My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1934: Twins lost (11)

"Cough..." Rick asked really well.

"Sister, you forgot... Uncle Rick used to be... I was in love with a little aunt from West." Doudou opened.

Huo Mian really wants to commit cancer.

I was afraid that Rick was sad and didn't dare to mention the words of West. I didn't expect the mine to be detonated by the daughters.

When I heard the name of Sicily, it was true that Rick’s eyes changed slightly.

Qin Chu immediately recounted, "You don't have to take care of the two of them, just let it be perfunctory."

"Uncle has no girlfriend... Uncle is still young, don't worry."

"Wrong... It is young to be anxious, or if you are old, look for a girlfriend... you can't do anything, you can't have many babies, how much regret..." Douding seriously preached.

Rick listened to these words and was completely messed up.

"Doudou... For the first time and Uncle Rick video, don't say such a deep topic, he will not stand it."

My sister turned back to teach her sister...

"Women, you should sleep, it’s too late..." There was a kind voice from Qin Ning behind him.

"Know, my aunt, I will tell the last sentence with Uncle Rick." Doudou spit out his tongue.

"Uncle Rick... What kind of girl do you like?" asked Doudin.

Rick: ...

“Is this question difficult to answer?”

"No, I don't really know what I like." Rick is completely in a state of arrogance.

"Uncle Rick, when are you coming to China to see us... I will take you to eat Axin Ramen." Pudding smiled sweetly.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian collective shame...

When the two daughters saw the handsome guy, they had no exercise, and even the ramen noodles of their parents were lifted up.

"Haha, good, wait for your uncle to go back and find you to eat noodles."

Rick was so happy that being teased by twins was a dazzling one.

"Okay, don't say it, oh, Mommy, please."

"We love you, goodbye."

In a hurry, I said goodbye to Huo Mian and Qin Chu, and the twins immediately hung up the video.

"Amount... So, the theme of this video call is Uncle Rick, and we both seem to be leaning back." Qin Chu is jealous.

The feeling of being ignored by the daughters is not good.

"Normal... As long as I am at home with Su Yu video, my mother will not exist." Huo Mian seems to have gotten used to it.

"They both... have always been this way of speaking?" Rick asked.

Huo Mian nodded, Qin Chu also nodded.

"It's terrible... this is not a baby for your two students. This is a fairy," Rick said exaggeratedly.

Huo Mian also nodded with great cooperation.

"I think so."

"They are just high-skills IQs, not so big." Qin Chu is a calm face.

After the twin videos, hand over the phone.

Then Qin Ning gave them two nightdresses, ready to take them to take a bath and sleep.

"Little aunt." Pudding shouted.


"The Rick of the video just now, have you seen it?"

"See, he is your friend, I have seen him several times before." Qin Ning seems to be no stranger to Rick.

"Then you think... Uncle Rick is handsome, or is Uncle Su Yu handsome?" Pudding asked seriously.

"Why do you ask such a wonderful question..." Qin Ning sweat drops.

I don't know if she wants more. She always thinks that the word Su Yu has appeared very frequently around her.

"You choose one of the little aunts, which one do you think is more handsome?" Douding also came over and asked.

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