My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 261 ? Suck as much as you want, Demon Sword!

The strong evil spirit swept through like a vortex, indistinctly causing the evil spirits in the entire "Blood Rain Field" to form a storm.

The blood is like a stagnant river, flowing slowly.

The rain of blood was pouring down.

On the ground, one after another crooked evil shadows seemed to break free from the shackles of the bones, and stood up. Scarlet eyes were extremely cold and violent.

It was a release of the idea of ​​death that had been suppressed for a long time!

One, two, three...

It is densely packed and innumerable. This blood rain field has always been the place where thousands of troops fought in the Great Court Meeting. Every time there is a Great Court Meeting, the number of elite troops destroyed here is definitely quite a lot.

The thick bones buried under the blood mud can prove all this.

But now, Luo Hong chose to summon these dead souls, just like a monarch, leading the army of death, returning from the darkness, with a monstrous hatred, revenge for everything.

Luo Hong was wearing a mask of an evil monarch, his silver hair was fluttering in the rain of blood, his complexion was terrifyingly pale, but his eyes were very bright, dazzling and shining.

Originally, Luo Hong planned to use the evil shadow army to merge with the Eight Thousand Mansion Army and make the Eight Thousand Mansion Army an extremely elite army, because the Evil Shadow Army 100% obeyed Luo Hong's orders and was the most elite army .

However, Luo Hong did not expect that this Xueyuyuan would be such an unexpected place.

When Luo Hong made a breakthrough in his spiritual will, he could hear the voices that permeated the entire Blood Rain Plain. It was the souls of the dead, roaring unwillingly, roaring unwillingly.

Every dead bone buried under the blood mud carries unwillingness.

Their souls are bound here, consumed by endless evil spirits, so they are extremely tyrannical.

But it is precisely because of this tyranny that they have become a very elite army, even stronger than they were... stronger!

Luo Hong originally summoned with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that he would succeed in summoning all at once.

Even though the evil sea in his dantian dried up in an instant, and even overdrawn a lot.


Luo Hong was extremely excited.

Luo Hong, who was under the mask of the evil king, let out a hearty laugh full of evil intentions.

It's creepy to laugh.

This Blood Rain Field is not the home field of your Miao Gu clan, Luo Hong's home field!

I, Luo Hong... am the king here!


The terrifying momentum suddenly gathered together, and the blood cloud became thicker and thicker. Due to the situation on the battlefield, countless blood clouds gathered and piled up thickly, and finally... There was a roaring rain of blood, like crossbow arrows, Roaring down from the sky.

It fell to the ground, blowing up blood mud flowers one after another.

The two thousand black cavalry swore to the death that they would not retreat, and when the eight thousand Jiangling government troops turned around and ran away in fear, they still did not retreat.

They fought for the Luo family.

No complaints or regrets!

However, all the black knights also understood that when the army of Golden Gu Guards rushed in, none of them would be able to escape the fate of death!

However, they have no regrets fighting to the death for the Luo family!

Fight for Da Luo!

Amidst the roars, the two thousand black knights held their ink sabers horizontally, full of fighting spirit.

Suddenly, the black cavalry discovered that those fleeing Jiangling Mansion troops did not escape, they all rushed back, passed through their bodies, and charged unstoppably towards the Golden Gu Guards!

Every government army seemed to be a different person, and swooped out one after another.

The evil shadow of Chu Tiannan walked out step by step on the bloody mud, as if the will of a soldier's soul, made every black knight's heart burn with flames, and their blood, which was about to be defeated, recovered to its peak at this moment !


The possession of one evil shadow after another made the Eight Thousand Mansion Army extremely powerful.

Their speed and strength have become stronger, they are neat and uniform, and their military discipline is strict!

On the blood-colored land, a black wave, like a river tide, swooped towards the army of Gu worms transformed by the golden Gu guard.


In an instant, the armies of both sides collided.

It was like two river tides, sweeping in from two directions, crashing into each other in the midst of everyone's attention.

The two sides intertwined in an instant, and the sound of fighting and shouting for killing was endless.

among the ranks.

The young leader inexplicably felt a chill.

He didn't understand how the Jiangling government army, which had been defeated before, seemed to have changed all of a sudden. They were not afraid of death, and their combat power had also increased a lot, not weaker than any elite army at all!

At this moment, the army of the Golden Gu Guard mobilized by the young leader seemed to have hit an iron plate.

Can't do anything about the Luo family's army!


"How can a bunch of miscellaneous troops compete with the most elite 10,000 gold Gu guards in our Nanzhao Kingdom?!"

The young leader's eyes were full of shock.


"Release evil Gu! Kill!"

The young leader roared.

One after another, the Gu insects wrapped in the evil spirit flew out one after another, flapping their wings, and each evil Gu had extremely powerful lethality.

However, these evil Gu's attacks fell on the government army, but black armor like shadows emerged from the government army's body, blocking the evil Gu's attacks one after another!

Of course, it can't stop too many blows, but this kind of armor can be regarded as a top-level defense!


The young leader was a little startled.

This is not the situation he expected, shouldn't the Golden Gu Guard be crushed?

Crushing the Luo family's army is the correct way to open it. This blood rain is originally extremely strong evil spirit, and the evil Gu is here, and the power has been greatly increased. It is impossible to defeat the Luo family's army!


The earth was trembling, and the blood cloud in the sky seemed to be shattered.

The next moment, the image that made the young leader's eyes tighten emerged, and he saw... saw the tens of thousands of troops behind the Luo family army, like a huge black tide sweeping the army!

The Golden Gu Guards who were fighting with the Luo family's army suddenly lost their momentum.

"Then... what is that?"

They looked at the darkness behind the Luo family's army, and there was endless fear spreading.

The young leader stood on top of the chariot, staring blankly, a chill instantly spread from under his feet.

That dark tide is one after another of evil shadows!

Dressed in armor, neat and tidy, stepping down and marching in a neat pace, it's like a landslide!

It's like...a natural disaster!

"Do not!"

The young leader's body was cold, and he vaguely felt that this time, the elite golden Gu guards that the Nanzhao Kingdom spent countless wealth and energy to cultivate might be destroyed here!

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, fifty thousand... one hundred thousand!

The dense black shadows make one's scalp tingle!

The army of one hundred thousand evil shadows, like a huge black wave, engulfed everything and vented.

Adding 10,000 people from the Luo family, it is equivalent to an army of 110,000...

An army of 110,000, fighting 10,000 gold Gu guards...

how to spell? !

Countless Gu worms made shrill sounds, withered to the ground, and were trampled to pieces.

One after another, the Golden Gu Guards were besieged, torn apart, and hacked to death in an instant!

The blood spurted out, and it was extremely thick, causing blood to flow on the ground.

The young leader standing on the chariot was stunned.

He never thought that the final situation would be like this...

What about ten thousand against ten thousand?

You, Luo Hong... cheated again!

The young leader's eyes turned red instantly!

The young leader of these black shadow legions knew that they were all summoned by Luo Hong, and that weird Taoist technique... could arrest spirits and send generals, and arrest the souls of the dead to use.

The young leader understands how many tens of thousands of troops died in this blood rain field over the past countless years...

These dead troops all became Luo Hong's help!

What a terrifying ability this is!

The young leader's face under the black robe was extremely pale in an instant.


He thought that Blood Rain was originally Nanzhao's home game, but now he realized... This Blood Rain was originally Luo Hong's home game!

"Kill Luo Hong! You must kill Luo make these shadows dissipate!"

Looking at the golden Gu guards who kept dying.

The young leader made an instant decision.

He grabbed the reins suddenly, whipped down, and the horses pulled the chariot soaring into the sky.

The wheels of the chariot crushed the void, rose into the air, and flew towards Luo Hong's position at high speed.


The tyrannical air mechanism crushed the void, and the blood rain was smashed to pieces by the young leader's chariot!

Soon, the young leader found Luo Hong, who was hiding at the end of the army.

Luo Hong stood there wearing the mask of the evil king, his face turned extremely pale.

Summoning so many troops to help, Luo Hong also exhausted all the evil power in the sea of ​​evil at once, and even overdrawn the evil power. Fortunately, the evil power in this world is majestic and extremely rich, and it constantly replenishes Luo Hong. The loss of Hongshahai, otherwise one hundred thousand evil shadows would be summoned at one time, and Luo Hong might be sucked into a human body in an instant.

"Luo Hong!"

The chariot rolled through the void, and the young leader saw Luo Hong, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The cold murderous intent seems to have turned into substance.

At this moment, one face after another flashed in the young leader's eyes, Nanyin, Nanji, Nanguangming...

Most of Nanzhao's elites were killed by Luo Hongkeng!

This son of Luo Hong...must die!


The young leader became murderous, and the black robe exploded in an instant, revealing the figure under the black robe. His upper body was naked, and there was a huge blood bag on his chest in the center of his fleshy body.

The blood bag ruptured, and a human face emerged from it.

One of the Ten Great Evil Gus in Southern Border... Human Face Gu!


There seems to be the sound of slime spraying.

The human-faced Gu in the young leader's chest directly drilled out and continued to grow in size. In an instant, a huge human-faced spider appeared on the sky, extremely huge, covering the sky.

The Human Face Gu that was hundreds of meters tall roared.

The terrifying coercion turned into a mountain and fell down!

The young leader stood on the back of the human-faced Gu, and energy surged from the gap in his chest, which turned into black scales covering his body.

His eyes full of evil spirits stared at Luo Hong!

In just such an instant, more than half of the Golden Gu Guards were killed or injured.

Even if Luo Hong didn't maintain the resurrection function of the Evil Shadow Legion, the huge advantage in numbers still brought endless crises to the Golden Gu Guards.

The Golden Gu Guards were caught in a besieged fight, falling continuously, and the fallen Golden Gu Guards would have evil shadows rise up and join the battle!

What a strange method this is.

The young leader felt that this was the real evil cultivator!

Luo Hongcai is an evil cultivator!

The young leader was covered with scales, standing on the back of the huge human-faced spider Gu, his aura continued to rise, and the strong coercion of heaven and earth was instantly covered like a mountain, as if the sky was falling!

The young leader who originally had a weak first-rank combat strength, after releasing the human face Gu, his combat power was close to the top ten strong first ranks in the heaven list, and even added the human face spider Gu, his combat power was even closer to the peak strong first rank!

At this moment, the young leader has only one thought, to kill Luo Hong!

Revenge for Nanyin, Nanji, and Nanguangming!

Win a ray of life for the Golden Gu Guard!

At this moment, Luo Hong is like the demon king who destroys the world, and his young leader is the hero who saves the world and kills the demon king!

His young leader...will be the hero of Nanzhao!


The power of the young leader's evil gu surged, and his arms turned into a scimitar as black as black scale armor, and he slashed down fiercely.

The saber energy immediately turned into a crescent moon, cutting towards Luo Hong.

Luo Hong's face was pale, but he smiled evilly under the mask of the evil king.

Raise your hand and make a move.

The evil shadows of Wu Tian and Wei Wenhua all appeared.

The two weak first-rank fighters tried their best to resist this blow.


The claws of the human-faced spider Gu slammed down.

The two resisted for a moment before being torn apart.

However, before re-condensing, the young leader jumped down and straddled them, like a black thunderbolt, falling down at high speed.

It landed on the ground less than a hundred meters away from Luo Hong.

The earth cracked open, like a dense spider web blasting.

Looking down from the sky, it seems that a blooming blood mud lotus has been pressed out.

The young leader's eyes were cold, and he stepped down, and the ground behind him exploded into a wave of blood and mud.

He turned into a black line and rushed straight towards Luo Hong!

Bang bang bang!

Countless rain of blood exploded.

The bloody rain curtain seemed to be torn apart by a huge force.

The terrifying air waves hit, like a dragon absorbing water, rolling up a bloody rainbow!

Above Luo Hong's head, the human face of the 100-meter-large human-faced spider Gu roared, its huge body, like a haze, covering the sky.

Right in front of Luo Hong, the young leader rushed towards him!

The top and bottom two strong and one rank attack together, desperate situation!


Above the sky, blood rained down.

Mr. Luo was growing old and strong, and he was slightly shocked when he saw the situation on the Blood Rain Plain.

Unexpectedly, Luo Hong directly summoned 100,000 reinforcements, and rushed to kill the opponent's 10,000 gold Gu guards with an incomparable posture.

Xueyuyuan seems to have become the home of the Luo family.

This weird change made Mr. Luo not know what to say...

As long as the Luo family can win!

However, when the young leader released the human face Gu, bursting out with tyrannical aura, and rushing towards Luo Hong.

Mr. Luo's expression changed.

Thousands of troops are fighting, only one strong first-rank is allowed to enter, the Luo family is Mr. Luo, and the Golden Gu Guard is the leader of the Golden Gu.

And Luo Hong and the young leader both joined as weak first-rank and deputy commanders.

However, at this moment, the young leader unexpectedly exploded with the strength of the first rank with the help of the human face Gu, and wanted to kill Luo Hong among the thousands of troops!

Mr. Luo is angry!

The saber aura above the ink knife instantly surpassed the sky, and a saber aura that was tens of meters long was cut above the sky.

The Golden Gu commander who fought bloody with Mr. Luo also showed a ruthless look. This commander also discovered the miserable situation of the Golden Gu guard at the moment, and the only way to turn things around is to kill Luo Hong!

This guy's Daoist technique is really weird!

Only by killing Luo Hong, these black shadow legions will disappear, and the Golden Gu Guards will win!

Otherwise, Nanzhao... is finished!

Therefore, the commander roared, and the natal Gu emerged, instantly turning into thousands of Gu insects, eating away at Mr. Luo's saber energy.

Moreover, countless Gu worms turned into dense nets, enveloping Mr. Luo!

It is a moment to be able to involve a moment!

Mr. Luo's eyes turned red instantly, and he unreservedly released the vitality in his body, and countless sword qi slashed out.

Bloody battles are everywhere.

The Golden Gu Guards fought desperately, everyone was injured, the mighty Luo family black cavalry and the government army surrounded and killed each other.

And the young leader wants to kill Luo Hong by force!

In the Blood Rain Field, blood is destined to bleed, either your blood or the enemy's blood.

Human face Gu plus the young leader, two strong first-rank gods at the top of the list attacked and killed them.

At this moment, even Luo Hong felt the crisis!

Life and death crisis!

Although Luo Hong can fight against the weaker first rank, he is only third rank after all. Without the help of evil god cheats, it is difficult to fight against the real strong first rank!

However, Luo Hong is not afraid.

He is strong, but not because of his strength. After all, he has only practiced for a few months.

Luo Hongqiang is strong in his trump card!

"I said it all... this is my home court, Luo Hong."

Luo Hong grinned.

The next moment, the Asura state opens!

Her hair fell down to her waist, her body was tall, and her face was handsome and evil.


In the dantian, the magic sword Asura suddenly disappeared, and was held in Luo Hong's hand.

"Miss Demon Sword... Suck as much as you want!"

Luo Hong grinned.

Behind Luo Hong, a beautiful figure in a red dress emerged, proud and indifferent, the red dress fluttered like blood, reflecting the fair skin, with extreme charm.

However, with the appearance of this witch, a majestic sword intent suddenly surged from Luo Hong's body, like a thunderbolt on the ground, rolled up circle after circle.

Luo Hong held the magic sword.

The silver hair was flying freely, as if a gust of energy was spreading from under his feet, causing the hair to hang upside down.

A majestic suction force suddenly emerged from the magic sword in Luo Hong's hand.

Demon Sword Asura... This is the sword that belongs to Luo Hong.

The magic sword that has been overshadowed by the evil god Erha.

Although it hadn't been used before, it was because Luo Hong's evil spirit was not enough.

Now, although Luo Hong's evil spirit is still not enough, but... this place is called Xueyuyuan.

It gave Luo Hong enough confidence.

There is endless evil here!

Although Luo Hong couldn't bear Miss Demon Sword to suck a few mouthfuls, but the entire Blood Rain Field had accumulated an untold amount of crushing evil power...

Enough magic sword Asura to suck!

Suck it!

Suck as much as you want!

Swooping down, the scaled knife in his hand released the extremely sharp young leader, and suddenly felt as if his whole body had fallen into a stagnation.

He actually felt that it became so difficult to move his body!

The black and red magic sword that appeared in Luo Hong's hand completely attracted his attention!

There is a power bursting out that frightens him, even the face guru!

Luo Hong held the magic sword.

The little sister of Demon Sword in the fluttering red dress was also behind him, bending down slightly, holding Luo Hong's palm with her white palm, as if her sister was teaching her younger brother to read and write, teaching Luo Hong how to use swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship [Asura · Step Slash].

Miss Demon Sword held Luo Hong's hand, and Luo Hong held the Demon Sword in his hand, pointing the sword flat in front of his chest, and then, he slanted upwards at sixty-five degrees, and suddenly cut it down!


Luo Hong's body disappeared instantly in place.

Appeared again, already appeared in the void.

That huge, hoarse and screaming human-faced spider Gu froze immediately...

The next moment, it was cut into two halves!

This is a sword that involves space, similar to shape-shifting, but... more overbearing and direct, it can cut everything it passes through.

In an instant, the human-faced spider Gu with a strong first-rank strength was cut in half, and blood sprayed out.

It fell to the ground.

Constantly waving its paws.

And the young leader felt as if his heart had been pinched and exploded, and the moment his natal Gu was cut to pieces, he also suffered backlash.

in the void.

Luo Hong's hair was flying white.

After Miss Demon Sword taught Luo Hong a trick, she floated up in the air, constantly absorbing the evil spirits between the heaven and the earth.

Behind the blood cloud, countless sources of evil light hang down, densely packed.

But they are all entangled in the magic sword.

Let the breath of the magic sword begin to become stronger continuously.

And underneath.

The young leader bled from his mouth and nose, raised his head, and stared at Luo Hong...

He bent his knees and kicked suddenly.

The ground exploded like a spider web of cracks.

He soared into the sky and swooped down to kill Luo Hong!

Luo Hong was suspended in the air, bathed in the baptism and washing of the original evil light, and there were endless surges of evil spirits...

He looked indifferently at the young leader who soared into the sky.

Raise your hand, one move.


In the shadow of the young leader, an incomparably graceful figure emerged distortedly.

Girl Nanyin!

The young leader's eyes froze, and Nan Yin wrapped her body around her body, making his body stiff suddenly.

However, his eyes flashed with distress, and his hoarse roar exploded.

"Luo Hong!"


The girl Nanyin Xieying was directly torn to pieces!

However, the body of the young leader was also slightly blocked.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Hong slowly handed out the magic sword Asura, and countless jet-black sword qi were stacked together.

The demonized version of Nine Swords and Dragon Transformation!

Demon Dragon Slash!

The magic dragon across the sky rushed out, instantly drowning the young leader who was about to approach Luo Hong.

The scales released by the human face Gu on the young leader's body exploded one after another...

He turned into a blood man, fell from the nine heavens, and smashed hard on the bloody ground.

Blood flowed out, soaked in the blood rain.

Countless drops of blood rained down and sprinkled on his face.

The young leader felt that the world had become quiet...

He lost.

The Nanzhao Kingdom was defeated.

He turned his head to look at the Golden Gu Guard...

Because Luo Hong had a continuous supply of evil spirits, these golden Gu guards... were besieged and killed one after another.

When the last Golden Gu Guard was beheaded.

Ten thousand golden Gu guards were completely annihilated.

The hope of Nanzhao Kingdom, like a candle burning with difficulty, was snuffed out abruptly.

The young leader was covered in blood.

And Luo Hong fell from the sky.

The magic sword is still absorbing evil spirits in the sky.

In Luo Hong's hand, the Chun Jun sword slipped out.


The young leader's eyes turned golden, eyes of gold, possessed by will!

The leader of the Nanzhao Kingdom, possessed by will!


Terrifying aura surged out from the broken body of the young leader, and the majestic coercion made it impossible for Luo Hong to draw his sword.

However, Luo Hong didn't care about coercion, as if bathing in a fresh breeze.

So what about will possession.

This physical body has been crippled, how much power can it explode...

Therefore, the will-possessed leader of the Nanzhao Kingdom could only stare at Luo Hong with his golden eyes.

"Luo Hong!"

"Your Luo family has already won! Let me go!"

In Liujin's eyes, the leader of the Nanzhao Kingdom spoke coldly.

However, Luo Hong hangs down the Pure Jun sword expressionlessly, slashing across it silkily.

The young leader's head was cut off directly...

Liu Jin's eyes were full of anger, completely dimmed.

"When you ask for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help."

Luo Hong said lightly.

Afterwards, he grabbed the young leader's head, nine days above, Mr. Luo was bathed in blood and killed the Gu worms to surround him, holding the head of the golden Gu leader in his hand.

Behind Luo Hong, two thousand black cavalry and eight thousand government troops also beheaded the Golden Gu Guards one after another.

He held it up high and roared loudly.

Blood rained down.

Luo Hong stood in the blood rain field and raised his hand.

The unmoving blood flag planted in the center of the blood rain suddenly roared and fell into Luo Hong's hands.


The exit of the secret realm opens in a vortex shape.

Luo Hong was dressed in white, holding the head of the young leader in one hand and the blood flag in the other.

Looking back at the Luo family army standing in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, everyone carrying the enemy's head, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Turning around, stepping on the bloody mud.

Triumph out of the secret realm.

PS: The second update arrives, the 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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