My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2361: Do you have something to look at me? (nine)

Seeing that no one was booing, Horsham walked slowly to the last person.

It was a young man who seemed to be only in his twenties, and he was very handsome and pretty.

"Awang... How do I stay with you? You are the last brother with me. The time is short, but I am not eccentric to you..."

"Boss, I know that you are like a reborn parent, I will not do anything that I am sorry for you..." The boy named Awang, scared to explain.

"Is it? But you recently heard that more than eight million people have lost in the underground bank at the Ma Tau gang... I don't remember you have so much money..."

After Hoshouqian finished, several other people looked at Awang with a strange look.

"I, I, I... I lost money, but... I didn't sell the boss..."

"Is it? I don't think you owe a horse to help eight million... but you can live in peace now... so you are selling the news to the horse head, or... taking Ian’s money to gamble Already?"

"Boss, I didn't do it, not me, really not me..." Awang still refused to admit it.

"Awang, if I remember correctly, your son is already in the first grade of elementary school? The silly wife and your mother who came to the countryside have moved to the neighborhood of Guizhong South Road? I still buy it for you. of……"

With a bang, Awang squatted on the ground.

"Boss, I am sorry, I don't want to... Yes... I really can't afford the money. I don't know those people who are Ian. They helped me with my gambling debts and gave me a lot of money. Money, I am also... Conscious to see the money open... I am thinking, saying that Miss Huo and your relationship are not too much, at least not harmful to you... I am also confused for a while..."

Awang finally failed to meet Huo Xiqian’s interrogation, and all said it.

"Awang, you are a running dog, the boss is so good to you, but you are..." Acheng couldn't help but kick him on his body.

"Boss, I am confused for a while, don't you... don't hurt my family? My mother and my wife, they are rural people, I don't know anything, my son is also innocent..."

"Now I know that I am afraid? Just give the opportunity, why don't you say it?" Huo Siqian asked coldly.

"I, I, I... I am afraid of death... I am afraid that the boss will kill me..."

"孬 ........." Horsham snarled.

At first, he didn't doubt his own people until Ian took out the photo. It was something in his study. Others couldn't move. Except that the confidant could enter and leave his study at will, so he guessed it must be out. Ghost inside.

Under the investigation, I discovered that this is called Awang’s gambling debt...

"Boss, please give me a chance, I will make up for it... I am going to kill you, Ian?"

"Kill Ian? You..." Horsham felt that this was the joke he had heard the best.

"As long as you don't kill me, what do you let me do, I will go..." Awang squatted on the floor, holding the pleading of Huo Siqian's thigh.

"Now I know's late."

Huo Siqian squatted down and held Awang's neck in one hand, and the other hand's saber directly pierced Awang's neck.

The aorta bursts instantly, donating blood DC...

The other four people who watched were frightened, but they knew that the boss was in front of them and doing so would be a chicken and a monkey.

"Take it out... Dirty my floor..." Huo Siqian pulled out the saber and took out the white handkerchief and wiped his hand.


"Boss... Do we need to send someone to monitor Ian?" asked Acheng.

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