My World Has Become An Online Game

Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Wind Helps The Fire, Learn Skills To Control The Wind (Second Update)

After walking like this for another half an hour, Lu Yang finally came to an end.

What appeared in front of Lu Yang was a relatively empty space, about forty or fifty meters in size.

In this space, Lu Yang did not see groups of monster bees.

There was only a bee about three meters in front of him.

The difference between this bee and other bees is the tail needle. The tail needle of this bee is actually golden. At first glance, it is not a simple bee. Besides the BOSS queen bee, who else can it be?

Name: Queen Bee, Level: Level 9, Blood Volume: 35000, Attack Power: 525~613, Skills: Control Bee Swarm (can control the group to attack the enemy), Queen Bee Stinger (shoot the tail needle to cause a lot of damage, the queen bee uses it three times in a row The queen bee sting enters a weak state, skill damage: 1452~1825.) Haste (after use, the speed can be doubled within three minutes)

After reading the attribute list of the queen bee, Lu Yang showed a dignified expression.

The Queen Bee's first skill has been disabled, because her group has been wiped out by Lu Yang, and she can't summon any bee monsters.

But Lu Yang is very afraid of the other two skills.

If he can only use the queen bee sting once, Lu Yang may still be able to go out and hit the front, but he can use it three times in a row before entering the weak state, then Lu Yang cannot directly hit the front, what if he misses?

Especially with the addition of the third skill, Haste, once this skill is used, the Queen Bee's speed may not be much weaker than him.

Lu Yang began to think about how to kill the queen bee.

It is definitely not possible to use the method of killing the queen ant, because the queen ant cannot move, and the queen bee has super high fighting ability.

It's no wonder that the queen bee doesn't need guards, because she is the strongest herself. In order to maintain the majesty of the king, other bees must not be allowed to stay with her. Only when she calls, can she enter her place.

"The speed of a bee is on its wings. If its wings are gone, its combat effectiveness will definitely be reduced many times. At that time, it is still on the ground. How can I make its wings disappear?" Lu Yang looked at the queen bee and thought to himself.

Simply using fireball is definitely not enough. Fireball is very harmful to bees. Lu Yang knew this when he entered the bee dungeon.

Once the fireball technique is used, after burning the wings of the bees, he can directly kill them with the Xuangu sword.

But this is okay against ordinary bee monsters. Ordinary bee monsters are not particularly fast, and the fireball technique can still catch up, but it is not good against bee leaders and queen bees.

The speed of fireball can't catch up with this level of BOSS at all, which is why Lu Yang didn't use fireball to kill bees before. Ordinary bee monsters can be killed by killing insects and poisonous gas. Why use fireball? Those who cannot be killed with insecticidal poisonous gas, the speed of fireball can't catch up at all.

"The fire grows and the wind grows, and the wind helps the fire. Wind and fire seem to complement each other."

After thinking for a while, Lu Yang suddenly thought of the green skill book Yufeng in his backpack.

Soon Lu Yang took out the Yufeng skill book.

Name: Yufeng, Skill Description: Control the power of the wind (the higher the level, the higher the damage, please check the details after learning.)

"It's up to you to kill the queen bee with one click, you have to work harder." Lu Yang looked at the Yufeng skill book and thought to himself.

"Guide elf, I want to learn how to control the wind." Lu Yang said to the guide elf.

"Learning Yufeng requires two skill points. Do you want to learn it?" The voice of the guide elf appeared in Lu Yang's mind.

"Study." Lu Yang said immediately.

"Congratulations to the player for successfully learning the skill Wind Control." The guide spirit said immediately after deducting two points of Lu Yang's skill.

Hearing the voice of the guiding spirit, Lu Yang checked Yufeng's true attributes.

Name: Yufeng (Level 1, skills can be upgraded.)

Skill description: Manipulate the power of wind

Skill damage: 150~230

Mana consumption: 100.

"The level can be improved? What do you mean?" Lu Yang immediately asked after seeing the skill introduction.

"There are many levels of Yufeng. What players get is the green grade of Yufeng. In the future, they can get purple Yufeng, orange Yufeng. Theoretically, the skill of Yufeng can reach the highest level. If you get a higher-level Wind Control Technique, you can directly convert the low-level Wind Control Technique into a high-level Wind Control Technique, and the transformation ratio is converted according to the number of skill points required." The guide elf replied after hearing Lu Yang's question.

"So that's it. It seems that fireball is really a relatively rubbish skill. If it is fire control, I'm afraid it can improve the level." Lu Yang thought to himself.

But soon, Lu Yang lost his last skill point on fireball.

Although Fireball is rubbish, it is the main attack skill this time, and it must be enhanced.

Moreover, fireball is cheap, and a little skill point can be upgraded to a level.

After the upgrade, the damage of the fireball technique has also increased a lot.

Name: Fireball (Level 2)

Skill Description: Summon a fireball to attack the enemy

Attack power: 140~190

Skill consumption: 100 mana points


"The second-level fireball skill has almost the same damage as Yufeng, but it's a pity that the fireball skill cannot be upgraded. Otherwise, first upgrade the white fireball skill to the full level ten of the white skill, and it will definitely increase the combat power a lot." Lu Yang Looking at the new panel of Fireball Technique, he thought to himself.

After upgrading the fireball technique and learning the wind control technique, Lu Yang's combat power directly increased by several hundred points, from 4125 combat power to 4548 combat power, which is quite a big improvement.

However, Lu Yang doesn't plan to pay attention to his own combat power for the time being. What he has to do now is to burn the queen bee's wings. As long as the queen bee's wings are burned, with his current strength, killing the queen bee is an easy task. .

PS: The second update, asking for flowers, asking for evaluation votes, asking for comments, these are all free, please give Nianhua a little motivation, thank you.

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