The blood rained down, and the heavens and the earth howled.

Thick blood-colored clouds enveloped the entire sky and the earth. After brewing for a moment, blood rained down, like a sad rain in autumn, and it was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe.

When land immortals below the five realms fall, blood clouds will emerge, while those falling above the five realms will rain torrents of blood.

This is one of the rules of heaven and earth.

Those who can cultivate into land immortals are all the arrogance of the world, the most powerful people with monstrous talents. If such a talent falls, it will be a loss to the world, so there is such a rule.

But this time, the heavy rain was torrential, and the ground seemed to be stained with a layer of blood red. This shows that the land fairy who fell may be a powerful existence that has traveled thousands of miles on the road of the road.

In addition to the sky-hunting bow that fell to the ground, practitioners in the world understand that the sweat of the Golden Tent Royal Court... has fallen!

In the void, the blood cloud was torn apart, and in the sea of ​​clouds, a figure in white clothes with a weak breath slowly floated down from the sky.

The white clothes are better than the snow, and the pale hair is all over the head, which is even more dazzling and shocking.

Luo Hong was pale and coughed slightly.

With a punch from the evil god Erha, all the energy of the petal of the evil lotus was exhausted.

The state of being possessed by the evil god Erha was released, and even though the body had been strengthened and reached the three-forged body, after the evil god Erha was released from the possession, there was still a tide of exhaustion emerging.

It was a feeling of emptiness after a powerful release.

It was very uncomfortable, so Luo Hong felt that he had to become stronger quickly, and when he was really strong enough, the emptiness of the body being hollowed out after being possessed by the evil god Erha would be eliminated.

Luo Hong was floating, overlooking the world.

He landed on Dongshan Mountain, in front of the gate of Jixia Academy, with his hands behind his back, his white hair spread out, a bit free and unrestrained.

He didn't move, just watched the rain of blood above his head pouring down, reflecting him like a demon.

The death of King Ting Dahan Yelu Dagu was nothing to Luo Hong.

Because Yelu Dagu wanted to kill him, so it can only be regarded as his own fault.

When he chose to attack Luo Hong, he should have thought about the consequences.

Shocked gazes fell one after another, staring at Luo Hong with a bit of horror and a bit of disbelief.

Yelu Dagu, Wang Ting Dahan, the Dao has traveled nine thousand miles, and there are nine Dao flowers blooming. Such a powerful existence can be called the existence of the ceiling of the world, but it was killed by Luo Hong!

No, it should be said that he was killed by the mysterious existence behind Luo Hong.

buzz buzz...

The clouds broke.

Then, something even more shocking happened.

The blood rain that was torrentially pouring over the heaven and earth was suddenly covered with a layer of golden light, a book, a mountain.

The mountain of books exuding golden light, which is so radiant, slowly falls down from above the sea of ​​clouds.

The radiance of the saint shines brightly, and one after another the condensed mantra of the saint floats out from the mountain of books, lingering around Luo Hong's body.

If someone looks carefully,

It can be seen that it is the word "positive" one after another!

There are more and more Zheng characters around Luo Hong. It is difficult to describe the peacock's tail. If those "Zheng" characters are regarded as stars, then Luo Hong may be in a starry sky.

"Shushan, that saint soldier in Xuehai secret realm?"

"It seems to be a mountain of books? The mountain of books is not in the secret realm of Xuehai, how could it appear outside?"

"Luo Hong... When did he obtain the Mountain of Books? Could it be that the two previous visions of heaven and earth were the visions of Luo Hong obtaining the treasure and recognizing his master?"

Some people opened their mouths in shock, and even gasped.

Because it was too unexpected, too unexpected.

For a while, the death of Yelu Dagu became less important.

Luo Hong's face was pale, with a mountain of books on his head, his hands behind his back, his white clothes were more snowy, and he looked down on the world indifferently.

Many people were in a trance, as if seeing the most invincible master in the world again.

Above the city tower in Anping County.

Luo Hou's face flushed red, which was caused by the surge of blood.

Yelv Dagu is dead!

The backbone of the Golden Tent Royal Court, the most powerful Yelu Dagu has fallen!

The Luo family had had the most greetings with the Golden Tent Royal Court in Saibei, so they had a deep understanding of the strength of the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Although Yelu Dagu never made a move, when Luo Hou led the black knight into the royal court, he caught a glimpse of the horror, so that Luo Hou didn't even have the courage to swing a knife.

For Wang Ting, this is a god!

However, now... God is dead!

"Da Luo! We must win!"

Luo Hou roared, holding the ink knife, and raised it high.

He roared and roared towards the ashen-faced masters of the royal court outside Anping County.

Not only him, but Zhao Xinghe behind him, as well as the Black Knights, roared.

It was a roar of cheers, and it was crushing in momentum.

Luo Hong won!

Naturally, their belief and momentum have been greatly enhanced!

The land immortals of Wang Ting had no time to be sad, and looked at Dongshan with complicated eyes, like Luo Hong who was exiled.

Emperor Xia is dead, and so is Wang Ting Da Khan...

This world is really about to change!

With one of the Nine Realms missing, perhaps the Golden Tent Royal Court will fall apart like the Great Xia Dynasty.

And the instigator of all this is Luo Hong.

One person suppressed the two great dynasties.

But his cultivation is only at the second rank, this... is simply a myth in the world.

Hearing the roar of the black cavalry, outside Anping County, the land immortals of the Golden Tent Royal Court all left here with ugly expressions.

There are not many land immortals in the Golden Tent Royal Court, and compared with the Great Xia Dynasty, there is still a gap.

The Great Xia Dynasty plus the Emperor Xia had more than a dozen land immortals in the national power, while the Golden Tent Royal Court plus the newly promoted Yelu Aguduo only had eight.

The strongest among them is Yelu Dagu, the remaining land immortals, a six-level land immortal, and the rest are below five levels, three one-level land immortals have entered the Xuehai secret realm, and the rest are outside Anping County.

At this moment, when Yelv Dagu died, they didn't stay long and left directly.

The powerhouses of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Great Chu Dynasty looked at the departing Golden Tent King Court powerhouse with slightly different expressions.

The emperor of Zhou Dynasty and the Empress of Chu were a little bit sad because Yelu Dagu had died.

Yelu Dagu, who had fought against them for hundreds of years, unified all the tribes in the grassland, and created the prosperity of the grassland. Yelu Dagu died just outside Anping County.

The sky hunting bow fell to the ground.

The Six Realm Land Immortal from the Golden Tent Royal Court wanted to pick up the Skyhunting Bow, which was the supreme treasure of the royal court. Even though Yelu Dagu was dead, it was still the supreme treasure of the grassland.

However, on the eastern mountain, Luo Hong held a mountain of books on his head and coughed lightly.

"Try it."

"This already surnamed Luo."

Luo Hong's words came floating in the air.

The Six Realm Land Immortal was angry and sad.

But looking at Luo Hong's indifferent appearance, he could only bear the anger in his heart.

He didn't dare to take the Skyhunting Bow. Although Luo Hong looked sick and empty at the moment, he knew that he couldn't offend Luo Hong.

The land immortals of the Golden Tent Royal Court were plundered away.

Take the lead in withdrawing from the center of the big storm in Anping County.

Nan Lihuo stared at Luo Hong, he really wanted to take advantage of Luo Hong's empty face, and maybe have a chance to kill Luo Hong.

However, he didn't dare to gamble, because Luo Hong... was too cloudy.

Yelu Dagu was killed by Luo Hongyin, and he pretended to have entered the secret realm of Xuehai, but his will was still in his body and he had not entered the secret realm.

Yelv Dagu fell because of this.

Therefore, Nanlihuo chose to stay on the sidelines.

All strong players remain on the sidelines.

They knew that Luo Hong's thunderous attack this time was a deterrent to them.

Kill a land immortal of the Nine Realms to frighten the heroes.

One person on the mountain can control the heroes of the world.

"General Zhao, pick up the bow."

Luo Hong sat cross-legged on Dongshan Mountain with his hands behind his back, the holy light was shining brightly, and the saint's mantra flowed, and he said calmly.

When Zhao Xinghe heard this, Zhitian's ink knife suddenly returned to its sheath.


In the next moment, with blood like a dragon, he leaped out of the city tower in Anping County.

He strode forward with great strides, even though the auras of one land fairy after another were locking him, Zhao Xinghe was not afraid.

He only has endless blood at the moment.

Young master...too strong!

It is a mythical existence!

If there is a son in the Daluo Dynasty, he will definitely prosper!

Zhao Xinghe came to the outside of Anping County, in that huge deep pit, the divine soldier Lie Tiangong lay quietly in it.

Terrible auras are intertwined, even though Zhao Xinghe is a first-rank martial artist, at this moment, he still feels a burst of depression, which is the depression from the soul level.

On his physical body, the blood armor emerged, stepping into the deep pit step by step.

Grabbing the scalding Skyhunting Bow, the Skyhunting Bow was stained with blood, which was the blood of Yelu Dagu, Immortal of the Nine Realms Land.

As heavy as a mountain abyss, when Zhao Xinghe lifted the bow, the blue veins in his neck floated up.

He roared angrily, carrying his bow like carrying a mountain on his back.

Step by step, walking back to Anping County with sunken footprints.

And a land fairy looked complex, greedy, frightened...

A magical weapon is full of temptation, but they dare not take it, nor have the courage to take it.

Although the white clothes on Dongshan Mountain were full of hypocrisy, the blood of the newly dead Nine Realm Land Immortal was still hot.

Zhao Xinghe returned to Anping County with the Sky Hunting Bow on his shoulder.

And the black knights immediately let out cheers. These cheers released the aggrieved feeling of being oppressed by the strong men in the past few days.

Luo Hong sits cross-legged on Dongshan Mountain, with white hair and white clothes, with a mountain of books on his head, playing with two petals of evil lotus, smiling like a flower.

Luo Hong seemed to understand the flirtatiousness of the second senior brother.

Playing with flowers seems... pretty cool.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou, the Empress of Great Chu and the others looked at Luo Hong complicatedly. This little man who was once completely ignored by them, now...has become an existence that can threaten them.

Luo Hong had just crushed a petal of the black lotus to let the mysterious existence behind it do it.

And now that Luo Hong is playing Black Lotus, it means that he can crush the black lotus petals twice, and the mysterious existence behind it can still make two shots!

This creates a deterrent.

Can kill the Nine Realms, no one wants to be the first bird.

Yelv Dagu's tragic situation is still vivid in his mind.

Although there is no master in Xuehai Secret Realm, but now that Luo Hong is there, it is still not a place that can be easily violated.

Of course, they still have a doubt.

That's what happened to Luo Hong?

He didn't enroll in the Sea Secret Realm?

But he didn't enter the sea secret realm... Then what happened to the glorious vision of the saint before?


The land of Western Xinjiang is dotted with stars in the night sky.

Qi Hu, who was guarding here with the White Tiger Legion, suddenly walked out of the big tent.

He looked at the sky filled with stars, looked in the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and took a deep breath.

The sky, which was originally a dark night, suddenly brightened like day.

Afterwards, over the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, a huge portal with celestial light like a dragon emerged, the clouds curled up, and the portal was extremely huge, hanging high above the Great Zhou Dynasty.

From the princes and generals to the common people in the whole dynasty, they can all see it clearly!

The princes and generals who were involved in the practice were alright, but the people of the Li people knelt down towards the gate of heaven respectfully and in fear.

For the common people, after the gate of heaven is the residence of immortals, so those who walk out of the gate of heaven will only be immortals in heaven!

As a quasi-land Martial Immortal and Sword Immortal, Qi Hu could have aroused Tianmen long ago, but he didn't, because he knew what it meant to arouse Tianmen to ascend.

He tried it before, but to ascend to the gate of heaven, he needed to shed his human body and replace it with the blood of heaven and man, so as to obtain eternal life in this way!

Become the long-lived guest behind the Tianmen.

And at that time, Qi Hu quit Tianmen cursing, and he finally understood why Chen Tianxuan wanted to smash Tianmen with his sword!

If he hadn't been afraid of being chased and killed by the heavenly beings behind the Tianmen, Qi Hu would have killed him at that time.


Qi Hu walked out of the big tent with a big sword on his back, his eyes were serious.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the army behind him.

But seeing many soldiers in the army kneeling on the ground, begging for something, his eyes immediately glared!

"Stand up for me! Who dares to kneel?! I cut him off!"

"Those who kneel to heaven and man will be killed without mercy!"

"A group of guys who are not even human! What's there to kneel!"

Qi Hu shouted angrily.

The voice was mighty and mighty, spreading throughout the three armies.

The soldiers who had been kneeling stood up one after another. They were naturally convinced by Qi Hu's military order.

Because, those who disobeyed the military order were cut off.

Qi Hu raised his head and looked in all directions. His eyes were like torches, Daxia, Dazhou, Dachu, Golden Tent, Nanzhao...

Even Wangchuan Temple, Longhu Mountain, Kunlun Palace and the territory of many sect forces, there are immortal lights, one after another, hanging above the sky, hanging high in the world!

And behind Tianmen, someone walked out chatting and laughing happily.

Qi Hu knew that something big happened!

A group of non-human guys broke into the human world... What will they bring?

It must be a disaster!


Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the night sky is cold.

A cold wind blows.

Wearing a Taoist robe, holding a dust whisk in his hand, and carrying a Taoist sword, the old celestial master sits cross-legged in the center of the Taiji diagram, as if he is in harmony with the way of heaven and integrated with the heaven and the earth.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

Looking at the sky in the distance, he saw a huge portal hanging above the Great Zhou Dynasty, which was the location of the Tianmen where the land immortals of the Great Zhou Dynasty ascended.

But now, this heavenly gate directly appeared in the human world.

The old Tianshi looked a little deep and sighed.

Lift up your eyes and look at the world.

There are thousands of fireworks in the world.

But at this moment, countless people are kneeling on the ground, kneeling and worshiping the celestial beings who came out from behind the gate of heaven.

There was some pity in the eyes of the old celestial master, mortals didn't know what they were worshiping at all.

"Master alone suppressed the three worlds, the human world, hell, and the gate of heaven... suppressed the triple gate of heaven, and sealed a king of heaven..."

"But even so, Master's deterrent power is still there, it is impossible for Tianmen to dare to come to the world so easily..."

"It seems that someone communicated with Tianmen, told the rules of the world to be weak, and told the heavens and humans that there is no husband in the world, so Tianmen dared to hang in the world."

Master Longhushan slowly drew the mahogany sword on his back.

The point of the sword touched the ground, and the black and white Taoist robes on his body flew up.

But who told it, the old celestial master knows it without guessing.

The only place in the world that can communicate with the heavenly gate is the Kunlun Palace, which is known as the authentic Taoist holy place of the human world.

"A group of robbers who plunder the luck of the world are also worthy of being worshiped by the world?"

"The Kunlun Palace is also worthy of being the authentic sect of Taoism in the world?"

"Old Daoist, don't accept."


at the same time.

Above the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, a heavenly gate emerged. The huge heavenly gate stretched across it, and a celestial being walked out of it.

That is the land fairy who couldn't resist the temptation of longevity in the past dynasties of Longhu Mountain and ascended to the gate of heaven.

Although the old celestial master has always prohibited the land immortals from Longhu Mountain from ascending.

However, not many people can resist the temptation of longevity.

Now, these land immortals who once chose to give up the world and ascend to the gate of heaven, have stepped into the world with the body of a celestial being!

One after another, the heavenly beings with majestic aura illuminate the night sky like day.

They overlooked the Longhu Mountain below from the clouds.

Overlooking the top of Longhu Mountain, the old celestial master in Taoist robes and leaning on a mahogany sword.

The old heavenly master looked at many long-lived guests who did not belong to the world.

Slowly raised the mahogany sword in his hand.

Swing the sword towards the heavenly beings.

"Wait, it's not human."

"Get back!"


Suddenly, a strange fluctuation swept through the world.

The emperor of Zhou, who was holding the fortune furnace above his head, and the empress of Chu, who was holding the sword of dragon and sparrow, suddenly changed their expressions.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the solemnity and astonishment in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, the Emperor of Great Zhou held his breath and looked in the direction of the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His eyes were somewhat stern. He saw a heavenly gate hanging over the Great Zhou Dynasty!

On the other side, Empress Da Chu's face sank like water.

The two of them didn't say much, they turned around and retreated straight away, ignoring the Xuehai Secret Realm, regardless of the dynasty luck that had escaped into the Xuehai Secret Realm.

They left Anping County and headed towards the capitals of Great Zhou and Great Chu respectively.


In the secret realm of Xuehai.

Luo Hong slashed the willed body of a land fairy with the God Slaying Sword, but the impact was not very great.

At this moment, many people also understand that Luo Hong's willpower may have reached the first-grade level, because the rudimentary form of the Dao Road has basically emerged.

Daoist Hong's body of will is somewhat translucent, which is the tragic state after being attacked and killed by a blow.

When he saw Luo Hong beheading the willed body of a land fairy, his expression couldn't help but be happy.

As expected of the Holy Son with an impeccable body, amazing!


In the golden sky of Xuehai Secret Realm, blood clouds suddenly began to float and curl up, and began to pour down along with the blood rain.

Everyone was stunned.

Including the thirteen Taoists from the Kunlun Palace, they also frowned.

This blood cloud... represents the fall of someone.

However, in the Xuehai secret realm... it is impossible to die?

It is only the body of will that enters the sea secret realm.

That is to say, it was the fall of the most powerful person in the world who could cause changes in the celestial phenomena, and the resulting anomaly caused the celestial changes in the secret realm of Xuehai!

For a moment, everyone's expressions changed.

Many people's faces became very ugly, and the battle in the secret realm suddenly fell into a stagnation.


The body of will in the secret realm is fighting to the death, and it doesn't affect anything at all.

However, a war broke out outside, and they were all worried about whether their physical bodies would be affected, whether they would be affected by the war and collapsed.

Once the physical body collapses, it will also be severely injured!

For a while, everyone stopped.

Daoist Hong landed next to Luo Hong, her expression extremely solemn, "The rain of blood is flowing, it seems that some important person has fallen, and it will not cause the rain of blood if it does not reach the fifth realm..."

"It will cause the fall of this level, there must be a big war, maybe there are land immortals above five realms, attacking Jixia Academy!"

"Holy Son, I will escort you out!"

"Return to the flesh quickly!"

Daoist Hong is very good at analysis, and her analysis is mostly in line with the facts.

It's a pity that Luo Hong knows it all.

However, the fact is indeed the case, the battle in Xuehai Secret Realm should not be able to be fought.

A group of bodies of will, those who kill and kill can't kill people, it's meaningless.

The eyes of the thirteen land immortals of the Kunlun Palace also flickered. They held fake surveillance mirrors and did not stay in the secret realm of Xuehai for a long time.

The thirteen pseudo-supervising sky mirrors have absorbed seven points of luck in the world and must be brought back to the Kunlun Palace.

This is the task assigned to them by the head teacher.

Even the task of destroying the body of Luo Hong's will is not as important as this task.

Arrange those rogue monks to block other strong men.

The thirteen Taoist priests flew over Xuehai with their swords, bypassing Luo Hong and Daoist Hong like a speedboat, and galloped towards the mysterious border of Xuehai.

However, although those dynasty powerhouses were anxious that the secret realm of the dynasty would be plundered, they wanted to make a move, but they were blocked by the land immortals who were casual cultivators.

Daoist Hong wanted to stop the thirteen Taoists of Kunlun Palace, but her body of will was injured, and she was pressed back by the sword of the thirteen Taoists.

Coupled with the forcible blocking of many Loose Cultivation Land Immortals, their chasing speed became slower and slower.

I can only watch the Taoist of Kunlun Palace turn into white dots and disappear at the edge of the golden ocean.

Luo Hong is dressed in white and has a peaceful mind.

Yiwei crossed the sea of ​​learning, and walked towards the secret realm of the sea of ​​learning without any haste.

Looking at the anxious and pale Daoist Hong, Luo Hong smiled lightly and said, "Why are you so anxious..."

"At the entrance to the secret realm, I left a big surprise for them."

"Who said Xuehai secret realm can't kill people."

"After all, the master is not at home now, and the surname of Xuehai Secret Realm is Luo."

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