My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 244 ? I cut 1 rank for 3 ranks

Luo Hong's words silenced the world for a few breaths.

A strange atmosphere lingers between the earth, weird, inexplicably weird!

Luo Hong had a showdown... But the showdown made people feel flustered, especially the thirty or so first-rank masters of the Chu family and Xia family who chased and killed Luo Hong.

Originally, they all thought that Luo Hong was in a desperate situation and could not escape.

In the end, Luo Hong came up with such a trick, and somehow became the Holy Son of Longhu Mountain, the Holy Son of Kunlun Palace...

The two holy sons of the Taoist sect who have been fighting each other for hundreds of years...

Aren't you, Luo Hong, a disciple of Jixia Academy's master and disciple?

How did he become the holy son of the two major sects?

Although the Jixia Academy embraces everything, and the master's disciples do not restrict Luo Hong from becoming the holy son of Longhu Mountain and Kunlun Palace, this change of status is really weird!

The earth rune armor is full of mana fluctuations. This is a rune armor technique performed by a Taoist real person at the level of a land fairy, and its power is quite powerful.

At this moment, the earth talisman armor warrior gave the thirty or so first-rank masters present an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Luo Hong was dressed in white, with fluttering white hair, with his hands behind his back, and a smile all over his face.

All he wants is sincerity.

not much?

Luo Hong was rather curious and looking forward to it. He didn't expect that the yin and yang ball given by his master would be so effective.

I don't know what decision the real person in Longhushan and the strong man in Kunlun Palace will make.

Using their hands to get rid of these thirty or so first-rank masters, Luo Hong also suddenly had an idea. Of course, the possibility of failure is very high.

Leaving aside the question of whether Luxian can make a move, is it just that Longhushan and Kunlun Palace are really willing to kill more than thirty first-rank Luo Hong because of his relationship with the two major forces who is not very good?

This is the first grade of thirty or so, not some Chinese cabbage.

A master of the first rank, in the age when immortals could not appear on the earth,

It is also a top powerhouse.

Killing more than thirty first-rank people is not a trivial matter.

Therefore, the atmosphere is indeed very strange.

Qi Hu, the general of Xijiang, rolled his eyes excitedly. He thought it was just a good show where the Chu family and the Xia family besieged and killed the Luo family, but he never thought that it would involve the Kunlun Palace and Longhu Mountain. The drama of the Holy Land.

Interesting, this girl is so interesting.

This son of Luo Hong is so flirtatious!

Qi Hu dared to bet his head that Luo Hong never knew who he was, the holy son of Longhushan who was a son of laoshi.

The Daoist masters of Longhu Mountain and Kunlun Palace might just say that, but in the end, Luo Hong really went online, and he spread his hands and said that he didn't want much, just out of sincerity.

You fucking want people to kill more than thirty first-rank people, is that not much? !

Qi Hu almost died laughing.

On the other side, Chu Yuandao's face was completely gloomy.

Luo Hou, who confronted the four emperor's guards, also had a strange expression on his face, but he still swung his sword to restrain the four powerful emperor's guards.

He turned his head, and he could see that on the Juma River, the people's migratory team was coming to an end.

For this mighty migration, Luo Hou was prepared for great damage. Chu Yuandao led the army to harass the side, constantly killing the strength of the black cavalry. Although Luo Hou was unwilling, he was incapable of dividing , can only minimize casualties.

As a result, the appearance of Luo Hong turned the tide of the battle and minimized the casualties of the Luo family's black cavalry.

It's just that Luo Hong is in a dangerous situation at this moment, and the final result is unknown.

"Quick! Speed ​​up and cross the river!"

Luo Hou suppressed the thoughts in his heart, looked at the black cavalry army, and roared.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on Luo Hong's side, he led the army and the people across the Juma River first.

As long as they cross the Juma River and leave the border of Saibei, the danger will be much less. With the marching speed of the black cavalry, they will soon reach the Anping County area.


in the void.

Daoist Hong of Longhu Mountain had a strange and strange expression on her face.


To show sincerity by killing more than 30 first-class ones?

Dean Qiu of the Sitian Academy of the Great Zhou Dynasty also showed a strange expression on his face, but he was not too anxious. He had already spread the news and sent it back to the Kunlun Palace. Will easily let go.

If one can be cultivated by the Kunlun Palace, it will not be a problem to become a soaring real person in the future, and even have the opportunity to become a Confucian saint of the Taoist sect, an immeasurable celestial venerable of the evil emperor level!

This is the charm of the innate Taoist body and holy fetus.

And what Luo Hong said was indeed correct. As a congenital Taoist body, if he joined Longhushan, he would indeed have the qualifications and ability to help Longhushan challenge the authentic status of Taoism and shake the foundation of Kunlun Palace.

Daoist Hong and the two elders of Longhu Mountain riding the cranes were all lost in thought.

In the void, the atmosphere is a bit weird.

Luo Xiaobei held his breath, a little confused, the eldest nephew... awesome.

What does this work? !

And the land fairy in Tian'an City looked a little ugly.

He found that Daoist Hong seemed to be moved by Luo Hong's words...? !

Your mother's dignified land fairy, Daoist real person, why can't she have the ability to distinguish right from wrong? How could Luo Hong be so foolish and fall in love with him?

"Everyone, don't forget the rule that Lu Xian prohibits shots."

"You can be regarded as land immortals. If you make a move, it is tantamount to breaking the rules. I, Daxia, will definitely not let you off lightly!"

The land fairy, who seemed to be integrated into the beam of light, spoke coldly.

Dean Qiu blushed, and smiled naively: "No, no, as land immortals, how can we take action easily? Everyone in my Taoist sect likes to let nature take its course. This involves the matters of the Luo family and the Xia family. We won't get involved."

Daoist Hong looked at Dean Qiu, and also smiled sweetly: "That's natural, and I, Longhushan, will not take it lightly. It involves two big families. How can we ignore the rules and take action? The master is so strong, We dare not break the rules."

The words of Daoist Hong and Dean Qiu made the land fairy in Tian'an City heave a sigh of relief.

Underneath, the thirty or so first-rank masters also heaved a sigh of relief.

It's right not to make a move.

When Luo Hong heard this, he was also a little bit disappointed.

Sure enough, love will disappear, right...

It was promised to be the holy son of Xiangmomo, but in the end, the truth was revealed immediately.


One word, scum!

Dean Qiu looked at Aunt Hong with a smile, and Aunt Hong also looked at Dean Qiu with a smile.

next moment.

The earthen talisman armor, which was still and kept dropping sand and stones, moved suddenly.

In an instant, the earth seemed to be shaking like waves, and the earth rune armor shot out instantly, appearing in front of a weaker rank.

The big hand was thrown out suddenly.


This weak first-ranker immediately reacted, his eyes were tearing and he roared and shot.

However, it was still blown to pieces by the soil talisman armor, and the bones and flesh were blown to pieces, like a blooming bloody red lotus.

In the void, Dean Qiu raised his hand as if yawning, and a talisman slipped out from his wide sleeve.

However, he saw that the talisman rose against the storm, and the next moment, it turned into a word "Thunder".

In an instant, a thick sky thunder flew down from the sky, distorting the void.

This is a sky thunder talisman drawn by a Daoist real person, it is extremely powerful!

A first-rank master of the Xia family reacted the moment the soil talisman armor started, and shouted angrily, but unexpectedly, a powerful sky thunder fell, blasting his head and killing him tragically on the spot.

Thirty first-rank masters were stunned.

Didn't you say it's best not to do it?


In the next moment, thirty or so first-rank masters didn't dare to continue chasing and killing Luo Hong. They frantically turned their heads, turned around, and fled towards the distance.

After Luo Hong was stunned for a while, his eyes lit up instantly.

Taoist people...

Really sincere enough!

This shot made Luo Hong a little bit off guard.

in the void.

Daoist Hong stared at Dean Qiu with her beautiful eyes: "Qiu Biji, what do you mean?!"

"Are you sure you can do it?!"

"Bah! You are a bad old man, very bad!"

The next moment, her wide-sleeved Taoist robe instantly swelled and rounded, and four round beads popped out of it.

The white and slender fingers gently tapped the round beads, and four round beads shot out immediately.

Those are the four kinds of runes of the five elements, fire, wood, water, and gold!

Four beads floated out, and instantly exploded in the void, turning into four rune armor fighters of different sizes.

Lasing towards the land of Western Xinjiang.


The earth made a deafening roar.

Those thirty or so first-rank masters who were somewhat hesitant, at this moment, still have any hesitation.


These daoist real people actually made a move for Luo Hong!

This is the five-element rune armor of Longhu Mountain, and it is the rune armor warriors cast by Taoist real people. Every rune armor warrior is compared to the most peak first-rank powerhouse.

It's a big killer!

Thirty first-rank masters shouted and shot, and they gathered together in an instant to launch an attack together, but they barely resisted the attack of the Five Elements Rune Armor. Of course, they did not love to fight, their purpose was to escape!

Daoist Hong's plump body stood on the back of the crane. After throwing out the five-element talisman, she said with a sweet smile, "Little friend Luo Hong, can you see the sincerity of my Dragon and Tiger Mountain? Hushan is destined."

However, Daoist Hong hadn't finished speaking.

Dean Qiu, in the wide-sleeved robe, suddenly drew out a large number of talismans.

"Oh, the talisman of the poor Taoist has fallen."

A piece of talisman turned into thunder in the void, continuously falling from the nine heavens, blasting one after another first-rank masters to bloody flesh, but they were not killed, but seriously injured.

Dean Qiu said with a smile: "Little friend Luo Hong, your physique is extraordinary, and you are born with a clean body. If you enter our Kunlun Palace, you will become a holy son, and you will definitely be able to ascend to the position of Supreme Heavenly Venerable in the future!"

The eyes of that land fairy in Tian'an City instantly turned red!

These shameless Taoist priests!

"You dare to act without authorization?!"

"Aren't you afraid of the rules of the world?!"

This land fairy is really angry. He said he would not make a move, but turned his face in a blink of an eye. One used five-element talisman armor, and the other sprinkled a lot of talismans. Are Taoists so shameless? !

Dean Qiu smiled honestly, and looked at Daxia Luxian, "There is something wrong with what you say, fellow daoist, and Pindao never made a move... These talismans were accidentally slipped by Pindao."

In the distance, Daoist Hong also glanced at the land fairy in Tian'an City: "When will the poor Taoist make a move? Don't you want to spout blood? The five-element talisman is a spiritual thing of my Taoist sect. They have spirituality. They can fight whenever they want. Ah, and, do you want to start a war between Daxia and Dazhou with your bloody mouth? Can you carry it, a little land fairy?"


You bitch nun!

The face of Lu Xian in Tian'an City suddenly changed.

They did not make a move, one used the five-element talisman armor, the other used the talisman...they were all external objects, and some outstanding disciples of the Taoist sect possessed these things.

They do things within the rules!


The Lu Xian in Tian'an City was furious.

And Luo Xiaobei, who was at the side, suddenly laughed loudly: "You, you, you, you, come, come, come and fight with the young master!"

"Ms. Zaote doesn't like you!"

"Chichi waiwai, make a fuss."


The qi and blood on Luo Xiaobei's body were like an oven, and in an instant, the temperature between the sky and the earth seemed to heat up.

The golden Wuxian armor was put on in an instant, Luo Xiaobei clenched his fist, and the vitality between the heaven and the earth was suddenly sucked away, and with one step, it turned into a stream of light, and approached the Great Xia Land Immortal.

Hit the opponent with a punch, smash the opponent into the sky, and blast through the clouds.

Daoist Hong and Dean Qiu pretended not to see it.

What they want now is Luo Hong's choice. Will Luo Hong choose Longhu Mountain or Kunlun Palace?


All forces were stunned.

When Chu Yuandao saw the thirty or so first-rank masters who were instantly engulfed by the Five Elements Talisman Armor and countless Heavenly Thunder Talismans, his complexion immediately became completely gloomy.

Dragon Tiger Mountain and Kunlun Palace... These are Luo Hong's helpers and reinforcements that he never expected.

Logically speaking, these two major forces shouldn't have acted for Luo Hong, but they happened to act for Luo Hong.

It seems that Luo Hong is going to join them and become the Holy Son?

"Congenital clean body? Is it because of Luo Hong's physique and talent?"

"This son... is really a monster!"

Chu Yuandao's eyes became more and more sinister. Luo Hong's talent is so strong that people are shocked. He is only at the third rank now. Once he reaches the first rank, it will be even more difficult to kill!

Now, Luo Hong was besieged and killed in the land of Western Xinjiang, which was an excellent time to kill Luo Hong.

Chu Yuandao took a deep breath. Leaning on his knife, he glanced at the black cavalry and the common people who had basically crossed the river.

Knowing that this battle to consume the strength of the Luo family's black cavalry was a complete failure.

The black cavalry of the Luo family withdrew from the land of Saibei with minimal battle damage.

However, if Luo Hong can be kept in this battle, the gain may be greater than weakening the black cavalry!

Therefore, Chu Yuandao gritted his teeth and raised his sword abruptly.

"The Gale Army obeys orders! Give up harassing the black cavalry, cross the river with the whole army, and kill Luo Hong!"

Chu Yuandao's order spread throughout the army in an instant.

The Gale Army, which was still harassing the retreating black cavalry army, gathered together one after another, crossing the Juma River in one word, and galloping towards the battlefield where Luo Hong was.

Luo Hou's complexion suddenly changed, and Chu he completely shameless? !

the other side.

On the hill, Qi Hu who was riding a white tiger also squinted his eyes.

"Using an army to kill Luo Hong? Chu Yuandao really hates Luo Hong to the bone."

"Unfortunately, Xijiang is my territory, Qi Hu. If you want to kill someone, you have to ask me if Qi Hu agrees first."

"Where is the White Tiger Army?!"

Qi Hu yelled coldly on the white tiger's back, his voice was like thunder, and rolled away on the land of Xijiang.


The next moment, there was a response, and the mighty army rode out from the yellow sandy land of Xijiang one after another, forming a dense mass of darkness.

"Stop the Gale Army for me, dare to cross the river, kill!"

"Dare to resist, kill!"

"Dare to bark, kill!"

"This is not the southern border, and the Stormtroopers dare to dance here, so how about dancing Nima!"

Qi Hu suddenly drew out the big sword behind his back, and with one strike, a sword mark tens of meters long was split across the ground.

Seeing this, Chu Yuandao's complexion changed slightly, and he ordered him to stop.

On the big river, the horseshoe crushed the peaceful Jubei River.

The Gale Army of the Chu family was forced to dare not take a step forward. In this kind of charge on the plain, the Gale Army would not be the opponent of the White Tiger Army at all.

What's more, this is still the territory of the White Tiger Army.

"Qi Hu, what are you doing?!"

"Are you trying to shield the Luo family and betray Da Xia?"

In the void, Concubine Xuan Yu, who was sitting in the luxurious chariot, saw that Chu Yuandao's army was blocked by Qi Hu's army, and she spoke coldly.

Her cold voice resounded through the void.

And underneath, Chu Yuandao's expression turned ugly. It's over, this woman... is stupid!

If you are stupid, don't talk!

Concubine Xuan Yu had just finished speaking.

Qi Hu, who was riding on the back of the white tiger, immediately straightened his back, like a tiger smelling blood: "Bitch woman, you are a bearded woman, and you are worthy of calling me by my real name?! You want to die?!"

"Whether or not I will betray Daxia is up to the people in Xijiang to judge, so you can say it?"

"What are you?!"


The white tiger under Qi Hu suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar.

The sound exploded the clouds.

The white tiger stomped the ground fiercely, and it rose into the sky, and the colorful roar of the tiger resounded across the field. Qi Hu held the big sword in one hand, and just rode the white tiger, soaring into the sky, approaching Concubine Xuanyu's convoy And go!



The Five Elements Rune Armor Warriors roared and bombarded the surroundings continuously. They formed a strange formation, surrounded more than thirty first-rank people, and thunder fell from the sky. One of the first ranks was immediately bombarded with blood, and his breath was sluggish.

Luo Hong's white clothes and white hair were flying.

Seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Chasing? Keep chasing, my son said, who in the world can kill me?!"

Luo Hong regained his arrogance.

If he has the ability to be arrogant, he will naturally be arrogant.

And in the formation that was bombarded by the bombardment, those first-grade masters who were bombarded by the thunder, suddenly someone let out an unwilling roar: "Luo Hong! What are you crazy about?!"

"A mere third grade! What are you crazy about?!"

"Do you dare to come in?!"

The sound of cursing resounded endlessly.

When Luo Hong heard this, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Yo huh? Just three grades?"

"Do you dare to say your name? If you dare, I will come and kill you!"

Luo Hong took out the human skin booklet, and took out the charcoal pencil, and said.

"Third grade, what a madman, I Wei Wenhua! Come on, kill me!"

In the formation, the roar came out again.

Luo Hong wrote down the person's name on the target, put away the charcoal, and put away the human skin booklet.

White clothes and white hair fluttering in the storm, he smiled faintly.

It's harvest time again.

The next moment, he raised his head and grinned at Daoist Hong in the void: "Senior, give me a chance?"

Daoist Hong suddenly had a strange expression on her face. This son... what is he doing?

Could it be that he still wants to rush into the formation and kill a rank one?

Even though these first-rank fighters were oppressed by the Five Elements Talismans and bombarded by the Kunlun Palace's Heavenly Thunder Talismans, none of them had any strength...

However, after all, it is a first-class product, with extremely strong coercion of heaven and earth, and there is strength suppression against low-level powerhouses.

Daoist Hong will naturally not disobey Luo Hong's meaning now.

Smile softly.

"Since the Holy Son wants to enter, then of course he can."

"Holding the Dao Seed, the Rune Armor Warrior will not hurt the Holy Son."

Daoist Hong waved her hands in the air, as if a brilliant flower of spirit disappeared in an instant.

The earth rune armor warrior immediately turned sideways.

Luo Hong smiled faintly, put one hand behind his back, and supported the Yin-Yang Dao Seed with the other, and stepped forward with a single step. The river of righteousness wrapped around his body, his skin bloomed with endless brilliance, and his head was full of purple clouds.

He rushed into the formation that besieged more than thirty first-rank masters!

"Where is Wei Wenhua?!"

Luo Hong entered the formation, and because of holding the Dao Seed, the Rune Armor Warriors didn't hit him, and Dean Qiu also controlled the sky thunder not to hit Luo Hong.

Thirty first-rank masters who were dying stared at Luo Hong, who was dressed in white and full of visions, slightly astonished.

They didn't expect that Luo Hong would actually dare to come in.

They hated Luo Hong very much at the moment.

For this child, there is only one thought left, kill!

"court death!"

"Think that if I'm in a bad state, I won't be able to kill you as a third-rank?"

A disgraced first-rank expert shouted angrily, and a silver spear shook out the spear. In an instant, the heaven and earth coercion of the first-rank expert swept across, oppressing Luo Hong, and killing him quickly.

Luo Hong glanced at him lightly.

The opponent's state was indeed extremely weak after being struck by the lightning.

He took out the evil king's mask and stuck it on his face.

In an instant, Luo Hong's murderous intent flourished.

The physical body of the third-rank golden body explodes, the river of righteousness of the third-rank Li Ming sweeps, the Buddha light of the third-rank Buddhist cultivator shines, and the sword energy of the third-rank sword cultivator sweeps...

Luo Hong flew out in an instant, rushing towards this first-rank expert!

above the sky.

Daoist Hong, Dean Qiu and the others were startled for a moment.

Does Luo Hong really plan to fight against the first rank with the third rank?

Even if it is a seriously injured grade one, the oppression of the coercion of heaven and earth is enough to make Luo Hong drink a pot.


The coercion of heaven and earth came suddenly.

However, facing the coercion of heaven and earth, Luo Hong, who was supposed to be suppressed, felt like a breeze blowing on his face.

In the sea of ​​will, the evil god Erha snorted disdainfully.

"Stupid mortals, there is only one, the coercion of heaven and earth is nothing."

The coercion of heaven and earth is useless to Luo Hong!

Luo Hong stepped on it with one step, the ground cracked, his white hair struck the void, and the pure Jun sword in his hand swung violently.

"Sword Kunlun!"

With a sweep of the sword, the sword energy suddenly turned into a mountain, pressing down on this first-rank master.

And that's just the beginning.

Coercion is useless, which makes this first-rank expert feel cold.

The next moment, what he was facing was Luo Hong's gaudy bombardment.

Wu Tianxie's shadow sprang out from his shadow, entangled his seriously injured body, and densely packed evil shadows emerged, grabbing his body.


This Yipin is furious!

But he who was severely injured by the lightning strike, how could he have the strength to break free.

Originally, he wanted to rely on the coercion of heaven and earth to oppress Luo Hong, forming a crushing and beheading, but in the end... it was a miscalculation!

And Luo Hong held the sword in one hand, looked at the first-rank master who was trapped by the evil shadow, and couldn't help chuckling.

He took a slow step, came to this first rank, and swung the Chun Jun sword casually.

The sword passes, the blood spills.

This first-rank expert was beheaded with astonishment.

Luo Hong picked up the opponent's head with a sword.

Glancing at the first-rank masters in the distance who were shocked by his understatement of killing the enemy, their white clothes were not stained with blood, and they grinned brightly.

"Who said that the third rank can't kill the first rank?"

"I cut one for the third rank!"

"Come one by one, everyone has a share."

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