My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

158. Is This Another Server? ! (First Update)

Originally, the Ender Queen just thought that HIM was delayed somewhere, so she didn't reply.

But after seeing the island of chaos disappear suddenly, he panicked immediately.

The Queen of Ender is not like the players, they have a list of friends to contact.

Now that the Chaos Island is gone, the Ender Queen can't find Li Yuan at all.

"Where the hell have you been!"

The Ender Queen is not worried about Li Yuan's safety, she knows Ji Yuan's strength well.

But the Ender Queen was afraid that HIM would just disappear.

After all, there are too many unknown things in this vast void.

The Ender Queen searched for a long time in the void, but she did not see Li Yuan.

Then he had to give up and return to the end.

The dancers were waiting so anxiously that when they saw the Ender Queen coming back, they immediately went to her.

"What's wrong? People?!"

When the dancer sees the Ender Queen coming back alone and the look on her face, she knows something is wrong.

The Ender Queen frowned and shook her head.

"The island of chaos has disappeared..."

"I didn't find HIM......"

The dancer was stunned when he heard this.

"What? What does it mean to disappear?..."

"You mean HIM also disappeared with it?!!"

In fact, since HIM hasn't come back for so long, the dancer already felt that something might have happened.

But she didn't want to think in a bad direction.

"I have no idea..…………"

"Anyway, I can't sense his breath around there..."

28 "I don't know where he is now..."

After the dancer heard the words of the Ender Queen, she froze.

"He shouldn't... never come back..."

When the dancer thought of this, his eyes turned red instantly.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself.

She didn't know why she wanted to cry.

She only knows that if she never sees HIM again, then she probably won't laugh anymore.

After seeing the dancer's reaction, the Ender Queen seemed to understand something.

At the end, when the Queen of Ender thought HIM was going to die, she had exactly the same expression as the dancer.

At that time, the Ender Queen knew that she fell in love with HIM.

The mood of the Ender Queen at this moment can be described as very complicated.

She didn't expect dancers to fall in love with HIM.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, she couldn't release it.

For an Excellent person like HIM, anyone would fall in love with him.

Fortunately, this person is a dancer, and I have treated her as my own sister since I was a child.

Although the Ender Queen is more or less jealous, if HIM also has this meaning for the dancers, she can still accept it.

Seeing this, the Ender Queen looked at the dancer and said.

"Okay, it"

"I'm sure he will come back."

The dancer was about to say something when he saw the Ender Queen looking at him seriously.

"Let's talk about it first."

"I came first, you will call me sister in the future! Otherwise, you will be kicked out!"

The sudden words of the Ender Queen stunned the dancers.

After a while, the dancer finally understood what the Ender Queen meant.

In an instant, his face turned red to the base of his neck.

"You... what are you talking about!"

The Ender Queen glanced at the dancer.


Seeing this, the dancer blushed, lowered his head and squeezed out two words from his throat.

"elder sister……………"

Since the dancer has already called the Ender Queen, it is acquiescing to the fact that he likes HIM.

The Ender Queen looked at the dancer proudly and said.

"That's right."

Seeing this, the dancer asked hesitantly.

"Will he really come back?"

The Ender Queen nodded firmly.

"Well, he'll be back."

"So, until he comes back, we're going to take care of everything for him.

The dancer nodded at this, then asked.

"These outsiders should have come from another world, what should we do now?"

Seeing this, the Ender Queen thought for a moment and said.

"Let's figure out their purpose of coming here first."

In the void at this moment.

After the players in the command world came to this world, they were all full of curiosity.

The void of the command world is connected to the void of the island of the end, so after the players come here, they don't know that this is another world.

"I thought it was a good place under the void, but I didn't expect there are no farts."

"Is this such a small island?"

"It always feels like the place where the BOSS is held here. Look at the obsidian and the terrain in the middle of the island."

"Indeed, but I didn't see the boss.

These players originally came down full of joy, but after seeing the scene here, they were all disappointed.

Just when the players were about to turn back, the arrival of a person changed their minds.

"Damn it?! Boss Steve is here too?!"

"Wow, it's really Big Steve!!"

"Boss Steve, you came in vain, there is nothing here."

Now in the command world, there is no player who doesn't know Steve.

Now Steve's status in everyone's hearts is very high.

All the players immediately surrounded Steve.

Steve saw the players gathered around and smiled at everyone.

"Did you find anything?"

All the players shook their heads when they heard this.

"No, there are no farts here."

"Just a broken island with some little blacks on it."

"Except for this island, everything else is empty."

When the players said this, disappointment was written all over their faces.

Seeing this, Steve looked around first.

Indeed, as the players said, looking around, there is nothing in this void except this island.

But Steve felt that the void was not that simple.

After he looked around for a while, his eyes suddenly fell on the World Channel.

"Ask for a twilight forest to save Hydra!"

"Is there a boss who can send the order of killing the monsters in the Twilight Forest?"

"Does Naga really know how to draw a sword?! I haven't seen it after brushing for so long!"

In the world channel at this time, players are discussing about the Twilight Forest MOD.

After all, this MOD is relatively simple, and the weapons in the Twilight Forest have greatly improved the players.

When Steve saw the news on World Channel, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"This is another server?!"

This was Steve's first reaction.

He certainly would not think that the players in the world channel are the players in the command world.

After all, they were talking about Twilight Forest, Hydra, monster killing order and so on.

Steve had never heard of it before.

Therefore, there is a great possibility that this may be another server of the game.

After Steve thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Since there are two servers, they have always been separated by 680 from each other.

Why is it suddenly connected now?

"Forget it, don't worry about it for now, let's talk about it after we go out!"

Although it is not clear why the two worlds are suddenly connected, Steve is clear.

There should be an exit here.

After all, I didn't see any players here, and the players are very active now, so this should not be the place where the players usually live.

"Everyone look for it, there should be an exit here."

After Steve thought of this, he encouraged the players to find the exit together.

Everyone searched together for more than an hour, but found nothing.

The players couldn't help but began to doubt Steve's judgment.

"Boss Steve, there's nothing here......"

"Yeah, I didn't see any exits, portals, etc...

"Does it need some special way to open, like the hell portal.'

This End Island is only that big, and the players searched around, but couldn't find any exit.

It is even more impossible to exist in the void.

Seeing this, Steve thought for a moment.

Then he tried to send a message on the World Channel.


Steve was ecstatic when he saw that the news could be sent out.

As long as you can send a message, you can solve the problem!

Steve sent a message right away.

"Help, how do I get back here on the island of End?"

After Steve's message was sent out, he was pushed up immediately.

When Steve was about to send it again, he saw a few kind people replying to him.

"Is this brother Mengxin?"

"The only way to return from the end is to jump into the void and commit suicide."

"Friendly reminder, use the ender box to put things in first and then commit suicide.".

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