My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

177. Demon King's Palace - Dangerous! ! (First Update)

Li Yuan was stunned by the icons that flashed before his eyes.

Some of these icons are unfamiliar to Li Yuan, but some are familiar to him.

System icons such as my computer, network, recycle bin, etc. are all too familiar.

Countless icons quickly slid past Li Yuan.

Seeing this, Li Yuan tried to reach out to touch it.

As a result, those icons seemed to be wrapped in a layer of enchantment.

As soon as Li Yuan stretched out his hand, it was bounced back.

Immediately afterwards, an information bar popped up in front of him.

【No permission to use】

When Li Yuan saw this information bar, not only was he not disappointed, but rather pleasantly surprised.

If Li Yuan didn't respond after touching these icons.

Then it means that these icons are useless to Li Yuan.

But now when Li Yuan encounters it, it shows that there is no permission to use it.

This means that Li Yuan can use these icons.

Just don't have access right now.

It is estimated that what kind of goals need to be achieved in order to have access rights.

It's also hard to figure out without hints at the moment.

Li Genichi has been shuttling "six four seven" in the void.

Before I knew it, more than half an hour passed.

Li Yuan has not been able to leave this void yet.

This void is like a huge network database, with no end in sight.

And just when Li Yuan was in the void.

Something happened in the palace of the devil king.

Cainiao followed the data information of entity 303, and soon found the location of the devil's palace.

When the rookie came to the Demon King's Palace, he immediately noticed the specialness of this place.

He immediately activated the investigation system.

"Sure enough, it's a bug again..."

The rookie at this moment can be said to have a look of helplessness.

He still remembers what his colleagues told him when he entered the game before.

"The game has been inside for more than a year, and there will be no major bugs.

There is indeed no big BUG.

There are only major bugs that people can't understand at all.

Just like the void before, the entity 303 just now.

These are all rookies have never encountered before.

But the BUG rookie in the palace in front of him can go.

After all, it is just a common space disorder bug.

This kind of BUG actually exists in many games, and it is considered a relatively common BUG.

At this time, the location of the devil's palace is in a valley.

The entire Demon King's Palace seemed to be stuck in a valley.

And the entrance of the palace happened to be at the entrance of the valley.

With such a good terrain, there are naturally many players visiting the Demon King's Palace.

Although Li Yuan didn't really need the killing value provided by the Demon King's Palace anymore.

But Li Yuan, the palace of the devil, is still in operation.

The treasure chest Li Yuan in the Demon King's Palace is also updated by the Predator Captain according to the equipment update.

Therefore, there are still players who will visit the Demon King's Palace.

And some big players also visit here from time to time.

After all, for the big players, the Demon King's Palace is a place that they haven't been able to conquer for so long.

As we all know, big bosses are obsessive-compulsive disorder plus achievement party.

The boss absolutely cannot allow places in the game that he has not conquered.

At this moment, a group of big players are preparing to challenge the Demon King's Palace again.

He ran into the rookie at the entrance of the valley head-on.

"Fuck? GM rookie?!"

"Isn't it, what a coincidence? Can this happen?"

"I don't think it's a coincidence, he came to find HIM..."

After several big players saw the rookie, they immediately guessed the rookie's purpose here.

Seeing this, the big players and players couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"If he kills HIM, will the devil's palace disappear?......"

"The devil's palace itself should be a bug, it's over, I feel like he's going to destroy the devil's palace..."

"Isn't it?! We've been researching for so long, and it feels like we can pass the level if we go in today!

These big players' obsession with the devil's palace can be seen.

They are all puzzle-solving enthusiasts, and it has always been a regret in their hearts that the Demon King's Palace has not been conquered.

So basically after the location of the Demon King's Palace is refreshed, if it is not too far away, they will come over as soon as possible.

At this moment, when they saw the rookie, they immediately felt uneasy.

As a rookie entering the game as a GM, he must fix game bugs.

This devil's palace is undoubtedly a huge BUG.

Therefore, when these big players saw the rookie coming, they all felt that the devil's palace might not be safe!

"What should we do now? If he destroys the Demon King's Palace, won't we be in vain?!"

"What else can we do, we have no right to speak...

"Who said there is no?! We are players, and our right to speak is the most important! Call more people to come over! Collective opposition!"

"Okay! You go to the group to call someone, I will turn on the live broadcast and let everyone nearby come over!"

"Then I'll hold the GM!"


These big players still know it well.

This is a game after all, and player opinion is definitely important.

Moreover, this BUG is not the kind of BUG that brushes items or affects the balance of the game.

The Demon King's Palace is like a copy.

It still adds a lot of fun to the players.

So it might be useful for the players to object together.

These big players immediately split up and took action.

One of the bosses held back the rookie who was about to fix the bug.

Subsequently, less than 10 minutes.

A lot of players came one after another around.

At this time, the live broadcast room opened by these big players was also full of players.

As soon as the players came in, they all exploded when they saw that the rookie was in front of the devil's palace.

"The rookie is really here to deal with HIM! I'll wipe it!"

"The devil's palace has been found...the GM does have something..."

"Nonsense, he's a GM, it's not easy to find HIM..."

"It seems that this time it's for real?!!"

"Is HIM in the palace?!"

"Everyone who is nearby, hurry up and oppose it together!!"

"The Demon King's Palace can't be demolished!! This is our memory!!"

Although when the Demon King's Palace appeared at that time, it was really heavy, and many players cried and cried...

But for the players, the Demon King's Palace has become a landmark building.

In the devil's palace, there are memories of all players.

Moreover, the devil's palace is for the players.

It is equivalent to the first copy in this game.

It is full of fun and very brain-burning.

And the entire Demon Palace can be called a work of art.

The players naturally didn't want the palace to be destroyed like this.

At this moment, thousands of players have gathered in front of the devil's palace.

They were all players in the vicinity. After knowing that the rookie was going to attack the Demon King's Palace, they all dropped what they were doing and rushed over.

"GM, you are merciful!!"

"Don't fix it, GM!!! Just treat this as a dungeon!!"

"Yes!! This has no impact on the game balance!!"

"Strongly opposed to repairing the BUG of the Demon King's Palace!!!"


I'm afraid even the players themselves didn't expect that one day they would step forward to protect the palace of the devil king.

But they did so at the moment.

They all did not want the Demon King's palace to be demolished from the bottom of their hearts.

First of all, because this is their memory, just like the ONE guild residence, it is a landmark building of the game.

Secondly, if the palace of the devil king is destroyed, isn’t HIM the next one to be destroyed?!

3.3 Players don't want to see this happen.

If the palace of the devil is gone, the undead legion is gone, and HIM is gone.

So what's the point of this game?

And the players more or less guessed it.

Those monster MODs should all be enabled by HIM.

If HIM is gone, will the monster MOD no longer be updated?

After that the game will be even more boring.

The rookie at the moment saw such a scene, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

In fact, he only learned from the players that the palace formed by this bug is HIM's residence.

He never expected that the players would actually maintain this palace.

Moreover, the rookie also felt that what the players want to maintain is not just this palace.

What they really want to maintain is actually HIM.

The rookie at the moment is already a little confused.

When he first entered the game, the players asked him to solve the HIM problem.

But now, players have to protect HIM.

The rookie can be said to be completely confused.

"What kind of existence is this HIM...?".

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