My World Has Become An Online Game

Chapter 104: Zhao Min's Inference (Second)

After asking what he wanted to know, Zhao Min took Xuan Ming and the others away.

After leaving, Zhao Min found an inn, looked at A Da and the others beside him and said, "Go to Heifeng Mountain immediately, and find out what the origin of this group of strong men in Heifeng Mountain is.

"Yes." Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San and the others immediately said respectfully, and then left the inn.

After Ah Da and the others left, Lu Zhang Ke and He Bi Weng looked at Zhao Min and asked curiously: "The Black Wind Mountain is just a group of robbers, why is the princess so caring? And sent ~ Ah Da and the others to investigate explore?"

"Two masters, do you really think that the robbers on Heifeng Mountain are just robbers?" Zhao Min looked at Lu Zhangke and Lu Zhangke with serious expressions on their faces.

"Huh?" The two were puzzled.

"My father was the Generalissimo of the Yuan Dynasty, and he was in charge of the armies of the world. I have been in the major armies since I was a child. I am very familiar with the army. The group just now, although they seem to be fighting independently, but They are forming battle formations all the time, and at the same time, their execution and action capabilities are definitely not ordinary robbers, they are definitely the elite in the army.

"In the past two years, the world has become more and more chaotic. I have always felt that there is a pair of invisible hands behind the chaos of the world. The bandits in Heifeng Mountain are not simple. I will investigate from this point to see how unusual they are. .” Zhao Min said in a deep voice.

"I'll understand." Lu Zhangke and He Biweng looked at Zhao Min and nodded.

About three hours later, Ah Tian and the others came back.

"See Princess." A Da and the others respectfully said immediately after seeing Zhao Min.

"Don't be too polite, tell me what you found?" Zhao Min asked.

"There are no robbers on Heifeng Mountain, and it's not like we haven't seen robbers before. The ones on Heifeng Mountain are definitely not robbers. They are well-trained, with ten steps and one checkpoint. If we are not all late-stage masters, I am afraid that even Heifeng Mountain will We can’t get in, but even so, we just checked around the middle of Heifeng Mountain.”

"We can't enter the inner circle of Heifeng Mountain. Once we enter, we will definitely be found. In order not to startle the snake, we came to report to the princess." Ada and the three looked at Zhao Min respectfully.

"Even you can't enter the inner circle. There is indeed a problem with Black Wind Mountain. Who is secretly training the army under the name of robbers? Wait? In the name of robbers? Not good.

Zhao Min's expression froze suddenly.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Lu Zhangke and the others asked immediately when they saw Zhao Min's expression.

"Bandits are in the name of robbers. In recent years, there have been many gangs of robbers in the world. On the surface, they seem to be bandits because they can't stand the oppression. But as far as I know, the officials in many places are Han Chinese. Officials, although there are people from Yuan to supervise, the local people are not too bad, but even so, there are still gangs of robbers."

"And it's not a weak gang of robbers. Bandits are a career that loses their heads. The most important thing is that I have seen a piece of information, but I didn't think much about it at the time. The information said that many gangsters do not rob for a living. Bandits How to survive without robbing? I didn’t think about it at the time, but now it seems that there are definitely people behind these robbers who are funding them.”

"If these gangs of bandits are the same as those on Heifeng Mountain, then the people behind them will be terrifying, and they will be broken into pieces. Once the world is in chaos, they can raise an army of hundreds of thousands of people with a wave of their hands, and they are all well-trained The army." Zhao Min said with an incomparably dignified expression.

"Princess, I'm afraid you are overthinking, Black Wind Mountain should be just an accident [Who can supply so many gangs of robbers in the future? Lu Zhangke looked at Zhao Min and said with a smile.

…… Ask for flowers……………

"I also hope that I'm thinking too much. Let's go. Let's set off now. I want to check all the bandit gangs in Sichuan." Zhao Min looked at Lu Zhangke and the others with a wry smile.

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Seven days later, Zhao Min looked at Lu Zhangke and the others with a wry smile and said, "In the past seven days, we have checked more than 30 bandit gangs, large and small, in Sichuan, and ten of them are normal bandit gangs. businessmen, but the rest, without exception, are all the same as Heifeng Mountain, only in different sizes.

"There are only so many in the Sichuan area. I am afraid that there will be absolutely no shortage in all parts of the world. I will send someone to verify this."

"I didn't expect that someone was really funding these gangs of robbers, but who has this strength?" Lu Zhangke frowned.

"In today's world, apart from the royal family, there should be nothing else?" He Biweng said.

"Who said there is no, have you forgotten a family that is famous all over the world?" Zhao Min said.

"The princess is talking about the Jiangnan Lu family?" Lu Zhangke looked at Zhao Min and asked.

"That's right, the Lu family in the south of the Yangtze River. The Lu family's wealth is more than enough to support hundreds of thousands of robbers. Even a few million is more than enough. In recent years, the Lu family has developed too rapidly in business. The ones, the black ones, all have people from the Lu family involved, and their wealth cannot be compared with that of ten dynasties."

"If these robbers are behind them, everything makes sense. They definitely have that ability, strength, and ambition." Zhao Min said solemnly.

PS: The second definition. .

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