My World Has Become An Online Game

Chapter 196: Sell Yourself To Save Your Father? Beautiful Woman (Second Update)

Naturally, Lu Chuan and Lu Xiong were secretly protecting them. They were too famous to follow Lu Yang all the time, otherwise it would be troublesome to be recognized.

As for Qin'er and their four daughters, they arranged for Lu De to purchase a batch of things in the inn to replace the things in Tianzi No. 1 room.

Although the bedding and other things in the Tianzi No. 1 room are all first-class, they are still a bit poor. If Lu Yang doesn’t come, it’s fine. Since Lu Yang is here, he must change it. What if he doesn’t? Can it be worthy of Lu Yang's status?

What Qin'er and the others are talking about, if it is really difficult for other forces to get together, at least the ordinary first-class forces can get one or two of them will be considered good.

Ordinary top forces may be able to gather together, but it will take time.

But for the Lu family, these are very easy.

No matter how you say it, the Lu family in Qianzhou is also a lineage branch that has been separated from the Lu family in Luzhou for nearly ten thousand years. Appalling.

Lu De sent an order to the Lu family in Qianzhou, and the Lu family in Qianzhou knew that Lu Yang was coming, so they immediately prepared and sent all the things Lu Yang needed.

If Lu De hadn't said that Lu Yang didn't want to reveal his identity, the Patriarch of the Lu family in Qianzhou would have personally led the direct descendants of the Lu family in Qianzhou to visit him.

Lu Yang doesn't know about the things in the inn, and he doesn't want to know. Anyway, Qin'er and the others will handle it in an orderly manner. He doesn't need to worry about it at all. He just needs to enjoy it.

"Shikang, do you know anything about Nancheng?" Lu Yang asked with a smile to Lu Shikang who was following him on the street of Nancheng.

"I know some, but not much. Every time I go to other Kyushus, I do business, and I don't have much time to learn about it. However, if the Patriarch wants to know, I will immediately ask Lu De to send someone who is familiar with Nancheng." Lu Shikang listened When it came to Lu Yang, he said it immediately.

"No need, you only come here if you don't know anything. If you know everything, it will be a bit boring. That's fine, let's take a stroll today. By the way, don't call me the master outside, call me son." Lu Yang looked at Looking at Lu Shikang said with a smile.

"Yes." Lu Shikang nodded immediately.

After about half a cup of tea, Lu Yang suddenly saw a group of people in front of him, very lively.

Seeing Lu Yang stop, Lu Shikang immediately knew what Lu Yang was thinking, and gave Lu Yi a wink, who immediately went to the front to inquire about the situation.

Soon, Lu Yi came back and said respectfully to Lu Yang, "My lord, there is a woman who sold herself to save her father."

"Sell yourself to save your father?" Lu Yang looked at Lu Yidao.

"Yes, it is said that the woman's father is seriously ill. This disease has been diagnosed by a famous doctor in Nancheng. It needs a lot of precious medicinal materials to cure it. The woman can't afford that much money, so she sells herself to save her father." Lu Yi said respectfully .

"Sold her body to save her father? What price would she sell herself for?" Lu Yang looked at Lu Yi and asked with a smile.

"Five thousand taels of silver." Lu Yi looked at Lu Yang and said respectfully.

"Five thousand taels of silver? Shikang, what do you think of this price?" Lu Yang looked at Lu Shikang and asked with a smile.

"The old slave's opinion should be some way to attract people's attention. Five thousand taels of silver is already considered a wealthy family among ordinary people. Unless this woman is a world-famous beauty, she is not worth the price at all. After all, five thousand taels Two silver coins, if you really want to buy maidservants, you can buy more than a dozen beautiful maidservants." Lu Shikang immediately smiled when he heard Lu Yang's words.

"Lu Yi, what do you think?" Lu Yang looked at Lu Yi and asked.

"Judging from the woman's appearance, I think someone should come for five thousand taels of silver." Chuan Yi thought for a while.

"Oh? Could it be that this woman has a beautiful appearance?" Lu Shikang looked at Lu Yi and asked curiously.

"Well, from the appearance point of view, it's absolutely beautiful." Lu nodded and said.

"It's interesting, let's go and have a look." Lu Yang laughed.

Yes. When Lu Shikang heard Lu Yang's words, he immediately nodded respectfully.

But the heart is dignified.

127 Is this too coincidental? Women who have reached the level of beauty are in high demand no matter where they are. How could they sell themselves to save their father casually? Or do they sell themselves when they arrive? Save father?

However, Lu Shikang didn't say anything, he just wanted to see what was going on, no matter what the situation was, no one could threaten Lu Yang, after all the elders of the second and third clans of the Lu family were hiding in the dark.

Lu Yi and the others opened the way ahead, and quickly opened a way for Lu Yang to pass.

The people who were pushed away all around naturally dared not speak out, after all, Lu Yi and the others were not easy to provoke.

After walking to the front, Lu Yang saw the scene inside.

I saw a woman kneeling on the ground, a mat was placed in front of the woman, and an old man with a black complexion was lying on the mat, and he looked like he was seriously ill.

There was a sign next to the old man, which said sell your body to save your father.

PS: The second update. .

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