My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1955: Doom to find the door (12)

Doudin: Hey, don't listen to her nonsense, she is deliberately pretending to be cold... We ignore her, go, I just found a particularly delicious tiramisu, I will take you to taste.

In this way, under the pull of the diced bean, Qin Chu followed the Bean Ding and went down to the tea room to eat cake.

Douding finally found a reason for his own pouting.

Upstairs small theater, only Qin Ning and pudding are left, sitting side by side.

"Pudding, you are not pleasing, the children who will not cry have no sugar to eat... In fact, you should learn to learn peas, it will be very good, actually..." Qin Ning slowly opened.

"Little aunt, we are born to be independent individuals, no one is attached to who, naturally no one who imitates who ... Bean Ding, her natural nature, likes to be dazed to sell Meng, this is her character advantage, I can't learn... also I don't want to learn, and I am naturally calm and calm... I think this is also very good."

"But you are not afraid that your mommy and sputum are more painful peas? After all, she will swear." Qin Ning deliberately teased her.

"Not afraid." Pudding answered with great decisiveness.


"Because we are all daughters of Demi and Mummy, they have as much love for us... We are two mothers who have been born in October with a lot of hardships, and we are also connected to the blood of the world. This is the friendship that can never be forgotten... Even if I am so calm and arrogant, I love you as much as Mommy... I believe so."

When the pudding said this, the gas field was full, and it was still a small loli.

Minutes into a domineering Yujie...

Made Qin Ning to worship the dead little niece...

"Pudding, you really don't look like a three-year-old child... The little aunt even thought that you were born again, or that you came back from ancient times... It was a rhythm."

Although I know that Pudding is clever and mature, but in such a case, Qin Ning feels that even an ordinary adult may not be able to comprehend it. It is also said to be a three-year-old child.

After listening to Qin Ning, the pudding swept over the face of the little aunt.

"Little aunt, are you looking at novels and dog blood dramas?"

Qin Ning: ...

"This is not good, it will lower your IQ, oh..."

After that, Pudding took a shot of Qin Ning's shoulder, and after a long speech, he turned and went downstairs.

Leave Qin Ning's face awesome.

That night, Qin Chu’s second uncle ordered the kitchen to have an extremely rich Chinese meal, and the family gathered for dinner.

"When are you going back?" Qin Ning's father looked at Qin Chu and Huo Mian.

"Go back to my parents tomorrow morning, live for one day, then return home."

"So fast, brother... stay for a while." Qin Ning reluctantly.

"Yeah, you rarely come back from the whole family. My brother and nephew like the children like it, they must be reluctant."

"Uncle... I have a lot of things to deal with, and I don't want to stay for a long time. There are still many opportunities... In the future, we will come to the resort twice a year, rest assured."

"Actually, I think, do you want to think about it and leave the children here to go to school?" Qin Chu's second uncle proposed.

"Going to school?" Qin Chu slightly glimpsed.

"Well, the education here is the best in the world. The twins go to kindergartens and elementary schools here, and then they will take a famous university, such as Oxford Stanford...not very good? Otherwise, will they not go abroad anymore? ”

"Two uncles, but they are still too young, only three years old." Qin Chu suddenly refused to look down at the daughter who is eating.

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