My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 278 ? 760,000 crimes and the catastrophe of killing evil!

The appearance of the phantom of the evil god is like a deeper blackness appearing in the night, covering everyone's heart.

The emptiness and mysterious black mist covered the mysterious existence, filled with unparalleled oppression.

The eyes in the black mist are deep, cold, ruthless, and the evil seems to be able to seduce the hearts of the world with just a single thought.

What kind of eyes are these.

Even Luxian couldn't maintain his mental balance under such eyes.

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Empress of Great Chu, the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, and Nan Lihuo, the lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom, all had slight changes in their complexions.

The mysterious existence behind Luo Hong is precisely this power that helped the Luo family and helped Luo Hong reverse the situation, killing Emperor Xia who was almost transcending the world, and Tianzun who defeated many heavenly gates.

Even though those Heavenly Venerates were severely beaten by the rules, and under the suppression of the human world, their strength was even inferior to Emperor Xia's, but... that was also a kind of shock.

For such existence, they naturally give respect.

The world became silent.

The evil god looked down on the world, as if bringing deathly silence.

Luo Hong smiled, covered his mouth, coughed lightly, his complexion was pale, and his white hair was like snow.

His eyes looked at the talking land fairy.

"Your Excellency, do you still want to try?"

Luo Hongdao.

Let's see if I, Luo Hong, can crush your sea of ​​will!

This smile made the land fairy's body tremble slightly, his complexion became ugly, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Those strong men, they all saw the battle of Tian'an City clearly.

The existence behind Luo Hong is really cruel!

After possessing Luo Hong with his will, killing Emperor Xia and fighting Tianzun is like the god of war coming to the world!

Of course, they also knew that Luo Hong would need to pay a huge price for summoning such an existence.

But...if Luo Hong wanted to summon such an existence to blow him up at any cost, he would probably have nothing but to cry.

Luo Hong is a ruthless person, he can do what he says and what he can do!

At the same time, Luo Hong was in a sea of ​​wills.

The evil god Erha is a bit spirited.

"Stupid Ronaldinho, how about this posture?"

Luo Hong smiled: "The great one will be even more domineering if the nostrils are raised a little more. These rubbish mortals will definitely be in awe of the great bank of the only one."

It is only this kind of arrogant posture of disapproval that can be overbearing.

"Stupid Xiao Luo, I just understand, I don't need you to teach me!"

The evil god Erha snorted.

After humming, he slowly adjusted his phantom nostrils upwards, so that the nostrils were more open to the world.


Upstairs in Anping County.

Both Luo Hou and Zhao Xinghe were dressed in black armor, and they lifted their heads while leaning on ink knives.

County Magistrate Liu also raised his head in surprise, looking at Luo Hong, who was sitting cross-legged on the imperial sword and dressed in white clothes, he was a little dazed.

Luo Hong questioned and insulted a land fairy,

Simply overbearing...

But you, Luo Hong... aren't you a third-rank?

Are you not guilty of talking so arrogantly to so many strong men at the level of land immortals?

And what shocked them the most was that the extremely arrogant Lu Xian was really... being pushed back, he didn't dare to say anything.

The surrounding strong men floating in the void also watched coldly, and did not speak for this strong man, as if acquiescing to Luo Hong's arrogance.

Of course, when Luo Hong's words came to their ears, they also looked dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning.

"Luo Hong...killed Emperor Xia?!"

County magistrate Liu's eyes were dull, and he repeated these words in his mouth, Luo Hong... went to Tian'an City, participated in the Great Court Meeting, and actually killed Emperor Xia?

Liu Neng, is he dreaming?

Luo Hou, Zhao Xinghe and others also stared, Luo Hong killed Emperor Xia?

They didn't doubt the authenticity. With Luo Hong's righteous role model, if it was fake, he would not be able to say it openly. After all, no one would joke about such a thing.

But the more sure it is true, the more shocking it will be.

Emperor Xia...that was a land immortal strongman who had lived for six hundred years. His strength was so strong that it surpassed the world, but such a strong man was actually killed by Luo Hong?

Luo Hou murmured blankly: "My son... killed the emperor?"


"You, that's right, you... You are not allowed to enter the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm. I, Luo Hong, have my eyes on you."

Luo Hong sneered at the land fairy who mocked and questioned him.

Do you think it's over if you don't talk?

The face of the land fairy suddenly changed slightly.

"Luo Hong! You are too domineering!"

"Jixia Academy doesn't belong to you, Luo Hong!"

Xuehai Secret Realm contains great opportunities. He is just a second-level land fairy. If he can enter the Sea Secret Realm, he will definitely gain a lot.

How could he give up this opportunity.

He just contradicted Luo Hong and refused to let him enter the secret realm. How could it be so reasonable?

"Heh... Then everyone don't go in."

Luo Hong spread his hands and said calmly.

"My son is blocked here. Whoever dares to enter, even if I risk my life, I have to beat him to death. This is called overbearing."

Luo Hong's words caused many people's expressions to change slightly.

Naturally, everyone does not want to see this kind of situation. Naturally, there are many great opportunities in Xuehai Secret Realm. The most important thing is that the luck of many dynasties has been sucked into it. The Emperor of the Great Zhou also wants to find these lost luck. return.

Therefore, they all talked to persuade the land fairy not to enter the sea secret realm.

The land fairy was cold all over, and under the gaze of many eyes and threats from all sides, his scalp was numb.

Some casual cultivators even directly threatened that if he dared to enter the secret realm, he would secretly blow up his body.

This caused the land fairy to be filled with grief and indignation, and he didn't dare to stay here, so he turned around and turned into a rainbow to snatch away.

"You, Luo Hong... it's better not to enter the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm. Once you enter the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, you must have a body of will to enter it. At that time... there will be no mysterious existence to support you."

Before the land fairy left, he also quietly dropped a word, and disappeared into the night the next moment.

He was afraid that if he stayed here, he would be beaten to death by some enemies who deliberately caused trouble.

That would be really unfair.

In Anping County, everyone was dumbfounded.

Seeing a land fairy being forced away with a few words, he was also stunned.

Luo Hong withdrew the phantom of the evil god and glanced at everyone.

These people are quite interesting.

"Don't worry, Xuehai Secret Realm cannot be closed for the time being. I will make plans after I discuss with my brothers."

Luo Hong said lightly.

"If anyone refuses to accept it, you can try to force it, and see me, Luo Hong... I will kill you if I can't beat you."

After the words fell, it turned into a streamer and returned to Anping County.

In the void, a group of strong men looked at each other in blank dismay. They, a group of land immortals, were threatened by a third-rank monk.

The emperor of the Great Zhou was calm, sitting cross-legged in the void, with the cauldron on his head, expressionless.

The Great Chu Empress was not in a hurry, she lightly stroked the Longque Sword.

Every strong person also knows that if he wants to enter the secret realm, Luo Hong will hinder him, so he may not be able to enter it easily.

Even if they get in, they still have to worry, Luo Hong blows up their bodies.

However, the eyes of many land immortals were extremely cold, and what the land immortal who was forced to leave by Luo Hong actually remembered in their hearts.

If Luo Hong really entered the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, they don't mind... find a chance to get rid of it.


Luo Hong returned to Anping County.

Luo Hou, Zhao Xinghe and others still guarded the tower, they dare not leave, dare not move.

After all, a large number of strong men outside the city are like a storm sweeping the world. They are afraid that if they leave, Anping County will be destroyed.

They are guarding, although it is useless, but at least they have a little bottom in their hearts.

Luo Xiaobei was also sitting in the city tower, while Luo Hong went straight into Shushan with Xiaodouhua.

On the mountain of books, Luo Xiaoxiao is playing with peach blossoms under the peach blossom tree. Between her eyebrows, a milky white crystal emerges, which is the symbol of crystallization of luck.

After all, Luo Hong transferred all the power of luck to Luo Xiaoxiao,

Although Luo Xiaoxiao does not have the power of luck, she is also the bearer of luck.

Luo Hong intends to train her as the future empress of Da Luo, and he, Luo Hong, will be a regent who will bring disaster to the world.

Luo Xiaoxiao is his tool for committing crimes in the future!

Waiting for him in front of the school gate was the fifth brother Xu Yun.

Xu Yun looked at Luo Hong with a complicated expression. He also saw the scene of Luo Hong in the sky over Anping County, alone controlling all the heroes in the world.

You are a third-rank, suppressing the heroes of the world, you are really... courageous enough.

"Fifth senior brother, where is second senior brother?"

Luo Hong asked curiously.

Li Xiuyuan didn't show up at all in the Tian'an City battle. Luo Hong knew that he was in retreat before, but the Tian'an City battle was so fierce that he never showed up, unlike the second senior brother's style.

"Second Senior Brother is retreating in Nirvana..."

Xu Yun laughed.

"However, he has a Peach Blossom clone, and he also knows about the opening of the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm."

As soon as the words fell, a burst of peach blossom petals suddenly flew up, scattered in the air, and finally, it turned into the appearance of Li Xiuyuan with fluttering sleeves.

"Junior Brother, Master said that the opening of the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm is inevitable, let nature take its course, as long as you follow the rules, there is no need to obstruct too much."

Li Xiuyuan smiled softly.

Luo Hong raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously Master also thought of what would happen after he was petrified, and the opening of the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm was also expected by Master.

Even, there may be master's backhands in Xuehai Secret Realm!

As expected of a master!

"If that's the case, then I will follow Master."

Luo Hong laughed.

"However, hang on to these people first, otherwise they will think that Jixia Academy has no master, and they will be afraid of them."

"In addition, if they want to enter the Sea Secret Realm, they must enter the palace square physically. There are rules and forces intertwined in the school palace. They can't make waves. Those who don't enter the palace square are not allowed to enter."

Luo Hong said.

It is not a good thing not to show weakness, and to show weakness easily.

Today's Jixia Academy, without a master, is not as deterrent as before. If Luo Hong hadn't been intimidated by the evil god Erha, these land immortals would have already begun to forcibly break into the secret realm of Xuehai.

"It's up to you." Li Xiuyuan smiled softly: "Brother is currently retreating, and when senior brother succeeds in Nirvana, all problems will be no problem."

Hearing this, Luo Hong's eyes could not help but brighten up: "Then what if senior brother fails in retreat?"

Li Xiuyuan's Peach Blossom clone glanced at Luo Hong, and rolled his eyes angrily: "That's better, it's done once and for all, I don't bother to care about these crap things!"

Both Luo Hong and Xu Yun smiled.

"Fifth Senior Brother, please pass on these words to those people outside Anping County."

Luo Hongdao.

Xu Yun nodded: "Then what if they don't agree and force their way in?"

Luo Hong suddenly smiled coldly: "Then you don't have to stop, let them try."

Words fell.

Luo Hong arranged for Xiao Douhua to raise swords in the sword repair palace.

And he walked in the direction of Xixiu Palace.

Seeing this, Xu Yun couldn't help being taken aback: "Junior brother, you're going in the wrong direction."

Luo Hong paused.

Looking back resentfully, he glanced: "Fifth Senior Brother, you don't understand."


After entering the evil cultivator's palace, Luo Hong planned to retreat here.

This time in the battle of Tianan City, Luo Hong felt that he had definitely gained a lot, not to mention stepping into the cultivation base of the second-grade earth evil realm, the crimes obtained just by killing the target is definitely a big profit .

Among the targets killed by him, there are quite a few land immortals!

Prince Xia Ji, Emperor Xia...these two are big customers.

Luo Hong couldn't wait to see how much crime he had reaped this time.

As for prestige crimes, Luo Hong also has some expectations. After all, he has done such treasonous actions as murdering the emperor and conspiring to usurp the throne. At least give some prestige crimes, right?

Take out the human skin booklet.

Opens to the panel page.

Character: Luo Hong

Sin: +760086

Level: 10 (rewards to be claimed)

Title: villain

Occupational Title: Evil Spirit Swordsmith (Level 1)

Races: Terran (mortal), Asura (activated)

Cultivation methods: "Ten Thousand Evils Return to One (Disabled)", "Sword Qi Jue", "Yun Jian Jue", "Burning Heaven Jue"

Spiritual Practice: "The Beidou Sutra (Disabled)"

Techniques: "Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha", "Little Evil Burning Lamp Sutra"

Swordsmanship: "Dragon Transformation Sword", "Red Dust Tribulation"

Realm: Second Rank (Earth Evil), Second Rank (Thousand Swords), Third Rank (Golden Body), Third Rank (Liming), Third Rank (Great King Kong)

Luo Hong squinted his eyes and looked at the panel page. His eyes first fell on the column of crimes.

Seven hundred and sixty thousand!



Luo Hong's eyes lit up all of a sudden, although it was less than expected.

If you want to exchange for the special prize, maybe you have to reach more than one million sins. One million sins is really too much, but it can be achieved by accumulating slowly.

I used to think that a million sins was an unattainable dream, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Three months... almost a million crimes, I, Luo Hong... I am really a born bad embryo!"

Luo Hong was delighted.

This time, it should be able to exchange for a good first-class reward!

Luo Hong was in a good mood, and even wanted to hum a little tune.

It's the harvest season again.

The little villain in the title, the small characters are gone, and he, Luo Hong, is no longer young!

Moreover, the level has also reached level 10. It was level 8 before, and now it is level 10. It has been upgraded two levels in a row.

Of course, level 10 is placed in some online games, and it seems that they are just out of Novice Village.

Reach out and receive the reward after level upgrade.

Two consecutive treasure chests appeared in front of him, exuding a pitch-black luster.

Luo Hong clicked on one.

"Congratulations on obtaining 1000 strands of original evil light."

That's it?

Lao Tzu sent you to be so crooked? !

Luo Hong was so angry that he wanted to chop his hands, but he really didn't have Ou Huang's life.

There was also a treasure chest. After rubbing his hands for a while, Luo Hong opened it again.

"Congratulations on getting the supernatural powers will avatar talisman (one-time)."


Seeing this reward, Luo Hong couldn't help being slightly startled, and the next moment his eyes lit up a little, talisman? Taoist talisman?

Reach out and take it.

The next moment, a pitch-black talisman fell into his hand.

Where is the Taoist talisman's fairy bones, this is completely an evil talisman, and the runes on it are not painted with cinnabar, but blood!

Vaguely, Luo Hong felt that this talisman seemed to pull away his will.

"One-time supernatural power?"

Luo Hong stared, he didn't know much about supernatural powers, so he asked the old man if he didn't understand.

Hearing Luo Hong's question, the evil god Erha lazily said: "Supernatural powers? Only gods have supernatural powers... Some of these things are extremely powerful, and some attack the weak and tickle them."

"It mainly depends on the supernatural powers that exist."

"The supernatural power to cut the will clone... what grade is it?"

Luo Hong asked.


The evil god yawned and said.


Luo Hong got it, he got it, and immediately became bored with the talisman in his hand, and put it in the storage page.

However, talk is better than nothing.

The lottery draw for the two upgrades ended in this way, and Luo Hong was still a little bit unsatisfied.

As for the thousand strands of original evil light, they are of no use to Luo Hong, who has now reached the second-grade earth evil state, even if he is a quenched body, he dislikes rubbish.

Previously in the Blood Rain Plain, the suction of the original evil light was calculated according to ten thousand wisps.

Throwing a thousand strands of original evil light directly to Miss Demon Sword in the dantian to absorb them all.

It can be regarded as a little relief for Miss Demon Sword's little emotions.

Next turn to the rewards page.

【Reward pool】

Special Class: Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body (Sin: +??...? can be exchanged)

First class: Nine evil evil lotus (sins: ﹢100000~﹢1000000 can be exchanged)

Second Class: Earth-Level Evil Method "Evil God's Roar" (Sin: +10000~+100000 can be exchanged)

Third class: Mysterious level evil method "Wan Xie Lu" (sin: +300~﹢1000 can be exchanged)

Consolation: A very unscrupulous Gathering Pill (Sin +10/﹣1~﹣??...? can be exchanged)

After reading the rewards, Luo Hong frowned. As usual, the special prizes cannot be redeemed, so his eyes fell on the first-class rewards.

However, what surprised Luo Hong was that the first prize this time wasn't any skill or secret technique.

It's actually a flower? !

Nine evil evil lotus... a lotus flower?

Luo Hong's face changed unsteadily. Is this to make him a flirt like the second senior brother?

The second senior brother plays with peach blossoms, but he plays with lotus flowers?

To be honest, Luo Hong really resisted in his heart.

However, in line with the principle of no exchange, no exchange, Luo Hong still chose to exchange.

"It is detected that the current crime is ﹢760086, which can be exchanged for the Seven Sha Evil Lotus. Do you want to exchange it?"

On the human skin booklet, bloody words emerged, reminding Luo Hong.

Luo Hong couldn't help staring slightly.

That is, one hundred thousand sins and one lotus?

What kind of lotus is this, so awesome?

However, there is one thing to say, the remaining 60,000 was embezzled? !


Luo Hong thought for a while, and thought of the chill when someone would praise him behind his back for no reason, so he chose to exchange.


When Luo Hong chose to talk, suddenly, his eyes suddenly went dark.

Do not……

It wasn't the blackness in front of his eyes, but a lotus flower as black as ink emerged in front of him. It was a kind of pitch black like a black hole, as if it absorbed all the light.

The extremely rich evil spirit is rolling in it, as if the void is twisting and collapsing.

Good will.

Erha, the evil god who was lying on his stomach, suddenly got up and was very surprised.

"This is... a false divine medicine!"

"Stupid Xiao Luo, where did you get the fake medicine?"

The evil god Erha asked in surprise.

He was really surprised, the stupid Ronaldinho didn't go anywhere, how did he get a fake magic medicine? !

There is no way this thing exists in the world!

Much more precious than the essence of life.

Even the heavenly king's blood given to Luo Hong by the master is not as good as this false magic medicine!

Luo Hong was also a little surprised by the words of the evil god Erha.

He looked at the human-skin booklet, but found that there was no movement in the booklet. The human-skin booklet would introduce treasures before, but this time it didn't.

"It can be regarded as a fake magic medicine of rubbish. To me, it is just an ornamental object."

The evil god Erha watched it for a while, then lost interest.

"Stupid Ronaldinho, you are too weak, you'd better use it petal by petal, too much, you can't stand it."

Erha, the evil god, said.

After hearing this, Luo Hong's eyes lit up.

"And this kind of lotus petals, you'd better use something to neutralize it."

"Well, the crap king's blood that stupid old man gave you is fine."

The words of the evil god Erha made Luo Hong understand.

He put away the human skin book, looked at the evil lotus of the seven evil spirits that was constantly absorbing light, and took a deep breath.

And behind him, at some point, Miss Demon Sword appeared.


"Give me a slice!"

Miss Demon Sword's red dress fluttered, her face was serious, and she said seriously.

As if to say, if you don't give it, she will make trouble.

After all, she has been hollowed out by Luo Hong too many times, and Luo Hong promised to suck her but never fulfilled his promise.

"no problem!"

Luo Hong simply agreed. If you want the car to run, you must fuel it. This truth... Luo Hong still understands.

Stretching out his hand, he directly broke off a petal of the black lotus flower, and handed it to Miss Demon Sword.

Miss Demon Sword fled into the dantian space after taking the lotus petals.

Luo Hong could only feel evil spirits surging in his dantian!

The originally dry Shahai Sea and the cracked Evil Mountain recovered one after another.

Luo Hong broke off one petal of the lotus again, and then put the remaining five petals into the storage page.

It's just a lotus petal, but it also attracts strong evil spirits, covering the entire palace of evil cultivators.

buzz buzz...

The strong evil power seemed to shatter the space.

If Luo Hong refined it hastily, his body might be shattered.

Luo Hong was a little apprehensive, and adopted the opinion of the evil god Erha, took out the blood of the king of heaven, pulled out a drop of blood of the king of heaven with strong vitality, and melted it into a black lotus petal.

Chi Chi Chi!

In an instant, strong evil power swept out from the lotus petals like a storm.

Roar! ! !

Indistinctly, in the golden blood of the Heavenly King, a wisp of the Heavenly King's will was corroded and destroyed.


What the hell? !

Luo Hong was startled.

But feeling the strong evil spirit surging out, without hesitation, he ran "Ten Thousand Evils Returning to One", and the majestic evil force poured into his body frantically.

Moreover, this evil force is full of strong impact and corrosiveness, making Luo Hong's body constantly tempered during the process of absorbing it.

It is much more powerful than the original evil light!

Boom boom boom!

The Qi and blood in Luo Hong's body became stronger, and even in every drop of blood, there was a petal of black lotus surging.


Luo Hong only felt a roar in his ears, and the next moment, he felt his physical body break through!

Qi and blood flowed endlessly like a river, and there was a strong vitality surging in the body, as if it was immortal.

This is the cultivation base of martial arts has stepped into the realm of immortality of the second rank!

Of course, the indestructible here is not really indestructible, it is just the title of martial arts.

However, this was not over yet, as if the tempering of the physical body had just begun, Luo Hong kept drawing the blood of the Heavenly King from the bottle and dripping it onto the petal of the black lotus.

With the help of the transpired evil power, improve the cultivation of evil ways and martial arts.

The physical body was continuously tempered, and with a bang, Luo Hong felt that he had completed another exercise.

This is the second time forging!

Only those in the Martial Immortal realm on land can exercise their bodies, and Luo Hong is now beginning to exercise his body...

His physical body has become even more tyrannical!

However, Luo Hong felt that it was not enough!

He can ask for more!

After a whole bottle of Heavenly King's blood was poured into it, the black air of chi chi chi swept and surged, and the entire palace of evil cultivators trembled, as if it was about to collapse.

What Luo Hong didn't know was that in the outside world, as he refined a petal of the evil lotus, a strong evil force surged up.

Above the Jixia Academy, there is an incomparably rich righteousness of heaven and earth converging, continuously converging, stacking, and finally turning into a mighty river of righteousness.

In the long river, there seemed to be roaring with anger.

above the bell tower.

The sage clock seemed to sense something, and it rang automatically!

Outside Anping County.

A land fairy was slightly startled, then floated up and stared at Jixia Academy.

"What is that? Such a strong stream of righteousness... Could it be that a saint is about to be born?"

"Is it Luo Hong? I seem to feel his breath, such a strong righteousness, it seems to be stronger than Li Xiuyuan..."

"Hey, this son of Luo Hong is known as an example of justice, and a nemesis of evil cultivators. Compared with the long river of righteousness of Li Xiuyuan, a hypocrite and fake Confucianism cultivator, his righteousness is much stronger."

Many land immortals seemed to have never seen this battle before, and they commented in surprise.

Xu Yun was a little taken aback.

Birth of a Saint?

This seems to be transformed by the long river of righteousness recorded in the sage classics... a catastrophe.


And somewhere in the void of Jixia Academy.

With Nirvana flames burning on his shoulders and above his head, Li Xiuyuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched...

His eyes seemed to see through the void, and he saw the saint's bell ringing automatically, as well as the evil power surging out of the evil cultivator's palace.


Junior brother, what the hell are you doing? !

What is it like?

This is the catastrophe transformed by the river of righteousness, the catastrophe of killing evil!

However, Li Xiuyuan forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and slowly closed his eyes. He had attained Nirvana, and Nirvana is important.


Wangchuan Temple.

Listen to the statue.

The statue of Master looked at the earth with a faint smile.

Suddenly, Shihua's master looked towards the direction of Jixia Academy, and the smile on Shihua's face gradually froze...


The old man is not here, you are so lawless that you want to demolish the house? !

Let you practice the way of a saint after the great court meeting, and you will cultivate a calamity of killing evil? !

Fortunately, the old man is not dead, otherwise he would have jumped out of the coffin in anger!

The smile of the Master statue disappeared, and it seemed to close its eyes slowly.

Feeling... the world is not worth nostalgia.


Boom boom boom!

A long river of righteousness cascaded down.

Under the impact of the river of righteousness, the Xiexiu palace suddenly exploded, shattered and torn apart.

Many disciples in the academy were alarmed.

Staring, he looked at Xiexiu's palace in surprise.

Soon, the evil cultivator's palace was wiped out.

Rich qi and blood surged out, and Luo Hong's white clothes and white hair bloomed with bright white light, bathed in the long river of righteousness, and walked out step by step.


An extremely comfortable sound came out of his mouth.

Every cell in him is washed by the river of righteousness, dazzling and shining.

Above the head, the energy of Zhengyang is surging, and the mantras of the word "Zheng" are like peacocks spreading their tails.

After completing three forgings, the physical body, qi and blood, complement each other into brilliance!

Outside Anping County, many strong men couldn't help but sigh with emotion as they looked at the ruined palace of evil cultivators.

"Luo Hong's son is worthy of being the nemesis of evil cultivators, even the palace of evil cultivators in the academy..."

And looking at Luo Hong who walked out of the ruined palace of evil cultivators.

Everyone just feels...

It seems that a righteous saint came out of the long river, bringing endless holy light to the world.

PS: The second update, 7,000 words, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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