My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1851: Complete your happiness (eight)

Su Yu’s face is stunned...

"Pudding... The things of adults are not understood by children."

"Su Shuai, don't use these perfunctory words to perfuse us. After all, the IQ of me and Douding is not as simple as a simple child... You are publishing a relationship in such a day. Declare war, still tell me Mommy, you have turned to others' arms..."

Su Yu:...

"Pudding, don't talk nonsense." Pudding said that Huo Mian's cancer was committed.

"I don't have nonsense... The whole world knows that Su Shuai likes mommy... It's hard to be back after you come back, Su Shuai, you are you are hungry for food? If this is the case, you are really low." Pudding calm analysis.

"I totally agree with my sister's opinion... Su Shuai, this time you are doing things really is not authentic." Douding also began to blame.

Su Yu:...

"Pudding, Bean Ding... I don't want to talk to Uncle Su." Qin Chu thinks that although her daughter is still small, but so eloquent, Su Yu certainly has no face, so the first time he came out to blame.

Jane is very calm and not uncomfortable. It seems that she would have thought of such a scene before she came.

"That... there are some soups in the pot, I will go out and give it to Grandpa Su." Huo Mian took the opportunity to get up and leave the table.

Going to the kitchen, I saw the machine and followed it up.

"I will help you, Huo Mian."

After that, Jane went into the kitchen with Huon...

Grandpa Su immediately squinted and looked at Su Yu, "Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

"Grandpa, I am not fooling around. I am so big. What happened to a girlfriend? Are you not happy?"

"I am not happy and unhappy. I have talked with your father many times. We are a family... not looking for a woman in the entertainment circle... If you are looking for a good family, we must support both hands." Grandpa Su is dissatisfied .

"Su Yu ... how old you are, still so arrogant." Su Dad directly angered.

Even Mrs. Su, who has always been gentle and virtuous, could not help but blame her son. "Son, what do you want to do? How come you suddenly brought people back, didn't say anything in advance... and why it was and her... ""

"Mom... I talked to Jane before. I have been in the company for a few years. I know everything... and she is very good to me, very infatuated... Why can't I choose her, find an acquaintance? It’s always better than the stranger... I think we’re just back to the previous relationship, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Su Yu seems to be tempted to default this relationship, and he does not hesitate to talk to his grandfather, his parents turned their faces and **** for tat.

Su's family affairs, Qin Chu is inconvenient to intervene, he can only choose to stand by.

However, the twins are not calm, it seems very angry.

"Su Shuai, you can't find such a girlfriend if you are looking for a girlfriend... Typical green tea, white lotus, we don't like Jane... I don't like it, 10,000 don't like it, hehe." Douding played a small child. Temper, hands around the chest, and started to beat people.

"Doudou... Su Grandpa is a young man, can you bear the uncle Su Shu playing bachelor?" Su Yu smiled and touched the double jaw of the bean.

The pudding swept through Su Yu coldly. "No one doesn't want you to find a girlfriend... I thought you should at least find the right one... I also asked my father about the little aunt Qin Ning a few days ago and knew her. Also single, but also want to wait for her to come back, give you a couplet... but you are so disappointing, not looking for a female star... and... I know that you don’t like that woman at all, but pretend to pretend I like it very much, just do it for everyone, and you do it, there is only one."

Having said that, Pudding paused...

"Sister... what is Su Shuai's eyes?" Douding was confused.

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