My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

164. It’S Great To Deliver It To Your Door Yourself! ! (Third Change)

The compromise of the top ten guild masters is undoubtedly the first step for Steve to rule the world.

However, the policy he implemented is naturally to tell all players that the world is already under his control.

For Steve, this is indeed a historic scene.

So, of course he had to make good use of this moment.

"Okay, let's go."

"See you tomorrow."

When Steve said this, he turned around and was about to leave.

Then, as if thinking of something, he turned and said to the presidents.

"By the way, don't be late."

"If anyone is late, I'll take it as if he wants to join the company of ONE."

Then he turned and left.

When the players of the elite group saw Steve leaving, they also dispersed.

Steve is not afraid that these guild leaders will not be able to hide.

Because he has instructions to send players, as long as he knows the names of these presidents.

No matter where these presidents are, he can send them over.

The same method was used to gather them here this time.

So Steve was relieved to let them go.

After Steve and the players of the elite group left, the guild leaders couldn't help but started yelling.

"Damn! Playing a game is so frustrating! Shit!"

"It's really a villain's success, go fuck it!"

Why is he also able to control bedrock?!"

The guild leaders scolded first, then calmed down and analyzed.

"So, do you really want to sign?"

"If you don't sign, you will end up like ONE Guild, can you not sign?!"

"The guild has worked so hard to develop for so long, can't you just give it away?"

"It doesn't matter to us, but the brothers in the guild have followed us. If it's the same as the ONE guild, we can't explain to them..."

"Damn it, why doesn't HIM come out and take care of it..."

The presidents of these guilds are also very helpless, after all, their decisions cannot only represent individuals.

Their decisions affect the survival of the entire guild.

Thinking of this, all the guild leaders sighed and left in disgrace.

At this moment, they felt deeply helpless.

Steve came to the temporary station here.

"Spread the word out."

"Then inform the players who came from our world over there, and let them all come and participate.

The establishment of the system must also require the cooperation of players in the command world.

So these players must be notified.

Steve is not worried at all about the players in the command world not cooperating.

Because Steve has enough strength to suppress.

And there is no reason for players in the command world not to accept it.

Who doesn't like to be offered?

The players of the elite group quickly spread the news.

At this time, the forum and World Channel are full of discussions about tomorrow's meeting.

"I heard that Steve will sign a peace treaty with the heads of the top ten guilds tomorrow..."

"Peace treaty? Are you kidding me? They have been here for so many days, and there are still few people in the holy place?!"

"Even a peace treaty, Nima thought it was a war?!"

"Is this Steve out of his mind? He even signed the contract..."

"Anyway, what they want to do will be known tomorrow."

This news undoubtedly attracted the attention of players.

Although the players don't know what Steve wants to do, but since Steve has found the president of the top ten guilds, it is definitely not easy.

Maybe tomorrow's treaty will affect their future fate.

For a while, all players focused on tomorrow's interview.

Li Yuan was of course also the first to know the news.

"I delivered it to my door, which is very good."

Li Yuan is worrying about how to gather players from the command world.

Unexpectedly, Steve took the initiative to deliver it to the door.

This saves Li Yuan from having to worry about it himself.

In this way, Li Yuan only needs to be there on time tomorrow.

The day passed quickly.

At this moment, the ONE guild's residence is already full of people.

The presidents of the top ten guilds did not dare to be late, and the players with the guild elite group came early.

Except for the players from the top ten guilds, the rest of the players are basically players from the command world.

Although these players didn't know what Steve wanted to do, they had to give Steve face.

And Steve also let the players of the elite group start the live broadcast early.

At this time, there are already a large number of players stationed in the live broadcast room.

Naturally, the players did not want to participate in this meeting.

They're the ones on the chopping block in case something goes wrong.

But everyone wanted to know what Steve wanted to do, so they all came to the live broadcast room.

"I always feel that Steve didn't have a good intention in this interview."

"What good intentions can he have? Talk about a peace agreement, and probably ask some very excessive demands."

"He has to agree to whatever he asks, the initiative is in his hands..."

"Damn, I'm so fucking aggrieved!"

"This Steve still looks like HIM, does he deserve it?!"

"Indeed, with the face of a devil, but doing villain things..."

The players' resentment towards Steve is naturally very deep.

In the live broadcast room, nine out of ten bullet screens were scolding Steve, and one was greeting Steve's family.

It is enough to see how much resentment the players have.

At the meeting place at this time, the presidents of the top ten guilds stood in front of the meeting place.

The players from the top ten guilds and the players from the Command World were all scattered around without being separated.

When the players in the command world saw this, they all naturally assumed a superior attitude.

They didn't show mercy, and they just sneered at these players from the top ten guilds.

"Hey, this equipment is not bad, let me play with it?"

"What look? Dissatisfied?"

"If you don't accept it, you have to obey me. It's not bad if I don't make you kneel down!"

"Hey, this beauty has a good figure, think about following me? Brother cover you!"

Seeing this, the players from the top ten guilds basically swallowed their anger.

Even if they don't hide more, they have nothing to do with these players.

When ordering the world players, they can only pretend not to hear.

And the more players from the top ten guilds ignored the players from the command world, the more arrogant these players became.

"..." talking to you, are you dumb?!"

"I told you to give me that knife in your hand, did you hear me?"

"Find out your current situation and pay attention to your attitude, OK?!"

The players of the top ten guilds endured for so long, and finally some people couldn't bear it anymore.

"Grass mud horse, what the hell are you?! What are you putting here?!"

As soon as this player opened his mouth, all the players in Tian Da Guild's hearts tightened.

The players in the command world were worried that they would not have a chance to make a move. After hearing the player's words, a fireball immediately knocked the player to the ground.

At this time, the entire back row of the venue was in commotion.

Seeing this, the presidents of the top ten guilds frowned. They clenched their fists and said to Steve.

"This is what you call a peace deal?!"

Seeing this, Steve glanced behind, and then teleported to the player who had just released the fireball.

The player didn't think anything of it when he saw Steve coming.

He even looked at the player who was instantly killed with a look of disdain and said.

"He asked for it."

At this moment, the whole scene boiled up.

"Fuck, what nonsense peace agreement, let's come and see him pretend?!"

"Damn it, if you want to kill it, kill it, shit, I don't need any equipment!"

"Damn, what the fuck?!"

At this time, the players in the live broadcast room were all angry.

Although they were not there, the players on the scene were in the same situation as them, and they could empathize with them naturally.

At this moment, Steve suddenly raised his hand.

In the next second, only a "bang" was heard.

The player who was still in shock just now fell to the ground in an instant.

At this time, it was the turn to order the players in the world to fry the pot.

"????what happened?!"

"Boss Steve, what are you doing?! Why are you killing your own people? Claws!"

"Nimma, is it true that Mr. Steve is really planning to live in peace with them?!!"

"++, if this is the case, what are we doing here?!"

Steve's behavior also surprised the players of the top ten guilds.

Just when everyone was puzzled by Steve's behavior, Steve finally spoke.

"The purpose of convening everyone to attend the meeting today is to enable the two sides to coexist peacefully in one world.

"If someone makes trouble, don't blame me for being ruthless!".

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