My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 292 ? Undead Monarch Luo Hong, Masters of Past Dynasties Revive


The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who had already sat down and was reduced to withered bones, still has a backhand!

In the void, the crane under Wen Tianxing exploded suddenly, turning into a sudden turbulent air flow, which was constantly stirring and hitting the sky.

For the first time, there was seriousness in his eyes.

His technique of arresting spirits and dispatching generals was broken by Luo Hong, and this kid can still use the power of Ksitigarbha!

The root of the disaster that was planted at the beginning has finally exploded now.

Wen Tianxing wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. He sent Yun Chongyang into the secret realm of Ksitigarbha to inherit the inheritance of Ksitigarbha. Unfortunately, Yun Chongyang failed. Now, Luo Hong, who has obtained the inheritance of Ksitigarbha, borrows the power of Ksitigarbha , Cut off the connection between him and the Tianjia corpse.

Dizang did not allow the prison gate to appear in the world, so he shattered the prison gate with a sword.

This prison gate was formed by Wen Tianxing's will communicating with hell, and it was shattered, which had a huge impact on his mind, and the sea of ​​will was slightly injured.

"Cut off..."

"However, with the strength of this son of Luo Hong, it is not so easy to control Xia Jie's Heavenly Armor Corpse."

"The Tianjia Corpse was summoned by Xia Jie's boundless resentment and violent emotions. If Luo Hong is a little careless, he may be killed."

Wen Tianxing regained his composure.

The vitality of heaven and earth condensed again, and gathered under his body to form a crane.

The crane spread its wings and flew towards the direction of Jixia Academy.


Over Wangchuan Temple.

Above the sea of ​​clouds.

Li Xiuyuan was suspended in the air, looking at the black lotus blooming behind Luo Hong, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged on the black lotus, he was really surprised.

After that, he looked at the Tianjia Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia, but found that the Tianjia Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia could not move, as if frozen in the void.

With his wisdom, it can be seen that it should be Luo Hong's will that affected Emperor Xia's Tianjia Corpse.

Li Xiuyuan frowned. Although the junior brother's strength has reached the first rank, compared with the half-respected Emperor Xia, there is still a big gap.

Even if it was only Emperor Xia's resentment, it would be extremely difficult for Luo Hong to suppress it.

"If the control fails, the Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia may go completely berserk. There was a target before, and then it may become a real crazy ghoul, constantly slaughtering everything within sight."

Li Xiuyuan sighed, Xia Huang, who was extremely powerful in life, was tossed like this after death.

Judging by this posture, he was about to be ruined.

However, Emperor Xia was to blame for all of this, no wonder others.

Li Xiuyuan sat cross-legged in the void and began to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Flames constantly danced between the heavens and the earth gathered on his body. They were scattered Dao fires between the heavens and the earth. He needed to take advantage of this time to quickly recover his strength and expel the dead energy in his body.

Otherwise, once the junior brother fails and the Tianjia corpse goes crazy, he can still get involved.

at the same time.

Luo Hong also closed his eyes. Behind him, the black lotus bloomed, and the graceful and beautiful figure of the Bodhisattva had disappeared.

The Ksitigarbha Sword also returned, floating quietly beside him.


Luo Hong felt that his body had entered a strange place.

He is suspended, and there is an endless abyss below.

In the distance, the evil shadow of Emperor Xia floated, showing a pure pitch black color, with scarlet eyes and surging violent aura.

The terrifying air mechanism stirred up the heavens and the earth.

"Luo Hong..."

Xia Huang's evil shadow stared at Luo Hong.

"You want to summon me, you want to control are worthy?"

Xia Huangxieying said coldly.

Luo Hong stared at Emperor Xia's evil shadow and looked around. Is this where the evil shadow he summoned stayed?

He tried to summon Xiahuang Xieying, but he didn't expect to be able to enter this place?

This is something Luo Hong never thought of. He failed to summon before, but this has never happened before.

Luo Hong fell into deep thought for a while, "It's because the Emperor Xia turned into a Heavenly Armor Corpse, and the Heavenly Armor Corpse came from hell... Back then in the secret realm of Ksitigarbha, I was able to easily step up and try to summon Wu Tianxie Ying... ..."

Luo Hong seemed to understand something.

He looked at his feet, and a quiet black lotus bloomed quietly under him.


Is Earth Store Bodhisattva helping him?

As expected of the big boss who has the discerning eye and knows the pearl, and wants to double cultivate with him.

Luo Hong raised his head and looked at Xia Huang Xieying, who was boiling with murderous intent, without much fluctuation in his eyes.

"Whether you deserve it or not is up to you."

"A dead man... still arrogant."

Luo Hong, dressed in white and with white hair, said lightly.

In Xia Huangxieying's scarlet eyes, murderous intent rolled, he himself was the consciousness recalled by Wen Tianxing's condensed resentment between heaven and earth, only killing, only anger.

"I will crush you inch by inch."

"Without Luo Hongchen, without that mysterious existence... You're a fart!"

Xia Huangxieying said coldly.

After the words fell, he raised his hand, and the black twisted energy condensed and turned into the imperial sword.

He wants to kill Luo Hong!

This idea shined brilliantly amidst the resentment, causing Emperor Xia Xieying to move suddenly!

With a sword strike, the darkness seemed to be shattered, and the murderous intent was undisguised.

Even Xia Huang Xieying possesses the power of ten realms at this moment, frightening thousands of people, as if wanting to break everything.

However, in the face of the mighty Xia Huang Xieying, Luo Hong still held his hands behind his back, calm as water.

His heart was incomparably calm, and the ancient well was calm, as if it wasn't the Xie Ying of Xia Huang who had killed him in the tenth realm, but the extremely weak Xie Ying of Di Shan.


A sword stretches across, and the imperial power of the imperial power sword is mighty.

Above Luo Hong's head, a huge river was torn apart, as if the Milky Way was pouring backwards and sweeping, trying to blow up everything in the world.

Luo Hong raised his head with a calm face.

Facing the terrifying sword energy, Luo Hong just slowly closed his eyes.

Luo Hong summoned Xia Huang Xie Ying, but Xia Huang Xie Ying has a physical body, which is between dead and living things, so Xie Ying cannot be summoned.

Luo Hong can only control the Tianjia Corpse together.

So, appearing in this space, what Luo Hong has to do is to blow up the evil shadow of Emperor Xia, only in this way can he master the Heavenly Armor Corpse.

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes. He knew that this was a gift from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

And where is this world?

The world of evil shadows summoned by Luo Hong.

Luo Hong even sensed the auras of many other evil shadows. He was familiar with those breaths, such as Chu Tiannan Xie Ying, Di Shan Xie Ying, Wu Tian Xie Ying, etc...

Luo Hong has always been curious about the "Evil Shadow of the Undead", the skill that accompanied him growing up.

It turns out that this exercise communicates with another world.

While practicing this technique, Luo Hong knew one thing.

He is the lord of these shadows, he is the master of the undead.

In other words, this actually his world, and he is in this world...even the supreme monarch, the ruler!

"I am the master!"

Luo Hong suddenly opened his eyes, and a human skin book appeared in his hand, holding it in his hand, like a saint holding a book.

Facing the terrifying river of sword energy slashed by Emperor Xia Xieying, Luo Hong raised his other hand and squeezed it suddenly.

Immediately, the crack burst, and countless sword qi were wiped away.


The corners of Luo Hong's mouth curled up.

He guessed right.

In this world...he is the king, the king.

A little bit of astonishment flickered in the scarlet eyes of Emperor Xia's evil shadow.

what happened?

With Luo Hong's strength of only first rank, how could he easily block the attack of him who is in the tenth realm? !


Xia Huang Xieying growled.

The next moment, the black imperial power sword was raised again, tearing the void, the speed was extremely fast, and it even used all the space talents obtained after seizing Sheluo Hongchen.

The power to travel through time.

However, in the face of this sudden killing power, Luo Hong put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "Slow down."

In the dark space, time seemed to start to slow down, slowing down bit by bit, and finally Emperor Xia's sword became extremely slow in Luo Hong's eyes.

Luo Hong raised his hand, flicked his fingers, and immediately landed on the tip of Emperor Xia Xiying's sword.

The imperial power sword shattered inch by inch!

When the speed of time recovered, Luo Hong exploded Xia Huangxieying's imperial power sword, raised his hand, suddenly grabbed Xia Huang's head, and squeezed it violently.

Suddenly, Emperor Xia's head was pinched and burst!

far away.

Xia Huang's evil figure recovered again, panting, scarlet violent eyes full of horror and disbelief.


Luo Hong?

Do not!

This is not Luo Hong!

Luo Hong can't be this strong!

There was madness in Xia Huangxieying's eyes. It was because he had a problem, and there was a problem with himself...

No, it should be said that there is something wrong with this world!

And Luo Hong started to take a step, one step down, as if all the rules of the world were used by him, the ground shrank into an inch in an instant, and thousands of miles into an inch.

Appeared in front of Emperor Xia.

Flick pops.

Emperor Xia wanted to resist, but he couldn't stop it at all.


Emperor Xia's head was shattered, and the evil shadow once again condensed in the distance.

Xia Huangxieying is going crazy!

"I am the Emperor Xia, and I am the Emperor of the World!"

Xia Huangxieying roared, and the imperial power sword in his hand was slashed out again.

However, Luo Hong tapped his finger again, shattering the edge of the sword, and smashing his head with one finger.

"Emperor of the world?"

"Unfortunately... this is the world of evil shadows, and I am your lord."

"Here, your life is decided by me."

Luo Hong raised his hand, which suddenly covered the sky, and instantly turned into a size of tens of thousands of feet.

Xia Huangxieying was terrified, and roared into the sky, trying to cut the sky, but was still hit by a palm.

It crumbled into fly ash.

Xia Huangxieying took shape again, and pairs of scarlet eyes emerged around him.

Chu Tiannan, Di Shan, Wu Tian, ​​Gong Hao...

An evil figure emerged, with fanaticism and respect in the scarlet and violent eyes.

Luo Hong's white clothes and white hair are incompatible with this dark world.

However, he seems to be the only star in this dead and dark world, as if he dominates this cold world.

Luo Hong raised his hand, and suddenly a black throne appeared. Luo Hong sat on the throne, his body was getting bigger and bigger...

It turned into a gigantic figure overlooking the tiny Xia Huang Xie Ying.

Overlooking many evil shadows.

Many evil shadows knelt down one after another, lowering their heads.

"Meet the sovereign!"

A deafening sound exploded in the world, and suddenly endless coercion rose from Luo Hong's body, covering everything.

It was as if the clouds were shattered, as if the heavens and the earth were broken.

Luo Hong, who was dressed in white and had white hair, looked down at everything in the darkness.

Finally, the line of sight locked on Xiahuang Xieying.

"You...why don't you kneel?"

Luo Hongdao.

Xia Huangxieying was trembling, he looked around, and Xieying was kneeling and fanatical.

He didn't want to kneel down, he was Emperor Xia, the emperor of the world, the only strong man in the world who could surpass the ten realms by half a step!

Live as an emperor, and die as an emperor!

He... doesn't kneel!

Luo Hong looked down at Xia Huang Xieying indifferently.

Let you go beyond the ten realms in half a step in the world, but here, he, Luo Hong, is the master...

Whether it's a god, a fairy, or an have to kneel!

The terrifying pressure suddenly fell on Xia Huangxieying.

His burly body trembled bit by bit, his knees trembling.

He pressed the imperial sword against the ground, however, the blade was bent under the huge pressure, and finally, the sword burst into pieces!

he growled.

A terrible roar.

Roaring like a wounded lion.

However, he still couldn't bear the power that seemed to surpass the gods...


His knees hit the dark ground fiercely, and he lowered his noble head like all the evil shadows in the dark space.

There was a burst of anger from Xia Huangxieying's body.

Suddenly vented.

Luo Hong, who was sitting high on the throne, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Above the sea of ​​clouds.

Luo Hong slowly opened his eyes, with some indifference in his eyes.

In the world of evil shadows, he is the ruler, he says what he says, and he follows what he says.

You, Emperor Xia, were extremely strong in life, but once you die, you will lose everything. If you are asked to kneel down, you must kneel down. This is Xieying's rule.

And the connection between Luo Hong and Xia Huangtian Jiashi was also successfully established.

He can control Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse now, just like controlling Xieying. The only change is that Tianjia Corpse will be destroyed, and Xieying can re-condense after being destroyed.

In the sea of ​​will.

The evil god Erha's nostrils enlarged and turned towards Luo Hong.

"Stupid Ronaldinho... where did you go just now?"

The bored evil god Erha suddenly discovered something interesting.

Just now, stupid Ronaldinho...disappeared from his perception!

So much fun!

At that moment, Luo Hong's soul and consciousness disappeared, as if he had escaped into a strange space.

Although Erha the Evil God couldn't perceive it, he could feel the change in Luo Hong's aura in an instant. That kind of aura of dominating himself and looking down on the universe made Erha the Evil God a little startled!

"Kind of like number zero!"

The evil god Erha muttered.

Of course, it's not the breath image, but the temperament image, the temperament that controls everything and overlooks everything.

It's just like……


Luo Hong was taken aback by the evil god Erha's question, "Don't you just know about the great one?"

The evil god Erha's nostrils gradually enlarged.

"You have a strange power in you."

The evil god Erha said.

"It's fine if you don't know."

"I want to know, please..."

Luo Hong laughed.

The next moment, the will withdrew from the sea of ​​will.


Deathly silence.

The silence in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will lasted for an unknown amount of time.

The extremely angry roar caused the sea of ​​will to set off a huge wave!


"Stupid Ronaldinho! You are provoking the great one!"

"You're floating!"

"Waiting for you to ask, will you see that it will only help you?!"


Ignoring Erha, the evil god who was in a rampage in the sea of ​​will, let him toss and get used to it.

Luo Hong's eyes regained clarity.

Raising his hand and making a move, Xia Huangtian's armored corpse suddenly flew towards him.

A strong dead air billowed out.

Luo Hong felt the consumption of the evil spirit in his body, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

This Heavenly Armor Corpse... is also a bottomless pit. With his second-rank evil cultivation, it is already very difficult to maintain the connection between the Heavenly Armor Corpse.

If he controlled Xia Huangtian's armored corpse to fight, he might be sucked dry in an instant.

Luo Hongxin is very tired, Miss Demon Sword, now there is another Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse...

Cultivating very difficult.

Ever since I practiced evil, I feel very vain.

This is not the evil he wants.

far away.

Li Xiuyuan seemed to sense something, and suddenly opened his eyes, the fire of Nirvana was burning all over his body, distorting the void.

He was full of astonishment, unbelievable.

Looking at the corpse of Xia Huangtianjia floating beside Luo Hong, he took a deep breath.

"Junior control Xia Huangtian Jia Corpse?"

Luo Hong smiled and nodded.

The smile reveals helplessness and bitterness.

Li Xiuyuan suddenly understood that with the strength of his junior brother, it is extremely difficult to control half a foot of Xia Huang Tianjia Corpse who has transcended the Ten Realms... Controlling a half-deity is equivalent to using a toothpick to stir a big vat.

Because the level of strength is not equal, the price to be paid is also extremely high.

"Can you control its battle?"

Li Xiuyuan asked.

"It's hard, it's already hard to keep in touch."

Luo Hongdao.

When Li Xiuyuan heard this, he immediately became solemn.

If the connection between the junior brother and the Tianjia corpse is broken, this evil Tianjia corpse will inevitably rush into the world and start killing, and because the other party appeared through a loophole in the rules, it will not be affected by the rules.

Even Li Xiuyuan is not sure that he can suppress the crazy Tianjia Corpse unless the master recovers.

Therefore, once the connection between Tianjia Corpse and Luo Hong is broken, that world... will fall into a terrifying death and slaughter, and will encounter irresistible disasters.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuyuan was in awe.

Junior brother... This is sacrificing oneself for the sake of the common people!

Give up your freedom!

Sealed and trapped this big devil for the common people!

Luo Hong was stared at by Li Xiuyuan's admiring eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

"Second senior brother, what are you thinking?"

Luo Hong asked.

Li Xiuyuan shook his head and sighed.

It's no wonder that the master accepts junior apprentices as apprentices, he is worthy of being an example of justice in the world.

I, Li Xiuyuan, am ashamed to kill embryos.

Seeing that Li Xiuyuan didn't say anything, Luo Hong didn't bother to pay attention. Now he was thinking, maybe he had to break through the evil gate of heaven and earth earlier.

He needs charging treasures, very much.

He is now like a dry desert, needing the timely rain from heaven and earth to nourish him.


Above the city tower of Anping County.

Luo Hou, Luo Xiaobei and the others stood there, and there were many black cavalry guarding them. The incomparably powerful Qi and blood soared into the sky, stretching across the sky and the earth.

Because Luo Hong killed many land immortals on the square of Jixia Academy, the current Luo family army is very powerful.

Luo Hou and many black knights were even more imposing and full of fighting spirit.

Luo Xiaobei stood on the tower, chatting with Luo Hou.

Today's Anping County, after the previous battle, is extremely safe.

They're actually very relaxed.


Luo Xiaobei's whole body tensed up, and he suddenly raised his head, staring at the sky.

An enemy is coming!

But I saw a stream of light coming quickly, Taoist robes flying, and cranes spreading their wings.

"Wen Tian Xing?!"

Luo Hou also saw the visitor and couldn't help being surprised.

Isn't this Wen Tianxing who was dragged by him like a dead dog back then?

How dare he come so high-profile.

But Luo Xiaobei was extremely nervous, "Third brother, be careful! This person... is unfathomable!"

Wen Tianxing was in a daze as he rode on the back of the crane.

He turned his head to look in the direction of Wangchuan Temple, feeling lost.

Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse...was controlled by Luo Hong? !

"Impossible... With Luo Hong's strength, how can he suppress Emperor Xia's crazy resentment?! He will definitely be torn to pieces, and his vitality will be severely injured, causing Emperor Xia's corpse to escape into the world, killing and causing disaster. The common people are right!"

Wen Tianxing felt that Luo Hong made him a little confused.

However, this moment is not the time to think about these things.

He lowered his head, looked at the Anping county tower below, and saw Luo Hou.

"Luo Hong... is Luo Hou's son?"

"Luo Hou's talent is mediocre, but only a mere first-class... How could He De have such a son?!"

Wen Tianxing's eyes flickered.

However, he didn't make a move to capture Luo Hou, but drove the crane directly towards the secret realm of Xuehai.

He is going to get the Renhuang Sword.


When Luo Xiaobei saw Wen Tianxing heading towards the secret realm of Xuehai, his eyes froze suddenly, and he soared into the sky in an instant, covering his body with the Wuxian Armor.

Wen Tianxing didn't even look at Luo Xiaobei who was blocking the way.

Take a shot.

In the void, vitality suddenly gathered crazily and turned into a palm, and Luo Xiaobei slapped this palm.

Like a meteor flying down, it hit the ground.

A deep hole was smashed into the ground.

Luo Xiaobei spread out in the deep pit, his Wuxian armor was covered with cracks, his breath was sluggish, and his eyes were slightly confused.

Whether it is a human or a ghost, he is showing off, and he, Luo Qiye, is being beaten again...

Wen Tianxing glanced at Luo Xiaobei in surprise, he didn't die.

With his strength, with this palm, the land immortals of the five realms will be slapped to death.

As expected of a Martial Immortal, he really took the beating.

Wen Tianxing didn't pay attention to it, and didn't have the desire to make up the knife, so he directly rode the crane into the secret realm of Xuehai.

When flying over Jixia Academy.

Wen Tianxing felt something in his heart, and turned his head to look at the little girl who was playing with peach blossoms on the Daping of the academy, under a peach blossom tree.

Xiao Douhua, who was guarding Luo Xiaoxiao, only felt that the world had changed drastically, and immediately raised her head vigilantly.

"What a majestic luck! This young girl has such luck, no wonder Luo Hong can't feel the luck. It turns out that Luo Hong has passed all the luck to this girl!"

"Luo Xiaoxiao... Luo Hong's younger sister? The future empress of the Great Luo Dynasty? This son of Luo Hong does not want to use luck to become the emperor of the world. He is serious and ambitious."

"Huh? Luo Xiaoxiao is also Luo Hou's daughter?"

"This Luo Hou... How can He De have such a pair of peerless children."

Wen Tianxing shook his head, and after that, he ignored it, the most important thing was to take the Renhuang Sword.

Before learning the secret realm of the sea, rules and forces intertwined.

And Wen Tianxing squeezed the mark with his hands, and pushed it out suddenly, as if shielding the power of the rules, he actually rode a crane directly into the secret realm of Xuehai.

Ignored the rule that no physical body can enter the secret realm of Xuehai.

In Anping County.

Luo Hou's eyes were about to burst, he brought someone to Luo Xiaobei's side, and helped Luo Xiaobei up.

Wen Tianxing suppressed Luo Xiaobei who was a Martial Immortal on land with one move. There is no doubt that this guy is definitely not that old dog Wen Tianxing!

Seeing Wen Tianxing ignoring the rules and directly entering the Sea Secret Realm, it was even more breathless.


In the secret realm of Xuehai, Wen Tianxing flies on a crane.

The ups and downs of the golden vast sea are all due to the power of will.

"Secret Sea of ​​Learning... really deserves its reputation."

"Inherited from ancient times to the present, it has boundless secrets, and it even carries the sword of the emperor!"

Wen Tianxing's eyes sparkled.

Master, Li Xiuyuan, and Luo Hong are not here, and this is the best time for him to take the Renhuang Sword.

He rode a crane to the depths of Xuehai's secret realm. This secret realm was like a magnificent world, looking from a distance, it seemed endless.

Suddenly, he saw the statues of past masters.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

He pinched his fingers on the crane's back.

"The tombs of the masters of the past dynasties seem to be suppressing something."

"Perhaps, the Renhuang Sword is under the Master's tomb."

Wen Tianxing suddenly had an incomparably majestic momentum surging, and suddenly the golden sea of ​​will began to boil.

The statues of Master are trembling.


Wangchuan Temple.

In the martial arts arena, listen to the sculptures.

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan landed one after another, and Xiahuang Tianjia corpse stood behind Luo Hong, as tall as a hill.

In front of the sculpture of the Master, the remaining will of the Master condensed into a vague figure.

A faint voice resounded: "Yun Taicang has entered the secret realm of Xuehai."

Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong were shocked.

"It's okay... don't worry, the old man dug a big hole to wait for him."

"Both of you quickly return to Xuehai Secret Realm, and force Yun Taicang to stay."

Master said.

After the words fell, the master's remaining will suddenly collapsed.

Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong looked at each other without hesitation, peach blossoms bloomed under their bodies, and the two of them, dragged by the peach blossoms, flew towards Anping County at high speed.

at the same time.

Deep in the secret realm of Xuehai.

Wen Tianxing fell from the back of the white crane and landed on the golden sea.

He stared at the boiling statue of Master, under the statue, it seemed that something was about to float up.

Wen Tianxing kept staring, staring...


A teapot emerged from the bubbling sea water.

Wen Tianxing's eyes suddenly froze!

Before he knew it, he was surrounded by statues of past masters.

next moment.

Wen Tianxing was startled, and suddenly raised his head, only to see a statue of Master overlooking him, staring at him.

"Hahahaha! There are dog thieves!"

"Let's see this old man stab you to death!"

"Let's see this old man beat you to death with one punch!"

"Let's see this old man beat you to death!"

"Look at this old man..."


Wen Tianxing was terrified, seeing all kinds of gaudy attacks falling in the dark, his scalp was numb!


Got it!

Master, that old bastard!

The next moment.

The towering attack of the statues of masters of the past dynasties smashed down, drowning him in an instant.

The golden sea of ​​learning exploded with a bang, creating a huge wave as high as 10,000 zhang!

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