On this day, outside Anping County, corpses were strewn all over the field, Tianjiao and Dao protectors shed countless blood.

On this day, the secret realm was closed, and Wen Tianxing returned to Beijing alone.

On this day, Chen Tianxuan rose from the ground, commanding thousands of flying swords, and headed towards the north of the Great Wall.


What happened under the eyes of countless Jianghu people, like a rolling wave, spread in an instant.

Even late at night, it still cannot stop the spread.

The news quickly spread out of Anping County, to the counties around Anping County, and even to Jiangling Mansion.

The city of Jiangling has a large population, and there are as many knight-errants as there are princes crossing the river, so the news naturally spreads very quickly.

Teahouses, restaurants, inns, and Goulan have become places where news spreads rapidly.

Some quacks who witnessed this battle in Anping County, with a little more impressive talk, rushed into Fucheng, and in teahouses and restaurants, they spit and told what they saw and heard.

And some quacks who have never been to Anping County also regret that they slapped the table.

If they had known that the battle outside Anping County was so exciting, with such climaxes, they would certainly not have cared about those few steps.

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

"On the day the secret realm was closed, the corpses of geniuses rained down!"

"Yelüce, the third on the Yellow List, was chased and killed like a dog, and he was so embarrassed that his enemy for life was Longhushan Hong Baiwei!"

"Yuan Chenggang, the chief coach of the Jiangling Mansion who has been silent for ten years, defeated ten first-ranks with one shot!"

"The black-armored cavalry came out of the camp, and killed the master Zhao Xinghe, the second rank, like a dog!"

All kinds of news were flying all over the sky, almost making the whole rivers and lakes boil.

Just overnight, the rivers and lakes are like boiling water, bubbling and bubbling.


Luo Hong was naturally unaware of all this.

Zhao Xinghe returned to the camp dozens of miles away with all the black armored cavalry. This time the attack shocked the world and slaughtered many second-rank guardians.

However, this follow-up problem is also very serious, Zhao Xinghe took a deep look at Luo Hong, and returned to the camp with the army, preparing to face the storm that was about to erupt.

The people watching the excitement had already turned pale from the horror of the corpses all over the ground, and ran back to the city one after another, hiding in their houses.

On weekdays, many people yearn for the rivers and lakes, but now, seeing corpses raining down and blood flowing like rivers, some people who are afraid of death may not have any thoughts about the rivers and lakes in this life.

Chen Tianxuan Yujian went north, but not many people actually knew about it.

Everyone paid more attention to the turmoil outside Anping County.

late at night.

The bright moon hangs high, reflecting the corpses all over the ground outside Anping County, as if illuminated by the distorted blood on the ground, it turns bloody.

Outside Anping County, there were no figures.

The gates are closed.

Zhao Donghan and Xiao Douhua stood on the city wall and waited for Luo Hong.

Luo Hong, dressed in blood-stained white clothes, shuttled among the corpses under the moonlight.

The thick blood of these corpses surged,

However, even in death, the aura of these corpses is still very strong and has not weakened rapidly.

After all, they are all second-rank powerhouses, or even first-rank powerhouses.

If these powerhouses gather together, they can all establish a top sect.

"What is Mr. Luohong doing?"

Ziwei was wearing a light yellow long dress, standing on the tower, she turned to look at Zhao Donghan beside her curiously, and asked.

Zhao Donghan took a deep breath, and the scar on his face squirmed: "Master, this is paying homage to the monks who died because of him. Although these people want to kill you, my son is kind. Every time someone dies because of him, he I feel uncomfortable in my heart...Even if it is an evil cultivator, the young master will miss it, let alone talk about these people."

Xiao Douhua gradually opened her eyes, really?

Ziwei immediately took a deep breath: "Young Master Luohong, you are indeed a model of justice in Anping County."

Fangzheng was holding the case file and was about to record it. Hearing Zhao Donghan's words, he nodded in agreement.

Although... the incident this time has completely exceeded the jurisdiction of these small Dali Temple envoys, but this case still has to be done.

Luo Feng was leaning against a corner of the city wall, looking deeply at the sky.

It's like doubting life.

Wu Ju died, and the Tianjiao of Dali Temple, a successor cultivated by Shaoqing, died in the secret realm just like that, and was killed by Luo Hong.

Martial arts, the martial arts of the fourth-rank Tiangang realm, ranked fifteenth in the yellow list, such a proud man, in the past, Luo Feng would have to bow his head in front of the opponent, but such a strong man was killed by Luo Hong. In the secret.

"Less than a month..."

Luo Feng leaned against the corner of the wall, trembling, at this moment, his face was vicissitudes.

He still remembered that when he first came into contact with Luo Hong, Luo Hong was only a cultivator of the ninth-rank sword spirit, and he was almost on the verge of death against an eighth-rank evil cultivator. In just one month, he watched Luo Hong kill more and more people. stronger...

Now, even the martial arts, the Huangbang Tianjiao like Gong Hao died in the hands of Luo Hong.

"Is this... a monster?"

Looking at the corpses all over the ground under the moonlight, Luo Feng felt more and more vicissitudes.

Luo Hong walked among the corpses, his complexion slightly dark.

With so many second-rank and first-rank corpses, Luo Hong tried to summon the evil shadows, but none of them were successful.

Even if Luo Hong put on the evil king's mask and tried to summon him, it still failed.

The higher the cultivation level of the deceased than him, the higher the failure rate of summoning the evil shadow.

These second-rank and first-rank masters have much higher realm and cultivation base than him, and the failure rate is frighteningly high.

After trying everything, Luo Hong gave up.

Originally, he thought that summoning a few evil shadows of second-rank or even first-rank masters to be his assistants would basically mean that he would soar into the sky and be able to run amok.

Not to mention Yeluce, even if Huang Bang No. 1 was in front of him, he would still be strangled to death.

It's a pity that his idea is very good, but the reality is very skinny.

Luo Hong returned to Anping County in disappointment, Zhao Donghan and the others couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion on his frustrated and sad expression.

Ziwei thought for a while, and comforted her, "Young Master Luohong, don't be too sad, you've done enough."

Hearing this, Luo Hong glanced at Zi Wei, and couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, he, Luo Hong, had indeed achieved the ultimate. Unfortunately, the improvement of the realm was still too slow to summon the evil shadows of these masters.

Luo Hong just felt that gold mountains collapsed before his eyes, and cooked ducks flapped their wings and flew away before his eyes.

"Well, I know, there is no way to say something like fate." Luo Hong smiled reluctantly. Indeed, summoning evil shadows depends on luck. If luck is not good, then fate is bad. demand.

Zi Wei, Zhao Donghan and the others nodded, the young master is right, the deaths of these people, you can't blame the young master, if you want to blame them, you can only blame their bad lives, they don't know how to cherish their lives, and insist on killing the young master.

Luo Hong didn't stay on the tower for long, he took Xiaodouhua, Zhao Donghan and Yuan Xiazi back to Luo Mansion lonely and exhausted.

Steward Chen went to Saibei, but he didn't know if he was going to live or die.

In fact, Luo Hong also had no idea. Although he gave Steward Chen the Ksitigarbha Soul Seizing Pill, the potion only had a 20% success rate of resurrection, and Luo Hong couldn't guarantee anything.

Perhaps, if Housekeeper Chen went here once, he would never return.

In Luo's mansion, Luo Xiaoxiao woke up, she seemed to have cried, her big eyes were a little bright, she huddled on the grand master's chair in the main hall and waited for Luo Hong and the others.

"Brother, I seem to have seen Uncle Chen leave us just now..."

Luo Xiaodao.

Luo Hong walked over, covered in blood, and touched Luo's little head: "And brother, don't be afraid, wait for brother to rest for a while, change into clothes and tell you a story."


After all, Luo Hong failed to tell the story.

Because Luo Xiaoxiao justly refused.

Luo Hong returned to the room, full of moonlight. He took a shower, changed into a clean white shirt, and lay on the bed, motionless.

His mind was weary.

In the Secret Realm of Heaven, I have visualized the Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha many times, killed many geniuses, and fought Yeluce for a long time, and my spirit was very sluggish.

Luo Hong lay on his back, he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

He really wanted to take out the human skin booklet to look at the crimes. This time, in the secret realm, he used a large number of crimes against the target, and even went out of the secret realm, creating a scene of corpses raining down, giving the world a strong sense of shock.

Perhaps, the world will think that Luo Hong is a murderer and a big villain, and they will fear him, be afraid of him, and stay away from him.

Before the villains, there may be an extra word "big".

However, the sluggish and sleepy spirit made Luo Hong feel that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he finally closed them heavily.


Zhao Donghan looked at Yuehua, unable to calm down for a long time.

He was standing by the lotus pond. In the past, Steward Chen would stand here, feed the fish and admire the lotus.

But now, Steward Chen is no longer there.

Zhao Donghan was actually a little sad. He admired Steward Chen, but he knew that this time, Steward Chen went north to challenge Yelu Agudo.

Thinking of Chen Butler's entrustment to him before he left, he saw the disappointment in Chen Butler's eyes, Zhao Dongyang shook his head and sighed, he knew that he was too weak to shoulder the responsibility that a guard should have.

"My lord, don't worry, Lao Zhao, I can't protect the son's people, but I will definitely protect the son's reputation!"

Zhao Donghan said.

Xiao Douhua is holding the Earth Flood Sword, wearing a long white dress, and the air between heaven and earth is constantly condensing, holding the Earth Flood Sword in her arms.

She also couldn't sleep, because Steward Chen, a kind and kind elder, was about to pass away, and she was a little sad.

Seeing Xiao Douhua, Old Zhao took a deep breath.

Talked to Xiao Douhua, Xiao Douhua's eyes lit up, and the two left Luofu together.

Go to the largest restaurant in Anping County.

In the dead of night.

However, Zuixiang Tower is still hot.

Countless quacks poured into the restaurant, and everyone ordered a bowl of wine.

The storytellers who were originally storytellers in the teahouse changed positions and came to the restaurant, because, speaking of today's events, drinking tea is not strong enough, and it takes drinking to get the taste.

"Let's say that Luo Hong stepped on a goshawk with a wingspan of 100 meters to leave the secret realm, and his whole body was filled with blood, like the head of the Nine Heavens Demon. Behind him, the crashing corpse kept falling, with limbs and arms broken, and the picture was extremely bloody!"

"Those are the corpses of geniuses. The corpses of geniuses who were beheaded by Luo Hong in the secret realm, the treasures in the hands of various families, and the hearts and minds of each family, were cut to pieces by Luo Hong in the secret realm! It's shocking to the extreme! "

The storyteller took a sip of the wine, and spit was flying all over the table.

The surrounding quacks were blushing, and the applause resounded endlessly.

"Put your mother's shit on!"

As soon as Zhao Donghan and Xiao Douhua entered the restaurant, they were furious when they heard the storyteller's words.

To speak is to curse!

"You rubbish mouth full of dung, how upright and upright my son is! In the secret realm, those geniuses wanted to kill my son, but my son killed him instead. What's wrong with my son?! Besides, Xiao Erqi, the arrogance on the yellow list Didn’t Wu Meiniang and Wu Meiniang have already opened their mouths to say that my young master only killed a martial arts exercise and severely injured Yeluce, so how can he speak of killing people! Don’t take you to slander people like this!”

Zhao Donghan scolded!

Xiao Douhua hugged the Flood Sword and followed Zhao Donghan, her pretty face was flushed with excitement, she didn't know what to say, so she could only nod her head heavily: "En!"

Old Zhao is right!

"My son avenged Yao Yushi's daughter back then, and was hated by Princess Changping. The princess united with many geniuses to surround and kill my son in the secret realm, but my son killed her instead. What's wrong?!"

Zhao Donghan continued, turning his head to look at Xiao Douhua.

Xiao Douhua's pretty face was excited, and she nodded again: "Mmm!!"

What Old Zhao said was so right!

The more Zhao Donghan talked, the more excited he was, he slapped the table and said, "Little Er, serve the wine!"

The storyteller was left speechless, after all, he made up many things.

Now, although Zhao Donghan didn't know the truth of what he said, but the momentum was so overwhelming that he couldn't refute it.

The quacks around suddenly became excited.

Xiao Er served the wine, Zhao Donghan took a sip and continued talking.



A city full of mottled knife marks and arrow holes hangs on the ground.

Luo Hou was dressed in black armor, standing on the city tower, beside him, a number of black armor generals were also standing, looking at the vast land below the city.

The wind and sand whizzed, blowing on people's faces, causing extreme pain.

Luo Hou read the urgent letter sent by Zhao Xinghe, and his face suddenly became extremely vicissitudes...

"Luo Hong killed all the geniuses of Daxia, Dachu, and Dazhou in the secret realm, and even chased Yeluce, who was third on the yellow list, like a dog?"

"Is this really my son?"

Luo Hou was a little skeptical about life.

"Out of the secret realm, he even activated the general's order to let five thousand black-armored troops out of the camp. With one order, he besieged and killed the second-rank and first-rank dao protectors present... Killing other geniuses, and killing the dao protectors as well, Is this really my son Luo Hong?!"

"This kid... why is Te Niang's third grade?"

Luo Hou looked at the vast land, not knowing what to say, Luo Hong surprised him more and more.

The most important thing is that this wave is over, I'm afraid there will be a big mess.

The surrounding generals also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Luo Hou continued to read the letter, and when he read that Chen Tianxuan was burning with vitality and returned to the first rank, and went to Saibei to fight Yelu Aguduo desperately, his eyes froze suddenly.

The pupils of the generals were also constricted, and there was a tyrannical and turbulent aura, roaring on the tower.

Everyone raised their heads and looked to the south.

The night sky seemed to be illuminated.

On the sky, at an unknown time, there was a figure in a green shirt, with his hands behind his back, guarding thousands of sword auras, standing at the head of the sword auras, galloping towards him like a sword fairy.

Steward Chen stood with his sword in his hand, his white hair flying, and a green shirt fluttering around his body.

He glanced at Luo Hou and other acquaintances in the city, nodded slightly, and smiled faintly.

Then, raise your eyes and look forward.

Outside the ancient city.

On the thousands of miles of grassland.

The straight grass was suddenly bent over by a powerful momentum.

On the grassland, leather boots were stepped on, and a burly figure, step by step, came from the other end of the grassland, holding a tattered scabbard in his hand.

One came from the south and the other went north.

One person flies into the sky, one person steps on the ground.

Two people.

Light up the whole world.

PS: This chapter has been written for a long time, please ask for a monthly ticket, please recommend a ticket~~

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