My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2363: It turns out that he is Ian (1)

"I found it, it was in a basement... My husband took people to the scene, I heard him say it was horrible... Mo Xueer was abused before he died, and then the cause of death was a slasher... The dagger pierced The heart, so miserable... I didn’t expect her to be such a woman, a big star like that, it’s going to be so bad...” Zhu Lingling has been lamenting.

Huo Mian listened to the slight frown. To be honest, she hated Mo Xueer, but... I didn't think that one day, she would die in this way, which is really regrettable.

"It's really shocking..." Huo Mian bit his lip and said slowly.

"It’s not very flat recently. My husband said... This city has come to a perverted killer, so I will go out less after dark... You are also, I have to take care of myself recently, especially the twins, don’t let them both go out. ...and wait for the murderer to say it again? It’s too scary... It’s all dead in a row. The girl who is at home is still cold, and this is another thing about Mo Xueer... It’s really terrible... By the way, I heard that Mo Xueer’s family and fans went to the company of Huo Siqian to make trouble?” Zhu Lingling said.

“Go to the company of Horshim to make trouble? Why?” Huo Mian was curious.

"Hey, you stupid... Isn’t Mo Xueer always without a boyfriend? Is Huo Shiqian the only boyfriend she has publicly admitted in the past few years? Now that people are dead, of course, there must be something to cheer everyone out..."

"But Mo Xueer has already broken with Huo Siqian in the late stage, and she has been hiding from home to follow the old."

"But the old man is already dead, and his family is dying. Of course, there is no way to be a scapegoat, so Huo Siqian is the best candidate..."

"Huo Siqian is not a good lord. If it is approaching, it will be of no benefit to everyone. It is not wise for Mo’s family to do this..." Huo Jin said calmly.

"Small sleep, this time you can guess wrong... Huo Siqian is very impressive this time. It is said that he not only did not drive away those troubles, but also gave Mojia a large sum of money as a pension, but also Promise to hold a large memorial service for Mo Xueer... The memorial service will be tomorrow, are you going?"

"I? Still forget it, I can't even count with her friends... I still don't go." Huo Mian shook his head.

"Well, yes, then you should go to work, don't run around because you haven't caught it yet..."

"The murderer... is it really a foreigner?" Because she saw the broadcast on TV before, Huo Mian asked Zhu Lingling, and she must have known the truth.

"Yes, my husband said that he is a foreigner. Who knows... I don't care, I still don't worry about it, let them be the policeman's own to check it..." Zhu Lingling followed Goodnight with Huo Ming. The WeChat voice was terminated.

"Wife, your face is very bad... What did Zhu Lingling say to you? Is it Mo Xueer's thing?" Qin Chu asked Huo Mian's shoulder and whispered softly.

"Well, I feel very sudden, my husband, you said... The life of a person is actually very fragile, isn't it? Yesterday may be fine, the next day may become a body..." Huo Mian relies on Qin Chu’s shoulders sighed.

"That is nature. In fact, people are the most vulnerable creatures between heaven and earth...may face any accidents at any we have to cherish every minute and every second...because it is really not long."

"I am also very embarrassed to say that ... someone is not disappearing for four years... Oh, no, it is eleven years... There are still seven years before... oh..." Huo Mian began to look for cockroaches.

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