My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 249 ? Stupid Ronaldinho, can I have some backbone? !

Above the sky, countless vitality and essence gathered and turned into a burly and handsome figure.

The young Emperor Xia.

This is the young Emperor Xia, or the Emperor Xia in his youth.

Everyone raised their heads, looking at the two confronting figures in the void in surprise, astonishment and shock.

One is dressed in white, with white hair, and the white aura of Zhengyang surges lightly, like a fallen immortal. The other wears a five-clawed golden dragon robe, majestic and solemn, and is a young emperor.

The confrontation between the two, even if they haven't started the confrontation yet, the aura that erupts is not weaker than the first-rank confrontation.

Luo Hong killed Concubine Xuan Yu, but he did not expect such a confrontation to happen.

On the land of Western Xinjiang, the eyes of many people lit up.

The third-rank battle... But, is this really just a simple third-rank battle?

Luo Hong, the monster number one on the yellow list, has now entered the third rank and has left the yellow list. However, in terms of arrangement, he is also the number one on the black list without any suspense.

In the realm of the third rank, Luo Hong can be called invincible at the same level in this era.

As for Emperor Xia, who could become the emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, how weak could he be when he was young?

It should also be the third-rank invincible six hundred years ago!

The collision between the two is like the confrontation and collision of two eras.

Before it even started, it caused the blood of countless people to spurt and excitement. If you were lucky enough to witness a battle like this, it would be something you could brag about for a lifetime!

Above the clouds, the majestic and majestic figure of Emperor Xia sat high and high.

Looking down on the world, he seems to be the emperor of this world.

His eyes were a little deep, so deep that people couldn't figure out what it meant, Xia Huang looked in the direction of Anping County.

He never thought that the master would agree so simply.

It was so simple that Emperor Xia was inexplicably astonished.

Emperor Xia is very confident, and also very evil, if he is not evil, it is impossible to become the current Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia who wants to break the rules of the world.

Of course, Concubine Xuan Yu died, and he needed a new carrier.

Luo Hong was his choice, therefore, he initiated this battle.

He thought that the master would refuse, but he did not expect that the master would agree simply.


"Confidence in this child?"

Above the clouds, Emperor Xia's eyes were deep.

Indistinctly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, no matter what, he will not lose in this battle.

Whether Luo Hong wins or loses, Emperor Xia will not lose.


Above the earth, the boiling remains.

Luo Hou supported Luo Xiaobei, and the two brothers stared at the sky.

"Young Emperor Xia, Xiaohong... can he win?"

Luo Hou's face was solemn and full of worry. As a father, he was naturally worried about his son's situation.

After all, this is Emperor Xia.

Luo Xiaobei's aura subsided a lot, the Wuxian armor on his body dissipated, Emperor Xia's move only suppressed him, but did not hurt him.

However, Luo Xiaobei was still severely injured. Emperor Xia was too strong, so unfathomably strong that his whole body was ignited, and he, who was born with supernatural power, felt a sense of despair like an ant looking into the abyss.

"It's dangerous, the outcome is unpredictable..."

"At the beginning, eldest brother was said to be similar in style to the young Xia Huang. At least, the young Xia Huang's talent is not weaker than that of eldest brother."

Luo Xiaobei panted and said.

There is also worry in his eyes, and only after he has truly fought can he understand the strength of Emperor Xia.

"However, third brother, there is no need to worry, as the eldest nephew is a master's disciple, his means will not be weak."

"If Emperor Xia was the proud son of the era six hundred years ago, then the eldest nephew is the proud son of this era."

Luo Xiaobei took a deep breath and said.

He has a deep understanding of Luo Hong's evildoer, not only Luo Hong's talent, but also Luo Hong's endless weird methods.

At the same level... Luo Xiaobei really doesn't think there are many opponents who will be Luo Hong's opponents.

Emperor Xia, can I?

I don't know, I have to fight a battle to know.

Therefore, this is also the reason why this battle attracts attention.

far away.

Qi Hu was holding the big sword, his eyes were shining, his whole body was trembling with excitement.

The battle between the young Emperor Xia and Luo Hong, the duel and battle between the top evildoers of the two eras!


How can it be so exciting? !

Qi Hu was so excited, this battle was more exciting to him than Concubine Xuan Yu being killed.

Not only him, but many strong men on the earth are all full of spirits.


And the news of this battle is no longer limited to the battlefield in Western Xinjiang.

Emperor Xia's will emerged and confronted his master, which can be said to have shocked the entire world.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, which is the closest to Xijiang, there are also many strong men who rise up in the air and look at the land of Xijiang.

Daoist Hong of Longhu Mountain and the two old masters originally planned to leave. After hearing about the battle, they also turned back. However, they never got too close, but just watched from a distance.

In the Great Chu Dynasty, there was a sharp sword that soared into the sky, cutting through the clouds of heaven and earth, and there was a peerless sword fairy, sitting cross-legged on the sword, overlooking the western border.

Even in Wangchuan Temple, where the mountain gate was closed, a Buddha appeared for nine days, clasped his palms together, recited the Buddha's name, and looked at the land of Western Xinjiang.

The battle between the young Emperor Xia and Luo Hong, who is number one on the yellow list in the world, is a collision between the strongest evildoers of the two eras. How can we not pay attention?

Tianan City.


Qi Guangling stroked his beard, his eyes were extremely bright, he stepped onto the tall building, his clothes fluttering.

Wen Tianxing quietly followed him, and the two sat on the tallest building of Sitianyuan.

On the tallest building, there is a mirror.

"This is an imitation of the Sky Watching Mirror. Although it is not as good as the genuine Sky Watching Mirror, it is a peerless immortal weapon, but it also has great power and can spy on a battle thousands of miles away."

Qi Guangling said.

He folded the two together and touched the mirror surface, and the mirror surface immediately fluctuated like pebbles thrown into the water of a calm pool.

Wen Tianxing took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly brightened.

And in the mirror, the image of the young Emperor Xia and Luo Hong confronting each other in the sky above the western border suddenly appeared.

Wen Tianxing took a look, and suddenly, his breathing stopped suddenly.

But it was discovered that outside the Sitian courtyard, two figures slowly met at an unknown time.

King Ning and the prince looked at each other and smiled.

King Ning smiled gently and took a step back: "Your Highness, please."

The prince didn't say anything, wearing a four-claw python robe, he went directly to the tall building of Sitianyuan.

King Ning followed behind him.

And Qi Guangling naturally didn't say anything about their arrival, he just wanted to come to see the specific situation of the battle in Western Xinjiang through this pseudo-supervising sky mirror.

The King of Chu also came. The old King of Chu sat cross-legged quietly holding a tiger-headed crutch.

The most powerful people in Tian'an City basically gathered here.

They are all concerned about a peerless tit-for-tat in the land of Western Xinjiang.

Although it is only a third-rank battle, it is enough to attract the attention of everyone in the world.


Outside the land of Saibei.

Above the sky, there were many figures floating quietly. Yelu Aguduo sat cross-legged in the void, and his burly body was full of explosive power.

In addition to Yelu Aguduo, there are also several land immortals from the Golden Tent Royal Court, who are also looking at the land of Western Xinjiang.

Yeluce was also there, sitting cross-legged on Goshawk's back, watching the battle with the help of Yelu Agudo.

Yelu Aguduo looked at Yelu Ce, and said calmly: "You have also entered the third rank, you should take a good look at this battle."

"How big is the gap between you and them?"

"You can calculate in your mind how many tricks you can persist."

Yelu Agudo said.

Yeluce took a deep breath, insist on a few tricks?

He, Yeluce, is also considered a monster, even if he lost to Luo Hong, could he not be able to hold on to even a few tricks?


Luo Hong was dressed in white, and his body fell instantly, landing on the land of Western Xinjiang, and the smoke and dust billowed and spread.

The young Emperor Xia didn't speak either, and the five-clawed golden dragon robe fluttered from his body. He also fell from the sky and landed. The ground was smashed down by him, leaving cracks like spider webs.

Between the two, no referee is needed.

This battle is not about learning from each other, but about life and death.

Luo Hong is naturally at a disadvantage. After all, if he dies, he is really dead, and even if the young Emperor Xia dies, it is just a prosthesis with energy condensed.

in the void.

The old celestial master in Longhu Mountain was floating, but he didn't speak.

This battle doesn't need anything to end, whoever kills wins, it's that simple.

On the ground, the two were separated by about a hundred miles, the smoke and dust billowed, and the sky was full of yellow sand.

Luo Hong looked at the majestic young Emperor Xia, and the corners of his mouth under the mask of the evil king couldn't help but twitch slightly.

In his mind, the evil god Erha yawned boredly.

"Stupid little Luo, be careful... Based on years of experience, it's fine if you lose. If you win, this guy will definitely have tricks, and it is very likely that you will use the essence of life to take away your body .”

The evil god Erha said.

Hearing this, Luo Hong's eyes fluctuated slightly.

Luo Hong did not think of this possibility. According to the evil god Erha, Luo Hong understood the reason why Emperor Xia chose to fight at the same level.

It turned out that he was greedy for Luo Hong's body.

Miss Demon Sword in Dantian.

And Erha, the evil god in the sea of ​​will.

They are all greedy for Luo Hong's body.

How old are you, Emperor Xia...?

Luo Hong smiled lightly, not taking it seriously.

In a battle of the same rank, I beat you to blossom!

Luo Hong still remembered the situation when Emperor Xia slapped Luo Xiaobei into the ground with a slap.

Against Xia Huang's real body, Luo Hong couldn't do anything.


Facing you young Emperor Xia, I will blow you up and vent my anger on Uncle Bei!

You Emperor Xia likes to serve cups, right?

Luo Hong's white hair flew up, his eyes suddenly became cold and ruthless.


The entire land of Western Xinjiang trembled slightly, fierce energy and blood erupted from Luo Hong's body, a third-rank golden body!

The battle broke out in an instant.

The vitality of heaven and earth suddenly boiled hot.

Luo Hong looked at the young Emperor Xia who was standing peacefully on the ground from a distance, and the other party seemed to be entwined with dragons and tigers.

Luo Hong started to run, pulling a white silk thread on the ground, and the smoke and dust billowed behind him, as if caused by thousands of horses galloping.

And that young Emperor Xia also swayed his body and ran out, leaving thousands of afterimages along the way!

The two ran south and north and collided.

It was like two huge waves colliding fiercely together!


Both of them are in the third-rank golden body state, and there is no fancy physical expansion!

In an instant, the soil on the ground was like two huge waves colliding together, spraying thin water, and the sediment turned into water waves, as high as tens of meters.

call out!

Luo Hong's body shot backwards, and his feet plowed two ravines on the ground.

However, Luo Hong under the mask was expressionless and indifferent, as if he wasn't the one who was blown away.

The physical body collided, and Luo Hong's physical body was slightly inferior.

However, physical strength is not what Luo Hong is good at, looking at the young Emperor Xia who shot out.

Luo Hong suddenly raised his hand, and the Chun Jun sword was suspended in front of him.

Tap gently with your fingers.

Sword, chant softly.

The aura between heaven and earth suddenly became sharp and chilling, a ray of sword energy tore through the yellow sand, and cut a black silk thread on the ground. The black thread exploded and turned into a dragon of mud, roaring out.

The young Emperor Xia swallowed his anger like a tiger, let out a roar, and punched out with a punch.


The long dragon was smashed to pieces!

The sword energy and soil contained in it were all blown to pieces!

This is an extremely powerful martial artist!

Emperor Xia... is a pure martial artist!

The vitality of heaven and earth formed like a funnel on top of the young Emperor Xia's head, and soon covered him with a vitality armor.

Luo Hong's sword energy spurted on it, but it seemed impossible to cut it at all!

Luo Hong's expression was stern, and the Heavenly Fiend Orb was suspended.

The next moment, one hundred and eight Shazhu swords swept across the sky and earth, like a waterfall of sword energy, crashing down, sweeping towards the young Emperor Xia.

The yellow sand all over the ground was torn apart, and the earth was pulled out one after another.

The turbulent qi movement made many second-rank masters look pale, and even many weak first-rank players were extremely afraid.

Luo Hong's sword, the one hundred and eight Shazhu swords, countless sword glows whizzed down from the sky.

The young Emperor Xia didn't retreat either, he just broke through ten thousand spells with all his strength, punching and hammering continuously, smashing Luo Hong's Shazhu sword into the air one after another.

The powerhouses around were stunned.

This is still a third-rank battle, and the burst of vigor is not weaker than a weaker first-rank confrontation.

Luo Hong turned the sword in his hand.

Sword Kunlun!

One hundred and eight mountains of swords fell down suddenly.


The earth was shaking and roaring, but under the oppression of Jianshan, the young Emperor Xia punched out with punches, hitting Jianshan hard, unable to press down.

Luo Hong's eyes froze, and he visualized the Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha.

The young Emperor Xia only felt his spirit tremble, and the next moment, the Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha Dharma appeared, impacting on the will of the young Emperor Xia.

However, the five-clawed golden dragon robe on the young Emperor Xia suddenly lifted up, and the pressure of the emperor burst out, which actually suppressed Luo Hong's attack on the Buddhist spirit.

A roar.

Jianshan exploded to pieces immediately.

The young Emperor Xia turned into afterimages, and after that, the afterimages exploded and dissipated like bubbles.

And he has already approached Luo Hong.

Luo Hong was dressed in white, and stood there with a calm expression, facing the Xia Huang who rushed towards him like a tiger roaring in the forest, he didn't even hide.

He raised his hand and squeezed it.

In the shadow of the young Emperor Xia, evil shadows suddenly shot out one after another.


The earth suddenly exploded.

Wei Wenhua and Wu Tianxie appeared one after another, and their aura roared!

One weak first rank, one monstrous second rank!

The combat power of both of them has reached the first-rank level.

Others fight one-on-one, while Luo Hong fights in groups, but this is Luo Hong's method, so there is nothing to say.

No matter how evil the young emperor Xia is, at this moment, he is only a third-rank, and how can he fight when he is suppressed by two evil shadows with first-rank fighting strength?

above the clouds.

Emperor Xia's eyes fluctuated.

And around the battlefield, everyone felt terrified by Luo Hong's tricks.

Is the young Emperor Xia an evildoer?

A third-rank golden body realm martial artist, but in terms of qi and blood alone, he is not weaker than a first-rank, and his combat power is also a first-rank level.

However, it is impossible to achieve instant kill against the real first rank.

However, he was completely suppressed and beaten by Luo Hong!

And Luo Hong smiled lightly, thinking that this is the end?

Luo Hong's arms spread out suddenly, and suddenly raised up!

Evil shadows stood up from the ground, densely packed, with scarlet eyes all staring at the young Emperor Xia.

A battle at the same level... I called you a mother when I abused you!

In the whole world, who would dare to fight at the same level as this young master? !


A dense crowd of evil shadows swarmed up.

Luo Hong didn't save the evil spirits in the sea of ​​evil, since he wanted to torture them, then there would be a wave of massacres!

The young Emperor Xia roared!

The blood on the body is boiling, the energy is soaring to the sky, and the momentum is open and closed.

But... it's useless.

In an instant, it was covered and engulfed by a bunch of evil shadows.

In the process of fighting Wei Wenhua and Wu Tianxieying, the young Emperor Xia also fought against other evil shadows around him.

For a moment, the young Emperor Xia became extremely embarrassed!

The people around were dumbfounded.

I thought it was a fight between dragons and tigers, but in the end, everyone never thought that the ending would be like this.

Luo Hong... is too coquettish, right? !

Is this a battle of the same rank?

This is beating!


The five-clawed golden dragon robe on the young emperor Xia exploded, revealing the glistening flesh inside.

With a roar, Qi and blood turned into energy columns and swept away. Wei Wenhua's evil shadow was instantly blown up by the young Emperor Xia, and it was blown to pieces.

The young Emperor Xia's eyes froze, and they turned into afterimages, rushing towards Luo Hong while roaring with energy and blood!

Luo Hong smiled faintly, and a gust of wind howled, rolling up his white clothes.

This... is not enough!

When it comes to means, how much does the young Emperor Xia have?

He, Luo Hong, is not only a swordsman, a martial artist, a Buddha, a Confucianist... but also an extremely evil cultivator!

With so many systems practicing at the same time, perhaps martial arts, Buddhist cultivation, Confucianism cultivation, and sword cultivation can be taken out individually, and they cannot be invincible at the same level.

However, so many cultivation systems are combined together, plus Luo Hong's strongest method of evil cultivation.

Can't be invincible at the same level? !

Seeing the young Emperor Xia rushing towards him in an incomparable anger, he punched out, and the air was stirred into the huge waves.

"Since you want to abuse, you must abuse thoroughly..."

"Hit my Uncle Bei?"


Under the evil king's mask, Luo Hong grinned.

The next moment, the blood in his body suddenly boiled.

Afterwards, Luo Hong's body suddenly grew taller, and his long hair fell down to his waist.

Around the body, there is a wave of bloody energy surging.

Bloodline activated, Asura state!


Luo Hong's eyes became more and more slender, and there was a faint burst of sharpness deep in the eyeballs.

Qi and blood exploded like a torrent.


Luo Hong stepped down with one step, and his body counterattacked!

It was also a punch, and Luo Hong, who was in the state of Asura, became stronger and stronger physically.

The fists of the two collided, the ground trembled, and countless sandstones exploded.

The young Emperor Xia's body trembled, and his entire arm shattered inch by inch!

The moment his body was flying upside down, Luo Hong raised his white clothes and grabbed the figure of the young Emperor Xia who was about to fly upside down.

Luo Hong doesn't often use the Asura state, because when he uses it, the magic sword lady in the dantian seems to be a little greedy for him.

Moreover, in the Asura state, although Luo Hong's combat power will soar, he will have a sense of violence.

As if wanting to kill everything, Luo Hong worried that he would lose his mind in this state for too long.

Moreover, it consumes a lot.

Therefore, this is the reason why Luo Hong does not often use the Asura state.

But this time, in order to finish torturing the young Emperor Xia, Luo Hong broke out.

Bang bang bang bang!

Asura's state, coupled with Luo Hong under the mask of the evil king, his physical body seems to be stronger than that of the young Emperor Xia.

Faster, stronger, and more means.

What did the young Emperor Xia fight with? !

A series of attacks instantly submerged the young Emperor Xia.

Luo Hong grabbed the head of the young Emperor Xia with one hand, and his knees suddenly raised.


The knee hit the head hard.

The white blood is sprinkled, that is the essence of life.

Luo Hong, who was wearing the evil king's mask and the Asura form, grinned, his pale hair flying wildly.

Luo Hong raised his head and looked at the man above the nine clouds.

He raised his knee and hit the head of the young Emperor Xia.

Blood spurts.

Hit it again!

Hold it down and hit it again!

He raised his leg high again and again, smashing the young Emperor Xia to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

It was a shocking massacre!

The people watching the battle around were dumbfounded.

This situation...

with no doubt.

The young Emperor Xia... was defeated!

The peerless evildoer six hundred years ago, in the hands of Luo Hong, was brutally beaten in a brutal manner!

At the same level... not an opponent at all!

Stunned, surprised, excited, passionate!

A variety of emotions welled up in everyone's hearts.

Watching the young Emperor Xia being violently beaten, it was as if watching the myths being desolate and the legends withering!

above the clouds.

Xia Huangduan sat on the throne, watching coldly.

A terrifying coercion permeated his whole body. In the mighty cloud layer, there were clouds that exploded unceasingly, and the explosions were torn apart. Ripple-like air waves raged and roared against the clouds.

The old celestial master of Longhushan didn't know what to say when he saw the young Emperor Xia being beaten violently.

He sat on the Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram, stroked his beard, and smiled.

No wonder Master agreed so simply to this battle.

turn out to be……

From the very beginning, this was not a battle of similar strength.

If the young Emperor Xia had blood, he would already be dripping with blood at this moment, with a hideous face.

Low growls continuously came from the head of the young Emperor Xia being suppressed by Luo Hong and repeatedly hit with his knees.

next moment.

The young Emperor Xia raised his hand and squeezed it violently.

There is a mighty coercion cohesive between heaven and earth.

A golden sword emerged.

Many people's eyes were fixed, the coercion on the sword was mighty, and there was even the coercion of the emperor hidden in it.

Imperial Sword!

This is the sword of imperial power mastered by Da Xiazi!

The terrifying sword intent seemed to make people surrender.

The young Emperor Xia was pinned down on the head, and his flesh and blood were bloody from Luo Hong's impact. However, he ignored it, held the sword, and slashed at Luo Hong's head.

"Competition of swords?"

"Then you are even more scumbag!"

Luo Hong grinned.

Immediately, there was a thick wave of demonic energy, and the demon sword Asura appeared in his hand, and suddenly swept across, the imperial sword was cut off in an instant.

And Luo Hong, who was two meters tall, grabbed the body of the young Emperor Xia.

Looking up at the clouds, he smiled evilly.

The next moment, the sword stabbed out, piercing the abdomen of the young Emperor Xia.

Stab in, pull out!

Stab in and pull out!

above the clouds.

Suddenly, Emperor Xia's energy burst out, and his will was tyrannical, and suddenly swept like a storm.

And the young Xia Huang, who was continuously stabbed into the abdomen by Luo Hong, suddenly raised his head, and the majestic life essence surged out of his eyes in an instant!

The essence of life is packed with powerful willpower.

That was Emperor Xia's will!

In an instant, the essence of life wrapped Luo Hong's head, and crazily drilled into Luo Hong's sea of ​​will.


In the sea of ​​Luo Hong's will.

"Jie jie jie..."

"I'm coming!"

"Stupid Ronaldinho, are you afraid? Trembling?! Please, please, the great one, help you!"

The evil god Erha was so excited that he almost screamed.

The great evil god really saw through everything wittily!

And Luo Hong had expected this.

Luo Hong didn't believe that Emperor Xia wanted to engage in a battle of the same rank without purpose.

Concubine Xuan Yu was slaughtered by him, so Emperor Xia naturally wanted to find a new carrier, and he, Luo Hong, was naturally an excellent carrier.


Luo Hong smiled.

I had expected it a long time ago, but unfortunately, Emperor Xia didn't expect that he had the evil god Erha.

Erha is two, but he is really strong.

"Jie Jie Jie...Stupid Xiao Luo, please hurry up!"

The evil god Erha laughed.

"Okay, please."

Luo Hongdao.

When the evil god Erha heard Luo Hong begging him so simply, his excitement suddenly disappeared, and he felt a little boring.

Stupid Ronaldinho, can you have some backbone? !

Can't you refuse to pay back, can't you be steadfast and unyielding?

The Cthulhu Erha was bored, and felt that he had no sense of accomplishment at all.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and took a sharp breath.

The life essence that got into Luo Hong's head was suddenly...frantically sucked away by him, swept away, and gathered and formed in front of Erha's mouth.


In the essence of life, a will emerges.

However, it was bitten by the evil god Erha in one bite.


outside world.

Luo Hong's eyes regained clarity in an instant, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

The sword in his hand was slowly withdrawn from the energy body of the young Emperor Xia.

Then, he raised his hand and grabbed the head of the young Emperor Xia with both hands.

Calmly looking at the figure above the clouds that seemed to reveal some disbelief, he grinned slightly.

"That's it?"

"Your Majesty, times have changed."

Words fell.

He clapped his hands violently.

The head of the young Emperor Xia was suddenly blown off!

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