My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 242 ? This son is predestined with my Daoist sect!

Arrogance, extreme arrogance!

Luo Hong, with a sickly face, was sitting on the bow of the Qinglongya boat, uttering extremely arrogant words after another.

The white clothes are floating, the white hair is like frost and snow, and the body exudes a faint white light, like an immortal in the sky, lying on his side in the clouds, overlooking the world.

The mysterious Tian'an City Land Immortal, as well as Chu Yuandao, Concubine Xuan Yu and others were extremely angry.

They have never seen such an arrogant and shameless person!

Luo Hong was very arrogant, but he was arrogant with his mouth.

When the first-rank masters came to attack, Luo Hong didn't see him attack at all, all the first-rank masters of the Luo family who attacked, that kid hid behind all the first-rank masters, disturbing their minds.

This girl is so pissed off!

Chu Yuandao's eyes were cold and deep, looking at Luo Hong on Qinglong's teeth, full of murderous intent.

He already knew about Chu Tiannan's death. On the Lancang River, he was crushed to death by Luo Hong. Luo Hong was his son-killing enemy!

With his resourcefulness, he naturally guessed the purpose and reason why Luo Hong appeared here.

After all, he also learned the news that Luo Hong was seriously injured in the Great Xia Changling Mausoleum in Tian'an City, and when Luo Hong appeared, his face was pale, sick, and his hair full of frost did not seem to be fake.

Therefore, Luo Hong was supposed to recover from his injuries at Jixia Academy in Anping County, but after learning about the battle in Saibei, Luo Hong chose to go to Saibei in person, using himself as a bait to attract firepower.

After figuring this out, Chu Yuandao couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He is worthy of being a model of justice that is widely circulated in the world today. This person really has an exquisite heart and the spirit of dedicating himself to righteousness.

But... Chu Yuandao was staring at Luo Hong with a knife on his waist. He was still murderous, and he still wanted to kill Luo Hong.

Not for anything else, but to avenge his poor son, Chu Tiannan!

Although he knew that if he sent too many high-grade powerhouses to kill Luo Hong, the pressure on Luo Hou and the black cavalry of the Luo family would be greatly reduced, and the speed of migration would be accelerated. It is not easy for the Gale Wind Army of the Chu family to intervene.

However, he felt that he still wanted to kill Luo Hong!

This son must die!

Luo Hong smiled lightly,

Lying on his side on the green dragon's teeth, he looked at the migrating army and the people below, and couldn't help letting out a sigh of emotion.

Saibei Luo's family retreated, and the people also retreated.

This is prestige!

It is imperative for the Luo family to rebel against Xia, and he, Luo Hong, seeks to usurp the throne, and the world can learn from it!

Luo Hong was delighted, and felt that his attempt to usurp the throne was about to be confirmed. Once confirmed, he would definitely get a lot of crimes.

As for now, what he wants to do is to be arrogant, extremely arrogant!

It would be best if it could attract more first-rank masters.

As long as the Luo family's black cavalry can withdraw from Saibei safely, then everything will be worth it.

"Hahaha! Is that all you guys are capable of? I, Luo Hong, was seriously injured and here I am. None of you can kill me? You guys are really useless!"

"The Chu family? With the virtue of the Chu family, is it okay to replace my Luo family to guard Saibei? You are also worthy?! I am afraid that I will be stabbed to pieces by the barbarians of the Golden Tent Royal Court in a few minutes. Anyway, it is Da Xia. One of the three legions, what a disappointment, rubbish!"

"And Concubine Xuan Yu, do you only know how to scream 'Awwh'? What a bitch, if you become a bitch and set up a memorial archway, you have the ability to kill me? My neck is here, cut it here!"

"Yes, it's just you, that land fairy who can't even guard the ancestral grave, why are you staring? Don't just stare, come and kill me, oh, this is not Daxia Changling, you can't make a move, and you don't dare to make a move ... Master's rules stand, you are useless except to stare, the key is that your eyes are still small."

Luo Hong chattered endlessly, and he was also very good at talking. In his previous life, he was an existence in the canyon that "flicked the keyboard and sprayed nine with one blow"!

Luo Xiaobei, who was amplifying for Luo Hong, was in cold sweat.

Is this the scholar? Is this Master and Disciple?

The lips are really sharp!

Are you really not afraid of being beaten to death?

Luo Xiaobei took a deep breath, his blood was billowing like an oven, and protected Luo Hong. He was really afraid of that land fairy, who would suddenly attack Luo Hong regardless of his face, and beat Luo Hong to death.

"Luo Hong, Hugh is so crazy, what's the point of being so crazy?"

Underneath, the master of the Chu family army who shot out shouted angrily.

They really couldn't understand Luo Hong's arrogance, hid behind a group of strong men, laughed at them, and taunted them.

Where did the face come from? !

This son is really too hateful!

"A mere third grade?"

When Luo Hong heard this, he laughed.

"When my son was at the fifth rank, he would be number one on the yellow list, and at the fourth rank he could slaughter the third rank... Now at the third rank, how strong do you think I should be?"

"Great Xia Xuanbang? Can you accept my son?!"

"Under Heaven Xuanbang, do you dare to rank me?"

Luo Hong laughed loudly, his hair flying all over his head, and the positive yang energy was constantly impacting and vibrating.

And the battle below was also in chaos because of Luo Hong's appearance.

The pressure on the high-grade powerhouses among the black knights was greatly reduced, and because Luo Hong personally came to the front line with injuries, they became more imposing. They fought one by one, swept away the previous decline, and became more and more desperate, each of them looked like a madman generally.

During the strokes of the ink knife, the sword's energy is vertical and horizontal!

The water of the Juma River was split into waves one after another.

The masters in the second-tier battle zone also collided together.

As for the first-rank masters, most of them were sent to kill Luo Hong, which made the number of experts who had been besieging and killing the first-rank masters of the black cavalry of the Luo family drop sharply.

It made the black cavalry of the Luo family seem to have come to life.

Luo Hong stood up from the green dragon's teeth, and the majestic Zhengyang energy on his body was constantly shining and permeating.

That kind of light is extremely dazzling, and even more so, it has a strong sense of holiness.

Luo Hong didn't plan to stay any longer, the hatred was almost full, now, the target in the human skin booklet should have been filled up, the leeks are green, it's time to cut them off!

Luo Hong turned his gaze and landed on the third-rank war zone and the second-rank war zone.

With his current strength, he would basically kill any third-rank monks, and he would have a chance to kill second-rank monks, but it might be a little more difficult.

If you encounter a weak one, you may be able to fight, but it is more difficult to kill the opponent.

Therefore, if Luo Hong wanted to fight against evil, the target choice was naturally the strong in the third-rank war zone and the second-rank war zone.

Slightly closing his eyes, there was a cloudy orb floating in Luo Hong's dantian.

In addition, there is another scripture in Luo Hong's mind.

""The Beidou Jing·Tianquan Chapter", this is given to me by the master... I have obtained the "Bei Diou Jing·Tianji Chapter" before, and formed a spiritual sanhua in my mind. This Tianquan chapter has little effect, it seems to be Condensed and upright."

"My current Confucianism and Taoism have actually entered the third-rank Liming Realm, which can be called a small Confucianism, but the Zhengyang energy in my body is too strong. With this scripture, it will be easier to gather righteousness. !"

"Also, what kind of Dao did the master Yin Yangqiu say...Let me run towards Longhu Mountain on the border of the western border, try my best to express myself, and I can get a lot of helpers."

Luo Hong opened his eyes, he didn't quite understand the Master's instructions.

However, for Master, Luo Hong naturally trusted him, and Master was Luo Hong's mentor, so Luo Hong still chose to believe Master's words.

"Are you trying to express yourself?"

Luo Hong smiled.

Looking at his white and crystal-clear skin and body that exudes luster.

Smile lightly.

The sea of ​​will surged, and two spiritual flowers bloomed, exuding majestic spiritual power.

The Heavenly Power chapter begins to operate.


Above Luo Hong's head, righteous yang energy continuously radiated from his body, and the next moment, a mighty river of righteous energy swept down.

Luo Hong stepped out of the green dragon teeth and stepped on the river of righteousness.

He glanced at the people in the battlefield below, and those who came rushing to kill, but were stopped by Yuan Xiazi and other first-rank masters, first-rank masters of the Xia family and the Chu family.

"Wait...that's it?"

"My lord, the holy light body protector, is the reincarnation of the Supreme True Immortal. This little trick of yours really makes me feel unmotivated."

"Since you are so weak, then I will not be polite."

Luo Hong laughed.

Under Luo Xiaobei's amplified voice, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus.

But I saw Luo Hong in white clothes, like a banished fairy, stepping on the river of righteousness, falling into the mundane world lightly.

Luo Hong said that he was the reincarnation of the Supreme True Immortal, and many people believed it!

Luo Hong... enter the arena in person!

He didn't continue to sit on Qinglong's teeth, sneering and abusing arrogantly.

He chose to shoot!


A strong member of the first-rank army of the Chu family brandished a saber and roared at Luo Hong.

"Didn't you say that you are qualified to fight with you if you are strong first-rank, come on! I will fight with you!"

He wanted to break away from the battle with Master Yuan Shang and go to Luo Hong.

Luo Hong had his hands behind his back, white hair, white clothes, and a long river of white righteousness flying.

Glancing at this person, he smiled faintly: "Master Yuan Shang."

Master Yuanshang smiled naturally, the golden rings in the Zen staff jingled and collided, swung up monstrous energy and coercion, and the Buddha's light rolled up wind and waves and smashed towards this strong one.

Luo Hong fluttered past this strong first-rank expert.

It fell into the third-rank war zone.

The atmosphere was suddenly quiet for a few breaths.

The eyes of those first-rank powerhouses fighting in the air were all red!


Smelly shameless thing!

Didn't it mean that the third rank is not worthy to fight with you? You and I waited for a good match!

I'm here waiting for the first grade, what are you doing in the third grade theater? !


Chu Yuandao drew out his saber, staring at the incomparably holy Luo Hong who had fallen into the third-rank war zone, his eyes instantly shot with murderous intent.

It's best if you, Luo Hong, dare to make a move!

That's the only way to kill you!

One third rank can't kill you, what about a hundred, a thousand? !

"All the third-rank soldiers of the Gale Army obey the order. Those who kill Luo Hong will be promoted to nobles and get hundreds of indestructible pills!"

Chu Yuandao said coldly.

Immortality Pill, it is the product refined by the alchemists of Sitianyuan, it is expensive, it is a elixir that can save the third-rank golden body realm martial arts, save countless hard work, and step into the second-rank immortal realm!

Hundreds of indestructible pills are enough for a martial artist who has just entered the third rank to complete the tempering and enter the second rank of immortality!

Therefore, as soon as this reward came out, the eyes of the masters of the Chu family's Gale Army in the third-rank war zone lit up instantly!


One after another, the third-rank masters broke free from their opponents and rushed towards Luo Hong.

The air and pressure formed by the densely packed third-rank martial arts seemed to make the world change color.


The Juma River is a branch of the Nu River.

This river is also the dividing line between Saibei and Xijiang.

But now, in the Juma River, under the protection of the black cavalry army, the common people have begun to trek across the river, with white waves and surging waves, millions of people crossed the river together.

They found a relatively shallow place, but the river was still turbulent, and it had already overflowed into the waist.

Some people couldn't stand still and were washed away by the river. Among the black knight sergeants, some monks rushed out immediately, picked them up, and stabilized their bodies.

The army and the civilians form a unified line and cross this river.

Luo Hou, on the other hand, was holding an ink knife, frowning.

He first looked at the war zone in the distance, where the high-grade powerhouses of the black cavalry were fighting and fighting. If Luo Hong hadn't attracted most of the firepower, the result of this battle would have been a big loss for the black cavalry.

But now, with Luo Hong sharing and attracting firepower, it made the high-grade black knight a lot easier.

Even, because of Luo Hong's participation in the battle, the black cavalry was high-ranking, and the fighting spirit soared, making the battle situation stable.

Although Luo Hou was worried about Luo Hong, at this moment, as the commander in chief, the most important thing for him was to cross the Juma River. As long as he crossed the Juma River, the Chu family's Gale Wind Army would be much restrained.

This moment.

At the other end of the Juma River, on a hilly mound, dense figures piled up, one after another war horses neighing and blowing out heat waves.

However, among the many war horses, there was one whose mount was unique. It was a colorful white tiger, extremely huge, with two sharp teeth like scimitars in its mouth.

There was no saddle on the white tiger's back, riding a burly and majestic figure with a majestic aura, carrying a big sword two palms wide on its back, with strange patterns engraved on the sword body.

This person is one of the three great armies of the Great Xia, Qi Hu, the commander of the White Tiger Army guarding the western border.

Different from the Luo family and the Chu family, Qi Hu is the adopted son of Qi Guangling of Sitianyuan. It is said that Qi Guangling picked up a baby from the mouth of a tiger when he was traveling in mountains and rivers, so Qi Guangling named him Qi Hu. , raise it up.

Qi Hu is very strong and extremely talented. Fifteen years ago, he was the peerless genius who was on par with Luo Hongchen. He practiced both martial arts and swords. The level of Sword Immortal.

It is the pillar of the western border. Outside of the western border, the Great Zhou is adjacent to the Great Xia. During the years when Qi Hu guarded the western border, the Great Zhou never violated it.

At this moment, Qi Hu was riding on the tiger's back, squinting his eyes, looking at the Luo family's black riders and the common people who were crossing the Juma River. On his rough face, there was an unknown expression, which was unpredictable and unpredictable.

"General, now that the Luo family is rebelling against Xia, can we take action and wipe out the Luo family's black cavalry in one fell swoop?"

A general covered in armor, on horseback, clasped his fists and asked.

Qi Hu didn't answer him, but turned his head slowly and glanced at him.

"What did you say?"

Qi Hu said, his voice was hoarse and rough, as if his blood was trembling.

The general was stared at by Qi Hu, and suddenly he was afraid to speak.

Qi Hu raised his hand and slapped him abruptly.

The general suddenly felt the oppressed Qi machine pavement, and raised his arms to stop him, but his arms exploded, blasting a cloud of blood and flying hundreds of meters horizontally.

Qi Hu looked calm, riding on the back of the white tiger, leaning slightly, overlooking the proposed general.

"Out of Nima's soldiers!"

"You're so sick, aren't you?"

Qi Hu scolded.

Many of the generals around him didn't change much. This is Qi Hu's style and attitude, domineering and unreasonable.

He is like a Western Xinjiang tyrant, and here he is like a local emperor.

"If Luo Hou and his soldiers had voluntarily withdrawn from Saibei, I would naturally take the lead and strike Luo Rentu with a sword. Those who were forced to retreat brought millions of people to retreat, why did you tell me to send troops?"

"You don't have to be ashamed when I'm like you?!"

Qi Hu spat and sneered.

"Luo Hou, like Lao Tzu, guards the frontier fortress. Now that he is forced to be so miserable, what are we waiting for to guard the country for the Xia family? Isn't it for the people in the city behind us?"

"Now, do you ask me to send troops and let the soldiers of the White Tiger Army swing their knives at those unarmed people who are willing to follow the black cavalry and retreat to the northern part of the country?"

Qi Hu was cursing loudly, while a group of generals on the Huangsha hill held the reins and listened quietly to Qi Hu's scolding.

"The Xia family has gone too far this time, anyway, I can't see it."

"I don't care if there are members of the Xia family among you. Now it is Xijiang, my territory. If I say that you are not allowed to send troops, you are not allowed to send troops. Let Luo Hou go and let those people go."

"If I have guarded the north of the fortress for decades, and the Xia family colluded with the barbarians to get me, my mentality will collapse!"

"I just want the Xia family to know that they colluded with the barbarians to suppress Luo Hou's fate!"

"Fucking mother's grandma! What a piece of shit."

"The Xia family is looking for trouble, let them come directly!"

Qi Hu cursed.

The general with blood on his chest got up from the ground, very depressed.

However, nothing was said.

Qi Hu scolded for a while, but stopped scolding.

He sat on the back of the tiger, staring at the battlefield on the other side of the Jubei River.

He grinned: "Is that kid Luo Hou's cub?"

"Swearing enough!"

"Not bad, right taste."

"Lao Tzu's order is that the Luo family's black cavalry will be allowed to pass through the Western Frontier. Anyone who dares to stop him will come and see him."

Qi Hu said, his voice exploded immediately, smashing all the yellow sand in the western Xinjiang land.

Luo Hou, who crossed the Juma River, was wearing a black armor, looking at the flat land of Western Xinjiang, he was slightly taken aback.

Originally, in his impression, what was waiting for him across the Juma River might be the black and white Tiger Legion of Xijiang, and there would be a bitter battle, but what he didn't expect was that the Tiger Cavalry of Xijiang never had a single soldier Appear.

As if feeling something in his heart, Luo Hou raised his head and looked at the indistinct hills in the distance.

"White Tiger Legion... Qi Hu."

Luo Hou took a deep breath. He had also heard about this Western Border Tiger.

At this moment, I couldn't help feeling a little grateful in my heart.

Holding the reins, he cupped his fists in the direction of Qi Hu, then turned his head and continued to lead the army across the Juma River.


Outside the territory of the Western Frontier.

Nine days above, the clouds are curling up.

The wild geese flapped their wings, lined up neatly, and flew south.

The clouds were sparse, and only a few remnants of clouds were floating in the blue sky.

There were three white cranes flapping their wings, and on the back of each white crane was a Taoist wearing a black and white crane cloak sitting cross-legged, two of them had thick bags under their eyes that almost made them invisible.

Daoist Hong was also sitting cross-legged on a white crane, her loose Taoist robe stretched out into an astonishing arc, her pretty face was a bit surprised, she held a whisk in her hand, and raised her eyebrows to look in the direction of Saibei.

She did not enter the Xijiang area. After all, the violent temper of the Xijiang tiger is not easy to provoke. Once the stunned young man thinks it is provocative, it will be very annoying.

"What is the purpose of the old heavenly master to let Pindao come to watch this battle?"

"Could it be possible to help Luo Rentu? This siege was ordered by Emperor Xia himself. The Longhushan and Xiajia wells do not interfere with the river water, so there is no need to get involved."

Daoist Hong flicked her fly whisk and frowned.

The two old Taoists around him smiled indifferently. Taoist Xiu originally had a heart of being out of dust, detached from things.

"Hong Daogu, it's good to just watch quietly... The old heavenly master sent me and the three of you here, probably not for the purpose of Luo Hou."

Daoist Hong heard the words, her long eyelashes trembled without saying anything, and she continued to look at Saibei, where the smoldering flames were everywhere in the distance.


Daoist Hong squinted her eyes, flicked her slender and white fingers, a red light exploded in the air, and in the next moment, it turned into a red flame armor, and bombarded the sky with her fist.

In the sky, a figure was released from hiding and emerged.

He was actually an old Taoist in white clothes with a sense of immortality.

"Huh? Great Zhou Sitian Academy, Dean Qiu?"

Daoist Hong looked at the old Taoist, her beautiful eyes flickered with astonishment.

The commoner old man had a rosy face, stepping on the void, smiling and bowing his hands towards Aunt Hong and the other three.

"Pindao, Chu Biji met the three real people of Longhushan. It's a pleasure to meet you. What a coincidence."

"Three fellow Taoists, just passing by the poor way, occasionally saw the land in the north of Saibei, there was a clear air rising to the sky, and the Daoyun wheel, so they came to look at it. I didn't want to disturb the three fellow Taoists, but Daoist Hong never saw through it."

Daoist Hong and the other two Longhushan veterans couldn't help frowning.

Qiu Biji... the head of the Sitian Academy of the Great Zhou Dynasty is very powerful. Although the Sitian Academy of the Great Zhou Dynasty was suppressed by Longhu Mountain, as a branch of the Kunlun Palace, it was able to survive under the oppression of the Longhushan Taoist system. Zhou, Dean Qiu has contributed a lot.

"Coincidence? Dean Qiu is probably joking..."

Daoist Hong said indifferently.

She couldn't help being vigilant, the old heavenly master asked them to appear here, and now, Dean Qiu, representing the Kunlun Palace, also appeared, there is a problem!

But Dean Qiu just smiled gently, suspended in the void, looking at the land of Saibei where the smoldering flames were everywhere, and remained silent.

The three Longhushan Taoists had no choice but to look at Saibei.


Luo Hong stepped on the river of righteousness and entered the arena.

White clothes, white hair, white long river, falling into the third-rank war zone, facing a pile of third-rank Chu family who rushed towards him, he smiled faintly.

Although his complexion was pale, he looked sickly.

However, Luo Hong's state at the moment is very good.

When he was Luo Hong at the fourth rank, killing the third rank was like chopping melons and vegetables, let alone now.

With a big wave of his hand, the river of righteousness swept across like a turbulent wave. Several third-rank Chu family soldiers were immediately sent flying and rolled far away on the ground.

However, there are too many third ranks in the Gale Wind Army of the Chu family.

Luo Hong was too arrogant before, saying that the third rank is trash, no, even the second rank is trash, and they are all things that can be slaughtered at will.

Now, since Luo Hong entered the arena, they will naturally make this arrogant guy pay the price!

After flying away a group of third-ranks who came to besiege, Luo Hong smiled faintly.

The long river of righteousness is surging, engulfing the third rank.

Luo Hong put one hand behind his back, raised the other hand, and squeezed it violently.


Blood gushed out of the river of righteousness, and several third-rank monks were directly crushed by Luo Hong, leaving only a puddle of muddy corpses rolling out of it, staining the ground with blood.

With white hair flying, Luo Hong raised his hand, covered his mouth, and coughed lightly.

"Trash, my son is seriously injured, Tu Er and others are still like slaughtering dogs..."

Luo Hongdao.

Many third-rank members of the Chu family who had been intimidated by Luo Hong's methods suddenly turned red with murderous intent, and rushed towards Luo Hong one after another.

The pressure on the strong black knights suddenly decreased a lot, and their fighting spirit was soaring.

"Young master is invincible!"

A three-rank black cavalry powerhouse shouted loudly, and charged towards the Chu family powerhouse with momentum like a rainbow.

Luo Hong coughed while walking, strolling leisurely in the courtyard amidst the wolf smoke and the yellow sand.

The river of righteousness gradually turned blood-colored.

Luo Hong smiled, and the sword energy in his meridians circulated. The next moment, the Chun Jun sword brought from Xiaodouhua flew out of the storage page, and Luo Hong tapped with his finger.

A thick sword energy suddenly cut through, turning into a white dragon!

Puff puff puff!

Minced meat was flying, and many third-ranks could not resist this sword energy at all, and were strangled on the spot.

Luo Hong ran rampant in the bloody wind, blood stained his body, but the white fluorescent light on his body vibrated, and the blood stained his body was directly shaken away.

Keep it holy and clean!

While walking in the courtyard, Luo Hong raised his eyes to look at Chu Yuandao.

Just these people, not enough.

The firepower wasn't enough to attract them. Luo Hong could see that many black knight masters around him were suppressed by the masters of the Xia family and Chu family. This was not his original intention.

So Luo Hong grinned, his white hair brushed across his forehead, and said faintly: "Chu Yuandao? You are Chu Tiannan's father? Chu Tiannan died so badly, and he was still punished by me." Come out of your soul and fight for me, tsk tsk tsk... your son is really easy to use."

Luo Hong laughed.

Raising his hand and making a move, Chu Tiannan's evil shadow immediately stood up behind a third-rank monk, and chopped off the head of a third-rank monk of the Chu family.

Seeing this, Chu Yuandao's eyes instantly turned red. Looking at Chu Tiannan's evil shadow, that familiar figure, his eyes were tearing open!

"Luo Hong! You should die!"

Chu Yuandao let out a low growl from the depths of his throat.

As Luo Hong's number one evildoer on the yellow list, he really didn't get his name in vain. No, the current Luo Hong might be called the number one on the black list.

Third Grade wanted to kill Luo Hong, it was too difficult!

He looked at the first-rank black cavalry and the general master of the black cavalry who were suppressed by the first-rank masters of the Chu family.

These first-rank black knights of the Luo family are already in a very difficult state at the moment. Some first-rank masters are already scarred. Except for the black knight general who can fight one against two or three, they are basically in a state of injury. Soon, It can kill these first-rank black knights.

However, at this moment Chu Yuandao couldn't care less, he felt that killing Luo Hong was more important!

This son of Luo Hong is really a monster, and now he is in danger, so he must be killed as soon as possible!

"Many first-ranks of the Stormtroopers, and first-ranks of the Xia family, besiege and kill Luo Hong!"

Following his orders.

Some first-rank Blizzard Army and first-rank Xia family, who suppressed first-rank black cavalry, gave up their opponents one after another. During the ejection, it seemed that light exploded, and rushed towards the third-rank battle zone where Luo Hong was located.

Seeing this, Luo Hong's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, good job!

Attracting so many first-ranks, the pressure on the Luo family's black knights will definitely be greatly reduced.

With a movement of the mind, all evil spirits turn into one.

An evil shadow fifty miles away immediately switched positions with Luo Hong.

Luo Hong still laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha, a bunch of trash, come and kill me! Can't you hit me?!"

At the same time, with the operation of the Wansha Guiyi technique, his body suddenly became more and more dusty, and there were even rays of light appearing in the sky, and there were thousands of colorful clouds.

Above the sky beyond the western border.

Dean Qiu looked at the vision of thousands of rays of light, and immediately shrank his eyes, and murmured: "Son Luo Hong, this is... the body of no scale? The holy fetus of the innate Taoist body?!"

"This son...has a predestined relationship with my Daoist sect!"

Daoist Hong and the two old Taoists from Longhushan turned their heads to look at Dean Qiu.

"Dean Qiu... what did you say?"

Dean Qiu hurriedly shook his head: "Fellow Taoists, you got it wrong. The poor Taoist didn't say anything."

PS: The first update, a 7000-word chapter, is the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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