My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 1 Bring back my own leather booklet from the mass grave

Great Xia Dynasty.

Jiangling Prefecture, Anping County.

Suburbs, wilderness.

Luo Hong woke up faintly, and opened his eyes in a daze. The damp and salty earthy smell mixed with a pungent smell of rotting meat spread over the surface.

Subconsciously want to take a big breath, but feel a burst of heat in the throat and nose.

The underside of the nose was wet and smelled of blood.

With a swipe, his hands turned red, which made Luo Hong a little flustered. He stood up and fumbled with his hands, trying to find the clean white toilet paper that was always on the table.

However, his hands were empty, and his eyes swept around. Luo Hong only felt that his neck was completely frozen as if it had been poured with cement.

Where the hell is this?

What about his cozy and big 25-square-meter single apartment?

How did it become a wilderness?

However, ignoring the shock, he rolled up his sleeves and wiped the blood from his nose.

There was also a burst of soreness all over the body, as if being hollowed out.

The cold moon hangs high in the sky, the moonlight is like gauze, hazy.

With the help of the faint moonlight, Luo Hong caught a glimpse of the rotting corpses around him...

In an instant, Luo Hong's body and mind felt cold.

The nosebleed that had just stopped nearly spewed out again.

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in his brain, and memories rushed in like a turbulent flow.

for a long time.

Luo Hongcai realized with a pale complexion.

He crossed.

At the beginning of the game, it was a mass grave, and... it also fell into the red.

My heart was inexplicably hairy, and the fear spread.

Luo Hong hesitated for a while, trying to crawl out from the pile of dead people.

But as soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground as if his ankle was grabbed by a hand, supported by his palms, rubbed by the gravel on the ground, and there was another burst of burning pain.

Looking back, it turned out that a package tripped him.

Luo Hong's tears almost fell down, what kind of apocalyptic start!

His mentality is about to explode!

Time travel now, are you all so sad?

Luo Hong glanced at the package that tripped him, but he saw a corner of a booklet revealed in the package. The material of this booklet is unknown. Under the light of the moonlight, it actually... floodlight.

Gold... Goldfinger? !

Luo Hong's heart trembled.

Afterwards, ignoring the fear brought about by the environment of the mass grave, he picked up the package that represented the last dignity of the traverser and scrambled away from the place.


After running for more than ten miles, the eastern part of the sky turned pale.

It was when Luo Hong's calf was about to cramp that he could vaguely see the outline of Anping County.

After a while of rushing, I finally came to the gate of the city under the sunshine of the morning sun, suffering from hunger and cold.

Luo Hong was panting, his eyes were red.

It was too difficult for him to start.

According to the memory forcibly inserted in his mind, Luo Hong also figured out his identity.

The original owner of this body was also named Luo Hong, the son of a landlord in Anping County, who had nothing else but a little money.

The landlord's father disappeared mysteriously, leaving him only a large fortune and a five-year-old little sister.

As for how he was dumped in the mass grave, Luo Hong's memory is a little fuzzy, but he still generally remembers it.

Luo Hong left Anping County with three guards. When he went to a remote mountain village to collect land rent, he encountered a horse bandit who robbed the village. His predecessor with a sense of justice stepped forward with the guards. Received a lunch box.

What a miserable and stupid son of a landlord.

How can it be so easy to be a son of justice?

Luo Hong was stopped before entering the city.

After careful inspection, the soldiers guarding the city recognized Luo Hong, who was extremely embarrassed. After all, the son of the largest landlord's family in Anping County was still somewhat famous.

Luo Hong told his own experience,

The soldiers just listened to it as a joke, and seeing Luo Hong's miserable state, they could make a good guess.

In today's chaotic world, there is no peace anywhere.

Things like this are not uncommon.

He didn't continue to add insult to injury, and after checking Luo Hong's belongings, he let him go.

Luo Hong entered the city and felt a lot more secure in his heart when he stepped on the solid bluestone slab.

Anping County is not too big. In the early morning, when the morning air is still there, there are already many vendors going to the market on both sides of the street.

Luo Hong was disheveled and looked rather miserable. He was holding a blood-stained package.

The booklet in the package can actually glow in the dark. In Luo Hong's view, it may be the golden finger that accompanied time travel.

This is the last dignity that belongs to him as a traverser!

The sweet fragrance of bean curd wafted in the air, which attracted Luo Hong's gluttonous insects and made a loud rumbling sound from his abdomen.

After safety, intense hunger swept through like a tsunami.

There is a tofu stall in the distance.

Luo Hong licked his chapped lips, his eyes were red and glowing, and he walked over with his calves that were almost cramp.

The location of this tofu stall is relatively remote, and there are very few customers.

"Guest...Guest officer..."

"What to eat?"

Luo Hong sat on the long bench, and just as he put down the blood-stained package, a timid voice with a bit of fear came from beside him, but the voice was nice.

Luo Hong turned his head, his hair was unkempt, his face was stained with blood, and his body was full of stench...

Looks like a tough guy.

It was this bit of ferocity that brought fear to the other party's questioning words.

At this time, Luo Hong also saw clearly the person who spoke, seeing this, Luo Hong was stunned for a moment.

Because, the owner of the bean curd stall in front of me looks as dirty as he is, and looks very unique...

The boss should be a woman, but her face was smeared with black toner, like a tabby cat. Besides the black charcoal, there was also some yellow mud on her face. She looked unkempt.

"Boss, why don't you wash your face when you set up a stall... You can easily scare customers away like this."

Luo Hong couldn't help complaining.

The woman didn't say anything, just lowered her head.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

"Two bowls of bean curd and two fried dough sticks!"

Luo Hong opened his mouth to break the embarrassment, and said.

The woman pursed her lips, turned and left.

While the woman was preparing to eat, Luo Hong pulled the package, wanting to check his golden fingers.

However, as soon as a corner of the package was removed, a rich golden light spread out.


Luo Hong glanced at it, and hurriedly covered it with guilt. He turned his head to look at the stall owner, and found that the other party was clumsily preparing tofu curds, and he felt relieved.

The light shone for a while, and then quickly dissipated. Luo Hong took off the package completely and found that it was a booklet.

The surface of the booklet is smooth, and it feels strangely silky to the touch.


"So slippery!"

Luo Hong was surprised.

A bit like……

girly skin.


As soon as this thought appeared, Luo Hong immediately felt his hair stand on end, and goosebumps instantly covered his whole body.

Girl human skin? !

He brought back his personal booklet from the mass grave...

Is it that scary?

Trembling and covering the package, just at this time, the woman who made herself look like a cat came over with steaming bean curd and fried dough sticks.

"Thank you...thank you."

Luo Hong forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, and turned to look at the woman.

The woman with her head down, when she heard Luo Hong's thank you, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, raised her eyelids slightly, and glanced at Luo Hong with her big jewel-like eyes.

That glimpse revealed a strange charm.

like a light...

Soon, the woman lowered her head again, turned and left in silence.

Luo Hong didn't think too much, his attention was attracted by the bean curd and fried dough sticks.

Hunger made Luo Hong soon start to gobble it up.

Luo Hong couldn't help crying.

The simple beancurd and deep-fried dough sticks seemed to be the only consolation in the beginning of his dark time travel.

The warmed stomach sent out a satisfying and comfortable feedback, and Luo Hong slowly exhaled a mouthful of hot air.

His forehead was sweating slightly.

Eat and drink enough and be ready to pay.

However, the action of taking out his pocket froze, only to remember that all the money on his body seemed to be robbed by horse bandits...

I was so busy eating it that I forgot about it.

This is a bit embarrassing.


"Girl, can I have some credit?"

Luo Hong bit the bullet and looked at the woman with her head down, and said.

For such a small business, he has never met a woman before, so it seems a bit shameless to pay on credit.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, her complexion changed slightly.

Even through the black charcoal and yellow mud, Luo Hong could see the woman's rapidly pale complexion...

It's rare for her to meet a customer who wants to pay on credit for eating Douhua...

Luo Hong felt that even breathing was awkward for him now.

"I, the son of the landlord's family, have money!"

Luo Hong pointed to himself and said seriously.

After finishing speaking, he ignored the pale woman, picked up the package wrapped in the human skin booklet, and stumbled away in a bit of a mess.

Looking at Luo Hong's back, the woman finally plucked up her courage and shouted timidly.

"Then...that can't be credited..."

However, Luo Hong had already stumbled and disappeared into the morning light.

The woman was a little dejected, silently picked up the dishes on the table, and bit her lip.

It doesn't matter if you meet scum, you must be strong!

It was also the first time for Luo Hong, who ran away, to eat Bawang's meal, feeling rather embarrassed and ashamed.

Make up your mind and send someone to pay back the money when you go back.

After running about two or three miles away from the bean curd stall, I finally relaxed.

And this relaxation, Luo Hong suddenly felt the package in his hand tremble, looked down, and found that the human skin book was drilled out of the package, like a spider with long legs spread, sticking to Luo Hong's hand...

Luo Hong, who was sweating profusely from running, felt like falling into an ice cave.

This human skin has been edited into a booklet, can it still be a corpse? !

Suddenly, Luo Hong only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and words written in blood gradually appeared on the human skin manual.

"Complete the first villain's behavior: Shamelessly eat the overlord's meal."

"Villain Manual, successfully activated."

PS: The new book sets sail, young seedlings, please give a reward, please recommend a ticket, please collect it~~~

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