My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1942: Twins lost (19)

Qin Chu immediately knew what he said.

The eyes are slightly dark, "I don't know yet."

"When are you going to tell her? Or... Forever squatting, the key is that you... can you hide your life? Huo Mian is so smart, she will know sooner or later."

"I know...but it's not right to tell her now...we just regained the sweet days of the past, I don't want to disappoint... I don't want her to be upset because of me."

"Huo Mian is very happy...because you can think about anything for her, first consider her feelings... then she is."

What Rick most admire is Qin Chu’s attachment to Huo Mian.

That is something that most people don't have can be called terrible willpower.

Qin Chu smiled. "It is actually the happiest thing in my life... How can I lose her?"

Thinking of Qin Chu and Huo Mian, thinking about himself and West, Rick is more depressed.

After drinking with Rick, Qin Chu whispered upstairs.

Huo Mian still slept very hard, he quietly went to bed, gently hugged her from behind, for fear of wakeing her up.

It is not so much that Huo Mian relies on Qin Chu, it is better to say that Qin Chu relies on Huo Mian.

Because only when you are near Huo Mian, there will be a full sense of security.

Early morning

Huo Mian and Qin Chu get up, Rick's butler has prepared a hearty breakfast.

The three were eating, and suddenly the sound of the car came from the door.

"Sir, Miss Luna's car." After the steward looked at it, he reported it to Rick.

"Oh, okay." Rick continued to eat, his face pale.

Huo Mian and Qin Chu looked at each other and did not ask Rick what.

After a while, I saw a girl in a pink dress with a meat open the door.

Blonde... It doesn't look like a young man with a face full of collagen.

Because the foreigner is white, the facial features are three-dimensional, so the girl looks like a Barbie doll.

"Wow... Rick, there are so many people in your family, are you?"

"It's my friend." Rick picked up the cloth on the table and rubbed his lips.

"Friends? So great... is your friend in China?" The girls communicated in English.


"Can you introduce me? I am the first time I saw you have friends coming to the house." The girl looked at Huo Mian and Qin Chu with great curiosity, and then smiled friendlyly.

Huo Mian also responded with a smile...

Rick seems to have a very weak attitude towards the girl... but because the girl is too enthusiastic, she only got up helplessly.

Then introduced, "I am a friend from China, Qin Chu, Huo Mian."

"Oh, hello, I am Luna... Rick's fiancee." The girl said before Rick introduced herself.

"Fiancée? Amount... Well, Rick, why didn't you tell us?" Humami glanced, then looked at Rick and looked at Qin Chu again.

Qin Chu apparently did not know, a look of doubt.

"Luna, what are you talking about?" Rick frowned slightly and seemed to be very dissatisfied with the girl.

"What? Isn't that what I said wrong?" The girl raised her chin and was slightly provocative.

"You are not yet... So, please pay attention to your words, don't scare my friends."

"I will be in the future... I heard what Dad and you said that day... He wants us to marry both... whether it is good for my family or for your family... You also think about it, 哼""

After Qin Chu listened to this, he suddenly realized that he looked at Luna. "Are you a Frank family?"

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