My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

17. Sacrificial Offering Or Evocation? ! ! (Fifth More)

After some idle players entered the game, they didn't know much about the game, so they ran around like headless chickens.

No better than some big guild players.

Those grand guilds have specified various policies long before the start of the game.

Although they, like other players, are not familiar with the game.

But they still carried out various tasks in an orderly manner according to their original plans.

And these big guilds, in the early stage of the game, basically find a group of people as the advance team.

To put it bluntly, it is to explore the way.

After the guild chooses a resident, it will send some players out to investigate the surrounding situation, collect monster information, and draw maps.

And the ones who came near the mine were the pathfinding team of Langya Guild, one of the top five guilds in the world.

There are six people in the whole team, and the leader of this team is called A Yu.

They are in charge of the topographical survey to the south of the guild garrison.

"I said, why is there no novice monster spawning area in this game? All you encounter here are zombies, skeletons, etc., or they will explode. We took a broken stone sword and made a fuss... .”

"What about BB? We're not here to kill monsters. Just remember the terrain."

"Fortunately, these zombies and skeletons are afraid of light, and they will be burned to death as soon as they come out, otherwise we don't know how many times we have died..."

"We are also unlucky, the side we searched is full of caves..."

"That's right, slightly...another open-air cave ahead."

While chatting, everyone came to the mine where Li Yuan was just now.

"Be quiet, this cave is so big, there may be many monsters there!"

Captain Ayu raised his head to observe the situation in the cave, and at the same time reminded his teammates.

When everyone heard what A Yu said, they all fell silent.

Everyone did not move, waiting for A Yu's command after the observation.

I saw Ah Yu slowly leaning forward into the cave, and took a look inside.

And just this one glance caused A Yu's heart to stop suddenly.

Everything in the cave can only be described by two words: cautious people.

In the dark cave, more than a dozen strange zombies gathered together.

And in the middle of this monster is a tall monster with a dark body.

The monster's eyes emitted a strange purple light.

The Black monster obviously looks much stronger than the others, but it seems to be trapped.

What's even weirder is that in front of this Black monster, there is a witch-like monster wearing a pointed hat and holding a potion bottle.

Next to the witch, there were two zombies in iron armor!

Seeing this scene, Ah Yu retreated abruptly.

His entire face turned pale, and even beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Seeing Ayu's appearance, Ayu's teammates all looked at each other in blank dismay.

They had never seen Ayu showing such an expression.

"Brother Yu...what's the matter..."

"What the hell did you see... so scared..."

"That's right... Brother Yu didn't react when he saw zombies and skeletons for the first time... What's in this cave..."


A Yu kept patting his chest and taking deep breaths, but did not reply to the team members.

The team members were also anxious to death, each of them squeezed towards the cave without waiting for A Yu's reply.

A few seconds later, everyone's reaction was exactly the same as A Yu's.

After a while, someone finally spoke in a trembling voice.

"...this...what is this...a zombie in armor?!"

"What's that monster with Purple eyes in the middle?!!"

"Why...they don't move...?!!"

"Is that pointed hat a witch?..."


There was another half-sound of silence.

"Are they performing some sacrificial ceremony?..."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

It's like being woken up.

In fact, it would be okay if you just saw so many monsters in a cave.

It's nothing more than a little more monsters.

But when they saw such a scene, they felt flustered and penetrating.

Because the monsters in this cave are too weird!

First of all, they are not the same color as the zombies seen outside before.

Secondly, their behavior is also different from the zombies seen outside.

And the Black monster surrounded in the middle feels like a sacrificial offering.

The whole scene gave people the feeling that it was a horrible sacrifice or evocation!

After being hit by this sentence, all the team members nodded in agreement.

"What do these monsters want to sacrifice...? What does the witch want to summon...?!"

"Did we break into a dungeon or some plot...?! How could such a scene happen?!"

"That's right.. Aren't the previous monsters all normal?!"


Everyone expressed their doubts in every word.

At this moment, A Yu frowned, and finally spoke.

"I don't think it's that simple."

Seeing that A Yu spoke, all the team members focused their eyes on him.

"Have you forgotten? The monsters we met in the cave before can sense us from a long distance and find their way automatically."

"And the monster in this cave..."

"Now our distance is definitely within their sensing range..."

"But they didn't do anything..."

When everyone heard A Yu's words, their hearts tightened.

Indeed, as A Yu said, the monsters have been able to sense this distance for a long time.

But why did they take so long to attack? !

At this moment, Ayu took a deep breath.

"They are probably controlled by something more terrifying..."

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