Yun Taicang actually has a clone, which is unexpected by everyone.

The evil emperor's avatar was Yun Taicang's eight-hundred-year layout. Everyone thought it was the last avatar, but they never thought that Yun Taicang still had a avatar left.

Qiu Biji, although he is the dean of Sitianyuan, is an extremely low-key old man, who has jumped into everyone's eyes at this moment, and has become Yun Taicang's backer!

Li Xiuyuan's face was extremely ugly.

The sky on earth has changed again.

Everyone raised their heads, and a terrifying pressure fell from the sky. It was so heavy that it was difficult to breathe, like a mountain peak pressing down.

Those celestial beings who should have fled, but came back again.

Even though the heavens and humans were unwilling these days, they still came back after killing them. The majestic aura surged above the clouds and frightened the world.

It seems to set off a terrible storm in the world.

At this moment, the faces of all the monks in the world changed, and something seemed wrong.

Originally thought that this war should be over, but now it seems that the flames of war are about to reignite.


After going down the triple heavenly gate, the middle triple heavenly gate faintly emerged, and some extremely strong voices ruthlessly spoke out behind the middle triple heavenly gate.

The strong man behind the triple heaven gate was persuaded by Chubiji.

Not only because of the Emperor's Tomb, the inheritance of the Emperor.

But because of Luo Hong's talent, and Luo Hong's appealing ability in the world, even the existence after Tianmen has to admit that Luo Hong really has the appearance of becoming an emperor.

Therefore, for this kind of evildoer, it must be wiped out at the end of the day!

Once he rises up, it will be a nightmare existence!

Boom boom boom!

A celestial being swooped straight down, their eyes filled with ice-cold intent to kill.

Although they resisted in their hearts, a force from the blood directly broke through their will and controlled their bodies.

This is the disadvantage of transforming into a celestial being,

At this moment, many heavenly beings regretted it in their hearts.

Xia Wuji was roaring, but he couldn't resist the power in his blood.

He is like a puppet, being controlled.

But the monks in the world are fearless.

"Junior brother has the appearance of becoming an emperor? There is some truth in what you say..."

Li Xiuyuan held a peach blossom branch in his hand, soaring into the air, his clothes fluttering, the peach blossom tree swaying behind him, the falling peach blossom petals turned into rotating blades, suspended around his body, cutting the air.

Facing the swooping celestial beings, Li Xiuyuan raised his peach blossom branches.

The empress snorted coldly, and raised the Dragon Sparrow Sword: "Guard the most righteous Mr. Luo in the world! Kill!"

Wu Qinghua didn't say anything, stabbing Lin in his clenched hand was his attitude.

Qi Hu raised his head and laughed loudly, "What is a celestial being? He replaced his blood and became another clan, and now he is under control. If he regrets it, he is a celestial being, a ridiculous celestial being!"

The monks in the world are full of spirits, and all of them are fearless.

Fight, their blood is hot!


Why are humans afraid?

Since ancient times, no one has died!

It may be the attitude of the monks in the world that made the eyes of the heavenly people after the Tianmen be solemn, and the strongest people after the triple middle level let out a cold snort.

A mysterious spiritual fluctuation spread out.

Control the heaven and man to launch an attack.

Because of being manipulated, these heavenly beings are not afraid of death, murderous intent rolls around, and the attack sweeps across, instantly making the sky change color!

Li Xiuyuan was extremely dignified, and many human monks also went straight up against the sky, fighting in the sky.

The six and a half venerables besieged and killed Li Xiuyuan. This time, Li Xiuyuan felt the pressure.

The half-respect fights with the half-respect, and the nine realms fight with the nine realms.

The war broke out, the sky was dark, and the sea of ​​clouds was rolling!

The sound of shouting and killing reverberated in every corner of the world!

Luo Hong was dressed in white and frowned suddenly. He glanced at the battle and smiled coldly.

"Leading an example of justice, with a heart for the common people?"

Luo Hong sneered.

Those gods who scolded him deserve to die!

As for killing heaven and man... Luo Hong is a professional!

It was very difficult for Luo Hong to kill the evil emperor, because the evil emperor was really strong, half-respected at the peak, and even condensed into the cave, it was difficult for Luo Hong to find a flaw.

However, if the evil emperor was a celestial being, Luo Hong might have killed him much faster.

Because, Luo Hong has the means to restrain heaven and man! The flaw of heaven and man is too big!

Luo Hong thought for a while, and shot towards Li Xiuyuan's direction. Li Xiuyuan stopped the six half-honored ones alone, but this time it was completely different from the six half-honored ones paddling before.

Li Xiuyuan was beaten with blood all over his body, his peach blossoms withered, and he looked very miserable.

The Nirvana Dao fire scattered in all directions, as if distorted to burn the void.

Luo Hong killed him, and among the six and a half deities, three of them were instantly separated to attack Luo Hong, and their goal was Luo Hong.

Li Xiuyuan's countenance changed: "Little Junior Brother, go back quickly and go back to the school!"

The academy is guarded by statues of masters of the past dynasties, surrounded by rules, and heaven and man dare not take it lightly.

However, Luo Hong was fearless and just smiled lightly.

Today's him, who has broken through to become a land immortal, is no longer what he was back then.

To Luo Hong, killing heaven and man is like slaughtering a dog!

"Saint, help me!"

Luo Hongli screamed.

With all the hair stretched, the evil sword in Luo Hong's hand was raised.

Flick, tap.

In an instant, there are 800 life and death changes!

With the sound of fierce ghosts crying, the majestic city tower floated above the head of a half-deity, covering the sky.

Fuck the hell!

All the ghosts are suppressed!

The clone of Luo Hong's will burst out in an instant, and entered the sea of ​​will of this demi-honored one.

The dantian is in the holy and evil cave.

Saint Xuying suddenly opened his eyes, but this time he didn't curse, because Luo Hong was doing human affairs.

"Heaven and man enter the world, violate the rules of the Emperor, and be punished!"

The phantom of the saint opened his mouth in a mighty voice.


This demigod felt that in the sea of ​​will, a mountain of books was oppressing down.

As always, the method of killing heaven and man has already been used by Luo Hong with perfect proficiency!

Luo Hong's eyes froze, the magic sword started, and the god-slaying sword slashed out, instantly killing the nine-level clone condensed by this half-celestial being...

The sword flower landed on the avenue, cut off the avenue, and the dao flowers were chopped off in pieces!


The eyes of this half-respected celestial being were dull, and the next moment, the divine light recovered, but it let out a terribly miserable howl!

"I'm not willing!"

The demigod roared terribly.

He had obviously escaped, but why was he forced to come back to die?

His avenue has collapsed, and his life has come to an end.

He smiled miserably and looked around the world: "The so-called ascension... is the biggest scam!"

"I'm really unwilling!"

Flying up to the gate of heaven, shed the human body, replaced the blood, and finally got the body of a puppet.

Now being manipulated to death is like cannon fodder without dignity!

How ridiculous!

However, no matter how ridiculous it is, no one will sympathize with them.

A golden rain of blood enveloped the sky, and the fall of a demigod changed the color of the sky and the earth.

The golden cloud reward quickly enveloped Luo Hong's body, Luo Hong devoured the reward without hesitation, to restore his consumed power and restore his state!

Although the nine-forged body has the ability to heal itself, how can it compare to the healing speed of the reward?

The effect of this reward is even better than the essence of life!

Surrounding and killing Luo Hong's half-lord, one died in an instant, which did not have much impact.

Luo Hong's mind moved, and Xia Huangtian's armor corpse, which had almost healed himself, rose into the sky to resist the remaining two demigods.

Luo Hong was refining the rewards.


Xia Huangtian's armored corpse was blown up again. Although his physical body was strong, his opponents were two demigods with unparalleled fighting power. Under the attack, half of Xia Huangtian's armored corpse was smashed to pieces. It was miserable. Incomparable!

However, he also won time for Luo Hong to refine and reward.

Luo Hong's fatigue from fighting with the evil emperor was gone.

There was no reward for killing the evil emperor Luo Hong, so the more he fought, the more exhausted he became, but for killing heaven and man, Luo Hong had regular rewards.

Under the rewards of the rules, the state quickly recovered!

Luo Hong felt that he had recovered to a perfect state, how generous the reward for killing a half-deity, let Luo Hong's spirit and energy return to its peak!

Without hesitation, he shot out again.

"Saint help me again!"

Luo Hongli screamed.

There are thighs to hug, why not hug? !

In the embryonic form of the Holy and Evil Cave, the phantom of the saint opened his eyes again, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still controlled the book mountain cover to press down.

Luo Hongyi pointed out that the demon is immortal!


A jet-gray light wrapped around Luo Hong's fingertips.

With a single pointing, the sea of ​​clouds was turbulent, and the head of a demigod was directly exploded, and the golden blood was scattered in the void, densely packed, splashing in all directions!

The One Finger of Heavenly Demon is the power beyond the indestructible body of Heavenly Demon.

With the power of the land fairy of the five realms now, it is extremely powerful!

Even the evil emperor who possessed the body of an Asura powerhouse had his head blown off by Luo Hong's finger. How could the half-deity in front of him compare to the evil emperor?

Even, the Heavenly Demon's finger invaded the opponent's sea of ​​will, pierced through the opponent's sea of ​​will, and hit the road of the great road.

Although he didn't detonate the avenue, he collapsed the opponent's avenue point, half disabled!


Luo Hong's silver hair was flying, and the evil sword suddenly rested on the opponent's neck, and wiped it violently.

A head soared into the sky.

Luo Hong's will clone jumped into the opponent's sea of ​​will, how can the broken sea of ​​will resist him?

One sword after another, cut off the opponent's avenue!

The howl resounded!

Another half-honored one is lost!

The three demi-honors who besieged and killed Luo Hong lost two of them in the blink of an eye!

The majestic cloud of rules enveloped him, and Luo Hong laughed loudly, constantly devouring and refining the cloud of rules.

These rules and rewards were swallowed by Luo Hong's cave, and he was constantly improving the cave!

As for the final feedback on the road to the road, there are not many, and the road is only opened for dozens of miles, which is a drop in the bucket.

Luo Hong didn't care either, he knew that it would be very difficult to clear the way, so he had expected that when he attacked the land fairy, how deep his accumulation would be.

Evil, Confucianism, martial arts, swordsmanship, Taoism, Buddha... the six realms have all reached the pinnacle of the first grade, and the physical body has even achieved nine refinements!

With such a huge accumulation, Luo Hong thought that when he became a land immortal, he would be able to open a road of nine thousand miles a day and reach the Nine Realms.

As a result, five thousand miles is the limit.

At that time, the momentum was in full bloom, and it was the easiest to open the road. At that time, it was only five thousand miles away. Luo Hong also understood that it would be more difficult to continue to open the road!


With a flick of the sword, countless golden blood rained down, and the body of the half-honored fell to the world.

Luo Hong's gaze swept over and landed on the last demigod.

Without hesitation, Shushan suppressed, with the same method and the same method of killing!

For a long time, the howling sound exploded into the sky!

The third half-honored one was beheaded by Luo Hong, and the reward came. Luo Hong didn't hesitate, and swallowed it in one bite. This was his spoils. Why would Luo Hong hesitate!

The fall of the three half-honored ones also changed the situation all at once!

However, Luo Hong thought that the death of three and a half seniors in a row would slightly block the offensive of the heavenly beings, but Luo Hong underestimated the fierceness of the powerhouses after the middle three heavenly gates.

The celestial beings who didn't care about the casualties at all, it can even be said that these celestial beings were manipulated by them to fight and kill Luo Hong with their lives!


Not only that, one after another silhouettes of celestial beings flew around.

Of course, none of them are too powerful, and they are all just heavenly beings below the five realms.

So many celestial beings charged towards Luo Hong, wanting to besiege and kill Luo Hong.

Luo Hong laughed.

Beat up?

Since his debut, Luo Hong, what he fears the most is beatings!

Raising his hand, Luo Hong squeezed it violently.

The evil shadows of heaven and humans, and the evil shadows of land immortals emerged, fighting with these heaven and humans!

Luo Hong didn't care about these guys. Luo Hong didn't care if they were below the fifth level, and even Luo Hong didn't care if they were below the ninth level.

What Luo Hong wanted to kill was the Nine Stages and the Half Venerable!

Heaven and humans in these two realms are the most dangerous.

Luo Hongbiao shot at Li Xiuyuan to support Li Xiuyuan. Li Xiuyuan has the strength of a top demigod. Once he escapes, the situation of the battle will be reversed in an instant!

And Li Xiuyuan was also overjoyed.

The expressions of the three and a half statues besieging him changed, and among them, Xia Wuji's eyes showed thousands of expressions of shock and anger!

Damn, he wants to escape!

However, the power of the blood in his body exudes an unquestionable order, asking him to besiege and kill Li Xiuyuan, he can't resist it!

When Luo Hong killed him and joined forces with Li Xiuyuan, he was even more ruthless!


Li Xiuyuan held a branch of peach blossom in his hand, using the branch as a sword, he suddenly pulled it out, and the void of the blow burst.

Xia Wuji's physical body was suddenly exploded, and the golden blood was sprinkled little by little.

Luo Hong, dressed in white, came walking while chatting and laughing, and screamed "Sage help me", the next moment, the mountain of books fell on his head, and Xia Wuji was stunned and in a trance.

Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong can kill the enemy faster!

No matter how unwilling Xia Wuji was, he couldn't escape at this moment.

He smiled miserably. He never thought that he would fall here today.

"Luo Hong! You are indeed a model of justice in the world, and I, Xia Wuji, admire you!"

"Would you like to leave my whole body?"

Xia Wuji laughed miserably.

At this moment, he admired Luo Hong for being able to lead the monks in the world to do this, and to make a comeback in a desperate situation.

He Xia Wuji thinks he can't do it, he Xia Wuji is a coward who is afraid of death.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to ascend to the Heavenly Gate, shed his human body, and replaced his blood.

After hearing Xia Wuji's words, Luo Hong was furious.

"What are you! Are you worthy of serving me?!"

With a single stroke of Luo Hongxie's sword, Xia Wuji smashed the opponent to pieces while Xia Wuji was stunned, not even leaving his body.

Xia Wuji didn't understand until his death, and he agreed not to hit the smiling face, why Luo Hong, a righteous example, is not like this?


Blood rained down.

Li Xiuyuan laughed, bathed in the golden cloud reward, recovered from his injuries, and his energy and spirit climbed to perfection.

He once again cooperated with Luo Hong to fight out, and the remaining half statues all fell!

The golden blood spilled endlessly, and the golden clouds enveloped the sky mightily!

So far, the six and a half venerables who besieged and killed Li Xiuyuan have all fallen, beheaded and killed in the world!

Six extremely coercive corpses lay horizontally in the air.

Everyone was in a trance for a while, and the monks in the world only felt a rush of blood rushing straight to their hearts.

"The six and a half are dead, you still want to fight?!"

"You wait for the general situation to go!"

Li Xiuyuan shouted loudly, his voice exploded, and rolled out.

Although he is a scholar, he has the demeanor of a general.

However, many celestial beings showed sadness on their faces, but none of the celestial beings stopped their actions and continued to kill madly.

More and more celestial beings flew towards Luo Hong.

Li Xiuyuan frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"People are being manipulated these days... It feels like they were sent to die on purpose!"

Luo Hong raised his eyebrows: "That's true. Heaven and man are bloodless. They are probably under control, or they have encountered orders that are difficult to resist."

Li Xiuyuan pursed his lips, holding a peach blossom: "This is a celestial being, who replaces the blood of other clans in the celestial world, and cannot help himself, so death is not a pity!"

"But what is the other party's purpose?"

Li Xiuyuan frowned and kept thinking.

However, he couldn't figure it out.

"It's still too little reading. If I read enough, maybe I can guess the purpose of these celestial beings at this moment!"

Li Xiuyuan said.

Luo Hong glanced at the people around who were still fighting fiercely, and twisted his neck: "Why do you think so much?"

"Just kill it!"

After the words fell, Li Xiuyuan also smiled, too.

Even if you know the reason, fighting is unavoidable. In this case, there is only one word, kill!

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan looked at each other, and the two separated instantly, heading towards the battle zone where the Empress and Wu Qinghua and others were fighting.

For the current plan, the most important thing is to liberate high-end combat power.

The empress fought fiercely with a demigod of heaven and man. As the deity was manipulated and fearless of death, it was difficult for the empress to suppress the opponent, and her body was gradually covered with injuries.

After all, the Empress is a newcomer to the Half-Emperor Realm, and is immature in terms of power control.

So at a disadvantage.

But at this time, Luo Hong came to kill him, using his fake supernatural powers, the ghosts appeared and suppressed him fiercely.

Sprinkle the golden blood all over the body of that half-respected celestial being.


Empress Li Xiao seized the opportunity, her eyes flickered fiercely, the Dragon Sparrow Sword stabbed out, pierced into the opponent's mind, and tore the opponent's body apart!

On the other side, Li Xiuyuan also made a move to help Wu Qinghua kill his opponent!

At this point in the war, the Heaven and Man side has been completely defeated, especially with the demise of the half-lord, the Human Race side is getting stronger and stronger, why?

The rewards turned into by the dead demigods allowed the monks of the race not only to recover from their injuries, but also to boost their momentum even more!

The more the human race fights, the stronger it becomes, and the less the heavens and humans fight, the general trend is set!

Great Zhou Dynasty.


Standing with a sky-watching mirror in his hand, Chubby Ji had a sneer on his face.

One after another, the celestial beings fell, and the entire sky in the world was dyed golden, and countless rules and rewards were galloping.

On the other hand, Qiubiji laughed loudly, and the laughter became more and more crazy, he is Yun Taicang's fourth clone, he is like a blood-stained chess player, tremblingly lifting the chess piece.

He uses the world as a chess game, common people, and heaven and man as chess pieces, just for this chess game!

The evil emperor regained consciousness, he should have won his chess game, but Luo Hong's appearance completely reversed his chess situation.

"Die, the more you die, the better!"

Chubby laughed wildly.

The monks in the world think they have won?

But, you guys don't know at all... The victory you thought was just the beginning of failure!

The tomb of the emperor, the appearance of becoming an emperor, a peerless evildoer...

All of this made the world the center of the storm.

Although there are people who rule the world, but do you really think that the rules are invincible and there are no loopholes?

When a celestial being is killed, a human cultivator can get rules rewards, and these rule rewards... are rules!

The more rewards you get, the more human rules will be extracted. Rules are conserved!

Having absorbed so many rule rewards, loopholes will naturally appear!

Otherwise, the Celestial Venerable after Zhong Sanzhong Tianmen would not make such a choice, controlling the Celestials to turn around and fight to death!

Above the Kunlun Palace.

The monks in the world were out of breath, but with the fall of a celestial being, clusters of regular golden clouds drifted over, whether large or small.

The size depends on the strength and cultivation of the celestial being killed.

The stronger the cultivation base of heaven and man, the greater the golden cloud of rules and the more rewards.

As for the monks in the world, everyone is injured. At this moment, staring at the golden cloud reward can't help but feel a little excited.

With the help of rewards, many land immortals in the world have successfully broken through the realm!

And there are less than twenty celestial beings left in the sky, and they are all celestial beings below the Ninth Realm.

Li Xiuyuan was dressed in loose clothes, holding a peach blossom branch, frowning.

Looking at the golden cloud of rewards rolling in, his uneasiness became more and more intense.

"Don't kill!"

Li Xiuyuan said suddenly.

Many strong men stopped their movements, and there was a look of doubt in their expressions.

The situation is very good, why not kill?

The Empress, Wu Qinghua and others also looked over in puzzlement. In this battle, the human monks won a complete victory. As long as the remaining celestial beings are slaughtered, this battle will be complete!

"It feels like the power of rules is becoming more and more unstable... These days, people seem to be sent to die on purpose."

Li Xiuyuan frowned and looked up at the sky.

There was a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Li Xiuyuan's words made the Empress, Wu Qinghua and the others look slightly changed. They are half-honored, and they felt this change carefully at this moment.

Indeed, the power of rules in the world seems to have really become less stable than imagined!

"These rule rewards from killing heaven and man are emptying the power of rules!"

Li Xiuyuan seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

Damn it!

Is this also Yun Taicang's scheme? !

Yun Taicang is really crazy, how could Li Xiuyuan not know the consequences of lax rules?

The power of today's rules exists, restricting the realm of heavenly beings from entering the human world, so the strongest heavenly beings who come down are only half-lords.

And once the rules are relaxed and the Heavenly Venerate descends to earth, who in the world can resist?

Heavenly Venerable and Half Venerable...the gap is like a chasm!

"Don't kill!"

Li Xiuyuan screamed again.

This time, many monks stopped.

And above the sky.

In the sky above the thirty-six heavenly gates stained with golden blood, the central three-level heavenly gate was suspended, and a burly figure stood there, laughing incomparably coldly.

"It was discovered..."

"Although there are no masters in the world, there are still smart people."

"Unfortunately, I found out too late."

The faint voice was high above, as if the emperor was overlooking the world.

After that, everyone's expressions changed.

The remaining celestial beings howled miserably, with golden luster flowing in their eyes again, and they were controlled to shoot towards Luo Hongbiao.

Luo Hong frowned.

He originally wanted to make a move, but after hearing Li Xiuyuan's analysis, he didn't make a move.

However, if Luo Hong didn't make a move, these days people are crazy!

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the heavenly beings blew themselves up one after another!

The avenue collapsed, and the body was shattered, turning into terrifying explosive energy.

Send Luo Hong flying hundreds of feet.

Fortunately, Luo Hong's physical body was nine forged, and he possessed the nine-patterned martial arts armor, which was unparalleled in defense, and the corpse of Emperor Xia's heavenly armor was used as a shield.

The self-detonation of more than a dozen celestial beings only sent him flying, but failed to hurt him at all.

The main thing is that the celestial beings who blew themselves up are all below the ninth realm, and their combat power is really average.

However, Li Xiuyuan and the others changed their expressions.

As the celestial beings were forced to blew themselves up, cloud after cloud of reward gold drifted towards Luo Hong's direction.

Luo Hong was also dumbfounded.

These days people blew themselves up, and it was Luo Hong who killed him?


Can it still be like this?

Is this young master being forcibly touched? !


With the emergence of Jin Yun, a reward of many rules, the world suddenly became turbulent.


Above the nine heavens, the cloud flow was emptied, and a terrifying air wave exploded.

Countless rules are entangled in the pumping room.

An incomparably tall heavenly gate emerged across the sky!

Zhong Sanchong Tianmen is here!

On top of the thirty-six heavenly gates, a middle and triple heavenly gate overwhelms the world!


The gate of heaven opens.

Behind the portal, a figure stood, and the next moment, endless immortal light shot out, reflecting this incomparably tall phantom.

Repressive, powerful, unrivaled...

The terrifying atmosphere filled the whole world, the common people showed panic, and the strong felt oppressed in every possible way!


"The real dignified powerhouse!"

"How ruthless! With the lives of ten and a half venerables and a hundred celestial beings, a short-term passage into the human world will be opened!"

Li Xiuyuan's face changed completely.

The situation that the human race should have won was reversed in an instant.

A Celestial Venerable coming down to earth is enough to change all the advantages of the human race's hard work!

Countless powers of rules entangled and struck at the Heavenly Venerable who stepped into the world.

There was a terrifying explosion suddenly, but this Tianzun resisted it!

"Hahahaha! Yun Taicang... The method you gave really works!"

The Tianzun looked up to the sky and laughed.

In exchange for the lives of many heavenly beings, he had the opportunity to enter the human world.

does it worth?


There is no respect in the world, and there is no master. When he enters the world, he is the only respect, just like the emperor in ancient times!

The real supremacy, the real crushing of the world!

Who can stop him!

Li Xiuyuan's face changed, and the next moment, without hesitation, countless peach blossoms surged out of his body, the fire of Nirvana danced and burned, and the void was burned and distorted.

"Let's attack together! While he has just entered the world and is not yet stable, force him to return to the gate of heaven!"

Li Xiuyuan screamed loudly.

The empress's long skirt flew up, and with a sharp roar, the dragon sparrow sword in her hand suddenly cut out, turning into a huge dragon sparrow and soaring into the air.

Wu Qinghua was also dignified, he swung his sword, and the unicorn slashed out in the air.

The emperor of the Great Zhou roared, and the furnace of good fortune smashed out, delivering the strongest blow.

Xiao Wuliu's pair of swords pierced through the void, and gathered together with the attacks of many strong men.

The semi-respected and powerful people in the world are all going all out at this moment.

The attack broke up the sea of ​​clouds, crossed the thirty-six lower and lower triple heavenly gates, and directly slashed the one who walked out of the middle and middle triple heavenly gates and descended to the world!

"Hahahaha...too weak!"

"I am under the command of the Southern Heavenly King, Yuankui Tianzun!"

The Heavenly Venerable laughed.

The next moment, he just raised his hand in the face of the attack from the demigod in the world.

Between the heaven and the earth, the energy gathered, tore apart the weakened power of the rules, and turned into a punch that blocked the sky and the sun.

Punch down.

Li Xiuyuan spurted blood all over his body and flew back upside down.

The empress, Wu Qinghua, the emperor of Zhou and others also coughed up blood, and the luster of the smashed magic soldiers was dim!

The power of Tianzun level is too strong!

Beyond the limit of human power!

Can't stop it!

Li Xiuyuan's mouth and nose were bleeding, and his expression was ashen and defeated. The world... is about to lose?

Yuankui Tianzun laughed loudly, his bones were rioting, and the immortal light soared!

"Dead at the hands of a Heavenly Venerable, you should also feel honored."

He slapped it with a palm, and it turned into a palm that covered the sky.

A palm is like darkness sweeping, ushering in the darkest moment in the world!

The human demi-venerables who flew back from the serious injury took pictures one after another.

To wipe out the vitality of these human demigods!

Get rid of the high-end combat power in the world!

In the world... no one can stop him!

far away.

Luo Hong's expression also changed. Didn't he expect that Li Xiuyuan and others would be suppressed with one move?

“Great only!”


Luo Hong shouted without hesitation.

The next moment, her eyes turned purple!

The imprint of the evil god vibrated, and the evil god Erha possessed him!

The cards are all out!


A purple light burst out!

Luo Hong's head is full of purple hair, his eyes are purple, and he holds an evil sword in his hand, shooting upwards against the sky.

Tianzun's palm has already fallen.

Purple-eyed Luo Hong sneered, and struck out with a sword.

The sword of the evil god cuts off all the light, and the darkness returns!

The black sword glow collided with Tianzun's palm!

A terrorist explosion suddenly occurred!

Terrible energy raged in all directions. Purple-eyed Luo Hong flew upside down from the terrifying explosion, and retreated hundreds of miles in the void. With one step, he blasted the sea of ​​clouds into a circle-shaped depression. pit!

And Tian Zun's palm...but it also dissipated!

Li Xiuyuan, the empress, Wu Qinghua and others were shocked.

The world is dull.

The sky and the earth are silent, only the whistling sound of turbulent clouds is left...

One palm from Tianzun!

Blocked by Luo Hong!

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