The sky in Anping County turned black.

There is even more terrifying aura, permeating the entire sky, as if turning from day to night all of a sudden.

It was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, and there was even a terrifying sound of breathing, filling the sky.

In Anping County.

The people are all confused, why is it getting dark all of a sudden?

They walked through the door and looked up at the sky. All that was left was pitch black, as black as ink.


The sky moved, and the wind howled, and three extremely huge heads filled the sky, ferocious and majestic, and even more terrifying!

This is... the Dragon Clan? !


The explosive dragon chant exploded, making the legs of all mortals go weak, and many of them slumped on the ground, not even having the courage to move.

Ordinary people in Anping County have experienced tempering mentality, they are very strong, because Anping County has experienced too many things in these short months.

Countless high-grade powerhouses were killed and injured, and the battle between heaven and earth monks...

The coercion of various strong men has long been used to by the people of Anping County.

However, this time, the people of Anping County were still frightened.

Those three dragon heads are extremely ferocious, and seem to be flowing with the blood of the real dragon clan. They are unparalleled in majesty, but the release of energy makes people tremble.

Today's Anping County has gathered many quacks and monks.

However, at this moment, these quacks and quack monks soared into the sky, but nothing left but timidity.

The three-headed dragons looked like peerless beasts, and they didn't even have the courage to resist with a knife.

what is this? !

at the same time.

In Jixia Academy Palace.

Li Xiuyuan also soared into the sky,

As a strong man who has stepped into the half-honored realm, his cultivation is naturally extremely strong.

At this moment, he needs to stand up.

Li Xiuyuan was a little dignified.

He soared into the sky, and he also saw clearly what it was that covered the entire sky.

These are three black dragons, and the three black dragons are pulling a huge chariot!

This is... a car!

The car of a certain peerless powerhouse!

Li Xiuyuan took a deep breath, the three-headed black dragon alone seemed to possess the power of a half-deity!

Even Li Xiuyuan was afraid of that terrifying coercion.

Using three half-headed black dragons to pull the chariot, who is it? This level of cards... is it the top Celestial Venerable in the heavens?

Li Xiuyuan became nervous.

He seemed to have thought of something. The Heavenly Kings had taken the tomb entry order from the Master before, saying that they would send the Heavenly Talents into the world. Maybe this car is the Heavenly Talents from the Heavenly Realm?

Li Xiuyuan's eyes suddenly sank, and a cold air pervaded faintly.

so fast!

Isn't this too fast?

Could it be that the upper realms had been prepared for a long time, and as soon as the tomb order was handed in, Tianjiao would come down to the world to show off his might? !

Thinking of this, Li Xiuyuan sneered.

Now the rules of the world have not been dispersed, and the realm of dignity cannot be entered.

He, Li Xiuyuan, is still an existence at the level of the ceiling in the world, so he has to look at his skills when he holds a cup!

As the words fell, a peach blossom tree suddenly appeared behind Li Xiuyuan, and thousands of peach blossom petals began to fly, like a torrent of peach color rewinding in the sky.

"My lord, Li Xiuyuan, who is your Excellency? Why do you need to hide and hide, and see you when you get out of the car, how about it?"

Li Xiuyuan squeezed the petals of peach blossoms and said.

That's right, Li Xiuyuan can be sure that there is definitely someone in this terrifying chariot, but Li Xiuyuan can't sense it.

Because this chariot is definitely not a mortal thing, not to mention the three-headed and half-headed black dragon, but the carriage of the chariot is made of materials that Li Xiuyuan can't see through.

There are many formations engraved on it.

Li Xiuyuan's voice exploded in the sky, but for a long time... no one responded.

The three-headed black dragon pulling the chariot just glanced at Li Xiuyuan, and didn't bother to move.

at the same time.


Luo Hong's face darkened, what's wrong... Luo Hong never thought that the three dragons and evil kings would come up with such a domineering way of appearance.

The complete Nine Dragons Evil Monarch Chariot is a treasure at the level of holy soldiers.

As for the holy soldiers, Luo Hong naturally knew that there were two ancient holy weapons in his dantian Shengxie Cave, one was the book mountain, and the other was the bitter boat.

Of course, the current Luo Hong is still unable to display the true power of the Holy Weapon, but this does not prevent Luo Hong from understanding the power of the Holy Weapon.

Although the chariot of the Three Dragon Evil Monarchs is a shrunken version of the reward, it should be regarded as a holy weapon.

It's just too big, it would be nice if it could be made smaller.

Luo Hong thought so.


Above the sky, the gigantic chariot of the Three Dragons and Evil Monarchs suddenly began to shrink, shrinking by a full circle.

This change made Li Xiuyuan startled, thinking that the other party had made a movement and was about to get out of the chariot.

Downstairs, the mortals in Anping County also let out an exclamation of panic.

In Luo Mansion, Luo Hong walked out of the hut, stood in the courtyard, and looked up at the sky.

Looking at this accident, he looked funny.

Seeing everyone panicked, he was inexplicably happy.

Luo Hong's heart moved, and he shrunk down a little more.

Immediately, the chariot of the Three Dragons and Evil Monarchs shrank again, and there was a lot of movement, causing the sky to emit a deafening roar.

Looking at the terrified appearance of the people in Anping County, Luo Hong smiled happily.

Finally looks like a big villain!

Seeing how scared you are, your heart is as sweet as drinking honey!

After all, Luo Hong didn't continue to play, he stepped down, and his body shot up immediately.

With white clothes and white hair flying, Luo Hong appeared in front of the chariot of the three evil dragons.

Seeing Luo Hong appearing, Li Xiuyuan was taken aback for a moment, opened his mouth, and was just about to remind his junior brother to be careful.

I saw that the three black dragons neighed, and after rubbing their heads towards Luo Hong, Luo Hong stepped onto the chariot step by step and sat on it.

Buzz buzz!

The chariot of the Three Dragons and Evil Monarchs, which was originally overwhelming the sky, was suddenly full of brilliance, and the energy of righteous yang was released by the chariot of the Evil Monarchs, shining like an incandescent blazing sun.

The three-headed black dragons are roaring swords, pulling the chariot, and the wheels of the luxurious chariot turn, crushing the void.

Li Xiuyuan was dumbfounded.

For a long time...

This chariot... belongs to the junior brother?

Oh, that's all right.

Li Xiuyuan glanced at the fluttering peach blossoms around him.

The cards seem to be compared all of a sudden.

On Sao, he seemed to be unable to do what he wanted, and gradually he was not as good as the younger brother.

After Luo Hong subdued the chariot of the evil king of the three dragons, he explained a few words with Li Xiuyuan, and then returned to the Luo residence.

It is not easy to explain the matter of the three dragons and evil kings, and Luo Hong is too lazy to explain.

After communicating with Che Nian, Luo Hong gradually lost his excitement, because the human skin book gave Luo Hong a friendly reminder.

I thought that the three black dragons meant that Luo Hong had three and a half more fighting powers, but it was a pity to Luo Hong that these three black dragons were just mounts that simply pulled chariots. Not responsible for fighting!

In short, it seems that it can only pretend.

Three million sins were only exchanged for such a thing, Luo Hong was inexplicably heartbroken.

Li Xiuyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to Jixia Academy, entered the secret realm of Xuehai, and continued to retreat.

In the previous battle, he was also seriously injured. He not only needs to recover from his injuries, but also needs to consolidate the way of Nirvana.

Wangchuan Temple.

Under the listening statue, the master looked away.

The corner of his mouth twitched violently.

"Where did this little bastard get a car? It's an evil car... It's actually pulled by three and a half dragons. I'm not so flamboyant!"

The master muttered something, then looked away.

The main reason is that Luo Hong didn't do anything big, so he didn't continue to pay attention.

The battle of the Kunlun Palace had just ended, and all the heavenly beings who entered the human world were afraid of being killed, and did not dare to act fiercely in the human world.

The Empress and the Great Zhou Emperor each returned to the dynasty to rectify the dynasty, and the two half-lords also entered a state of retreat, preparing for the next trip to the Emperor's Tomb.

In fact, it's not just them, most people have returned to retreat.

The battle of the Kunlun Palace was a battle of great harvest for the monks in the world!

Because there are so many dead celestial beings, even half of the celestial beings died and ten of them died. The rewards from the golden cloud of rules made everyone bathe in the rules and got a moderate harvest.

After this breakthrough, the overall strength of the monks in the world will be significantly improved!

In the past, heaven and man oppressed the human world, but now, killing heaven and man has become a way for human monks to improve their strength. The reversal of the two poles is also a bit astonishing and unexpected.

Anping County.

After Luo Hong received the chariot of the Three Dragons and Evil Monarchs, he also retreated.

He retreated to sort out the harvest of the first battle. He opened five thousand miles a day, and he gathered the cave. Luo Hong's strength has improved a lot, and he also needs to retreat to consolidate.

Luo Hou and Mr. Luo stepped into Luxian, which greatly increased the strength of the Luo family, and even the strength of the Da Luo Dynasty!

Coupled with Chen Tianxuan, the strength of the Luo family can now be alone.

Everyone is retreating, which makes the world temporarily usher in a period of peace.

However, behind the tranquility is actually the prelude to the storm.


Time passed little by little, and it was ten days in a blink of an eye.

For ten days, the world will be peaceful, the world will be at peace, and there will be no wars.

And above the sky in the world, there are one after another sky gates hanging, releasing majestic energy all the time.

Behind the gate of heaven, there are also heavenly beings overlooking the human world, observing the situation in the human world.

Another five days.

The sky in the world changed color, and suddenly there was a terrifying aura.

Someone looked up, and could see a sky gate floating as high as 10,000 zhang. The brilliance was dazzling and dazzling.

And the Buddha Kingdom is long, with eighteen rays of light circulating, like eighteen stars floating out of the Buddha Kingdom.

Eighteen Buddhist monks with different postures stand on the gate of heaven.

"Xitianmen, the arrogance of the Buddhist clan, enters the world."

The faint sound resounded, magnificent, and an ancient Buddhist bell was rang. Then, behind Tiantian Gate, eighteen young Buddhist monks bowed towards the Buddha Kingdom behind them, turned around and stepped out of the West Heaven Gate!

One after another golden lotus blooms above the sky.

Golden lotus is born every step of the way!

Anomalies abound!

There was a huge golden elephant making a deafening neigh, expanding out of thin air, and stretching across the sky!

Among the eighteen Tianjiao, fifteen of them stepped on golden lotus and suspended around the golden elephant.

And there are three Tianjiao wearing bright red cassocks sitting cross-legged on the chariot seat on the back of the giant elephant.


Wangchuan Temple.

Wangchuan Temple, an 8,000-year-old temple, suddenly trembled, and the Buddha's light soared into the sky, as if it was pulled by the aura of the 18 Buddhist arrogances who walked out of the West Heaven Gate on the sky.

Master Faro fluttered his cassock, and his face was extremely dignified: "The Tianjiao of the Buddhist clan of Xitianmen... so strong! All of them are half-respected in ten realms!"

"Half-honored?" In the distance, the master sitting cross-legged under the statue of Di Ting, with his beard and hair flying, smiled faintly: "It's not just a half-honored one. Now that the rules of the world have not been broken, they dare not show the strength of the respected state."

"Their caves are silent, and they are all dignified, oppressing and entering the world."

Master Farrow's words shook Master Farrow's whole body, his heart sank suddenly, and his body felt cold.

Prestige... Are all prestige? !

The master held the book of sages and sages, and looked at it quietly, but he was free and easy and indifferent: "It is a common method to enter the human world as a half-respect, so there is nothing surprising."

"There are six major races in the heavenly world, immortals, gods, demons, dragons, Buddhas, and heavenly beings...except for the bastards of the heavenly beings who are not blood replacements, the rest are pure blood, and these Tianjiao are the purest bloodlines of all races." Juniors, their talents can be imagined."

"They have obtained great resources since they were young, and they have an excellent cultivation environment. These arrogances from the heavens will naturally not be weak, and they will not be called arrogances if they do not reach the prestige."

The master said lightly.

Master Farrow took a deep breath and nodded.

However, he was still a little worried: "These arrogances enter the world, I'm afraid they will be extremely overbearing, and the world will usher in a bloody storm again."

The master raised his eyebrows: "It's unlikely that there will be bloody storms, but it is inevitable for these arrogant and domineering people."

The master pondered for a while.

Stretching out his hand, a page of paper appeared out of nowhere in his hand. This paper was golden, and powerful rules were surging.

"The world needs to stand up, to suppress the arrogance of these arrogance."

The master squinted his eyes, he thought of the domineering car that Luo Hong made more than ten days ago.

"Since this is the case, let's set up a list of celestial talents. However, doing this requires a bit of arrogance... Xiuyuan may be a bit powerless to do this. After all, Li Xiuyuan doesn't even have a car, and he only knows how to play peach blossoms, which is useless."

Master let out a sigh of relief after disliking Li Xiuyuan for a while.

"Forget it, let boy Luo Hong go."

The mountain of books and the bitter boat are all at Luo Hong's place.

Plus the three dragon chariots.

This kid... can do it!

With a thought, the master raised his hand a little, and the golden paper flew out of the air with a Biao shot.



The moment the Buddhist arrogances of the Buddhist clan in the West Heaven Gate stepped out of the Heaven Gate and came to the world, all the monks in the world felt it.

at the same time.

Among the four heavenly gates of Dongtianmen, Beitianmen, Nantianmen, and Zhongtianmen, there are also powerful auras floating and rising, and some Tianjiao come out.

In the lower three heavenly gates, the heavenly beings clicked their tongues. This time, those who entered the human world were no longer heavenly beings, but all pure-blooded monsters from various races in the heavenly world!

Just like Dragon Thorn and Fairy Qingshu back then.

However, Dragon Thorn and Fairy Qingshu are not considered to be the pride of heaven in the heavens, but they claim to be that's all. The previous Tianjiao are much weaker.

But this time, when entering the tomb of the emperor, all the people who came here were dignified and talented.


The Tianjiao of the Yaozu of the East Tianmen walked out of the Tianmen.

In an instant, a huge bird and beast spread its wings, covering the sky and the sun between the wings, and the spread of the wings was thousands of miles away!

This is a demi-level poultry monster!

And on the back of this poultry monster, there is also a chariot seat, on which three imposing and powerful men sit, talking and laughing.

They overlooked the world, pointing fingers.

Many monks in the world rose into the air, frowning and staring at these Tianjiao who had entered the country, with unsightly expressions on their faces.

Because these arrogances are high above them, looking down on them, with mockery in their eyes, as if they are looking at a group of ridiculous and funny beasts.

North Tianmen, the Dragon Clan Tianjiao came out of the Tianmen, and the terrifying aura filled the sky.

One after another, dragon shadows straddle the sky.

What made the monks in the world uproar was that there were three palanquins among the arrogances of the dragon clan who walked out from the North Heaven Gate, and the ones carrying the sedan chairs were actually ascended celestial beings, and they were Nine Realms celestial beings!

Carry the sedan chair with the heavenly beings of the Nine Realms!

Many monks in the world have complicated emotions. After all, celestial beings were originally human races. They ascended to the heavens, but they became servants carrying sedan chairs. What an irony.

Behind the Zhongtian Gate is the Protoss, and Tianjiao of the Protoss travels on a golden chariot. The chariot is pulled by an extremely powerful golden lion recorded in ancient human books, and its aura is not weak.

The ones who came out of the Nantian Gate were the Tianjiao of the Immortal Clan, and their aura was even stronger. Perhaps it was because the Nantian King was sealed. It is with the purpose of helping Nan Tian Wang unblock.

A strong sense of suffocation pervades.

The monks in the world only felt great depression.

Previously, the monks on earth were all faced with ascended heavenly beings, and they didn't feel it yet.

But this time, it was the arrogance of a powerful clan in the heavens who entered the world, and the feeling of oppression was completely different!

The most important thing is that the cars of those arrogances are simply too shocking!

A mighty giant elephant, a half-level bird, a celestial being carrying a sedan chair, and a half-golden lion pulling a cart...

These cars alone are enough to overwhelm a monk in the world who can't hold his head up.


too strong!

Half respect, all half respect!

The power of the rules was affected like a raging wave.


The human demigod is also showing his figure at this moment.

The arrogance of the heavens is unparalleled, and they must stand up, otherwise, the momentum of the monks in the world will suffer a serious setback!

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Emperor of the Great Zhou emerged, with a fortune furnace above his head, and his eyes were extremely dignified.

He is a half-honored man, and even has a magic furnace, but at this moment, he still feels tremendous pressure.

In the Great Chu Dynasty, the empress also appeared, with the dragon and sparrow sword flying across the sky, and the dragon and sparrow phantom appeared, roaring into the sky.

Wu Qinghua, Xiao Wuliu and other powerhouses also appeared.

in the void.

The sound of laughter resounded endlessly.

Many Tianjiao did not hide their words at all.

"The really weak, there are only five half-honored ones, and also allocated eighteen tomb entry tokens, ridiculous, ridiculous..."

"One hundred thousand years ago, the human emperor ruled the world. At that time, the human world was truly powerful. The dynasty stood still, and the various clans proclaimed their subjects. But today's human world is dilapidated and not worth mentioning."

"Success is also a human emperor, and defeat is also a human emperor. If there is no emperor's rules, the world may also be able to give birth to an existence of dignity..."

A bit of arrogance sneered.

The faces of the monks in the world all became ugly.

Li Xiuyuan stood on the top of Dongshan Mountain with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"The oppressive nobles..."

"Everyone is not weak."

Li Xiuyuan felt a little tricky. The most important thing was that those arrogances who owned cars gave Li Xiuyuan a feeling of terror.

The Tianjiao in the car is stronger and more terrifying!

The most important thing is that Li Xiuyuan has discovered that these arrogances are all powerhouses whose prestige suppressed their strength and fell to half-respect.

Once in the Emperor's Tomb, without the rules to suppress them, everyone will be a respectable and powerful person!

The strong clans in the heavens have also spent their blood!

In other words, the backgrounds of the various races in the heavens are really powerful!

This is just the younger generation among the powerful clans in the heavens!


Naturally, Li Xiuyuan couldn't sit idly by.

As the Second Master of Jixia Academy and the current principal of Jixia Academy, how can he retreat?

Peach blossoms turned into torrents, and Li Xiuyuan was dressed in a Confucian shirt, like an elegant and gentle scholar, smiling gently at the many arrogances.

It's just that, although Li Xiuyuan's torrent of peach blossoms is dazzling, compared with those mounts of many arrogances who have stepped out of the heavens, they still pale in comparison and are completely suppressed.



Luo Hong opened his eyes, looking at the golden paper floating in front of him, with a dazed look on his face.

And Master's sound transmission also exploded in his ears.

"Set up the list of pride?"

"Rejuvenate the momentum of the monks in the world?"

When Luo Hong heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

For such a just thing, can you not find me?

Whoever wants to do it!

Luo Hong exhaled a breath of foul air, and after more than ten days of retreat, Luo Hong opened a thousand miles again, and his cultivation reached the sixth realm of land immortals.

But he didn't expect that the master would give him such a task as soon as he opened his eyes.

Luo Hong stood up and stretched.

"Forget it, sooner or later, I will confront these celestial arrogances. It just so happens... to create a wave of hatred, so that these arrogances can enter my Luo Hong's little books."

"You want to be domineering, right? You want to suppress the arrogance of the heavenly pride?"

Luo Hong smiled.

Arrogant or something, Luo Hong is a professional.

Seeing Li Xiuyuan stepping on the torrent of peach blossoms, the second brother Li Xiuyuan who was like a minion in front of those demigods, Luo Hong raised the corner of his mouth slightly, took out the mask of the evil king and slapped it on his face.

Compare the cards?

Than domineering?

A heartbeat.

The chariot of the Three Dragons and Evil Monarchs is now in this world!


In Anping County, there was a sudden burst of terrifying energy!

The bright sun is shining and dazzling!

Luo Hong's silver hair was flying, and he was dressed in white, sitting in the chariot, like a fiery star, pulled by three roaring evil dragons, soaring into the sky.

Instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

Fight against the mounts of those heavenly heroes!

The three-headed evil dragon pulling the evil king's chariot is also energetic. They can't fight, but they can pretend to be domineering!

The cloud stream on the vaulted sky burst with three dragon roars!


The terrifying air mechanism rippled, and the radiation spread out.

Li Xiuyuan's peach blossom river was washed away, and he looked back at Luo Hong, who was born in seclusion, dumbfounded.

But I saw Luo Hong sitting lazily in the chariot.

With one hand resting on his chin, he was sitting on the chariot, holding a piece of golden paper in his hand.

Flick your fingers lightly.

The paper shot out soaring, rising three thousand feet in the face of the wind!

It turned into a huge gold list across the sky!

On the gold list, there is a strong force of rules surging endlessly.

Luo Hong lightly swept across the sky, those arrogances sitting on giant elephants, birds, chariots, and sedan chairs.

"The master just said that."

"All those who enter the human world will each hand over a drop of blood essence and be included in the list of Tianjiao."

"Offenders, beheaded!"

As soon as the words came out, the mighty resounded through the entire sky.

The whole world became dead silent in an instant.

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