My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

193. Two Worlds, Two Servers! ! (Third Change)

In fact, it is not entirely unreasonable for SAM, the tea king, to think so.

If we say that HIM is really like what the tea king SAM said, it is something formed by willpower.

Then the only way is to stop taking it.

However, there is still a little unknown at present, that is, what is the world on the other side of the void.

According to Tea King SAM's observation, players in the world beyond the void are also familiar with HIM.

And, they don't hate HIM, but admire and adore it.

So, if HIM is something formed by willpower, then the players in the world beyond the void also have a share.

Therefore, for now, it is still necessary to figure out what the world on the other side of the void is.

At this moment, the head of the department was stunned when he heard what the tea king SAM said.



"Big Tea King...... You're not kidding, are you?"

The game has been open for two months, and the recharge channel has not yet been opened.

In other words, the game has not yet brought revenue to the company.

Needless to say, the company invested in the early stage of this game.

If the service is stopped now, then the game company will definitely lose money on this project, and there will be no crotch left.

Tea king SAM sighed after seeing the expression of the head of department 28.

"If you stop taking it, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope, if you don't stop..."

"Sooner or later, the players will have to finish their journey..."

Although tea king SAM said it was the first time he came into contact with this game, he saw it very clearly.

This game company actually caused this result by smashing a good hand of cards.

Tea King SAM has already seen the potential of this game as soon as he entered the game.

If the command system is not opened, the original game can still attract a large number of players.

Because the whole world is a highly free world, players can do many things.

Then add various dungeons or some new ways of playing in the later stage.

If this development continues, the popularity of the game will definitely increase steadily.

And there is no need to worry about players getting tired of playing.

But the game company added the command system so early.

It can be said that this is simply a failure.

But it is useless to think about these now, after all, things have reached this point.

What to do now is to find a way to solve the problem.

After hearing what the tea king SAM said, the department head was about to say something.

At this moment, the coffee interrupted.

"Director, it's true. When we went offline, the players were all talking about abandoning the pit..."

After hearing Coffee's words, the department head looked at the rookie, taro and others beside him.

They all nodded.

When the head of the department heard this, he only felt that the high blood pressure was coming up.

If the players all abandon the pit, wouldn't this project be worth the fee?!

It is equivalent to all the hard work in the early stage wasted!

Now the head of the department is in a dilemma.

At present, it seems that the only way to go is to close the server.

If it is said that after shutting down the server, the problem of HIM can really be solved.

At that time, you can still continue to open the service.

As long as the time is not too long, players should also come to play.

Thinking of this, the department head thought for a moment and said to everyone.

"I have to ask the boss for his opinion on this..."

"I can't be the master..."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

The department head spent about an hour here.

Finally explained the situation to the boss.

After the boss found out about the situation, his popularity was overwhelmed.

"How can I explain to the players when the service is stopped?!"

"How much money was spent on this project, how much painstaking effort did it take, and it just stopped taking it?!"

The boss definitely doesn't want to stop taking it.

But if the service is not stopped at present, for the game company.

Also a dead end.

The churn rate of players will definitely be above 70%.

In this way, even if the game continues to develop, the recharge project is opened.

At that time, it is estimated that it will not be able to pay back.

After hearing this, tea king SAM said to the boss.

"This is the only way I can come up with at the moment."

"You can think about it again."

"I still have one more thing to experiment with, and after the experiment, I will know whether stopping the service has any effect.

Tea King SAM left the conference room after speaking.

What he wants to experiment is exactly what the world on the other side of the void is.

If this mystery is not solved, it will be unreliable to stop serving.

Tea king SAM thought of this, found a helmet casually, registered a game account and entered the game.

Just when tea king SAM was discussing this matter.

At the moment in the game, Li Yuan is also in distress.

He already knew the situation that players in the command world were abandoning pits.

In fact, it is not Li Yuan's original intention to let players abandon the pit.

It's just that players in the command world are a threat to players in the MOD world.

Li Yuan naturally developed a mentality of protecting the calf.

But now players who have seen the command world have given up.

Li Yuan also felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that I miss them.

It's emotional, a little sad.

I think back when MC exploded, all kinds of servers, various MOD authors, and various redstone bosses.

It can be said that it was the heyday of MC.

But as the group of children who played MC grew up slowly.

Gradually, they became busy with their studies, began to prepare for exams, and started to work.

Slowly, they have less and less time to log in to MC.

In the end, there was no time to go into the game to have a look.

Gradually, there are fewer servers in MC, and fewer people in the servers.

When many people mention MC, they only have nostalgia in their minds.

The nostalgia is precisely because I haven't stepped into the game for a long time.

The current situation in the command world is like repeating all of this.

Of course Li Yuan didn't want to see such a situation.

Of course he doesn't want to see the MC not fall!

Although he doesn't like everything in the command world, he also doesn't want to see this world become deserted.

Both worlds, either world, is the world of MC.

Therefore, Li Yuan has the responsibility to protect both worlds.

"Looks like something has to be done..."

Now Li Yuan wants to save the command world is very simple, just unlock the command directly.

But Li Yuan didn't want to do that.

If the instruction is unlocked, then it is the same as before.

Players in this world still don't feel the various fun that games bring to them.

"It's really tricky..."

It is really difficult for Li Yuan to ask the players to stay and not activate the command at the same time.

After thinking of this, Li Yuan manipulated the avatar of Command World to look at the comments of the World Channel players.

At this time, many players in the world channel are talking about going to the MOD world to play.

After they went to the MOD world before, they were actually a little envious in their hearts.

They feel that the MOD world is much more exciting than this world.

At that time, it was also because of interests, if they were equal to the players in the MOD world.

Maybe, a large number of players from the command world will settle in the MOD world.

Li Yuan seemed to be reminded after seeing the players' remarks.


"You can do it in the direction of the server!"

The command world is like a 2b2t server.

The players who come here are all in PVP mode, and they can show their talents.

The MOD world is a PVE survival mode, allowing players to obtain stronger equipment and grow rapidly.

If we say that these two worlds are operated as two servers.

In this way, the problem should be able to be solved.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan immediately got busy.

Although it is easy to say, it is still difficult to do.

First of all, cancel the PVP permission of the command world player after reaching the MOD world player.

Then it is necessary to add PVE permission to the players in the MOD world to reach the command world.

In this way, players on both sides can achieve a harmonious coexistence mode.

Li Yuan was busy saving the situation.

Tea King SAM has also sneaked into the game as a player at this moment.

He soon came to the MOD world.

In order to get the information he wanted, he exhausted all means.

After more than five hours of hard work.

He finally got the result he wanted.

But this result surprised the tea king SAM for a long time.

"Two worlds... parallel worlds?!".

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