My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1953: Doom to find the door (10)

"Ah, inside, I still have things, maybe there is no time to go back..." Qin Ning whispered back.

"Little aunt, do you really give Su Shuai a face?" Pudding began to give Qin Ning a note.

"No, it has something to do with face, you are a kid... don't do things~ Ok?"

"The thing that you told me before is true?"

"Which thing?" Qin Ning stunned.

"Tell us Su Shuai's handsome thing..." Pudding looked innocent.

"Cough cough... Pudding, don't you talk nonsense?" Qin Ning violently coughed, and did not dare to look at Su Yu.

"Don't be embarrassed, little aunt... you are all adults, I know~"

"Know a wool? Qin Chaochao classmates... You are like this, I really want to talk to your mommy~"

As soon as Qin Ning said this, the Pudding was honest.

"Su Shuai, that's it, look back~"

"Okay, remember to come back soon, your grandfather wants you."

Su Yu’s eyes are full of gentleness...

Hanging up the video call, Qin Ning immediately picked up the pudding and pressed it to the bed.

"Budding, how do you design your aunt... Well, you know that I have lost a lot of face... Su Yan’s eyes are red, and Su Yu must be scared to death~”

"No, you are beautiful, aunt, you have to be confident."

"Less come, don't want to get away with it, wait for your mommy to come back, you keep telling her go~"

Pudding listened to Qin Ning and raised this topic.

Immediately soft: "Little aunt, we are really wrong this time."


"So we sincerely apologize to you." Pudding's pitiful look.

"Are you apologetic? You almost scared me and your second grandfather~"

"But we are not trying to run out, we are also a gift for Su Shuai~ Little aunt, don't tell Mommy? We won't do it again in the future~"

"No, you must give you a lesson." Qin Ning's attitude is determined.

"Mummy knows that we will be very miserable. Last time I made a mistake, she was guilty of shutting me down. In the small warehouse of my house, I was scared by the black tide. Little aunt... I beg you. Don't be purple, no. it is good?"

After that, Pudding pulled Qin Ning's hand in tears.

Shaking left and right...

Sure enough, Qin Ning was somewhat shaken.

"Aunt, I know that you are really worried about us, for us, so we will be angry and worried. We will not let you worry about it in the future?"

"But this time it was extremely bad~"

"So we apologize, isn't the little aunt you made a mistake when you were a child? We are still young children~ Isn't it normal to be naughty? Little aunt can't ask us too much~ Then again, Mommy trains us every time. I am also uncomfortable in my heart. This time I am happy to come out for a holiday. If it is because this thing makes the whole family unhappy, then it is not worth the loss. We will not come again in the future..."

Pudding with a flat mouth~

"Oh ~ well, you little goblin~ I have brainwashed my brain... I don't say it, but I don't know if your second grandfather will say it~"

"Reassured, Doudou will get the second grandfather's..." Pudding smiled.

Qin Ning: ...

"The little devil, it's awful, so small, it's so hearty~ Hey, who will dare to marry you when you grow up?"

"You still worry about yourself, little aunt... after all, you are so big..."

After the pudding jumped down, went downstairs. Leave a face that is not convinced by Qin Ning.

That night, Qin Chu and Huo Mian flew to Los Angeles.

"Two uncles."

When Humeng entered the door, he smiled and said hello to Qin Chu.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your child is still like that. It hasn't changed at all..." Qin Chu Ershu said.

"Two uncles, what about my nieces?" Qin Chu loves the woman and finds a circle without seeing the twins, anxious ~

Ps: Baby, there is a prior in the family tonight, and I will make up at noon tomorrow.

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