My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 333 ? Tu Tianjiao is addicted!

Sitting cross-legged on the square of the Academy, Luo Hong was rewarding the refining rules.

The rule reward obtained by killing Long Yuan can be regarded as the most magnificent rule reward that Luo Hong has obtained so far.

You must know that Longyuan's own strength is a celestial venerable. If it were normal, it would be impossible for Luo Hong to kill a celestial venerable. come out.

However, summoning Number Zero is not an easy task.


The cloud of rules was extremely thick, floating above Luo Hong's head, the brilliant golden clouds seemed to have golden water flowing in them.

Around the Xuegong Square, there were figures sitting cross-legged. Not only that, but also the Dongshan stone path of Jixia Xuegong, as well as Dongshan Daping and the foot of the mountain.

They are all cultivating, which is the cloud of rules and rewards. Even if the big head is absorbed by Luo Hong, the power of rules that escapes is enough for ordinary monks to feed their mouths.

Even Li Xiuyuan found a place to sit cross-legged around the Xuegong Square.

Feel the charm of rules pouring into the body continuously.

Under the nourishment of the golden cloud rewards of the rules, more and more powerhouses have received substantial benefits.

Chen Tianxuan made a breakthrough, from the fifth realm to the sixth realm, his sword became even sharper.

And Luo Hou, Mr. Luo and others who just broke through into the land fairyland also gained a lot. Although they didn't break through the realm, the unstable cultivation base that they broke through originally became stable.

The arrogance of heaven entered the human world, putting enormous pressure on the monks in the world.

There is also the scene of flying into the gate of heaven, becoming a long-lived celestial being, and finally becoming a servant of the dragon clan's Tianjiao carrying the sedan chair, which deeply stimulated them.

Nowadays, among the monks in the world, no one is thinking about ascension.

What's so good about ascension?

Shedding her human body, but finally becoming a slave of another clan?

The world is the most beautiful place.

It is also the place where countless monks place their sustenance.


It was also because of the battle of the Kunlun Palace that the hearts of many monks in the human world were condensed into one body. They subconsciously believed that the heavenly beings and the monks in the heavenly world were invaders who invaded the human world and wanted to take control of the human world.

What the monks in the world have to do is to unite as one and fight against the enemy together.

Therefore, when Luo Hong suppressed the Tianjiao before, it was the monks on earth who felt the enthusiasm.

Even Luo Xiaoxiao and Xiao Douhua found a place to sit cross-legged on the Xuegong Square, and they were also comprehending together.


The golden cloud of rules is constantly being digested and begins to shrink continuously.

Luo Hong sat cross-legged, with white clothes and white hair. The aura above his body began to become stronger and stronger, and the road of the great road appeared behind him.

A large amount of rule power was digested, and Luo Hong filled it into the holy and evil cave, stabilizing the cave.

Of course, Luo Hong originally wanted to use a lot of rule power to clear the way.

Confronting the Tianjiao, Luo Hong also realized his own lack of strength.

He needs to clear the way quickly, at least thousands of miles away, so that he can have the confidence to become a strong man in the half-respected realm.

The arrogance of the heavens are all oppressive venerables, and each of them is terrifyingly strong.

Because the Emperor's Tomb was about to open, after all, sitting cross-legged in the Xuegong Square, Luo Hong felt it most clearly.

In the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, it seems that terrible waves are brewing.

That wave may have something to do with the Emperor's Tomb!

However, although Luo Hong wanted to use a lot of the power of rules to clear the way, the holy evil cave would always actively absorb the power of rules.

And the power of rules that Luo Hong used to open the way has become very small.

After killing Long Yuan, Luo Hong obtained a large number of clouds of rules, which allowed Luo Hong to travel a thousand miles, from six thousand miles to seven thousand miles.

But in fact, this number is already very impressive. After all, Luo Hong's avenue has been extended to thousands of miles, and it is very difficult to clear the way!


After successfully breaking through to the land fairy realm of the Seven Realms, Luo Hong also chose to stabilize his cultivation. The physical body reaching the ninth forging is actually a bottleneck. It is very difficult for Luo Hong to improve his physical body now, so he can only put all his energy on clearing the way .

The improvement of the physical body may only rely on the indestructible body of the demon, but a lot of sins are required to exchange the indestructible body of the demon.

Time passed bit by bit.

Luo Hong practiced on the academy square, refining the power of rules.

It's like a Taoist priest preaching.

Around the Xuegong Square, the powerhouses in Anping County were all nourished by the power of rules, and achieved breakthroughs in a subtle way.

Even the Luo family's black cavalry guarding Anping County's overall strength has been greatly improved.

Originally, every soldier of the Luo family's black cavalry was at the fifth rank, but now, every black cavalry's cultivation has reached the fourth rank!

How terrifying is the army of 300,000 fourth-rank monks!

Even the land immortals of the five realms are afraid of it.

Just when Luo Hong was concentrating on cultivation.

Outside Anping County.

Yeluce rushed there full of sorrow.

His escape did not arouse the attention of the Tianjiao. After all, in the eyes of the Tianjiao, a weak one is not much different from an ant that can be crushed to death at any time.

Nor were they worried about the terrible impact Yeluce's escape would have on them.

This is also the reason why Yeluce was able to escape safely into the territory of Daxia and rushed to Anping County.

When Yelu Aguduo fell, a cloud of blood rolled over the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Yeluce's heart was filled with sorrow, and even more endless hatred was pervading.

He wants revenge, but he understands that relying on his own strength, it is impossible to achieve revenge.

In today's world, there is only Luo Hong!

He rushed to Anping County.

This is his second visit to Anping County. The last time was when the Secret Realm of Heaven was opened.

But in just one year, it was like a sea of ​​water.

The world has changed.

On the city tower in Anping County, Zhao Xinghe sat cross-legged. As one of the generals of the current black cavalry, his cultivation has reached the level of a half-step Martial Immortal, and he is only a short distance from a breakthrough.

In today's Anping County, everyone is holding their breath.

Ever since the arrogance of the heavens overwhelmed the world, everyone wants to break through, so seize the time to break through.

Everyone can clearly feel the pressure, and everyone has a clear judgment. Sooner or later, when the human emperor rules that are densely distributed in the world are not there, the heavenly powers and the heavenly beings who have ascended to the heavens for a hundred thousand years will invade the human world.

At that time, if the strength is not enough, I am afraid that there is only one way to be destroyed.



In Anping County, there is a great glow.

The avenue is presented, and the flowers of the Tao are in full bloom.

Someone has broken through into the land fairy!

A silver gun tore through the sky and drilled a big hole in the void!

It's Gun King Yuan Chenggang!

Zhao Xinghe opened his eyes, a little envious.

Fuck! Actually let Lao Yuan give it first!

However, Zhao Xinghe suddenly caught a glimpse of Yeluce under the tower of Anping County.

Slightly startled.

He, who was covered in black armor, flashed out suddenly, and a wave of air flew across the sky, landing at the bottom of the city.

The powerful oppression of the half-step Martial Immortal caused Yeluce to retreat in an instant.

"The genius of the Golden Tent Royal Court... Yeluce?"

Zhao Xinghe's face was cold, as a black knight of the Luo family, he had fought against the Golden Tent Royal Court for so many years, how could he not recognize Yeluce.

For the monks of the Golden Tent Royal Court, Zhao Xinghe did not have any favorable impressions.

Not only Zhao Xinghe, but the entire Luo family's black cavalry did not have a good impression of the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Yeluce trembled all over, trembling endlessly under Zhao Xinghe's pressure.

After a long time, Yeluce hit his chest with a fist, biting his lips full of blood.

Kneeling on the ground with a plop.

The noisy Zhao Xinghe was stunned for a moment.


In a palace built by County Magistrate Liu.

The members of the Luo family, as well as many strong men, stood on both sides of the palace.

Chen Tianxuan in a green shirt, broke through into Lu Xian, Yuan Chenggang, the gun king with a blushing face, and Luo Hou, Mr. Luo, Luo Xiaobei and other powerful members of the Luo family.

The aura of the land fairy intertwined and permeated the air.

However, despite this, everyone's expressions were very serious and dignified.

When Luo Hong brought the bewildered Luo Xiaoxiao to the palace.

When Luo Xiaoxiao was pressed on the throne of Empress Da Luo, Luo Xiaoxiao refused.

It's a pity, because of Luo Hong's coercion and fear of being moved by Luo Hong's physics, so he could only sit on the throne with a bitter face.

Satisfied, Luo Hong sat behind the scenes as the regent of Da Luo.

When Yeluce saw this scene, he was stunned.

What is this?

In today's Great Luo Dynasty, who doesn't know that you, Luo Hong, are in charge? What's the matter with being a queen? Take off your pants and fart?

But everyone in the Luo family looked serious.

Zhao Donghan, as Luo Hong's little guard when he rose up, now also has an official position in the Da Luo Dynasty.

Seemingly aware of Yeluce's doubts, Zhao Donghan glanced at him coldly, the scar on his face squirmed slightly: "You feel strange?"

"I wonder why the young master doesn't want to establish himself as the emperor, but wants to be the regent?"

"You don't understand my son."

"Young Master is a monk, a pure practitioner. He doesn't want to be affected by the filth of the world. This is also the reason why Young Master's cultivation can improve so rapidly."

"The son is the regent only because His Majesty is young, otherwise... the son may have already traveled around the world, punishing evil and promoting good."

Zhao Donghan stood respectfully in his neat official uniform.

He is today because of the young master, so he is full of respect and admiration.

Yeluce was stunned.

He actually felt that what Zhao Donghan said was reasonable, and he suddenly understood Luo Hong's purpose of only being the regent.

If you don't focus on practice, how can you have the achievements you have today.

Yeluce raised his head secretly, glanced at Luo Hong who was sitting upright behind Luo Xiaohuang's throne, and felt that he was facing a world!

It made him feel suffocated, and the growing gap made him feel ashamed.

Zhao Donghan took a deep breath and shook his head: "You are the young master's enemy, you have chased and killed the young master in the secret realm of heaven, but you see, the young master is still willing to help you now, what kind of benevolence and righteousness is this? Because the young master understands ... In the future human world, there will be no enemies between people, but the real enemies will be in the sky!"

"In the future, the world must unite as one to fight against heaven and man!"

"Otherwise, the heavens and humans will enter the country, and everyone in the world will be raised and ruled by the heavens and humans like pigs and dogs!"

Zhao Donghan pointed to the sky.

Yeluce trembled all over, and his eyes fluctuated instantly.

Zhao Donghan's words reached his heart.

Why Yelu Aguduo would rather die than surrender to the heavenly beings? It is because Yelu Agudo understands that he is a human being, and the people of the Golden Tent Royal Court are all human beings. He does not want the people of the future royal court to become pigs and sheep in captivity, pigs and sheep that provide luck and faith!


Yeluce cupped his hands towards Zhao Donghan.

Zhao Donghan's burly body bowed slightly, smiled lightly, and returned a salute.

Luo Hong ignored Zhao Donghan and Yeluce's gossip, but fell into deep thought after hearing Yeluce's request.

Yelu Agudo... is dead.

The new Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Ting died in the hands of Tianjiao.

In fact, when the celestial arrogances headed towards the Golden Tent Royal Court, the end of the Royal Court was doomed.

However, Luo Hong did not expect Yeluce to ask for help.

Luo Hong leaned back on the chair, lightly tapping the gauntlet with his fingers.

In front of him, Luo Xiaoxiao sat on the throne, twisting his body.

It's so annoying, it's fun, isn't the peach blossom fragrant?

Why do you want to be a big Luo little queen!

Why is she always under pressure that she shouldn't be under at this age.

The arrival of Yeluce gave Luo Hong an idea.

Today, the heavenly talents occupy the area of ​​the Golden Tent Royal Court, and they are waiting for the opening of the Human Emperor's Tomb.

And during this period of time, it should be in the stage of stopping fighting.


Why stop fighting?

Compared with these celestial arrogances, the fighting power of the human side is much weaker.

So Luo Hong was thinking, what is Zhige doing?

Fighting is the best way for human monks to improve their strength...

For example, kill another celestial arrogance, and let the rules reward Jin Yun to improve the strength of the mortal monks.

These ninety celestial arrogances who have entered the human world... are all rewards!

In fact, Luo Hong was very moved. If he killed a Longyuan, Luo Hong would be able to clear a thousand miles. If Luo Hong were to practice hard on his own, he would spend a thousand miles on the road.

So Luo Hong was thinking, since he gave up the prestige and evil in the world, Luo Hong gradually began to stand on the side of the monks in the world to improve his strength in the world.

And the matter of the Golden Tent Royal Court may be a pretty good excuse, or it may be a way to find fault.

In the Da Luo Chao Hall, everyone was contemplating.

After a long time, Zhang Jingzhi stood up. He was also wearing the brand-new robes of the chief minister of the Daluo Dynasty. He stood in the court hall, frowned, and said, "My minister has objections."

"Heavenly pride, all of them are extremely powerful, our Great Luo Dynasty... should not step into this muddy water."

"Recovering the King's Court of the Golden Tent will probably cost a huge price. It is a good time to cultivate and improve the country's strength. It is not appropriate to go to war."

Zhang Jingzhi expounded her point of view.

It was only after he had a great dispute in his heart that he came up with this point of view.

Above the court hall, there was an uproar immediately.

Many Luo family generals also stood up and chose to support Zhang Jingzhi's point of view.

Such as Hu Beihe, such as Zhao Xinghe and other generals of the Luo family.

Although Yeluce came to surrender, but once he chooses to subdue the Golden Tent Royal Court, he will inevitably conflict with those heavenly arrogances.

There is no doubt about the strength of those strong people, and the list of Tianjiao is still hanging above the sky.

Except for Luo Hong, basically everyone's combat effectiveness is at the bottom stage.

Therefore, if a war is easily launched, a human monk may not be able to win!

In fact, most people in the court think that troops should not be sent out, nor should they make a move.

Yeluce's face was pale.

Did it fail?

With so many opposing voices, Yeluce gradually despaired in his heart.

However, he was actually somewhat expected. After all, the relationship between the Luo family and the Golden Tent Royal Court was not very good, and it was reasonable for the Luo family not to send troops for the Golden Tent Royal Court.

On the high seat, Luo Xiaoxiao twisted her butt, feeling a little restless.

She felt she needed to say something.

However, as soon as he spoke, Luo Hong stood up, held her head down, and took back what she was about to say.

"Where are all the land immortals of the Luo family?"

Luo Hong said lightly.

As soon as Luo Hong opened his mouth, the hustle and bustle in the hall suddenly fell silent.

The controversy disappeared in an instant.

Chen Tianxuan walked out with his green shirt flying, carrying the Dragon Transforming Sword on his back, and bowed slightly, "The minister is here."

Spear King Yuan Chenggang, Luo Hou, Luo Xiaobei, Mr. Luo and others also stood up and bowed.

"Hualongjian took a copy of the king's handbook, went to the Golden Tent King's Court, and told all the people in the heavens that the Golden Tent King's Court is the territory of our Daluo Dynasty, and ordered them to retreat within three days. After one day, one person will be killed."

Luo Hong said lightly.

As soon as the words came out.

The whole hall suddenly fell silent.

Even the calm Chen Tianxuan couldn't help raising his head.

Son... Really? !

Is it so domineering?

And Yeluce, who was originally ashen, raised his head in disbelief, with astonishment and excitement in his eyes.

Luo Hong...has he decided to make a move? !

Decided to help the Golden Tent?

Zhang Jingzhi was startled, and frowned slightly: "Your Majesty, think twice..."

Luo Hong smiled: "Under the whole world, is it the land of the emperor? Since the Golden Tent Royal Court has come to surrender, it is the territory of our Da Luo Dynasty. The enemy in the world today is not the human race, but the people in the heaven behind the Tianmen." Those big races, immortals, gods, dragons, demons, Buddhas and other races..."

"Although the world on earth was full of wars before, but at that time we were fighting within the human race, but now, when foreign races attack, we naturally have to abandon the past and fight against the enemy together."

"The world on earth is the world of the human race."

Luo Hongdao.

These words were so loud that everyone in the court was stunned.

Zhang Jingzhi was stunned for a long time, with a complex expression on his face, and bowed deeply.

"The king is righteous, it's the minister... stupid."

Luo Hong had a smile on his face, but his heart was full of bitterness.

Damn it!

He is too difficult.

The character design that has persisted for so long has collapsed!

He, Luo Hong... is obviously a big villain!

I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell.

In the world, Luo Hong's reputation couldn't be better.

Let the notoriety spread in the heavens, only in this way can enough prestige and crimes be collected!

Therefore, Luo Hong felt that these heavenly talents must die.

Death can increase Luo Hong's prestige and crimes, and it can also increase Luo Hong's strength, why not do it?

After hearing Luo Hong's words, Yeluce was completely moved.

He looked at Zhao Donghan beside him, with some admiration in his eyes, he really didn't know Luo Hong well enough.

Luo Hong ignored Yeluce who was moved, looked at the many land immortals of the Luo family, thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the Golden Tent King's Court together, remember, be arrogant and domineering, if you can provoke those heavenly arrogance Anger, that's the best!"

"If those celestial arrogances are cynical, don't hesitate to take action immediately, with all their might!"

Luo Hong smiled brightly.

Chen Tianxuan was stunned.

His first thought was that Young Master wanted them to die, but soon, he seemed to think of something.

Young master, this is... going to make a big splash!

Killing the strong in the heavens can get rewards according to the rules. It has been several days since the rewards provided by Longyuan who just died, and Luo Hong has just digested them.

The monks in the entire Anping County have been greatly improved!

So, the young master wants to take advantage of the problem again, and slaughter another arrogant from the upper world?

Young master... Tu Tianjiao is addicted?

Is this really good?

Chen Tianxuan did not hesitate, "Here."

Luo Hong laughed out loud.

Raising his hand, the vitality of heaven and earth condensed into a golden cloth, and he wrote on the cloth, writing down the handbook.

The handbook turned into a stream of light and rolled up, Chen Tianxuan raised his hand and grabbed it.


And Luo Hong also flicked his fingers, Di Shanxieying appeared confusedly, and diffused into Chen Tianxuan's shadow.

The ground dragon behind Chen Tianxuan got out of its sheath, turned into a streamer, and soared into the sky.

Luo Xiaobei, Luo Hou, Mr. Luo, Yuan Chenggang and other monks from the Luo family also galloped out.

Everyone headed towards the Golden Tent Royal Court together.

They didn't guess Luo Hong's purpose, but since Luo Hong asked them to do these things, he shouldn't harm them.

In the hall.

Civil servants and generals bowed one after another.

On the high seat, Luo Hong, dressed in white, lightly put his hands behind his back, and patted the little head of Empress Luo with a bright smile on his face.

Luo Xiaoxiao was sulking.

She, the queen, became lonely.


Da Luo calendar, the first year.

The pride of the heavens entered the world, but was suppressed by the Da Luo Regent, retreated to the Central Plains, and retreated to the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Yelu Aguduo, the Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, died in battle, and Yelu Ce, with the Khan of the Royal Court, rushed to the Daluo Dynasty and surrendered.

The Daluo Dynasty accepted the surrender of the Golden Tent Royal Court, and said: "Under the whole world, is it possible that the emperor's land, and the monks in the world, will defend against natural enemies together."

The land immortals of the Da Luo Dynasty set off one after another, and Chen Tianxuan, the dragon sword, rushed to the Golden Tent King's Court holding the Da Luo Regent's handbook, ordering the heavenly talents to retreat from the Grassland King's Court.

In the world, start a war.


When Chen Tianxuan, Yuan Chenggang, Luo Xiaobei and other land immortals of the Da Luo Dynasty straddled the sky arrogantly.

Many powerful people have noticed.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of the Great Zhou opened his eyes in the secret room, with some doubts in his eyes.

The direction of the Luo family is the direction of the Golden Tent Royal Court, isn't that the direction the heavenly talents retreat?

"What is the Luo family planning to do?"

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was puzzled, but he did not leave the customs. Instead, he sent a land fairy from the Great Zhou Dynasty to follow him, secretly paying attention to the situation.

The same is true for the empress, who sent a strong man to follow and investigate.

The land of Western Frontiers.

Qi Hu also became a land immortal. When Chen Tianxuan and others passed by domineeringly, Qi Hu naturally sensed it. The current Qi Hu did not choose to become king on his own, but also chose to surrender to the Da Luo Dynasty.

"Could it be that you want to fight the Heavenly Talent?"

Thinking of this, Qi Hu's eyes suddenly showed a stern look!

Qi Hu ordered the West Border White Tiger Legion to push forward with all their strength, crossed the Juma River, and headed towards the northern part of the Great Wall, where they joined the Gale Wind Army of the Chu family.

An army of 500,000 people deployed in the northern part of the Great Wall and confronted the area of ​​the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Chen Tianxuan and the others floated above the sky in Saibei, and Chu Xuan, the land fairy who recruited the Chu family, also joined them, and Qi Hu also rose from the sky.

Although they don't know what's going on, this is the rhythm of the war.

After all, the two are land immortals of the Great Luo Dynasty, so they did not refuse and joined the team of land immortals.

The mighty team of land immortals came out across the sky and flew over the grassland.

The Golden Tent Royal Court area.

With the death of Yelu Aguduo, the entire royal court was stained with blood.

The people of the Golden Tent Royal Court are divided into five areas, each of which is occupied by dragons, immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas.

Chen Tianxuan and the others were suspended in the air, and they could clearly see that the people of the Golden Tent Royal Court were kneeling on the ground, their faces full of piety, their minds were controlled, and their beliefs and luck were constantly being squeezed.

Although there are very few luck squeezed out in this way, these celestial arrogances don't care.

When Chen Tianxuan and others entered the royal court area.

The Dragon Clan area closest to Chen Tianxuan and others.

Long Guang slowly opened his eyes, and the green grass in the surrounding grassland was bent and radiated in all directions in a ring shape.

"Longhe, go and see what's going on?"

Long Guang frowned and said.

A dragon clan arrogance suddenly soared into the sky.

Longhe, ranked sixty-seventh in the Tianjiao list, is pretty good.

Long He was very indifferent, suspended in the air, looking at Chen Tianxuan and many land immortals of the Luo family indifferently.

There was a bit of disdain in his eyes, even the strongest Chen Tianxuan was only at the sixth level, a mob.

Although Long He's ranking is only sixty-seven, he is extremely respectable and extremely powerful.

"Wait, what's the matter?"

"If you have nothing to do, please leave quickly. This is the resting area for my dragon clan's arrogance."

Long He said indifferently.

The tone is lofty.

Chen Tianxuan glanced at him, did not say much, and directly threw out the handwritten letter given by Luo Hong in his hand.

"The Regent of the Daluo Dynasty has an order. In the whole world, is it the land of the emperor? The Golden Tent King's Court is now the territory of the Daluo Dynasty. You and the heavenly people, please quickly withdraw. The Golden Tent King's Court area, retreat to the north, retreat Snowfield."

Chen Tianxuan said lightly.

To the north of the King's Court of the Golden Tent, there is a land of ice and snow, where there are rare creatures, and it is a Jedi.

Long He was stunned for a moment, he caught the handwriting and glanced at it.

The content is exactly the same as what Chen Tianxuan described.

They are the arrogance of heaven, they didn't occupy Great Xia, and they didn't go to Great Zhou, Great Chu... In order not to conflict with Luo Hong, they all retreated to the corner of the Golden Tent Royal Court, and now they are allowed to retreat?

Regent of the Da Luo Dynasty? Who? !

Is it too deceitful? !

How could Longhe endure such grievances.

Anger suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the dragon horn on his forehead trembled slightly.

A terrifying power burst out in his hand, tearing the handbook into pieces!

"What kind of bullshit is the Regent of Luo! You are nothing, and you are worthy of letting me retreat!"


The terrifying coercion burst out from Long He's body.

This is the coercion of the top demi-honored. In an instant, Chen Tianxuan, Luo Xiaobei and the others felt a huge sense of oppression.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the entire sky became dark.

Qi Hu, Chu Xuan and other land immortals suddenly changed their expressions.

And Chen Tianxuan's eyes were fixed, and he didn't say a word of nonsense.

According to Luo Hong's instructions, at the moment Longhe was angry, a sword was slashed out, and the sword came out of the dragon, and the huge bone dragon wrapped in Taotao's dead energy, stretching across the sky!


Chen Tianxuan shouted angrily.

Luo Xiaobei, Luo Hou, Mr. Luo and others also made moves one after another.

Countless attacks cover the sky!

"A mob!"

Long He sneered in disdain.

These attacks almost itch for him.

Long He stuck out his claws, and in an instant, the dragon claws tore through the void and broke the space.

Countless attacks were crushed and exploded!

However, Longhe quickly changed color!

Because behind Chen Tianxuan, Di Shanxieying appeared in a daze, and instantly transformed into the appearance of Luo Hong in white clothes and flying hair.

Luo Hong raised his hand and made a move.

The chariot of the Three Dragon Evil Monarchs straddled the void, the black dragon roared, and the sound of the dragon's chant made Long He's face suddenly stiffen.

"Luo Hong?!"

Longhe was shocked!

How did this force appear?

And Luo Hongduan sat on the chariot of the Three Dragons and Evil Monarchs, extremely ruthless, aloof and filled with righteous indignation.

"Bold dragon, dare to hurt my mortal monk! Humiliate this king!"

"Do you want to start a war with my Da Luo Dynasty?!"

Long He was dumbfounded.

However, Luo Hong didn't give Long He time to react at all.

With a heartbeat, I shouted in my heart, the saint will help me!

The next moment, Saint Book Mountain and Saint's Bitter Boat emerged, invading Longhe's sea of ​​will, just like killing Longyuan back then, repeating the old trick, attacking and killing Longhe!

Longhe is worse than Longyuan, how can he stop Luo Hong's killing blow!

The cave was shattered.

In an instant, the avenue was crushed and destroyed!

The howling sound swept across the sky and exploded on the grassland!

"Quickly absorb the golden cloud of rules!"

Luo Hong shouted loudly.

Because Chen Tianxuan and others have made moves before, there will be some rewards for rule judgments. Although there are not many, is a rule reward after all!

Spear King Yuan Chenggang and others were stunned, and the next moment, flushed and excited colors appeared on their faces, they sat cross-legged, and began to devour and refine Jinyun!

I see!

Is this the purpose of Luo Hong? !

Kill Tianjiao to enhance the cultivation base of human monks?

Young master... how can you be so coquettish? !

And in the dragon area.

There was a dead silence.

After a long time, Long Guang's furious roar exploded!

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