My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1820: Overbearing sister flower (seven)

"Wife... can you not laugh so mad?" Qin Chuhan Yan.

"You actually have this idea, and you are really a god."

"Don't you find out that the pudding and pudding reacted strongly to Su Yu?"

"I found out that they have always been like this, no need to make a fuss... They will often say to me... When they grow up to marry Su Yu, they often clamor for Su Yu. But...this is the idea of ​​their children now...when they are older, they really don’t have this feeling when they really understand the feelings of men and women...not only the age gaps and problems...most important The two of them now don’t know what kind of feelings they have for Su Yu..."

"What kind of feeling do you think is in the end?" Qin Chu seriously looked at Huo Mian.

"I think... it's a subtle one, it's a little bit lighter than the father's blood, but it's a little deeper than an ordinary elder... that kind of extreme dependence and love... But in the end, this too Still the feelings of the elders..."

"It makes sense... I hope the analysis is correct. I don't want to... After many years, my two daughters want to marry an old man... not to mention the old man is still old."

Huo Mian laughs and sprays...

"What are you laughing at? Do you hope that Su Yu will call your mother-in-law afterwards?"

Huo Mian:......

"Husband... You have changed in these four years."

"Where did it change?" Qin Chu wondered.

"Being naive, IQ is plummeting... haha." Huo Mian laughed so happy.

Qin Chu has a look of arrogance...

It is rare for two people to bring two small buns, so Huo Mian proposed to go to eat something and go home.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian were holding hands and looking for a clean Chinese restaurant.

Then after eating, it was rare to go to the nearby Rainbow Square to see the night scene.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the winter of the north wind has been dark, and the cold wind is slowly.

But the citizens who do not affect the enthusiasm are entertaining themselves in the large and beautiful square.

The square dance of the aunts, the scooters of the children.

Even the grandfather and grandmother's stalls sell small accessories, nail clippers, hair clips, everything...

Huo Mian wore a beige cashmere coat with a pale green scarf.

She held Qin Chu's arm tightly... Suddenly, this winter was not so cold.

Qin Chu wore a black casual jacket, and he couldn’t see the person in his early thirties.

It may be because the face value is too high, so walking on the road often attracts many girls' attention.

At this time, Huo Mian has a sense of superiority.

Such a handsome Qin Daren, only belongs to her...

This kind of pride is in the heart of Qin Daren, but also the greatest affirmation of himself.

"Wife... is it cold or not?" Qin Chu held the small hand of Huo Mian.

"Not cold, let's go for a while."

"Good." Qin Chu nodded.

Take the hand of Huo Mian, walk slowly on the small road in the square...



"These four years... you must have worked very hard." Huo Mian whispered.

"Not hard... everything that is done for you is worth it."

Hearing here, Huo Mian only felt that his nose was sour.

Although Qin Daren never said in detail about four years in Seattle, it is an understatement for those complicated and terrible operations.

But Huo Mian can feel his pain...

Every time I think that Qin Chu was forced to leave myself, suffering from so many non-human sufferings, Huo Mian would like to want to swear Huo Shiqian dozens of knives to hate...

"Is there any plan for it recently?" Huo Mian took a deep breath and was afraid that Qin Chu would follow his wounds, so he shifted the subject.

"What are you referring to?"

"Huo Siqian there..." Huo Miao whispered back.

"Well, I have plans... and... I am already implementing it." Qin Chu smiled with a consistent confidence.

Huo Mian was slightly surprised... looked up at him.

Waiting for Huo Mian to continue to ask, Qin Chu bowed his head and gently kissed her cool lips. .

Then slowly licking... with endless friendship...

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