Black clouds billowed above the sky, and the sea of ​​golden clouds that appeared because of the fall of heaven and man seemed to be directly torn apart by the domineering and unparalleled power, torn apart by the supreme power.

Soon, black clouds emerged, and there were dense arcs of lightning beating in the black clouds, and those beating arcs of lightning were all catastrophes.

Sword Forging Calamity!

The top of Wanjian Mountain had long been turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the boiling magma was gushing out like a roaring fire dragon. In the magma, on the sword-forging platform, the faces of the three master swordsmiths of the Wu family were full of excitement and shock.

The sword is done!

Later, the life essence that poured in poured down like the Milky Way, and by the way, the unsustainable act of tempering the sword was completed at once, and the heat wave of Chi Chi changed the surface of the sword and the inside of the sword.

Tempering the sword is a very important process. Whether a sword is strong or tough depends on tempering the sword.

And the liquid for quenching the sword is very important. Like the Wu family of Great Chu, what the sword is forged is a kind of heaven and earth spiritual spring. It is precisely because of this spring that the sword forged by the Wu family is the best in the world.

However, no matter how good the spring is, it cannot compare with the essence of life.


The three master swordsmiths rushed out of the sword-forging platform, coughing up blood, their cultivation was actually not strong, the strongest was Wu Ding, but the second-level land immortal, the three of them held the power of sword-forging, Already doing my best.

Wu Qinghua raised his hand, and the sword energy swept past like the wind, stabilizing the figures of the three master swordsmiths, but he saw the three masters staring at him enthusiastically.

This sword-making act, which they were not optimistic about at all, made them crazy on this day, and made them even willing to sacrifice their lives for it.

As for their ridicule of Luo Hong and their dislike of Luo Hong, they had already been forgotten.

If they are not optimistic about it, and can exchange for a sword that surpasses the magic weapon to come into the world, then they are willing to be optimistic about the whole world.

This is the art of casting, and this is dedicating oneself to art. Perhaps it is their mentality that makes them master swordsmiths.

in the void.

Chen Tianxuan was already shocked.

He wrapped Xiao Douhua with sword energy, so that Xiao Douhua would not be affected by the environment when Luo Hong threw her from the sword casting platform.

"My lord... actually forged a sword!"

Chen Tianxuan was so shocked that the earth dragon under his feet was trembling, it was a feeling of encountering a Xeon sword.

And the empress came back in a daze, her beautiful eyes were full of shock and bewilderment.

Heaven and man... are they so easy to kill?

When Luo Hong asked her to kill heaven and man, she actually didn't believe it, but since Luo Hong asked her, she would naturally give it a try.

Afterwards, the two arrived at the place where several celestial beings were located one after the other.

Luo Hong asked her to seal off the space and let her blow up those heavenly beings.

She did as she did, and those celestial beings who watched the excitement were no stronger than the five realms, and it was easy for the empress to crush them.

However, she knew that it was not easy to kill celestial beings, even if they were killed, the majestic life essence would bring these celestial beings back to life.

But she did it anyway, because she had some expectations in her heart.

And Luo Hong never failed her expectations,

Let her understand what it means to kill heaven and man.

However, Luo Hong's will was like a knife, without any sloppy cutting, he cut into the sea of ​​wills of those heavenly beings. In an instant, the avenue was cut off, and the dao flowers were withering.

And the power of the life essence behind Tianmen also fell down, and was completely intercepted by Luo Hong with mysterious means.

The empress could even hear the angry roar of the existence in the rushing river of life behind the gate of heaven.

So simple?

So fast?

It's like pressing a struggling fish against a chopping board, then the knife falls and the fish dies.

Killing heaven and man, is it so easy?

The empress is really confused, even if she returns now, she is still in a state of disbelief, even doubts about the world.

But, soon, gradually, a clear, excited, and emotional color appeared in her eyes...


Luo Hong...can really kill heaven and man!

Even, killing heaven and man... is like slaughtering a dog!

The heavenly man, who is a supreme disaster to the human world, is in the hands of Luo Hong...but he can be destroyed by flipping his hands!

The empress's plump mouth curved into a smile, and the smile became brighter and brighter!

It is worthy of being a model of justice in the world, and it is really easy to deal with the evil moths that corrupt the world like heaven and man!

I, I have known you for a long time!


Black clouds rolled around, and there were angry thunderclaps.

The image of heaven and earth, change for it!

There was a storm in the world, and above the Sword Forging Platform of Wanjian Mountain, there were extremely thick black clouds, as if they had become a mirror with the sky and the earth, and there was a vast world of black clouds that was about to press down.

Around Wanjian Mountain, howling winds were sweeping, big trees were uprooted, curled up, and washed up into the sky, and the waterfalls poured down, like chopped jade belts, flying everywhere.

On the martial arts arena.

The disciples of the Wu family felt great pressure. This was the coercion of heaven and earth, mighty and mighty.

Wu Qinghua put his hands behind his back, and controlled the sword energy in his mind to turn it into a barrier, blocking all the magma flames venting from the center of the earth. If he didn't control it, the hot magma in the center of the earth might destroy Wanjian Mountain in one fell swoop.

"The Tribulation of Sword Forging..."

The plain clothes on Wu Qinghua's body were constantly blown and rolled up. He stared at the black cloud that seemed to be crushing Wanjian Mountain with a complicated expression.

The catastrophe of forging swords...represents the catastrophe of the birth of divine soldiers.

This is not the first time he encountered it. Two hundred years ago, the Dragon Sparrow Sword was successfully forged, and that time also caused the calamity of the sword forging.

However, compared to the catastrophe of the Dragon Bird Sword, this time the catastrophe was even worse.

"The success of casting a sword is only the first step, but the key is whether you can survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth."

"I can't survive the catastrophe, the body dies and the way disappears, the sword destroys people..."

The three master swordsmiths also stared intently.

What kind of sword is this?

Evil sword? holy sword?

They can't say for sure, and they are not qualified to comment.

Forging divine weapons as the foundation, with many spirits of evil cultivators and the meaning of ten thousand swords as the soul, tempered with the essence of life, and rewarded with the rules of heaven and earth to assist in refining...

This kind of weapon is unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future!

The air of war suddenly rose up and down, and the wind and waves swept the sky and the sea of ​​clouds.

The world seems to have fallen into silence.

The disciples of the Wu family on Wanjian Mountain, as well as the celestial beings watching the battle, as well as some Jianghu guests who heard the news, all held their breath.

Especially those heavenly beings, their faces were a little ugly.

Luo Hong and the empress killed the heavenly beings and got rewards according to the rules. After adding the heavenly gate, they cut off the life essence of Hu to cast the sword.

This made them understand that the ruthless man who can kill heaven and man is coming!

This made them a little indignant, and their killing intent was surging. How terrifying would a sword forged by such a ruthless man who specializes in killing heaven and man be? !


Luo Hong didn't care about them or the outside world.

After he successfully quenched his sword, he already felt a wave of cheers.

Luo Hong hangs in the air, between the sky and the earth hangs a handle of black gold.

And get washed away by the essence of life, the evil spirits fade away.

At this time, the sword had already succeeded, but it caused disaster, and there was also a surge of fighting spirit on the sword casting platform of Wanjian Mountain.

These fighting spirits are baptizing the sword, which indistinctly gives the sword a sense of extreme sharpness.

However, there is one last step left.

For the new sword, smash this calamity!


Anping County, Dongshan.

Jixia Academy.

Li Xiuyuan stood up, stretched his waist, yawned, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and wiped away a ball of gum.

He held a peach blossom branch, put it on the ground, and looked towards the east.

"The Tribulation of Sword Forging...Little Junior Brother, you are truly a man of God."

"This sword has the spirit of evil cultivators as its soul, and the meaning of ten thousand swords as its bones... the most holy and most evil sword, the calamity and punishment it provokes is probably not weak."

"Master once said that there are no kalpas in the world, and there are no rules. The kalpas that appear are also the influence of the heavens on the human world. The so-called kalpas are in the hands of the heavens and humans. This kalpa... is not very friendly to the younger brother."

Li Xiuyuan's sleeves fluttered, spacious and unrestrained, he paced to the front of the palace, followed by Luo Xiaoxiao, who had a thick head and a thick head.

After that, Li Xiuyuan smiled.

As soon as he took a step, a river of righteousness descended from the sky, sweeping across his body.

"Xiao Xiao, take a good look at the Academy."

Li Xiuyuan said.

The next moment, he floated out, carrying a branch of peach blossoms, striding out across the sky.

The catastrophe is in the east, but he is going west.

The direction he was going was the Kunlun Palace.

His figure was swaying rapidly, and his speed was extremely fast. Thousands of miles passed in just a blink of an eye.

Kunlun Palace on Kunlun Mountain.

The heavy snow fluttered, and the goose feathers covered the world with heavy snow.

The palace above the Kunlun Mountains is perplexing, lingering in the thick fog, with heavenly gates hanging and immortals dancing, a mystery, as if there are bones lying across.

Kunlun Mountain is very high, so high that there is no other peak in the world that can compare with the upper Kunlun Mountain.

A mountain actually covers the four seasons of the world.

The foot of the mountain is summer, the mountainside is spring and autumn, and the top of the mountain is cold winter...

The Kunlun Palace stands in a forest among the heavy snow.

Li Xiuyuan fell, not aggressive, not domineering, like an individual traveler on a picnic.

Holding a peach blossom branch, with fluttering sleeves, there are peach blossoms falling petals.

He took a step and stopped at the first white jade slab at the foot of the Kunlun Palace. There were countless slabs of white jade, densely packed, reaching straight into the sky.

This is the Kunlun Sky Road, the sky road that goes straight into the Kunlun Palace.

And at the foot of the mountain, there is an archway gate, the extremely tall white jade gate is made of high-quality white jade, and there is a fairy spirit curling up on it, and ordinary people look directly at it and are in awe.

Under the archway, there are two Taoists from Kunlun Palace, their cultivation base is not weak, and their aura is first-class.

The two of them sat cross-legged on the white jade stone ladder, staring at Li Xiuyuan who suddenly appeared with a peach blossom branch in their hands, with a little panic and a little shock.

They naturally recognized Li Xiuyuan.

How could they not recognize this Second Master from Jixia Academy, who has now achieved Nirvana, one of the most powerful people in the world.

Li Xiuyuan had a gentle smile on his face.

"Jixia Academy starts school in the sea secret realm, and your Kunlun Palace seems to have sent someone to kick the hall."

"You want to kill my junior brother, and you want to get me to learn the secret realm of the sea..."

"Since this is the case, Xiaosheng will also come to kick the hall today."

Li Xiuyuan smiled softly.

Holding the peach blossom branch, he stepped down with one step.

Stepping on the first white jade stone ladder, looking up at the white jade stone ladder that goes straight into the sky, the peach blossom branch in his hand is gently pulled down.


The Baiyu Tianlu cracked from the middle and spread to the top of the mountain. The entire Kunlun Palace was trembling, as if it was about to collapse!

The plaque with the words "Kunlun" flying and dancing on the door of the archway hangs down.

However, another peach branch was drawn by Li Xiuyuan, and it was smashed to pieces.

Gentle laughter broke out.

"Today, a flower is overwhelming Kunlun, and Li Xiuyuan from Jixia Academy is visiting."

"Please Kunlun Palace... be destroyed."


The brilliant thunderbolt fell instantly.

The shattering howling wind, under the attention of everyone, and while the Wu family's children in Wanjian Mountain were gasping for air, fell with a crash!

The top of Wanjian Mountain was submerged by a sea of ​​thunder, and the scorching thunder rendered the entire mountain a brilliant white.

Lei Hai is like a big whirlpool constantly circling, and the center of the pressure is the sword casting platform, the sword and the white clothes on the sword casting platform.

Luo Hong's white clothes and white hair were flying, hanging on the side of the new sword.


The thunder snake roared and fell down angrily, Luo Hong's white clothes were like a white lotus blooming in the sea of ​​thunder, and the sword and people were bathed in the thunder calamity together, as if they were being baptized.

After a long time, Luo Hong's body, which was steaming hot because of the sword casting, shook, and the next moment, the thunder calamity wrapped around his body was shattered one after another.

"That's it?"

Luo Hong frowned.

The power of this thunder calamity is... weaker than he imagined.

The first lightning tribulation was broken by him so easily, Luo Hong was even... a little disappointed.

And in the martial arts arena, many disciples of the Wu family were already so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

Is crossing a catastrophe like eating and drinking water?

This is the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, and only the birth of a divine soldier can trigger the Thunder Tribulation, but Luo Hong actually resisted with his body, without fear of the Thunder Tribulation baptism.

The three master swordsmiths were also smiling. Seeing Luo Hong pass the first catastrophe, they couldn't help but feel happy.

Today's young people are really powerful.

"According to the legend, the Tribulation of Sword Forging is divided into three levels, corresponding to the three heavenly gates, which are mastered by heavenly beings of different levels..."

"Looking at Mr. Luo's robbery and punishment, it should be the triple Heavenly Gate robbery and punishment."

Although Wu Ding did not deal with Luo Hong, he couldn't help but speak at this moment.

Wu Qinghua nodded, hands behind his back.

keep watching.

The thunder disaster in the sky is still brewing.

It seemed that it was Luo Hong's relaxed way of crossing the tribulation that aroused the wrath of the existence above the sea of ​​thunder.



The sky thunder exploded, as if two huge waves collided with each other in the thunder sea, setting off a terrifying roar.

The next moment, the endless thunder sea changed, from the original incandescent color to azure blue.

It's like a real ocean, but the power of the thunder arc is getting more and more terrifying.

Luo Hong stared, but there was excitement in his eyes.


Luo Hong, dressed in white with white hair and fluttering sleeves, controlled the newly cast sword and climbed up to the sky step by step.

In the azure sea of ​​thunder, it seems that a giant whale has turned over.

Then, countless lightning arcs poured down like a waterfall, and then turned into a big palm. That palm...covered the sky and filled the sky, bursting out with astonishing murderous intent. At this moment, the world turned upside down.

The azure blue palm, like a substance, is like an unshakable millstone, grinding towards Luo Hong and the black gold sword!

Luo Hong roared straight up, his eyes were bright and dazzling, and when he tapped his fingers, it was like a trickle flowing in his heart. The new sword trembled suddenly, and in the next moment, it turned into a long black gold dragon, roaring and charging into the sky. The palm of the thunder tribulation strikes away!

Transform the dragon!

Underneath, Chen Tianxuan was hunting in the green shirt, protecting Xiao Douhua, his eyes were full of surprise, Luo Hong's Dragon Transformation Sword was actually more skillful than him!

Is this the Sword Dao evildoer!

The sword qi turned into a dragon, and collided with the palm of the thunder robber.

As if to cut Lei Jie's palm open, there was an ear-piercing rubbing sound.

Countless tiny arcs of lightning jumped down like swimming snakes, and landed on Luo Hong's body one after another.


The white shirt on Luo Hong's body was instantly shattered, revealing his muscular and fit upper body.

Countless lightning arcs are entangled on it, wanting to tear the skin and penetrate into Luo Hong's body, destroy Luo Hong's meridians, and cut off Luo Hong's vitality.

However, Luo Hong looked up to the sky and laughed, his white hair flying.

"Bath in the thunder sea, it's comfortable."

Luo Hong's six-forged physical body suddenly moved, shaking the lightning arcs away.

"However, just being comfortable is not enough!"

Luo Hong stretched out his hand, and put his two fingers together to form a sword finger.


As soon as the sword finger was raised, the color of the sky changed instantly.

The black gold sword cut through the void violently and turned into thousands of sword shadows. The sword shadows piled up and turned into a black gold mountain peak, majestic, domineering, and majestic!

Sword Kunlun!

Luo Hong tapped his hand, and Jian Kunlun immediately pushed out horizontally, hitting the Thunder with his palm.

Boom boom boom!

The sky is trembling, the atmosphere is being emptied, and the thunder arc is like a torrential rain, splashing down.

Luo Hong stepped on the void and climbed to the sky step by step.

Without fear of thunder disaster, bathe in disaster and go upstream.

His fascia seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

Bathed in the sea of ​​intertwined thunder, like a duck to water.

On the martial arts arena.

Everyone was shocked, is this still human?

What kind of body is this?

Resisting the sea of ​​thunder is like bathing in the spring breeze?

This is thunder calamity, every blow is not weaker than Luxian's attack, but Luo Hong carried it with his body.

According to this posture, it may be easy to get through this catastrophe, and it doesn't take much effort.

In the void, Luo Hong's white hair twitched, his lips curled up, he held the new sword, and pointed at the sky...

But that's all.

Forging the evil sword to trigger the robbery and punishment, Luo Hong felt something in his heart. When he breaks through the realm of first-grade heavenly evil, he is afraid that he will suffer even more terrifying robbery and punishment!

But now, it's just going through a catastrophe ahead of time.


The atmosphere between the heaven and the earth changed, as if there was a god whispering in the sky.

Faintly, in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder, a figure emerged, with a celestial aura, as if overlooking the nine heavens.

That is a celestial being, as if covering the whole world!

As the celestial being opened his eyes, a pair of pupils opened after Lei Hai, as if the sky had been torn into two cracks.

Luo Hong stared.

Feeling unusual, this breath...doesn't belong to the world!

"This is a 'Zun' state!"

Luo Hong groaned softly.

And on the martial arts arena.

Wu Qinghua's body trembled: "Above the Ten Realms, Heavenly Venerable!"

"Tianzun leads the robbery! Catastrophe!"

Hundreds of miles around Wanjian Mountain, all the celestial beings staring at the sky also showed shock.

"It's Tianzun! I don't know which Tianzun it is!"

"This mortal actually caused Tianzun to lead the robbery, he deserves it! He deserves to die!"

"This kind of calamity is not a divine soldier calamity at all!"

Exciting exchanges between heaven and man.


The gigantic waves of the sky were emptied, and several murderous figures tore apart the sky.

Nan Lihuo's whole body was covered with the owl Gu armor that absorbed the evil Gu from many evil Gu monks in the southern border. His murderous aura was surging, and his aura climbed to the peak.

Around him, a celestial being is suspended, and there is also a celestial being of the Nine Realms, with a cold look in his eyes.

Seven celestial beings, plus a Nine Realm Nanlihuo, this lineup is very strong.

They flew across the sky, and quickly headed towards Wanjian Mountain where the Wu family of Great Chu was located.

Eight people hang in the air, looking at the thick and dark clouds in the distance, in the sea of ​​thunder, there is a breath that seems to not belong to this world.

The Nine Realm Celestial Man put his hands behind his back, with a celestial aura, and said with a faint smile: "Interesting, this is the Celestial Lord leading the robbery."

"Although it's just a ray of Tianzun's projection, Tianzun's introduction of robbery means that the sword forged by this son has surpassed the magic weapon."

Heaven is humane.

Nan Lihuo's eyes were full of coldness and murderous intent.

He was scared.

The sense of threat Luo Hong gave him was really terrifying, and he was really scared.

Luo Hong's growth rate is really too fast.

Coupled with Xiao Gu's death, his desire to kill Luo Hong exploded to the extreme.

But now, Luo Hong has encountered the calamity of Tianzun, and there are many crises. At this time, it is definitely the best opportunity to kill Luo Hong!

"It's really God helping the widow!"


South from Fire Road.

The next moment, the eight people came out again, aggressively, without any concealment.

In fact, it can't be concealed, the Nine Realm Land Immortal wants to kill someone, and the movement will definitely not be small.

In addition, Luo Hong was in the sea of ​​thunder, and it was impossible for them to sneak into Luo Hong's side silently, so it was not very meaningful to cover up.


Tianzun lead robbery?

In the void, the empress's eyes were extremely serious, Luo Hong couldn't die.

The empress, who had tasted the taste of killing heaven and man for the first time, did not want Luo Hong to die at all. Without Luo Hong, it would be difficult for a monk on earth to kill heaven and man!

But now, Luo Hong is the treasure in her heart!

However, this was a catastrophe, and she couldn't intervene, which made her feel a little powerless. If the catastrophe intervened, the death of one person would have turned into two deaths.

The empress could only stare, looking for opportunities to see if she could save Luo Hong.

in the void.

Lei Hai roared, as if boiling.

In Wanjian Mountain, the fire in the center of the earth under the sword casting platform was also completely cold, as if it had been frozen.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth began to snow, and the billowing snow poured down from the sky, covering the sky with heavy snow!

And the phantom of Tianzun standing in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder, looking down on the world ruthlessly, like a high god, he slowly stretched out a finger.

That finger instantly gathered countless thunderbolts.

Thunder is pale gold, golden fingers, pointing from the sky to the earth!

The momentum between heaven and earth changed suddenly.

Tianzun kills!

Turn fingers into robbery!

Bang bang bang!

The vault of the world suddenly began to burst, and the void was torn into countless cracks as black as ink.

It was like the sound of cloth being torn apart, like an ancient star coming to an end, the rumble of breaking apart.

It was as if the demon king in the myth roared unwillingly when his life came to an end!

A round finger, surrounded by endless thunder sea tides, crashed down, tearing up the snow thousands of feet in radius, Huanghuang seemed to be about to destroy the world!

Luo Hong's eyes narrowed, and the next moment he grasped the sword.

Yin and Yang are born under the feet, and the black and gold Liangyi figure emerges.

The next moment, he held the newly forged sword and held out the sword. The black and gold Liangyi diagram under his body seemed to be enlarged in an instant, and it continued to grow...

One sword yin and yang calamity!

In an instant, a sword cut a finger.

The void rift wrapped around the fingertips was instantly broken.

With a sword, Luo Hong slammed into the finger of robbery like an unstoppable force.

Crackling lightning arcs hit his body.

Luo Hong's skin instantly turned dark.

But Luo Hong couldn't stop laughing. At this moment, the six-forged body was cracked, full of cracks, and riddled with holes!

Tianzun leads robbery... Enough!

It is worthy of the service of Tianzun level!

Luo Hong laughed loudly, and the sound of his laughter exploded in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

The one-finger catastrophe triggered by the Heavenly Venerable is still passing through, but Luo Hong's physical body is in a state of ashes, shining brilliantly.

The dead skin rolled off, and the blood boiled.

Luo Hong's whole body seemed to be surrounded by golden thunder.

The essence of life was rolling, washing away Luo Hong's body, and Luo Hong's body was undergoing an astonishing transformation in the midst of continuous shattering and rebirth!

The six-forged body began to transform into the seven-forged body!

In the martial arts arena, everyone was shocked by this scene.

How rampant and how elegant it is to draw lightning to forge the body!

If the master is the most invincible in the world.

This son must be the most domineering in the world!

At the critical moment when Luo Hong's forged body hit the seven-forged body, there was a sinister sound exploding between heaven and earth, accompanied by endless murderous intent.

"Luo Hong!!!"



Nanlihuo was separated by hundreds of miles in the void, and Luo Hong, who was struggling to support in the sea of ​​thunder and was baptized in the destruction and rebirth, punched hard!

Xiao Gu phantom emerged, as if unwilling, with endless vengeful anger!

The seven celestial beings who followed him also smiled lightly.

They all shot.

In an instant, the fairy air curled up.

Countless attacks spanned the sky and smashed towards Luo Hong in the sea of ​​thunder!

The thunder calamity is not over.

But there are murderous intentions coming!

PS: Double the monthly ticket, please ask for the monthly ticket! Looking for freshly baked recommendation tickets!

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