My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2302: The gathering of the gods (10)

"Know." Xixi nodded heavily. It seems that these things have already been thought of in her heart, and she has made up her mind.

"So... I actually want to say that you have to take care of yourself when you get there... Don't run around... Because Rick has a lot of enemies, there may be people who are not good for you at all times. Be calm when you are in trouble."

"Well, I will definitely, thank you Xiaomian."

"Okay, we are not polite. If you need help, you can call me... Although I am at home, but Qin Daren is in the United States for many years, the second uncle has some status and status there, and will always take care of you. ""


"Let's go, let's go back, don't let everyone wait for a long time..." After that, Huo Mian took the West and returned to it.

"Okay, this time, people are back, start playing?" Tang Chuan started.

"What to play?" Huo Mian looked awkward.

"Well, I have a very fun drinking order here. We have a lot of people. It must be especially interesting... Tell you, no one can swear.... Whoever loses will have a drink... It must be fun." Come out, Tang Chuan is very happy today, has been in an active atmosphere, and everyone is in a good mood.

"Come on, who shoots who..." Zhu Lingling rolled up her sleeves, an extremely female man.

"Oh, playing this kind of brain game, the most difficult thing for me and Xiaomian... Come here, let the horse come over..." Jiang Xiaowei is also a special drinker. When he said this, he also specially lifted the glass. Get up and knock on the table.

"Hey... Wei, your nephew is very in a state today..." Tang Chuan smirked.

"Really, I haven't seen her little blushing for a long time..."

"As soon as I said this, I remembered it. I heard that Wei Ye was chasing the scorpion... It was on the wine table..." Ni Yang smiled.

"Right right, I am a witness... I am a scorpion... I am a big man, I almost drunk Wei Ge..." Tang Chuan excitedly stood up and danced to tell everyone about the scene of Wei Liao chasing Jiang Xiaowei, making everyone laugh. laugh.

"Okay, let's not say that we are both, the game is still not playing?" Jiang Xiaowei is also embarrassed, urging Tang Chuan.

"Play and play, you must play, come and come. I will tell you about the rules first. You have to listen. If you lose, don't tell me clearly. Tell you, I don't want to take this black pot. ""

"Don't talk nonsense... Hurry up, Tang Xiaochuan, everyone is waiting... How do you get so ink?" Qin Ning is also quite good. After a dozen glasses of beer, not only is it not drunk, but it is quite open. The state is also very good.

"This is the case. Everyone listens to me. Ha... I will start shouting one or two, and I will say, please, please, drink the wine... You will cooperate with me and then say, yes, for example, I said Chuanchuan. Ningning drinks, Ningning must say that Ningning will not drink, I will ask, then who will drink, Ningning can just point to someone else, in this process, do not allow slow response, not allowed Wrong, you know?"

"This is all done, is it so simple?" Jiang Xiaowei looked at Tang Chuan contemptuously, watching him so happy, but also thought that the more difficult drinking order.

"Yeah, it’s that simple, it’s that simple... but you have to be careful, it’s easy to be wrong..." Tang Chuan laughed.

"Playing wine makes me the best, and these kids are not opponents..." Zhu Lingling released her words.

"High school, your wife seems to be drinking... Will you be tonight?" Huo Xiaole.

"Doctor Huo, are you so dirty, really good?" Gao Ran sweated.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on, come on, the old lady can't wait... I will lay down your group of animals today..." Zhu Lingling is preparing to do a big job, and does not seem to want to leave any living.

Suddenly, everyone’s enthusiasm and excitement were brought up... The climax of the audience was set.

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