My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2343: Devil's means (1)

Huo Siqian didn't say anything, just holding a Brazilian cigar and smelling it under his nose.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about...

City bureau interrogation room

The waiter at the bar and all the girlfriends who had been drinking on the day of the day brought questions.

"When was the last time I saw Xiangxin?" Gao Ran asked.

"It was last night, drinking at the bar, she came late, and her mood was not good... It was said that her dad was good for her little wife." The girl carefully recalled.

"and after?"

"The foreigner who came from the bar has been watching her all the time. We feel that it is interesting to her, and it starts to swear... She will follow the past, as if she still drank something, and then she left with someone."

"Do you know that person to Xin?"

"I don't know, we don't know each other, because I feel very handsome, so I am unconsciously attracted."

"What does that person look like, remember?"

"The lights are dim, the concrete can't be remembered, and the foreigners are almost the same, not the same as you let me say, I can't say, right, isn't the bar monitoring? You can go Monitoring?” The girl suddenly realized and proposed to Gao Ran.

"Monitoring has been done, and nothing can be found."

"Ah? So evil!" The little girl was frightened.

"Police brother, you must check it out. It’s too bad to die... I must catch the murderer... If it’s really what the foreigner is doing, even if you can’t convict, you can’t let them go unpunished.”

"We will do business, you can rest assured."

After the morning of the trial, there was no result. The waiter of the bar and the girlfriends of Xiangxin pointed the signs to a foreigner.

But when asked about this person's looks, they couldn't describe it. After all, he was wearing a black cloak that night.

Plus the bar is dimly lit.

"Head, do we want to check the information of foreigners who have recently entered and exited the city?" asked the men.

"It's useless. If they dare to do this, they shouldn't find anything." Gao Ran forked and sighed.

Sure enough, the small policeman under the police checked the entry and exit information for a while and found no problems.

"Or else, will we check all the foreigners living in this city? Exclude one by one?"

"There are no more than one thousand foreigners in this city, and there are eight hundred. How can I check them? One by one? If you don't wait for anything, you may be killed next time. This method is not feasible..." Gao Ran disagreed with this stupidity. method.

"What should I do? Head, the province is urging, let us solve the case quickly..."

The police of the city bureau were also anxious to turn around, and suddenly there was such a thing, and there was no clue.

"I think... this matter is still checked from the root cause. The murderer killed Xiang Xin. Obviously it was not a robbery, because he threw the body at the door of the house and gave him a coffin... For what?" Gao Ran asked.

"In order to provoke..." A policewoman who responded extremely quickly answered the words.

Gao nodded. "It must be proof that this person is going to be home or to look at the old... This proves that this is not the end, it may be the beginning... Maybe the next dead, it will be the other to the home. Members... In this way, a few of you, quickly send people to protect all other immediate members of the family, whether they are elderly children or women... they must be protected..."

Gao Ran feels that this matter will not end so soon, so people will be protected from other members of the family.

Late at night, in the corridor of the hospital.

Mo Xueer couldn't sleep, and found a remote corridor to smoke. When he came back, he felt vaguely shaking his body behind him...

"Who?" She turned her head back vigilantly.

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