
Let's go!

Luo Hong opened his hand and made a move, and the evil shadows behind him stood up one after another, Chu Tiannan, Wu Tian, ​​Gong Hao... Evil shadows emerged one after another.

There are also the evil shadows of the dead Nanzhao army, even the Gu worms turned into evil shadows, a black mass, rising and falling among the mountains behind Luo Hong, like a dark storm!

The huge battlefield lost its voice in an instant!

Only the rustling sound of blood splashing on the ground, and the shrill sound of the wind and rain were left.

Dozens of first-grade celestial rankings, and nearly a hundred ground and mysterious rankings...

Quietly hiding, suddenly erupting, such a lineup, such a method, even if Luxian is a little careless, he will suffer.

These are all the elites of Nanzhao Kingdom, they are all strong, even if they are the monks of the earth list, they are also elites in the second rank, ten second ranks can defeat the weaker first rank, and nearly a hundred elite second ranks, even if they are the top rank Top 10 is a headache.

However, it was an instant, causing countless casualties!

The ground was full of blood, crooked, as if it had turned into a rushing bloody stream.

The heads of the Xuanbang monks exploded one after another, as if in a black and white ink painting, dotted with blossoming red plums, so coquettish that it makes people chill.

Not only the Tianbang of Nanzhao Kingdom who besieged and killed Luo Hong was shocked, even the well-trained evil Gu army who besieged and killed Luo Hong were also shocked, their eyes tightened, and their momentum began to collapse slightly.

As for those quacks who perched on the leaves in the turbulent wind and rain, looking at the southern border battlefield, they lost their voices instantly.

The sound of gasping for air-conditioning made the temperature of the world much hotter.

And behind Luo Hong, one after another, the pitch-black shadows crawled up from the corpses, and the shadows contained the unwilling wails and roars of these fallen evil Gu legions.

The restless Earth Flood Sword on Chen Tianxuan's back gradually calmed down.

His expression was full of relief and complexity.

The young master has grown to an extremely monstrous level.

This battle allowed Chen Tianxuan to see Luo Hong's fighting strength. Although he was only a rank one, he might be able to fight even against the land immortals of the upper four realms.

Even Chen Tianxuan didn't dare to say that he could beat Luo Hong steadily.

Young master... is really too monstrous!

In particular, Luo Hong's swordsmanship has far exceeded his original teachings.

But at this moment, Chen Tianxuan could also see that Young Master... Maybe he had made some kind of breakthrough again. Luo Hong's spirit soared a lot in an instant, which was a sign that only a breakthrough could have.

"Ten thousand years forward, and ten thousand years backward, the first rank in the world, I am afraid that no one can compare with the young master!"

Chen Tianxuan sighed.

The first rank can fight the land immortals of the five realms, what is it if it is not a monster? !


Above the Nanzhao City Tower.

Looking at the geniuses of Dibang and Xuanbang who died tragically one after another in an instant, General Miao Xin's body trembled slightly.

This is a first-class product?

You tell me this is a first-class product?

This son,

Why is it so evil? !

However, the eyes of General Miao Xin turned red in an instant. The ground list, the mysterious list...these are the seeds of the future of Nanzhao Kingdom, and they all have the opportunity to advance to the Heavenly List and provide Nanzhao Kingdom with strong national strength. By.

But now, these monks have died tragically one after another, which will have a huge impact on the future national strength of Nanzhao Kingdom.


Miao Xin's eyes were red, and he shouted.

One man fighting against one country?

If it is really completed by Luo Hong, Nanzhao...maybe become the laughing stock of the whole world!

General Miao Xin walked to the drum and pushed away the drummer. He held the drumstick himself and beat the drum one after another to encourage the army!

Boom boom boom!

Every beat of the drum will increase the momentum of Nanzhao's evil Gu army.

The coach beat the drums himself, how could they not be excited!


The evil Gu army was dispatched again, countless Gu worms swept across the sky, and densely packed Chang Ge swept over.

The Power Gu Battalion was once again the vanguard, as if the mountains were flattened, the terrifying Power Gu roared, constantly cutting down terrifying kills.

Murderous intentions arose again, like thunder on the ground.

However, this time... Luo Hong was not alone against the enemy.

Luo Hong was holding a pure Jun sword, and his white clothes were floating. Even if he killed so many people, he would not be stained with any blood.

The corners of Luo Hong's mouth curled up, his evil nature was awe-inspiring.

It's time for him to let the world feel the horror of Yipin Tianxie.


There is wind between heaven and earth, it is the wind and waves formed by Luo Hong's thought, which stops the slanting wind and rain abruptly.

Behind, those evil shadows that climbed up rushed out one after another.

The number was not large, because Luo Hong had killed no more than ten thousand Gus before, and at this moment, the number of evil shadows crawled up was also ten thousand Gus.

Compared with the remaining 90,000 evil Gu legions, it was still much worse, but Luo Hong didn't care.


Now that he has entered the first rank, Xie Sha's reserve has increased significantly, and his Xie Sha is inexhaustible.

Even if the evil shadow is crushed, it will reappear, and if someone in the army dies, it will turn into an evil spirit.

This is a process of ebb and flow, Luo Hong's evil shadow army will only become stronger and stronger, while the evil Gu army... will only become weaker and weaker.

The army was fighting in front, the evil shadow army was silent, like a ghost crawling out of hell, while the evil Gu army shouted and killed loudly, and the Gu insects roared.

One side is silent, the other side is noisy.

Luo Hong smiled and walked quietly. The earth shook and the mountains shook. He was like a Buddha who is untouched by karma in the world, walking slowly past.

Among the rolling hills, there are corpses and Gu corpses everywhere.

The wind and rain slanted, and Luo Hong walked in an ethereal way. At this moment, he was completely different from the domineering evil star who pierced through the army of evil Gu.

However, at this moment, Luo Hong killed no fewer people than before.

Because the evil shadow is killing the enemy!

The evil shadow is immortal, even if it is blown up, the evil spirit in Luo Hong's dantian surges, and it will be condensed and formed again in the heaven and earth.

So the killing has continued and will not stop.

Luo Hong walked leisurely in the courtyard, walking on the battlefield, just like pacing in the back garden.

And evil spirits continued to gather from the corpses of the fallen Nanzhao soldiers like rivers and rivers, and were absorbed and devoured by Luo Hong...

Luo Hong's evil power, which had just broken through to the first-grade Heavenly Evil Realm, was slowly improving.

Walking 9,000 miles south from Anping County sublimated Luo Hong's will. An epiphany made his spiritual power soar, and re-firmed the foundation of the Great Dao that was promoted by the rules and rewards for killing heaven and man.

In the bloody battle facing the army of a whole country, Luo Hong also realized a little bit.

At this moment, Luo Hong's five-forged body shone with brilliance.

"Fighting... is indeed the best way to improve your strength."

Luo Hong laughed.

The next moment, he raised his hand.

"Let them come here."

Luo Hong's voice sounded like a king's order.

Those evil shadows who surrounded and killed nearly a hundred first-rank Tianbang scattered one after another, leaving these opponents behind.

Nearly a hundred strong men from the Nanzhao Tianbang saw Luo Hong behind the evil shadow, and looked at them with fighting spirit.

"come kill me."

Luo Hongdao.

When nearly a hundred Nanzhao Tianbang powerhouses heard the words, their eyes froze immediately.

It is also the first rank, but Luo Hong is really too strong.

Sword cultivator, Buddhist cultivator, martial arts cultivator, Confucian cultivator... all four major cultivation systems have reached the first rank, and the physical body is even more powerful, with blood as strong as a martial immortal. Cooperating with Confucianism Cultivators, their evil Gu and evil spirits can hardly affect them in the slightest.

Such a product... is like a monster!

Nanzhao Kingdom's Tianbang powerhouses are all desperate, and they are not opponents of the same level at all!

However, they are now on the battlefield, and they cannot retreat!

How can I return it? !

Although they are not members of the army, they also understand that the two armies are fighting, and the army will be unparalleled if it is invincible!

Therefore, once they retreat, Nanzhao's evil Gu army may be defeated!

Moreover, Luo Hong's arrogance in fighting against a country alone made it impossible for them to choose to retreat!


Every one of Nanzhao Kingdom's Tianbang Yipin had red eyes, and they rushed towards Luo Hong one after another!

Luo Hong laughed, his white hair flying.

Also do not use the Buddha lamp and the Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha.

Raise Chunjun, go straight into it, and fight fiercely with nearly a hundred strong men on the list!

Instead of using spiritual spells, Luo Hong chose to fight physically.

He used all kinds of fighting methods to the extreme, understanding and feeling the fighting!


Luo Hong smashed the head of a first-ranker in the Tianbang with one punch, and the other party also showed a ferocious look. The Gu worm shot at Luo Hong's body and bit it down fiercely, but Luo Hong's five-forged body was too strong. , as soon as the Gu worm bit it, it collapsed into a puddle of mud.

Luo Hong's qi and blood resonated, his breath was like fire, and his martial arts were sublimated!

Under the brutal fight, Luo Hong's white robe was stained with blood, he was no longer as lofty as an exiled immortal, but he looked like a down-to-earth murderer.

There are fewer and fewer Tianbang first-rankers around to kill Luo Hong, and Luo Hong kills more and more fiercely!

The evil spirits in the corpse kept pouring into Luo Hong's body, and Luo Hong's cultivation base of evil ways increased rather than weakened.

The surrounding ones are also getting more and more desperate.


Peerless evildoer!

How could someone be so strong in the first-rank realm!

The river of righteousness swept down, and Yu Luo Hong's whole body was shaken, instantly whipping an evil cultivator from the Heavenly List, his whole body dripping with blood.

"It's worthy of being an example of justice, and it's worthy of being a master's disciple who is as upright as a rainbow!"

A miserable laugh came from this Yipin's mouth. it really going to destroy the country? !

Luo Hong, who was in the epiphany of the battle, suddenly came to his senses, his brows frowned, and he felt that this person was connoting him!

Fighting belongs to fighting, why are you swearing at others? !

As soon as Luo Hong tapped the void, the evil bead sword suddenly pierced through the opponent, nailing him to the ground, and the evil spirit in the opponent's body was instantly absorbed by Luo Hong.

It is raining between heaven and earth.

And the rain seemed to be stained with scarlet.

The bodies of the Jianghu guests in the distance were trembling. Dozens of first-rank Nanzhao kingdoms were slaughtered by Luo Hong. They saw Luo Hong, who was covered in blood, walk out of the battlefield, and dozens of people crawled behind him. Yipin corpses, only feel the impact coming from the surface!

Luo Hong is alone, this is to kill the Nanzhao Kingdom... to the end!

Chen Tianxuan carried the earth dragon on his back, hanging above the sky, swaying in the wind and rain.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, I thought of what Luo Hongnan said when he left Anping County, one person, one sword and one white clothes, ready to slaughter a whole country for fun...

Is it true?

Young Master... Really want to slaughter Nanzhao?

Chen Tianxuan took a deep breath.


But on the battlefield, the situation changed suddenly, the corpses of the evil Gu legion were strewn across the field, and the two sides fought fiercely, resulting in countless casualties.

Chu Tiannan's cloak was flying, although he was an evil shadow, he was still able to command the army, commanding the army of the evil shadow, and he killed the army of evil Gu by suppressing it!

Accompanied by Tianbang Yipin was killed by Luo Hong.

The mentality of the evil Gu army finally began to collapse, and these well-trained sergeants began to show panic in their hearts.

The trend of defeat seems to be coming like a landslide and a tsunami.

Above the Nanzhao City Tower.

General Miao Xin's heart sank suddenly.

Feeling a little unbelievable, the hundreds of thousands of evil Gu army, the most elite army in Nanzhao, was actually scared by Luo Hong!

Could the power of a country be no match for one person? !

Miao Xin turned his head to look at a Gu Clan Land Immortal wrapped in a black robe beside him.

"Elder Nanfu..."


Miao Xin said.

The man in the black robe smiled, his voice was a bit hoarse: "The general is joking, this son is so rampant, his arrogance is boundless, he should... kill without mercy!"


Words fell.

The man in black immediately took a step forward, facing the wind, and behind him was the road of the Great Dao. The road was four thousand miles long, and four flowers of the Great Dao were swaying.

Four powerful natal Gu emerged around his body.

Fused together, it turned into a terrifying scarlet spear!

Now that the rules of heaven and earth are weak, it is no longer a big deal for Lu Xian to take action, and there is no need to worry about the liquidation of the rules.

Naturally, he couldn't just sit back and watch Nanzhao fall!

The attack of a land fairy suddenly stabilized the army of the evil Gu army that was about to be defeated, and even under the guidance of this land fairy, the army's strength continued to rise!

Lu Xian... made a move!

Combat power beyond the realm of the first rank, the strongest and invincible!

Many quacks stared fixedly, letting the wind and rain wet their clothes.

Luo Hong wants to fight against a country by himself, and he must face the strong ones at the level of land immortals.

And Luo Hong raised his head and looked at the land fairy, his eyes froze suddenly.

The next moment, he laughed out loud.

"Well done!"

After Luo Hong's body burst, countless blood energy was evaporated, and the bloody clothes turned into white clothes. With his silver hair flying, Luo Hong stepped into the air.

The evil spirit of the land immortal level evil cultivator... is delicious!

Perhaps, if the cultivator of the evil way wants to break through into the land immortal, killing the land immortal is inevitable!


The eyes of the Four Realms Land Immortal wrapped in a black robe and holding a red spear were fixed.

With a flick of the spear, the gun suddenly glowed like a dragon, and there was a sound like a dragon's roar that burst into the void, and the long shadow of the spear enveloped Luo Hong in an instant!

Luo Hong is a rank one, but his combat power is truly terrifying.

Even this land fairy who made the shot didn't dare to be careless, and he did his best when he shot!

This Luo Hong should be treated as a land fairy!

Bang bang bang!

Dozens of evil shadows were instantly pierced and exploded.

And a shot, which also spanned hundreds of feet above the battlefield, directly pierced Luo Hong.

The wind and waves are emptied, and the energy is rolled!

Luo Hong held Chun Jun, and stretched out his sword, the sword turned into a dragon, and a Buddha was born with one sword!

The Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha stirred behind him, and Buddha lamps floated one after another.

The Buddha lamp can affect Yipin's mind, but it is extremely difficult to influence the Four Realms Land Immortal who is blooming with four Dao flowers on the Dao!

In an instant, the spear light of the land fairy pierced the sword energy evil Buddha.

The explosion exploded, and the sky was reduced to the shadow of guns. In the world of sword energy, countless attacks intertwined, tearing the sky apart.

One click and score.

No difference!

And above the Nanzhao City Tower.

Seeing this, Miao Xin was suddenly overjoyed.

He swung a huge hammer to beat the drum, and the sound of the drum vibrated soaring to the sky, as if it wanted to shatter the clouds in the sky!

He turned his head to look at the remaining four land immortals on the tower.

"Everyone, please! Kill this son, otherwise... today Nanzhao will leave an indelible name of shame in history!"

Miao Xin said sharply.

This is to prepare Lu Xian to besiege and kill Luo Hong.

The remaining four land immortals of the Miaojiang Gu clan frowned.

After a long time, looking at Luo Hong who was on par with Nanfu on the sky of clouds, he also sighed.

This son is the true nemesis of evil cultivators, this son is immortal, Nanzhao, who established the country with evil ways... can't sleep or eat!

He can't destroy Nanzhao today, and he will come again in the future.

"Everyone... kill them."

"For Nanzhao."

For Nanzhao!

On the city tower, there are sighs lingering.

The next moment, four black-robed land immortals stepped out one after another.

The road to the great road is presented, one with three realms, two with two realms, and one... four realms!

This is all the background of Nanzhao Kingdom, if not counting the evil king of the evil sect of heaven and earth.

And Nanzhao has no five realms, except Nanlihuo, the ruler of Nanzhao Kingdom.


It was the four land immortals Hengkong again. They did not hide, but made their moves in a grand manner. Although they were evil cultivators, they didn't want to be called a sneak attack on the juniors.

Five land immortals besieged and killed a rank one, and even made a sneak attack...wouldn't it make the whole world ridicule and leave a bad reputation forever!

The four land immortals made their moves one after another.

The vigor between heaven and earth seemed to be broken up.

There is an evil gu that turns into a knife, and the light of the knife crosses the sky, leaving a black line on the sky.

Someone slapped a palm, which turned into an exquisite handprint the size of a mu, and the air was blown out.

dozens of miles away.

Chen Tianxuan's expression changed suddenly.

"Southern Border Gu Cultivator, I, Chen Tianxuan, will meet you!"

As a land sword fairy in the four realms, he drank angrily, and his sword energy was like a rolling river, like a dragon swaying in the sky, straddling the sky and the earth.

"Chen Tianxuan?!"

"Dragon Transformation Sword! The Land Sword Immortal of the Great Luo Dynasty!"

"My God, the Dragon Transformation Sword is here!"


The faces of the surrounding quacks were forced by Chen Tianxuan's sudden burst of breath, and many of them even vomited blood from the shock.

Many people said in amazement.

Chen Tianxuan's dragon came out of its scabbard, and instantly transformed into a roaring bone dragon in the sky, overlooking the four land immortals who were attacking Luo Hong.

"Uncle Chen, it's okay!"

"Let them come!"

However, when Chen Tianxuan wanted to make a move, Luo Hong's faint voice exploded between heaven and earth.

Luo Hong was unwilling!

It is said that one person will slaughter one country, and he will do what he says, but if he can't do what he said, wouldn't it be insulting to his reputation? !

Chen Tianxuan froze, but the quacks around him were shocked.

Luo he crazy? !

Fighting against five land immortals alone, is this really planning to slaughter Nanzhao?

The first-rank battle Luxian is already amazing in the world, is this going to be one against five?


Young Master Luohong, wake up!

You are a rank one, not ten realms!

Chen Tianxuan stared, and he felt the aura bursting out of Luo Hong's body. Could it be that this aura is that the young master intends to use these five land immortals to open up a way? !

Chen Tianxuan was a little stunned. Luo Hong was not an ordinary first-rank, but Confucianism, Buddhism, sword, and martial arts all reached first-rank. If he wants to open up the Dao, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult!

Chen Tianxuan really withdrew his sword.

No shot.

Above the sky, Nan Fu, who pierced the void with a scarlet spear, also showed a cold expression.

"What a Luo Hong, you want to use our strength to open up the avenue... Gather the avenue flower? Ascend to the land fairy?"


With a roar of anger, the scarlet spear swept away, emptying the sky and the earth, and scattered all the clouds and rain over the southern border!

In addition, the four land immortals who were killed also showed cold expressions, and they shot at the same time!

There wasn't any conversation.

No superfluous actions.

There is no mercy!

If you don't make a move, you can use it, and if you make a move, it is a lore!


The five land immortals shouted at the same time.

Their Gu worms turned into portable weapons, and even more like a dragon sucking water, they rolled up the Gu worm breath in the bodies of all the soldiers of the remaining 50,000 evil Gu legions on the battlefield.

In an instant, the sky was dim and the earth was dark.

The killing power of the five land immortals has skyrocketed!

Five gigantic evil Gu phantoms straddled the sky and the earth, the entire battlefield suddenly became heavy, and the pressure collapsed like the sky.

The invisible military power suddenly affected the void.

The vitality of the world was disturbed and became chaotic.


Chu Tiannan's scarlet eyes swelled, and under this force, many evil shadows were crushed one after another, turning into smoke like ink dripping and dissipating.

And Chu Tiannan was staring at him, learning continuously!

He is mastering this military power!

However, it has not yet been grasped, and the evil shadow army is also unable to condense the military power, and cannot provide military power to Luo Hong.

And Luo Hong...doesn't need it either!

With white hair flying in the air, Luo Hong under the mask of the evil lord was incomparably dignified.

He felt the pressure, and there was even a crisis coming, a death crisis!

However, Luo Hong did not retreat, if he retreated when encountering danger, it would be meaningless.

Luo Hong also didn't summon the evil god Erha, and didn't use Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse...

Along the way, Luo Hong relied on these external forces to crush everything.

But now, if Luo Hong wants to attack Luxian, he will naturally have to face these dangers. This is a calamity, a calamity he must face if he wants to grow.

The fierce wind and waves howled.

Luo Hong's big sleeves were fluttering, and the sleeves of his clothes were close to his body, and his white hair was blown by the wind and waves like a torrent.

The Buddha lamp could not be ignited, and it would go out when it was ignited, and the Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha could not appear, and his "will" was firmly pressed back into the sea of ​​will!

The five Land Immortals combined their military strength to unleash a world-shattering attack that surpassed the Fifth Realm. Even the Land Immortals above the Fifth Realm would be hated here!

Under the overwhelming crisis, Luo Hong closed his eyes.


Going south for nine thousand miles, you can see the world on foot.

The baptism of Luo Hong's state of mind is naturally great, and at this moment, Luo Hong also feels a kind of transformation.

Luo Hong closed his eyes, like a sage in ancient times, he kept his ears shut and only read sage books.

If you ask where is the book of sages?

Heaven and earth are books.

Luo Hong listened to the voice of heaven and earth, heard the melodious bell of the Buddha in his dantian, heard the river of righteousness pouring backwards and forwards, heard the trembling sound of the magic sword above Xie Sha, and heard the eruption of breath between the pores of the body during five forgings.

Above the dantian, the sage opened his eyes in phantom, somewhat surprised, relieved, and relieved.

This mud that couldn't hold up to the wall finally got the hang of it.

The sage's mantra emerged, as if reading a sage's book aloud, in the dantian, the mountain of books halfway across from Shahai was full of holy light!

The Shushan and Kuzhou Xuehai, who were suppressed by the evil sea that broke through and expanded, suddenly shined brilliantly!

Luo Hong's will appeared in the dantian.

Overlooking the two worlds below, which are gold and black.

The mountain of books is resisting the erosion of evil spirits, and it is also counteracting the erosion of evil spirits. The power of the two is melting.

And Luo Hong stretched out his hand, sticking out one hand.

The five fingers seemed to have turned into five divine swords, piercing into the sea of ​​books and learning and the sea of ​​evil swords.

The wrist turned suddenly, as if twisting.


The sea of ​​learning is surging, and the sea of ​​evil is sweeping. The two are twisted like two fishes, one black and the other golden, chasing head after tail, like yin and yang at dusk.

Gold and black are distinct, as if polarized!

Above the battlefield.

Luo Hong's aura suddenly changed, and he opened his eyes suddenly. There was golden light spreading under his feet, and darkness swept over him. It turned into a circle to protect Luo Hong's whole body.

That golden light is pure sage brilliance, what is that black?

Behind Luo Hong, the virtual image of the saint emerged, but he saw that the saint was holding a black sword in both hands. The sword body was like a black line, standing in front of his eyebrows.

The faces of the five incoming land fairies changed.

They felt the change in Luo Hong's breath, it was a kind of epiphany!

They feel that the black is a bit like Xie Sha, but... Isn't this Xie Sha too pure? Is the evil spirit that is pure to the extreme still evil?

Luo Hong opened his eyes.

Hold the pure Jun sword.

Start with yin and yang, pass the sword to hold the sky!

Around Luo Hong, there are Buddhist bells, pillars of qi and blood, and sword qi like a dragon, standing in three directions, but there is a gap!

The two poles are divided into four images!

However, four images and three lack one!

Above Luo Hong's head, the foundation of the Dao appeared, and three Dao flowers began to emerge, namely Confucianism Cultivator, Sword Cultivator, and Buddha Cultivator...

Wu Xiu Daohua was beheaded by Luo Hong before!

Thoughtful, Luo Hong stretched out his sword, with yin and yang intertwined, as if he wanted to bounce off all the power, and also had the ultimate sharp burst, trying to cut everything open!

Three flowers gather at the top!

A sword in the world of mortals!

This is the sword of space taught by Uncle Hongchen, and Luo Hong is showing it at this moment.

Instantly collided with the attack of the five land immortals!

Click click click!

Chun Jun Sword, this famous sword in the world, is beginning to show cracks at this moment!

Above the sky, the five land immortals only felt a chill spread from their feet, as if their souls were about to be cut by this sword!

Pooh! ! !

The three land immortals whose cultivation base was lower than the fourth realm instantly vomited blood, the phantom Gu worms above their heads collapsed, and the army was broken!

The three land immortals were also beheaded by the sword qi!

Only the sea of ​​will is left floating in the air.

And the moment the army was broken.

There are also 30,000 troops below, screaming, body and spirit are all destroyed, will is collapsed, the body is covered with sword marks, and blood is flowing like a waterfall.

Thirty thousand people, whose military power and will were connected with the land immortals, were beheaded together!

In an instant, 30,000 people died, and the battlefield was filled with blood!

The eyes of the five terrestrial fairies are about to burst, what kind of monster is this? !

Luo Hong had an epiphany!

He became a land immortal today, but what a terrifying momentum this is!

Chen Tianxuan was also extremely excited.

However, in the next moment, everyone in the world was shocked.

However, Luo Hong in white turned his fingers into a sword, and slashed at the three flowers of the Great Dao blooming like a scorching sun.

"The foundation of the Dao is not complete, and the four elephants still lack three and one, so you can be a land fairy with a hammer."

Luo Hong actually cut Daohua again.

Cut three flowers with one sword!

The dao flower fell, and the transformed will power merged into the foundation of the avenue. It seemed that the foundation of Luo Hong's avenue expanded another nine hundred miles at this moment, reaching the level of eight thousand miles!


The light in Luo Hong's eyes surged with intent, and his spirit seemed to soar into the sky.

The two Land Immortals of the Four Realms, bleeding all over their bodies, flew through the sky at high speed, approaching Luo Hong, and slaughtered them.

With an army of tens of thousands of people, they came straight to kill Luo Hong.

They are scared!

If Luo Hong is not dead, Nanzhao will be destroyed!

Outrageous and resolute, she wants to fight Luo Hong with her life!

And Luo Hong suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and the magic sword fell into his hand, evil and evil!

For a moment, the two land immortals who are evil cultivators only felt that the evil spirit was flowing and stagnant. The next moment, Luo Hong raised his hand and grabbed their necks.


Like a meteor falling, dragging the tail inflammation.

It fell down fiercely, and in the eyes of everyone, it was like a ball of fireworks falling from the sky, hitting the Nanzhao city tower.

The bodies of the two land immortals were embedded in it, and Luo Hong let go of his hand, clenched his fist, and smashed it down hard.

The heads of the two Land Immortals of the Four Realms were suddenly smashed and shattered like fireworks!

On the city tower, the sound of war drums also stopped abruptly.

Because, the magic sword turned into a black light that eclipsed the sky and the earth, pierced through it at high speed, and nailed the great general Miao Jiang who hammered the drum to death on the battle drum.

The Nanzhao city tower was pierced.

The world was silent for an instant.

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