want to end this infection, they must get rid of the source of the infection, HIM.

That's why Steve continued to announce the instructions to be immune to monster attacks.

This command is like an antidote to an infection.

Once the player learns it, they will be completely immune to the attacks of the infected.

Steve's calculations were very precise, and they tried to use this method to lure HIM to appear.

But they miscalculated a bit.

Both Steve and Alex felt that HIM wanted to rule the world, which is why he spread the infection.

But HIM doesn't think so.

In fact, Li Yuan didn't want to rule the world at all, why did he rule?

Li Yuan did all this just for more kill points and orders.

Now that most of the players in that world have been infected, Li Yuan's goal has been achieved.

Therefore, even if Steve saved all the players in the world, it has nothing to do with Li Yuan.

Li Yuan got all the benefits that should be taken.

Li Yuan is already earning a lot of money.

So, it's useless for Steve to do these things.

Li Yuan won't bother with things that are no longer useful.

And Steve wanted to use this method to lure Li Yuan out, it was wishful thinking.

Now the initiative is in the hands of Li Yuan.

Only when Li Yuan wanted to show up with Steve did he have the chance to meet HIM.

"Then let you be busy for a while."

Li Yuan naturally doesn't care whether Steve saves people or not.

On the contrary, the more Steve saves, the happier Li Yuan is.

Because the more he saved, the more they felt that they were going to win.

When most of their players are rescued, they feel like they beat the infection, beat the HIM.

And the savior of this battle is undoubtedly Steve.

After all, it was Steve who led everyone to defeat the infection, and the players would definitely feel that it was Steve who defeated HIM.

When Steve became the belief of the players in the other world, it was the time when Li Yuan completely extinguished their hopes.

Li Yuan only needs to kill Steve alone.

When the players lifted Steve up to the sky, they didn't know how they would feel when they saw their sky fall with their own eyes.

So Li Yuan will not interfere with Steve's heroic behavior now, on the contrary, the more people he saves, the better.

After the void is opened, Li Yuan will tame the Chaos Guardian for the first time.

At that time, it is time for the belief in that world to collapse.

Instruction world at this time.

Steve and Alex continued to do rescue work without a break.

As long as the rescued players had extra command slots, they all learned the command to be immune to monster attacks.

They also all joined in the rescue.

It can be said that the world has not been united like this for a long time.

It feels like a joke of fate.

Steve discovered the command and personally turned this world into a world full of killings.

But now he is leading the players to unite.

But players naturally don't think so much.

At this moment, the rescued players all feel that Steve is the savior.

Basically all rescued players follow Steve.

Of course, all this is exactly what Steve wants.


After all, that was the purpose of his public order.

Now the goal is half accomplished.

And the other half is to kill HIM in front of the players.

A week passed in a flash.

The rescue work on Steve's side went quite smoothly.

Most players have been rescued.

The entire command world has returned to almost the same level as before.

The only difference is that before, players only thought that Steve was the president of the world's number one guild.

But now, players regard him as the savior of the world.

At this moment, inside the STEVE Guild resident.


Steve has been staring out of the window, seems to be on his mind.

Seeing this, Alix walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, asking.

"What's wrong?"

Steve saw that it was Alex, so he said bluntly.

"I'm wondering why HIM hasn't appeared yet..."

For so long, Steve has almost cleaned up all the infected people, but HIM has never shown up.

Steve couldn't figure out why.

Alix nodded when she heard this.

"I thought he would show up when we first started the rescue, but I didn't expect that it's been so long and I haven't seen him..."

The original plan of the two was to lead HIM out by rescue.

As a result, the rescue went smoothly, but HIM was nowhere to be seen.

Steve smiled wryly upon seeing this.

"Forget it, don't think about it."

"One day he will come out, and then it will be his death.

Seeing this, Alix nodded.

At this time, the vice president suddenly walked in in a hurry.

"You are busy, I will go first."

Seeing this, Alix left very tactfully.

After seeing Alix leave, the vice president immediately approached Steve.

"The void... the void seems to have been opened up!".

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