My World: From Game Bug To Demon King Him

91. This Is The Residence Of The One Guild And Their Grave! ! (Fourth More)

When NO.1 saw those monsters that suddenly appeared beside HIM, his face turned pale.

The huge pressure made him unable to breathe, he couldn't even stand firmly, and even staggered back a few steps.

"This... this is impossible!!"

"How do you know where they are?!!"

NO.1 couldn't figure out how HIM knew where he kept the monsters.

Or, when did M know where he kept these monsters.

NO.1 is certain that HIM did not know where these monsters were going at the beginning.

Otherwise, he wouldn't ask the monsters for news on the regional channel.

If HIM knew the whereabouts of the monsters long ago, he didn't have to spend so much trouble.

Just pick up the monsters and then slaughter them.

You don't have to show up and play a play.

Therefore, NO.1 was so confident at the beginning.

NO.1 I don't know which link went wrong, which made HIM know the location of the monsters.

He desperately recalled everything, and it seemed that there was nothing abnormal except before HIM started laughing.

"Yes! That smile!"

NO.1 seemed to think of something at this time.

It was because of that laugh that NO.1 panicked and asked the people below to check if the monsters were still there. "Nine Zero Zero"

But when NO.1 asked his subordinates to investigate, the monsters were clearly there!

If it is said that HIM had started before he laughed, then NO.1 sent his subordinates to investigate.

The monster must have been gone by then.

And the monster disappeared, after NO.1 sent someone to investigate!

That is to say, when NO.1 sent his subordinates to investigate, maybe HIM just knew the location of the monsters!

"Why did I send someone to investigate and he will know..."

Although NO.1 has already figured out when HIM knew the exact location of the monsters.

But he still didn't know how HIM knew.

At this moment, he looked up to meet HIM's eyes.

The moment his eyes met, he seemed to understand!

NO.1 Remember, when I asked my subordinates to check whether the monsters were there, I happened to meet HIM's eyes like now!

"So you came here to see their positions from my eyes!"

NO.1 never thought that HIM would have such an ability.

At this moment, the fear in my heart has slowly surrounded NO1.

What he was afraid of was not HIM's telepathic ability.

What he fears is HIM himself!

From the time when HIM knew where the monsters were, it can be inferred that HIM's telepathic ability is not very strong.

His induction should be the simple kind of reading the other party's thoughts at that time.

Therefore, HIM has been in the ONE guild for so long without knowing where the monsters are hidden.

Because in NO.1's mind, there are no those monsters.

If HIM wants to know the whereabouts of the monsters, he must remind NO.1 of those monsters.

That's why he laughs!

It is because of his inexplicable and untimely smile that NO.1 will be shaken.

Only then will NO.1 have the illusion that HIM has saved the monsters.

This made him wonder whether the locked monsters were still there.

And once he thinks, then HIM can get the message from his eyes.

Then use the clone to bring the monsters back!

No.1, who has seen through these, is completely stunned.

What he thought was a foolproof plan, but after the appearance of HIM, one by one, he went in the direction of HIM design.

And he himself has become the most important pawn in HIM's game of chess.

NO.1 at the moment couldn't help but smile wryly.

The perfect trap carefully designed by himself actually trapped him firmly.

At this moment, the executives of the ONE guild saw the monsters that appeared in front of them, and then looked at No. 1 who had given up hope.

They are heartbroken.

They knew that they were defeated in this battle, and they were defeated badly.

"We calculated for so long and finally got calculated..."

"How the hell does he know where the monsters are?!!!"

"It's useless to say anything now... I hope this incident won't affect the guild's ranking..."

"I hope HIM can just massacre the city..."

At this moment, they already know their fate.

So they only hope that, this time, HIM can kill a few people to calm their anger.

But at this moment, after the players in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they were surrounded by great fear, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

"It's's over..."

"I knew... How could HIM be caught by someone..."

"Perhaps, the ONE Guild really caught HIM's handle, but what they don't know is that HIM has premeditated..."

"The ONE guild wanted to design HIM, but HIM designed it instead..."

"It's not good for them to touch anyone...why touch HIM!!!"

"Say it!! HIM is not that simple!! Everything he does has a purpose!!!"

It can be said that the players are deeply aware of the horror of HIM at this moment.

It doesn't matter how much chance you have, no matter how long you have carefully planned and premeditated.

At the moment when HIM appears, everything will become his plan, his premeditation!

Just when the players were expressing their fear, a bullet screen at this time once again grabbed the hearts of the players.

"I don't care about any strategic traps, I just want to know how HIM will deal with the group of ONE guild..."

Yes, rounding up HIM's subordinates, provoking HIM, and even threatening HIM.

The actions of the ONE guild this time can be said to have filled up the hatred value.

So how will HIM deal with them?! Players are naturally curious.

"Slaughter all the members of the ONE guild?"

"Massacre, destruction of the garrison...?"

"Keep chasing them until they retreat?!"

When this question is asked, it seems that basically, all anyone can think of is HIM committing a massacre.

Kill all the players in the ONE guild.

But such a massacre seems to be very powerless.

Because players can be resurrected infinitely, no matter how many times HIM kills them, they can be resurrected again.

There are so many people in the ONE guild, so HIM wouldn't be free to watch and kill them every day, would he?

If it is said that HIM's punishment for ONE guild this time is only the massacre of the city, for ONE guild, the loss is not too big.

They will soon be able to make a comeback.

"I feel that the only thing HIM can do is massacre, so it seems acceptable to ONE Guild?!"

"Thinking about it this way, it's also... After all, it's a game..."

"The ONE guild is not bad, at least HIM has patronized their guild."

"Being able to invite HIM over here, it is worthwhile for each member of the ONE guild to die once.

The words of the players are indeed not unreasonable......

Although the ONE guild has provoked HIM, it seems that HIM has no other choice but to kill them all.

But this is a game after all, players can be resurrected after death.

It's nothing more than losing some equipment.

And the ONE guild has a thick base, so losing some equipment is nothing to them at all.

So players feel acceptable.

After the players figured this out, they didn't feel scared anymore.

After all, it is nothing more than death once.

Usually in the wild or mining or something, don't you have to die?

Die in the hands of HIM, and die in the hands of those monsters outside, there is no difference.

It would be easier to die in the hands of HIM.

After the players thought of this, they all turned their attention to HIM.

They also want to see what method HIM will use to slaughter the players of ONE guild this time.

At this time, HIM slowly walked in front of NO.1.

Seeing HIM approaching, NO.1 subconsciously took a few steps back, one of them lost his footing and fell to the ground.

At this time, HIM looked down at NO.1 and smiled.

"You really take good care of what I want."

After NO.1 heard HIM's words, his body trembled uncontrollably.

The look in HIM's eyes, his every word, is torture for NO.1!

At this moment, he only hoped that HIM could give him a quick end.

After HIM saw his appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head, and then continued.

"To thank you for your care."

"I'll give you a present too."

No, 1 tensed up after hearing HIM's words.

He doesn't know what's going to happen soon, but he has a premonition that what's going to happen is beyond his imagination and prediction.

HIM's voice just fell.

NO.1 just felt black in front of his eyes.

He thought he was dead.

Just when he was a little relieved, he found that a reminder box appeared in the darkness in front of him.

And in that prompt box, there is a letter.



NO.1 did not realize what was going on at once.

After about a few seconds, the black screen ended.

His vision also recovered again.

And at this 0.2 hour, the HIM in front of him has long since disappeared.

Seeing this, NO.1 was overjoyed.

He thought it was a system failure that caused him to be rescued.

Just when he wanted to move forward to see what happened.

But found himself trapped.

And when he lowered his head to look at his legs, he froze in place.

Right now his lower body is embedded in a piece of bedrock!

"Damn!! What's going on?!!"

"Where are we?!!"

"The coordinates are the trade union resident, that's right!!!"

"Grass, how could there be so much bedrock in the guild resident?!!"

"Damn it, why did it become like this as soon as the screen went black!?"

Looking around, all the members of the ONE guild are all the same as ONE.

Trapped in bedrock.

And this is obviously their guild residence! How could there be bedrock?!

At this time, the players outside the ONE guild's residence saw the scene in front of them, and were so frightened that they couldn't speak.

The ONE guild base in front of them dismantled and collapsed within seconds.

Afterwards, countless bedrocks came from all over the place, filling up the residence of ONE Guild!

And the shape of these bedrocks is like a tomb!

"This is the residence of the ONE guild, and it is also their grave..."

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