My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 313 ? Stupid No. 9, Just Great No. 2!

The crane spread its wings and came at a high speed.

In the void, Luo Hong, the Great Zhou Emperor, and Xiao Wuliu's bodies who were about to leave suddenly stopped and looked back.

"National Division?"

The Great Zhou Emperor looked at Hong Gu Nian, a Taoist nun who was sitting cross-legged on the back of the crane, and was stunned.

Afterwards, he understood the purpose of Hong Gunian's trip, and he also learned about the drastic changes that took place in Longhu Mountain. Time to breathe.

And seeing Daoist Hong at this time, the other party has indeed experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

Daoist Hong was raised by the old heavenly master, and when the old heavenly master died, Hong Gunian was naturally heartbroken.

The three hung in the air and waited quietly for Hong Gunian.

High above the sky, the clouds are stirring, and the wind is blowing, constantly rolling the clothes of the three and fluttering.

Luo Hong, dressed in white and with flying hair, stood at Xiejian, watching quietly.

Hong Gunian was very fast and appeared in front of Luo Hong.

She sat on the back of the crane, her figure was still slim and alluring, but her beautiful face was full of exhaustion and sorrow.

"I have seen His Majesty."

When Hong Gu Nian saw the Emperor of Zhou, he bowed slightly and said.

Emperor Da Zhou nodded, sighed and said, "My condolences."

Xiao Wuliu on the other side also made Hong Gunian mourn.

Hong Gunian looked at Luo Hong: "Holy Son... the old heavenly master has become an immortal. Now, there is no inheritance. I hope you can take a trip to Longhu Mountain and inherit the Taoism of Longhu Mountain."

Hong Gu Nian stared at Luo Hong with bloodshot eyes, she didn't seem to be joking this time.

Before, she called Luo Hong the Holy Son, but most of her words were jokes, but this time, she was serious.

The old heavenly master has fallen, and now Longhu Mountain is at stake. As Longhushan competes with Kunlun Palace for the authentic position of Taoism, it is extremely dangerous. Once Kunlun Palace makes a move, Longhushan will definitely be destroyed.

Once the old master died, the heritage of Longhushan could not be compared with Kunlun Palace at all.

Therefore, Hong Gu Nian pinned his hopes on Luo Hong, who was born with a flawless body.

Luo Hong was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Hong Daoist to appear, and the first thing he said was to let him inherit Longhu Mountain.

However, Luo Hong did not choose to refuse, mainly because now, he has cultivated many cultivation methods, such as evil, Confucianism, Buddhism, martial arts, sword...

And evil and Confucianism form the figure of Liangyi. Buddha, martial arts, and swords should form four images, but they lack one element, three lack one, and lack a sense of perfection.

Therefore, Luo Hongben planned to find a place to improve his Taoist cultivation to perfection.

Originally, Luo Hong planned to destroy the Kunlun Palace and obtain the Daoist cultivation method, but now it seems that it may not be necessary, Longhu Mountain is also a Daoist, perhaps, a trip to Longhu Mountain is enough to perfect the Daoist cultivation method.

Although Longhushan is weaker than Kunlun Palace.

But, does Luo Hong care?

Luo Hong didn't care about being weak at all, he just needed the Taoist practice method to perfect his own practice system.

Luo Hong is still a pure evil cultivator in his bones.

He is a great villain in the world, only the evil way is a safflower, and the others are all green leaves.

Therefore, Luo Hong agreed.

"In this case, I will also go to Longhu Mountain to pay homage to the old heavenly master."

The Emperor of Great Zhou sighed deeply.

Afterwards, without staying too long, the four of them flew across the sky and headed towards Longhu Mountain at high speed.


Longhu Mountain, surrounded by mountains, is like a dragon, and it is like a tiger among the clouds and rain.

The sun was shining brightly, and the entire mountain range was shining brightly, just like Danhui soaring into the sky, and Dancheng appeared as a dragon and a tiger.

The vitality of heaven and earth is extremely strong here, and there are many Taoist temples. It is also a rare holy place for practice.

Hong Gunian returned riding a crane.

Luo Hong controlled the sword, the Emperor of the Great Zhou volleyed in the sky, and Xiao Wuliu controlled the sword.

The four of them landed one after another, landing on the square in front of the mountain gate of Longhu Mountain.

The heaven and the earth are filled with a strong bloody smell, which is the bloody smell left after the heaven and man were killed.

On the square, the formation was ups and downs, and the disciples of Longhushan were full of sadness. They sat cross-legged on the ground, maintaining the formation.

"Master sacrificed his life to seal the flesh and blood of twenty-three celestial beings..."

Hong Gu read.

"These flesh and blood contain the powerful thoughts of heaven and man, they cannot be killed, they can only be banned..."

Luo Hong glanced at it, and indeed saw pieces of squirming flesh flowing with golden blood that were oppressed by the formation.

Suppressed by the formation, the whole force of Longhushan was used to suppress the flesh and blood of this day.

And suppressing the flesh and blood of these heavenly beings has almost consumed most of the energy and energy of the disciples of Longhu Mountain.

Hong Gunian was actually mentally exhausted because of the suppression of the flesh and blood of the heavenly beings.

The emperor of Zhou frowned, the problem of Longhushan was very serious.

If this continues, Longhu Mountain may collapse because of this!

Hong Gu Nian's glamorous face showed a bit of misery. The once glorious Longhu Mountain had ended up in such a state.

In the battle with Heaven and Man, the background of Longhu Mountain was almost wiped out, many land immortals died, and even the old Heavenly Master became immortal.

"Old Heavenly Master told me before his death that if you come to Longhu Mountain, he will definitely take you to the Tai Chi Secret Realm. That is the secret realm of Longhu Mountain, which has been passed down for thousands of years."

Hong Gunian looked at Luo Hong and said.

Luo Hong nodded.

The purpose of his trip is to obtain the Taoist practice method and the art of cultivation.

But before that, Luo Hong felt that he could cut a wave of leeks.

Hong Gu Nian's mental state was very poor, and the sea of ​​will was in constant turmoil and was in danger of collapsing.

Suddenly, Luo Hong looked at him: "Unlock the formation."

Luo Hong's words made Hong Gunian stunned.

"In today's world, everyone can slaughter immortals, and there is no need for any formation to suppress them... Heavenly beings, just kill them."

Luo Hong said lightly.

These words made Emperor Zhou and Xiao Wuliu speechless for a while, but they understood that Luo Hong had the qualifications to say these words.

After all, Luo Hong's record in the battle of Wanjian Mountain has also been passed back to Da Zhou.

Dozens of gods and humans were killed in one battle, and even a half-respected strong man was beheaded.

It cuts off the connection between heaven and man and the long river of life after Tianmen, so that heaven and man have to die, and they will die in the world!

Hong Gunian and the disciples of Longhushan have been working hard to suppress the flesh and blood of heaven and man, and they don't know what's going on in the world.


"Heavenly beings are not easy to kill, nor are they easy to kill. These twenty-three celestial beings are sealed by the old celestial master. Once the seal is lifted, the celestial beings will definitely recover and bring disaster to Longhu Mountain. "

"If you can't break the seal, the heavenly man will kill it at will?"

In Longhu Mountain, several land immortals with vicissitudes of life and bloodshot eyes spoke.

Many disciples were also full of grief and indignation.

They didn't know Luo Hong's record, so they didn't believe it. After all, among the twenty-three celestial beings, there was a Nine Realm celestial being, and the Nine Realm was like the ceiling of the human world.

Hong Gu Nian was also in a daze, feeling that Luo Hong's words might be joking.

Celestial beings... just kill them?

This is easy to say.

She frowned slightly, and was about to speak.

And Luo Hong glanced at many Longhushan disciples, raised his hand, and tapped lightly.

Suddenly the sword, with sword energy like a white snake, burst out from his light taps, and in an instant, it filled the entire square.

Interweaving and impacting, the formations that the disciples of Longhu Mountain had worked so hard to maintain were broken one after another.


The formation that the old celestial master sacrificed his life to seal instantly undid it.

The golden light rushed into the sky.

In the next moment, the three beams of light were incomparably bright, filled with flesh and blood, and a terrifying energy was released, depressing, suffocating, and making people breathless.

Three celestial beings of the nine realms!

This incident stunned the disciples of Longhu Mountain.

It's all right if the formation is untied, how did the Nine Realms become three gods? !

Not the twenty-three celestial beings?

Is there only one Nine Realm among them?

Many disciples were puzzled, but inexplicable panic lingered.

Three statues and nine realms... Longhu Mountain without the old heavenly master will definitely be unstoppable.

And Hong Gunian's eyes were also constricted, it was unbelievable that Luo Hong...had actually untied the formation arranged by the old celestial master?

The end of Longhu Mountain... is coming!

An aura of panic and anger filled the square, and many Longhushan disciples glared at Luo Hong.

Luo Hong is still very satisfied with his domineering actions.

"Master Luo, do you need my help?"

Emperor Da Zhou's mind moved, the furnace of good fortune emerged, the void was distorted, the energy was strong, and he said solemnly.

Xiao Wuliu also drew out the two magic weapons slung around his waist, his saber intent surged.

"These celestial beings have been suppressed by the formation, and have wiped out a lot of energy and energy. Their strength has long since fallen. As for the appearance of the three nine realms, it should be the result of devouring each other's flesh and blood in the formation seal. It's okay, kill them... if Butcher the dog."

Luo Hong said lightly.

After the words fell, under Daoist Hong's unbelievable eyes, she took a step forward.

Dressed in white, she looks like a lotus flower in full bloom.

Luo Hong leaned on the evil sword in the void, and calmly watched the three celestial beings recover gradually.

A terrifying aura filled the top of Longhu Mountain.

And many disciples of Longhu Mountain showed endless despair on their faces.

Their eyes were bloodshot and exhausted, but despite this, they still took out their respective mahogany swords and aimed at the recovered celestial being from afar.

The old celestial master died in battle!

They... will not retreat!

They uphold the will of the old master!

Hong Gu Nian couldn't care less about being sad, and his energy surged up, peach wood sword, five elements talisman armor, palm thunder and other means appeared one after another.


Above Longhu Mountain, the clouds surged.

Soon, a celestial being was formed, and three celestial beings of the nine realms were rebuilt with flesh and blood, and their physical bodies were restored.

However, being sealed by the old celestial master, and being sealed by the disciples of Longhushan wiped out a lot of energy, and their energy was also weakened a lot.

"Damn Hong Qianqiu!"

"He gave up his life to seal us, why bother?"

"I'll wait for heaven and man, immortal!"

The three heavenly beings headed by the Nine Realms opened their eyes, the immortal energy wafted, and the murderous intent was rolling in. They will return all the torture that Longhushan brought to them, and then they will return all to Longhushan!

They want to destroy Longhu Mountain!


Without Hong Qianqiu's Longhu Mountain, they can't stop the three gods!


Above the square, Hong Gunian soared into the air, holding a mahogany sword, staring at the three celestial beings of the nine realms.

However, before she could react, Luo Hong had already made a move.

One step, one sword in the world of mortals.

The sword cut out from the long river of time and space is so fast that it is difficult to catch.

The Nine Realm Heavenly Man was in a trance for a while, and was enveloped by Luo Hong's sword!

"A mere first-class one? Courting death!"

The Nine Realm Heavenly Man sneered.

For a young man of the rank in front of him to dare to swing a sword at him, a celestial being of the Nine Realms, it is really courageous.

As a celestial being of the Nine Realms, he has a road of nine thousand miles, and his strength and defense are very strong. Even if he stands still and is hacked by a first-rank monk, he may not be hacked to death!

However, the next moment.


The world of mortals pierced through this celestial being with a tearing sound.

Cut off this celestial man at the waist, golden blood spurted thinly, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Do not hide?

Luo Hong was dumbfounded.

The old celestial master is really good, and actually sealed a nine-level celestial being into a mentally retarded?

That being the case, Luo Hong's attack became even more ruthless.

After tearing apart the body of this celestial being, he directly invaded the opponent's sea of ​​will, and the sage's book mountain suppressed him, overwhelming the power with a bang.

This Nine Realm Heavenly Man sensed something was wrong!


Is this special girl a first-class product?

However, it was too late to react at this moment, he had already lost a lot of energy, how could he resist Luo Hong, who was in full swing and ready to kill Kunlun Palace?

The nine-thousand-mile road was cut off, and the Tao flowers withered!

A golden rain of blood floated above Longhu Mountain.

The world seems to be celebrating.

And Luo Hong's hands continued to move, and there were two half-disabled nine realms left. It was not difficult for him to kill them!

With a sword raised, the finger is in hell!

Youyou ghosts all fell down, and the flesh and blood of a Nine Realm smashed to pieces.

As soon as the demon pointed out, the head of another celestial being was also shattered!

Slaying God with a sword, the Dao collapsed!

These three half-disabled celestial beings were sealed by the old celestial master as soon as they entered the world. They didn't know Luo Hong's ruthless actions in Wanjian Mountain.


just this.

The golden blood rained endlessly, and the heaven and earth were accompanied by the howls and roars of the three celestial beings of the nine realms.

They... died so badly!

Why did he die!

And above Longhushan, a group of Longhushan disciples who were about to fight to the death were stunned.

Seeing the golden rain of blood all over the sky, and the three falling celestial beings, I felt a great shock to my mind.

Didn't it mean that...heaven and man are immortal, so they can't be killed at all?

What exactly is going on?

Times... have changed?

Are they out of date?

Daoist Hong also held the mahogany sword dully.

The glamorous face was full of dullness.

who I am? where am I? What am I doing?

Why did the gods disappear?

Confused and forced to ask four times, directly hitting the soul.

The next moment, Daoist Hong understood, and a look of shock appeared in her eyes.

Luo Hong... is getting more and more evil!

Heaven and man, it seems that they are not as difficult to kill as imagined!

"Thank you Son for avenging the old Heavenly Master!"

Daoist Hong came back to her senses, she was extremely excited, and shouted loudly.

This sweet drink lingered in every corner of Longhu Mountain.

All the disciples are full of excitement!

"Thank you Holy Son!"

"Holy Son is invincible!"

"The dragon and the tiger are prosperous, the Holy Son is undefeated!"

A cry like a mountain roar and a tsunami came from the mouths of the disciples of Longhu Mountain.

Above the dome, there is gold luck rolling in, this is to reward gold luck, above every disciple of Longhu Mountain, there is a golden cloud shrouded, big or small.

Daoist Hong also has them on top of her head, and her reward is as big as half a pot, which is quite a reward.

After all, she contributed the most to sealing the three nine realms. Of course, the old celestial master should also have a big reward, but after the old celestial master fell, these rewards were distributed to the disciples of Longhu Mountain again.

"This is a rule reward, which is a good thing."

Luo Hong put away his sword and returned, leaned on the sword and stood up, saying calmly.

"Killing heaven and man, you can get the rewards of the rules of heaven and earth. This is also a rule. If you want to break through or go to a higher level, then kill heaven and man. These heaven and earth rewards are the most helpful for breaking through. "

Luo Hongdao.

The eyes of Emperor Da Zhou lit up, and Xiao Wuliu was also slightly short of breath.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou knew that the Empress and Wu Qinghua had stepped into the realm of semi-prestige, and now he also understood that the reason why the two of them were able to break through the realm was related to this reward!

Luo Hong was not in a hurry, waiting for many disciples of Longhu Mountain and Daoist Hong to refine these rewards.

Refining rewards did not take too much time.

Soon, Daoist Hong completed the refinement of rewards, her decadent state was swept away, and her whole body returned to energy.

Even, with another breakthrough in cultivation, the cultivation has actually entered the sixth realm!

Daoist Hong's eyes were shining, and she looked at Luo Hong with surprise.

With the destruction of the old heavenly master, the orthodoxy of Longhu Mountain was in jeopardy, and the suppression of the three heavenly beings exhausted the energy of all the disciples.

Once the disciples' energy is exhausted, they will only end up dead.

At that time, Longhu Mountain will be completely destroyed.

But now, Luo Hong beheaded three celestial beings of the Nine Realms with a thunderous force, preventing the crisis of extinction for Longhushan.


The flowing water is gurgling, and the water and the sky meet.

On the cliff, hanging coffins stand horizontally.

"That's the coffin of the celestial masters of all ages."

Aunt Hong Dao said.

Luo Hong is riding the sword, Hong Daogu is riding a crane, while introducing Luo Hong.

The two traveled between mountains and rivers, and soon arrived at the foot of a mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there are two huge stones stacked. There is a gap between the stones, and a stone path spreads straight up to the sky in the gap.

"This is the first line of sky in Longhu Mountain. After the first line of sky, there is the secret realm of Tai Chi."

Daoist Hong did not enter Yixiantian, but let Luo Hong enter in person. Luo Hong holds the source of Dao and has the key to enter the secret realm.

Moreover, the fate of the Taoist sect is about a "fate". If Luo Hong has a fate, he will naturally be able to inherit it.

If there is no predestined relationship, then... it is destined, and it cannot be forced.

Luo Hong's white clothes with fluttering sleeves and flowing white hair, with an evil sword on his waist, stepped up to the sky step by step.

At the foot of the mountain, Daoist Hong looked forward to it.

There is a bit of anticipation in the eyes.


The mountain was foggy, and Luo Hong, who stepped on the stone path, felt that the sky was changing, as if clouds were surging and the clouds were reflecting the sky.

Luo Hong climbed the ladder step by step, and there was a breeze blowing, blowing his clothes fluttering.

Thousands of stone paths are crossed in an instant.

Coming from the narrow line of sky between the two stones, Luo Hong smiled, and his body hid in it, swallowed by the endless darkness covered by the boulder.


Suddenly, a feeling of space distortion circulated.

Luo Hong only felt that his will seemed to be pulled into a mysterious place, and the gray brilliance lingered and sprinkled.

And Luo Hong will be in the sea.

Erha, the evil god who was lying on his stomach all bored, suddenly raised his head!

The nostrils suddenly enlarged!

"I just...smelled a familiar scent!"

Erha, the evil god, said.

There was a bit of disbelief in his words.

How could he smell a familiar smell in this world!

"Stupid Ronaldinho!"

"What did you do again, stupid Ronaldinho!"

The evil god Erha roared.

Stupid Ronaldinho, is he trying to find a way to make him unemployed again?

This son, evil beast!

However, Luo Hong's body of will seemed to have been stripped of consciousness, sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​will, but remained motionless.

And the other consciousness seems to have sunk into the mysterious space.

Under Luo Hong's body, there was a yin and yang diagram formation, and above the formation, there was a ball of light shining endlessly with five colors of light floating.

Luo Hong could see through it at a glance, representing metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five attributes...

"I just feel that the previous generation of inheritors died, and you are the new inheritor?"

Suddenly, there was an incomparably clear voice, stirring in every corner of the space.


This claims to be... somewhat familiar?


Luo Hong raised his head and looked around, a little suspicious: "Erha? Is it you?"

"Stop playing, I'm doing business."

However, the voice echoed endlessly, but there was no response.


In the gray brilliance, there is endless mysterious light shining down.

Luo Hong turned around, and he could see that an incomparably mysterious phantom began to emerge.

The phantom gradually outlined the appearance of a green bull.

It's just that this green bull is as huge as a star and feels oppressive.

"Mortal, raise your hand, close your eyes, feel it, what you feel is what you feel, don't force it."

Qing Niu said.

Luo Hong was taken aback, it wasn't Erha, the evil god.

However, he also claims to be only, so is Erha the same kind?

Also an evil god?


Longhushan claims to be an orthodox Taoist school, but it actually enshrines evil gods?

As if feeling the thoughts in Luo Hong's heart, the green bull said lightly: "Mortal, don't think too much."

"Knowing too much is not a good thing."

Qingniu's words made Luo Hong take a deep breath and didn't think too much.

Luo Hong walked to the center of the Taiji diagram, and the five-color light group began to surround him.

Luo Hong closed his eyes, raised his hand, and indistinctly, the five-color light group seemed to start to enlarge continuously in front of his eyes.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth... There seemed to be five talismans hovering around her body.

After circling for a long time, the "golden" talisman quietly floated towards Luo Hong and landed in Luo Hong's palm.


On this Tai Chi diagram, the golden light is flourishing!


Under the sky.

Daoist Hong raised her head, beside her, several old Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain who had completed their comprehension also appeared.

The Great Zhou Emperor, Xiao Wuliu and others also came here.

Watching a ray of sky.

Tai Chi Secret Realm in a Line of Sky.

It was an extremely mysterious secret realm, and there was an extremely terrifying and mysterious existence in the secret realm.

And that existence is responsible for inheritance.


Above a ray of sky, there is a dazzling golden light. The golden light is so dazzling that it is as dazzling as a blazing sun jumping out from two stones!

Daoist Hong's eyes trembled suddenly: "It's done! It's done!"

"Luo Hong has obtained the inheritance of the secret realm! He has been approved by the Taoist ancestor!"

"This golden color... should be "Golden Walking Jue"!"

Daoist Hong was very excited.

How many years has it been since Luo Hong was able to obtain the inheritance of Longhu Mountain? Since the old heavenly master obtained the inheritance of Longhu Mountain, for hundreds of years, every time the disciples of Longhu Mountain entered the secret realm of Yixiantian Taiji, they were disappointed. Incomparable, empty-handed.

But now, the sky is shining brightly again!


at the same time.

In the secret realm of Tai Chi.

Luo Hong grabbed the golden ball of light, and suddenly, his mind seemed to penetrate space and time, and the connection in the dark seemed to break time!


In the sea of ​​will.

The evil god Erha suddenly regained his spirits!

"Hey! Is it number nine?!"

"Stupid number nine! Is that you? It's just the great number two, please answer!"

The evil god Erha was very excited.

The nostrils are enlarged.

In the secret realm of Tai Chi.

That gigantic blue bull phantom that oppresses the sky like a star, the originally tiny eyeballs are gradually...continuously enlarged, enlarged...

In the end, the bull's eyes widened like copper bells!

How could this mortal have the aura of mentally handicapped number two? !

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