My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 281 ? The saint said, this son is hopeless


The vision that appeared above the Jixia Academy attracted everyone's attention. The bright golden clouds descended with extremely rich saint brilliance, as if celebrating the saint's death.

Sitting cross-legged on the square of the Academy, Luo Hong's whole body was shrouded in bright golden light, like a saint reincarnated, which made many people unable to look away.

Many people speculated that perhaps Luo Hong had gained some insight in the secret realm, and it may even be that the power of will has made a breakthrough. The breakthrough of willpower in the secret realm can also be fed back to the body. This is the experience of many people. .

Of course, some people feel that something is weird and wrong, but they can't see anything wrong.

Outside Anping County.

One strong man after another stood in the air, staring at the radiant, golden light-shrouded top of Dongshan Mountain, frowning slightly.

The Great Zhou Emperor and the Great Chu Empress were very calm, but the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court and the ruler of the Nanzhao Kingdom looked slightly unsightly.

The relationship between them and Luo Hong was very bad, so naturally they didn't want to see Luo Hong become stronger.

The more monstrous Luo Hong was, the more they felt a sense of urgency. Even though they were very powerful now, far surpassing Luo Hong, but...the pressure Luo Hong brought to them was not small at all.

"If this child is allowed to grow up, the future... will become a serious disaster!"

The sweat of the Golden Tent Royal Court said coldly.

His words resounded in the void outside Anping County, and he was speaking to the Emperor of the Great Zhou and the Empress of the Great Chu.

"The Great Luo Dynasty's replacement of the Great Xia is a foregone conclusion. The Great Luo Dynasty was a fierce tiger before, and the newly born Great Luo Dynasty... is also a fierce tiger! Even more ambitious than the Great Xia."

Wang Ting sweated profusely, sitting on a chair suspended in the void, and said.

The ruler of Nanzhao, Nan Lihuo also said coldly: "It makes sense."

"There is a mysterious existence behind this son, and he can kill Emperor Xia. Maybe... he will become a unified existence in the world in the future, and he will definitely devour and plunder the luck of the world."

"Any great dynasties are bound to stand on the opposite side."

Nan Lihuo said coldly.

He hated Luo Hong very much. After all, the elites of his Nanzhao Kingdom who came to the Great Court Assembly this time were basically slaughtered by Luo Hong.

The young leader died, and even the genius who possessed one of the top ten evil Gu and bright Gu, who was coveted by him, died in Luo Hong's tricks.

At this moment, Nan Lihuo also understood that with Yuan Chenggang's strength, it was impossible to kill Nan Guangming. It must be Luo Hong who used the mysterious existence to do something behind his back!

This son is very bad!

The Son of Great Zhou smiled warmly, playing with the shrunken Fortune Furnace in his hand: "I don't think that this son of Luo Hong... has a clear distinction between good and evil, is upright, and is a disciple of his master, a model of justice in the world..."

"The reason why the Luo family turned against Xia, and the reason why the Great Xia Dynasty was overthrown, was because the Xia family persecuted the Luo family so hard that the Luo family was cornered, so they overthrew."

"My Dazhou and the Luo family don't have too many conflicts. Moreover, Luo Hong, as a disciple of the master, may not inherit the throne of the emperor of the Da Luo dynasty. He is mostly practicing with the master..."

The Great Zhou Emperor said with a half-smile,

Expressed his attitude, the panacea-like attitude, it should be that he is unwilling to confront Luo Hong easily.

The profuse sweat from the Golden Tent Royal Court snorted coldly, but didn't say anything.

Empress Da Chu stroked the Dragon Sparrow Sword, but did not speak.

The atmosphere froze immediately.

But obviously, the attitudes of these big shots are already very clear.

The Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court and the Nanzhao Kingdom mainly wanted to kill Luo Hong, but the Emperor of the Great Zhou was unwilling, and the Empress of the Great Chu was unclear about her attitude, so she probably was also unwilling to do so.

For a while, the atmosphere outside Anping County became much weirder.

If Da Khan and Nan Lihuo of the Golden Tent Royal Court wanted to make a move, the only chance to kill Luo Hong might be at this moment.

When Luo Hong's body of will entered the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, Luo Hong's physical body would be annihilated at this time, and Luo Hong's vitality would definitely be severely injured.

Moreover, the mysterious existence behind Luo Hong should have been motivated by willpower, so at this time, Luo Hong didn't even have time to activate the mysterious existence.

For a moment, the profuse eyes of the Golden Tent Royal Court became much sharper.

Nan Lihuo was even shrouded in pitch darkness, playing with the evil Gu in his hand.


With a dark face, Qi Guangling came riding a cloud.

The crane robe on his body was fluttering, and his face was livid. He actually didn't want to kill Luo Hong. After all, he had experienced the torment of that terrible existence in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will.

The existence of that statue is just a ray of remnant soul. If the body exists, I am afraid that it will surpass the tenth realm and reach the strength of the "Zun" realm after the third heavenly gate.

Therefore, Qi Guangling really didn't want to provoke Luo Hong. After he managed to survive, he actually wanted him to do such a dangerous thing.

However, the head teacher occupied Wen Tianxing's body, and handed over the Tianjian Mirror to him, so Qi Guangling had no choice but to come.

The Supervising Sky Mirror is a magical weapon passed down from the Heavenly Sect. It is extremely valuable and powerful. If the headmaster dares to give him the Sky Supervising Mirror with confidence, he must have arranged some backhand on him.

Qi Guangling sighed.

In fact, he couldn't see through the Kunlun Palace.

Master Zhang has lived for several lifetimes with the help of the longevity method of seizing the house, but Qi Guangling can't see through what exactly he is planning.

Today, Master Shihua towns the Three Realms, the rules of the world are much weaker, countless heavenly gates will hang in the sky, and many heavenly beings will enter and leave the heavenly gates, and intervene in human affairs, taking away the luck of the world, and believing in...

The world is going to be chaotic, and Qi Guangling has been thinking about what benefits the head teacher can get from it.

"Could it be that...the head teacher also wants to transcend the ten become a long-lived guest like Emperor Xia?"

Qi Guangling was thoughtful.

He floated across the sky, and soon landed on the official road outside Anping County.

From a distance, one could see waves of incomparably tyrannical energy outside Anping County.

Qi Guangling took out the Sky Monitoring Mirror.

"The Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm opened, and without any suspense, it has become the focus of the eyes of countless powerful people in the world."

"It's a pity that these land immortals who have surpassed the five realms are not allowed to enter, otherwise... this Anping County may be trampled by countless strong people."

Qi Guangling stroked his beard.

Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes.

He saw the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court and Nan Lihuo, the ruler of Nanzhao.

The faces of these two people were very gloomy, staring at Jixia Academy, there was faint murderous intent surging in their eyes.

Qi Guangling suddenly laughed.

He was a wise man, and a man of great prudence.

He was able to cultivate to the current Nine Realms, which is naturally inseparable from his prudence.

He took out the sky-monitoring mirror, and clouds and mist formed under his feet, flying towards the direction where the Khan of the Golden Tent King Court was.

Killing Luo Hong...doesn't necessarily require him to do it himself.

You can ask someone to do it, how about he providing the sky monitoring mirror for free?


In the secret realm of Xuehai.

Luo Hong was drenched all over, with a look of incomparable astonishment, but he blended perfectly into a group of monks who had just woken up from a nightmare state.

"Ah! The mountain of gone!"

"Such a big mountain of books, why is it gone!"

Luo Hong said in shock.

Around, a group of monks stared blankly at the empty learning sea, just... what happened? !

It is rumored that it is the mountain of books of the ancient saint soldiers... Just like that, it disappeared into the sea of ​​learning.

The book of saints cannot disappear out of thin air, it must have been taken away by someone!

Who took the book of sages?

Also, some of them had almost touched the threshold of enlightenment in their previous enlightenment, but... they were interrupted inexplicably, and had a nightmare, which almost left a shadow in their hearts!

Cutting off a person's path of cultivation, this hatred is irreconcilable!

When Daoist Hong saw Luo Hong, her energy surged, and the water in the Taoist robe on her body evaporated. She came floating on a reed.

"Holy Son... Are you having nightmares too?"

Hong Gu Nian's face was ugly, but she was okay, because she came late, and she started having nightmares as soon as she entered the state of comprehension, which had little effect on the future Tao.

Those who are in the process of breaking through are afraid that they will leave a psychological shadow.


Luo Hong's heart moved. Originally, the face of the body of will was ugly because of being tortured by the evil lotus and the brilliance of the saint, but now he was pretending, the blood on his face faded away, and he was as pale as paper.

Luo Hong nodded weakly: "Master, it's so scary..."

Daoist Hong looked at Luo Hong's ugly face, and sighed, "Something went wrong, master petrochemical town Three Realms, this Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm may also have some problems, Shushan recovers, mysteriously disappears, maybe it indicates some kind of disaster It's the beginning of... this time learning the sea secret realm, it may not be safe."

"Uncle Master feels that it may be the Taoists from Kunlun Palace who did something."

Aunt Hong said seriously.

The corner of Luo Hong's mouth twitched, you are always... really big breasts... um, you are so smart!

"Kunlun Palace?"

Luo Hong showed surprise.

Feeling the startled Luo Hong, Hong Daogu felt a lot more relieved, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she analyzed with confidence: "You may not feel it because of your low cultivation level. The thirteen land immortals of Kunlun Palace, who entered In the secret realm of Xuehai, there is a wave of treasures in the body of will..."

Luo Hong was stunned for a moment, but now he was really stunned.

"If my guess is correct, it should be a fake surveillance mirror..."

"It is rumored that the Heaven Watching Mirror was given by the heaven and man after the Kunlun Palace communicated with the heavenly gate. There is one main mirror, eighty false mirrors, and eighty-one mirrors together. It has the function of absorbing luck and confining treasures..."

Daoist Hong sat cross-legged on the reed, her brows furrowed, her red lips parted, and she let out a breath slowly.

"The purpose of the Kunlun probably to evacuate the Xuehai secret realm."

The strong men around them also stood on the golden sea of ​​learning with ugly faces.

"Is it the sky monitoring mirror of Kunlun Palace?!"

"What Aunt Hong said makes sense... I have dealt with the Kunlun Palace before, even the fake supervisor Tianjing has the divinity of sealing treasures, and has the function of plundering and suppressing. My heavenly sword was detained and plundered by him back then. "

A man with the appearance of a vicissitudes swordsman said coldly.

This is a swordsman from the Great Chu Dynasty.

And as his words fell, the complexions of the surrounding powerhouses were as gloomy as water.

Kunlun Palace!

What a Kunlun Palace, everyone is careless.

I forgot the function of the supreme weapon of the Kunlun Palace, the sky-monitoring mirror!

Many strong men didn't say anything more, they could only swallow this boring loss.

The Kunlun Palace can be said to be the biggest force in the sea secret realm this time, the thirteen land immortals, and these thirteen land immortals also hold a false supervising sky mirror.

I can't afford it!

"I'm afraid the Kunlun Palace will take advantage of Master's absence to vacate the Xuehai Secret Realm!"

The strong men looked at each other, their eyes became serious.

Everyone didn't say much, their bodies burst out from the sea of ​​learning, their will spread, and they searched for the traces of the Kunlun Palace land fairy.

Sitting behind Daoist Hong's reed, Luo Hong seemed to be sitting on the back seat of a bicycle. He stuck his head out and pursed his lips as he looked at the menacing group of strong men.

"Uncle, where are we going next?"

"You once said that there are three areas in Xuehai Secret Realm that have better opportunities to obtain opportunities. Now that the book mountain has disappeared, should we go to the remaining two areas?"

Luo Hongdao.

Daoist Hong smiled: "Yes, the first place is Book Mountain, unfortunately, Book Mountain was taken by Kunlun Palace..."

"Next, we have to guard against the Taoists of Kunlun Palace."

"The second place is called 'Bitter Boat End'!"

"If Storytelling Mountain is able to help sort out the effects of the exercises one has practiced, to reflect on oneself three times a day, and to help epiphany, then Ku Zhouya is a treasure that is of great help to Yipin and Lu Xian."

Daoist Hong controlled Yiwei to cross Xuehai, and said to Luo Hong: "Xuehai has no limit to work hard, and Kuzhouya is the second place of opportunity for the secret realm of Xuehai."

"In Kuzhouya, I can help the confused monks to strengthen their future path and open up the road to the road."

"You are now at the second rank, and you will soon be at the first rank. When you reach the first rank, you need to open up a road. The road is ten thousand miles, and a flower is a thousand miles. This is the cultivation method of the land fairyland."

Daoist Hong's black hair and loose Taoist robe were blowing in the wind.

Luo Hong stared slightly, chewing on these words. It was the first time he knew the path of cultivation above the first rank.

"Actually, the road to the great road leads to the same goal. After reaching the land fairyland, the differences are actually quite different. They are all cultivating the great road..."

"First rank comprehends the Tao and opens up the road to the avenue. The length of the avenue is less than 500 miles, which is a weak rank. If it is more than 500 miles to a thousand miles, it is a strong rank. When you reach a thousand miles, and there are budding flowers waiting to bloom, then you are a quasi-land fairy. , when the Taoist flower blooms, you will be a Land Immortal."

Daoist Hong said with a smile.

"After that, it's not difficult to understand. The ten realms are the ten thousand li avenue. At the end, the flowers of the ten avenues are shining brightly. However, in today's world, there are quite a few people who have walked the ten thousand li avenue. There are very few people who bloom with the flower of the Great Dao..."

Daoist Hong said with emotion, "This is limited by the rules of the world, and there is no longevity in the world..."

Luo Hong nodded, but he had a general idea in his mind.


A huge wave hit, and the golden ocean suddenly became choppy.

Luo Hong raised his head and looked into the distance. Over there, there was a cliff lying in the sea of ​​learning. The cliff was like a small boat erected, full of simplicity and profundity.

The section of the cliff is not smooth, even rough.

"This is Ku Zhou Ya?"

Luo Hong asked.

Daoist Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, those fellows from Kunlun Palace haven't arrived yet, and Ku Zhouya was not killed by them."

Daoist Hong gritted her teeth, she didn't have much affection for the monks in Kunlun Palace.

And around Ku Zhouya, one strong man after another was running around, as if they were probing and looking for the traces of the Taoists of Kunlun Palace.

In the end, many monks failed to find the figure of the Kunlun Palace Taoist, and returned to the Kuzhouya one by one.

Ku Zhouya was shrouded in a majestic connotation, on the surface of the mirror that was not smooth, it would vaguely reflect the paths of the strong men, as if it could dispel the fog.

Daoist Hong brought Luo Hong to Kuzhou Yaxia.

"Why do most strong people like to enter the Sea Secret Realm, because the Sea Learning Secret Realm is a real secret realm full of opportunities..."

Daoist Hong glanced at Luo Hong.

"The Holy Son is famous for killing in the Secret Realm of Heaven, the Secret Realm of Dizang, and the Secret Realm of Beidou, but...the Holy Son is unable to kill in the Secret Realm of Xuehai."

Daoist Hong knew that Luo Hong's reputation was earned.

The three secret realms were all killed by Luo Hong. The Tianji Secret Realm Luo Hongtu Huangbang, the Dizang Secret Realm, the Tuxuan Bang and the Dibang, and the Beidou Secret Realm also killed countless people...

This is a real ruthless person, if not for his Wugou body, Hong Gunian felt that Luo Hong was not suitable for cultivating Taoism at all.

Luo Hong smiled politely but awkwardly.

"I'm helpless too."

Luo Hongdao.

He is really helpless, he has killed so many people, and everyone still thinks he is a good person.

The past is not worth looking back on.

Daoist Hong smiled, stretched out her green finger, and pointed at Ku Zhouya.

"Before those people from the Kunlun Palace come over, hurry up and realize it. You are now a second-rank cultivation base. If you can clarify your future path, it will be very good. If you are lucky and open up the path of the road, then the future It’s easier to get into one.”

"First-rank level, is it difficult to say, if it is easy, it is not easy, otherwise there will not be so many geniuses, stuck in the bottleneck of second-rank and unable to enter."

Aunt Hong Dao said.

After the words were spoken, she floated out of the reed and walked towards Ku Zhou Ya.

Before approaching the area of ​​Kuzhouya, under Daoist Hong's feet, the golden sea was rolling, and a golden boat emerged. Aunt Hong sat cross-legged on the boat. Above her head, the road of the avenue appeared, and four flowers of the avenue bloomed.

The monks around were also sitting cross-legged in golden boats, trudging towards Ku Zhou Ya.

Luo Hong stood on the reed and glanced around. Most of the monks had entered the state of practice, sitting cross-legged in the boat, trudging towards the end of the miserable boat.

Luo Hong took a step forward, the sea water under his feet was tumbling, and a golden boat appeared.

Luo Hong sat cross-legged, and in an instant, his will seemed to be sucked into a pitch-black place.

He is only a second rank, and there is no great way in front of him.

However, there is a piece of nothingness, the way of practice is to open up the road of the great way in the nothingness, and bloom the flowers of the great way.

"A road is ten thousand miles, and a thousand miles is a flower."

Luo Hong touched his chin.

"Don't worry about other ways of cultivation, if I open up a path of evil cultivation in Kuzhouya..."

"Is that the answer to that sentence, go your own way... let others have no way to go?!"

Luo Hong's eyes brightened up.

This is in line with Luo Hong's personality!

Although he suffered the catastrophe of exterminating evil spirits, the appearance of the saint phantom boss saved him from the catastrophe.

Luo Hong's mind is now active again.

With a thought, the evil lotus was summoned again from the storage page.

Four petals of the evil lotus were left, and Luo Hong carefully broke off one petal.

With a flick of the fingers, the petal of the evil lotus, which was as black as ink, shot rapidly towards the nothingness in the distance.

outside world.

Luo Hong opened his eyes and looked at Ku Zhouya, but he saw blackness appearing on top of Ku Zhouya, black like ink stains, covering Ku Zhouya little by little.

On the other side, a group of monks who were crossing the sea of ​​suffering closed their eyes and practiced, and their breath began to become more and more impetuous.

A cultivator who was gearing up to open up the road and bloom the flowers of the Dao felt that he couldn't move. The golden ferry boat under him turned black, as if it was leaking, and the black sea water kept flowing. engulfed their bodies.


The faces of all the monks were dark, and they capsized!

Not only are their avenues not diligent, but even those who are not determined will often shorten their avenues...

Many people despair, come again! Such a familiar feeling of nightmare!

They suffered such crimes in Shushan before.

Now, this familiar feeling enveloped their hearts again.

The previous Sea of ​​Learning secret realm was not like this!

And the outside world.

Kuzhouya, shrouded in darkness and evil spirits, began to tremble, and ray after ray of golden light burst out from it, and the golden sage's brilliance fell from the sky and shone on Kuzhouya.

Dispelling the evil spirits that are as black as ink!

Luo Hong's body of will opened his hands, and the white clothes on his body fluttered, and he began to feel pain and happiness again.

Good... so cool!

Luo Hong felt that his willpower was constantly increasing!

Even become extremely tough!

In the midst of destruction and rebirth, keep getting stronger!

This is the feeling, go your own way, let others have no way to go!


Luo Hong felt that in his sea of ​​will, as the strength of his will strengthened, Buddha lamps began to emerge one after another.

And Luo Hong used the seven evil evil lotuses as the pavement and foundation of the evil cultivation road, so naturally he opened up the road of the road easily.

However, the saint's brilliance kept pouring down, pushing back the evil road paved by Luo Hong, bit by bit.

With the oppression, Luo Hong's path of evil cultivation did not pave forward, but began to open up on both sides.

Originally, it was not a wide road, but the two sides were opened wider and wider!

If someone else's avenue is 100 meters wide, then Luo Hong's avenue is probably 10,000 meters wide!

Bang bang bang! ! !

The calm Xuehai became agitated again.

Those monks sitting cross-legged in front of the bitter boat capsized one after another and fell into the sea of ​​learning, and an incomparably strong coercion pervaded, it was the coercion of a saint, they were so oppressed that they couldn't breathe, one by one Even taking the lead has become very hard.

Luo Hong opened his eyes, but saw that Ku Zhouya standing quietly suddenly rose from the ground, accompanied by a shocking roar!

Ku Zhouya faded away all the evil spirits, and turned into an incomparably huge golden boat, straddling the sea of ​​learning, and smashed down towards Luo Hong.

The terrifying power has caused countless monks to be oppressed in the sea water, unable to even stand up.

And Luo Hong's eyes lit up.

Sure enough... just as he guessed, this Ku Zhouya also wanted to punish evil!

However, with the previous experience, Luo Hong didn't run away this time.

Instead, he stood on the surface of the sea, staring at the golden bitter boat that was thrown towards him, and let out an incomparably shrill roar!

"Kunlun Palace!!!"

"The bitter boat of the saint is the treasure of my secret realm of learning the sea, how dare you..."

All the monks who were oppressed by the coercion of the saint in the sea of ​​learning heard Luo Hong's extremely angry and mournful roar.

Daoist Hong whose face was blushing was even more tearful.

Sure enough, it was the Kunlun Palace again!


The old lady is about to explode!

The surrounding monks also roared in the sea water!


In Luo Hong's dantian, Saint Xuying opened his eyes again.

Anger rolled in his eyes.

This son... the mud of the mud!

Again? !

Are you still doing it? !

Fuck! I'm going to split!

But you still have to influence him!

Don't let this kid go astray!



The phantom of the saint with a stinking face appeared in the air, and he stretched out his palm, and the restless saint's suffering boat fell into his hands immediately, and he almost couldn't hold it, and was about to break free.

Luo Hong pursed his lips, and sure enough, the phantom of the saint reappeared!

Perhaps, Luo Hong really wants to evacuate Xuehai today...

The next moment, what made Luo Hong sweat coldly was that the phantom of the saint suddenly pointed at Luo Hong while holding the boat of suffering like a sword.

The pupils of the saint's phantom are extremely deep.

It seems that there is chaos flowing, as if thinking about whether to poke this mud to death now.

The saint said, the child is hopeless.

For a long time, a complicated appearance appeared in the pupils of the saint's phantom, which turned into an incomparably complicated sigh, and disappeared.

Then disappeared... and the saint's bitter boat.


In Luo Hong's dantian, the phantom of the saint returned, and the saint's bitter boat was thrown out fiercely, and fell on the golden ocean of the dantian.

A tyrannical wave spread, competing with the evil power released by the magic sword Asura.


In the secret realm of Xuehai.

Everyone stared blankly at Ku Zhouya who had disappeared.

Like Shushan, Kuzhouya also disappeared.

Many people's expressions were filled with disappointment, the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm...was emptied.

In the next moment, infinite anger surged up.

Kunlun Palace!

They heard Luo Hong's hoarse roar at the last moment.

The Xuehai Secret Realm is the treasure of Jixia Academy, and now, the saint soldiers in the secret realm have been captured by the Kunlun Palace, and they feel the same way.

The Kunlun Palace... is too much!


at the same time.

Xuehai secret realm, the deepest part.

Eighteen statues stand in front of the vast sea, and thirteen land immortals of the Kunlun Palace are suspended.

These statues are the statues of the masters of Jixia Academy in the past, and each generation of masters can stand statues in the secret realm of Xuehai.

But at this moment, over the last statue with half of its face carved, strong luck was rolling.

The thirteen land immortals of the Kunlun Palace took out the pseudo-supervising sky mirror, and were absorbing the power of luck above the last Master statue.

Suddenly, all the thirteen Taoists felt a chill all over for no reason.

It seems... there is a murderous intent!


Jixia Academy Square.

The golden cloud reappeared, and the vision of heaven and earth that had been dispersed suddenly reappeared.

Moreover, it is more intense than last time.

These visions all appeared above Luo Hong's head.

This caused the complexions of many strong men to change even more. Luo Hong...had another big harvest in the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm!

To be congratulated by a saint!

This son... the threat is getting bigger and bigger.

Qi Guangling stayed beside Da Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court with a smile on his face, squinted his eyes, took out the Sky Monitoring Mirror, and handed it to the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court.

The sweaty eyes of the Golden Tent Royal Court were cold, and they frowned at Qi Guangling.

Qi Guangling said that his own will was injured, and he was afraid that he would not be able to kill Luo Hong.

Is it credible?

However, thinking about the consequences of the Luo family becoming stronger, he finally reached out and took the sky-surveillance mirror that turned into the size of a palm.


Wangchuan Temple.

The listening sculpture under the light of Buddha.

The statue of Master closed his eyes, he was facing the direction of Jixia Academy, there were golden clouds billowing, and the radiance of the saint filled the sky.

In such a festive atmosphere.

The master inexplicably felt a feeling of emptiness in his heart.

The old man's school... What happened?

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